



1、Topic: Period Eight -Cultural Corner (ModSubject: English Grade: Senior Two Teacher: _一、学习目标:1. To read to know more about frien dship2. Master the follow ing key phrases: con tact old friends , with sb. ghetha nks to ,from the bottom of one s heart, the perfect way to get in touch with old friends,

2、 become friends again, a member of the website二、重点难点:1. mention, be friends with each other, lose one s memory, belong to2. 含蓄条件句的用法三、自主学习1. Read the passage and an swer the questi ons.What is Frie nds Reun ited? How do you use it?2. Master the two words: un ite, own1) unite=bring togetherunite vi.联

3、合;团结;一致;协力Oil and water will not un ite.油和水不相融。England and Scotland united in 1706.英格兰和苏格兰在1706 年合并。2) of their ownof (on es) own=Bel onging completely to on eself 拥有完完全全属于某人自己a room of on es own. 自己的一个房间on (ones) own=By ones own efforts 通过自己的努力She got the job on her own.她自己找到了这份工作四、自主验收Tran slate t

4、he follow ing phrases and sentences into En glish .1. 与取得联系 听说2. 到末也就是说3. 属于结果4. 找出,发现例如5. 多亏了 发自内心的6. 在他们的帮助下,他能想起过去的一些事情并最重恢复了记忆。7. 如果没有老友重聚网站的帮助,我是不可能找到我女儿的。发自内心的感谢你们。五、合作学习1. Answer the following questions.1) What kind of website is Friends Reun ited?2) Why was it set up and how did it develop?3

5、)How can we find our old friends by using this website?4)How did the writer show us that the website was very helpful?2. Match the main idea with each paragraph.Paragraph 1:the website called Friend Reunited brings together old friends who have nt see n each for a long time.Paragraph 2:how the websi

6、te was set up and developed.Paragraph 3:how people find old frien ds, using the website.Paragraph 4:a few examples to show how helpful the websiteis.3. The main idea of the passage: (Complete the passage with correct words.)It tells about a website called . It tells us how the website was (建立)and ho

7、w it helpsold friends to (取得联系)aga in after they have nt see n each other for a long time. It also tells us the way of using this website and gives examples to show how this website has helped many people.六、精讲点评(掌握下列重点短语、句型)1. belong to属于,是的成员。belong to在高考中的考点:时态:不用与进行时态亠语态:没有被动语态-to: to是介词,后跟名词或代词T

8、he isla nd bel ongs to Spain.I bel ong to the tennis club.2. It would have been impossible to find my daughter without the help of Friends Reunited.如果没有老友重聚网站的帮助,我是不可能找到我女儿的。发自内心的感谢你们。本句是含蓄条件句。句中的would have been表示与过去事实相反的假设。without (相当于but for ).表示虚拟条件,相当于一个if引导的条件从句。含蓄条件句的用法:G)引出含蓄条件的词:otherwise, w

9、ithout,n or (else), but forY2)谓语形式:表示与现在情况或将来情况的虚拟用“ would/ might/ could/ should + do”L 表示对过去情况的虚拟用 “ would/ might/ could/ should + have done”3. keep in touch 保持联系广get in touch with 与取得联系keep in touch with 与保持联系Y lose touch with 与失去联系be in touch with 和有联系be out of touch with 和没有联系4as a result 结果resu

10、lt from 起因于Y result in (= / )导致as a result of作为的结果with the result that 结果是5. mention vt.提到,写到,说到;n.提及,说起mention sb./ sth. ( to sb )(向某人)提起某人 /物mention that/ wh-. 提至Umention doing sth 提至U做某事Dont mention it不客气(常用于回答别人的道谢)not to mention 更不用说get a mention 被提至U七、当堂验收1. 改错1). This bike is bel on ged to me

11、. (基础)2)The boy is belonging to the singing group. (基础)3)Houses belong to the government are always well maintained.仲档)4)Gradually, people heard about the website and became in terested in. (基础)2. Those books (属于)the library but this is my own. (belong) (基础)3. My friend Martin was very sick with a s

