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1、Unit 14 757-767APU,飞行学院 wpcluke 上海工程技术大学,Tuck:卷起;收拢;藏起 He tucked his shirt into his trousers. 他把衬衫下摆塞入裤中 The farm was tucked away in the hills. 那个农场隐蔽在群山之中。 Hes got a fortune tucked away in a Swiss bank account. 他把一大笔钱存在瑞士银行里了。,I. Board: 登(飞机;船;车等) 1.The plane is now boarding. 该班机正在登机中。 2.FM9110 fro

2、m Beijing to Shanghai is now boarding. 从北京发往上海的FM9110航班正在登机中。 II. On board:在船(车或飞机)上 There are 150 passengers on board. 机上有150名乘客。 III. Aboard:在船(车或飞机)上;上船,上飞机,上车 Welcome aboard!: 欢迎登机(上船;上车) All aboard!大家请上船(车;飞机) Its time to go aboard. :该上船/飞机/车了 IV.Boarding pass: 登机牌,Embody:使具体化,包含,代表 1.She embod

3、ies her principles in her behavior. 她把自己的原则体现在行动中。 2.The new car embodies many improvements. 这辆新车包含了许多改进的项目 3.His determination and perseverance embody the spirit of the nation. 他的顽强坚韧代表了民族精神。,Necessitate: v. 使 . 成为必需, 迫使 1.Your proposal will necessitate borrowing more money. 依你的建议就必须增加借款。 2.Its an

4、unpopular measure, but the situation necessitates it. 这是不得人心的办法,但形势需要这样做。,Flush: v.冲洗 Auto-flush:自动冲洗 Father asked me to flush off the garage floor. 父亲叫我冲洗车库的地板。 Dont forget to flush the toilet after use. 用完厕所,不要忘了冲。 V.发红 Mary flushed crimson with embarrassment. 玛丽羞得脸红了。 She began to flush with exci

5、tement. 她由于激动脸开始发红 adj.齐平的 adv.齐平地 When closed, The door retracts flush with the fuselage skin. 进气门关闭时,正好与机身蒙皮吻合。,mount,v.登上,爬上,装上 He mounted the horse and rode off. 他骑上马走了。 The entire rotating group is mechanically simple, with all elements mounted on a single shaft. 这整个旋转部件在机械上很简单,即将所有的部件安装在一单转轴上,

6、couple,V.成双, 连结 They coupled the carriages of the train together. 他们把火车的车厢连接好。,incipient,adj. 起初的,初期的 only partly in existence; imperfectly formed Detecting incipient tumors; an incipient personnel problem. 发现早期肿瘤; 刚出现的个人问题,dedicate,Dedicate.vt.致力于,献出 She dedicated her life to science. 她毕生致力于科学 I dedicate this song to my wife. 我要把这首歌献给我太太。 dedicated. adj.专注的,献身的,专用的 The society was dedicated to furthering the cause of world peace. 该协会致力于


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