12、trange fever; he could neither eat nor sleep.(基础)A. as a result B. after all C. any way D. otherwise4. Nobody mentioned (go) out to help her. (基础)5. Thank you for your help!- (不用客气)(基础)6. We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we more places of interest yesterday.(基础)A. visitedB. had visit

13、edC. would visited D. would have visited7. the aid from the gover nment, the flood-stricke n area greater loss.(中档)A. Apart from; should have sufferedB. But for; would have sufferedC. Without; could sufferD. Except for; would have suffered八、弥补与拓展1. The warm-hearted peoplesome money for the poor boy

14、who got a serious disease.A. gotB. borrowed C. raised D. took2. If the compa ny failed to make eno ugh mon ey, they would.A. close dow nB. call offC. tur n dow nD. set off3. The audie nee waited un til the curta in rose and thenlaughter at the sight of the funny actor.A. burst outB. burst into C. br

15、oke into D. broke out4. The high buildi ng will beto make way for the new road.A. kn ocked onB. kno cked dow nC. kno cked offD. kno cked over5. It tookpeople as well astime to build the pyramid.A. a large nu mber of; a great manyB. a great many; a large amount ofC. a great many of; large amounts ofD

16、. a large amount of; a great deal of九、课后巩固1. 单词拼写1. It s hard to train children to 行_为( ; 举止 ) well at table.2. The boy likes to walk on the sand with ( 赤裸的 ) feet.3. The (男主角 ) of a story usually is a good man.4. I would like you to answer( 确定地 ) “ yes ” or “ no” .5. He (犹豫) before he answered beca

17、use he didnt knsoawy. what to2. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子1. 他走进房间,耳朵冻得通红。He came into the room, his ears .2. 妇女在我们的社会中所起的作用是很重要的。 in our society is very important.3. 对于买车这事你还犹豫不决吗?Do you still a car?4. 史密斯先生伸出手帮他小女儿。Mr. Smith help his little daughter.5. 她盯着这个陌生人看。She the strange man.6. 毫无疑问,这是我们迄今为止看过的最优秀的一部小说。

18、this is the most excellent novel that we have ever read so far.3. 短文改错Some people learn new skills more quickly than others, so don t be too discouraged unless some of your claseem to be learning English more quickly than you. If you keep on practicing, you will master your English in the end.In the

19、 meantime, try to make English learn as fun as possibly. I suggest that you watch English language movies on your free time. I also suggest reading some English language magazines on topics that interests you, joining in the fun and games at your school Esnglish Corner. If your school doesnt already

20、 have a English corner, you might want to think about starting it. 十、课后反思自主学习:1. What is Frie nds reun ited? How do you use it?Answer: It is a website where you can find old friends. You write in their name or look at their school, college, sports team or n eighborhood and try to find them.自主验收:Get

21、in touch with, hear about, by the end of, that is, bel ong to, as a result, find out, for example, tha nks to, from the bottom of on es heartWith their help, he was able to find out about his past and put his memory back together.It would have been impossible to find my daughter without the help of

22、Friends Reunited.合作学习:1. )lt is a website where you can find old friends.2. )To get i n touch with old frien ds.3. ) First, we join the website and give in formati on about ourselves. We may find that our friend is a member of the website, and we can the n con tact him or her through the website.4.

23、)By givi ng examples.3. Friend Reunited; set up ; get in touch当堂验收:This bike belongs to me.The boy belongings to the singing group.Houses bel onging to the gover nment are always well maintain ed.Gradually, people heard about the website and became in terested.2. belong to ; 3. A 4. going5. Dont mention it6. D 7. B弥补与拓展1. 【解析】选 C。考查动词辨析。句意为:热心的人们为这个身患重症的可怜孩子筹集了一些钱。raise表示筹集”2. 【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意为:如果公司不能赚取足够的钱,就会倒闭。close down关门,倒闭;call off取消,停


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