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1、朗文英语4a期末复习题朗文英语4a期末复习题 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(朗文英语4a期末复习题)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为朗文英语4a期末复习题的全部内容。8朗文英语4a期末复习题(一)一、填空.1 do you _ get up late? yes , i _ (有时候) get

2、 up late。2 _ he _ surf the net? no, he never _ the net。.3 _ you ever _(照顾) your pet? 4 this _ (是) my _(知己),ken。5 she always _ to bed _。(早)6 do you ever _(收拾房间)7ilike_.(读书)8i_like_(画画)9kenlikes_(唱歌),he_like_(跳舞)10theylike_(滑冰),they_like_(跑步)11doyoulike_(听音乐)?12yes,_doesmarylike_(下棋)?no,_。13dojennyand

3、benlike_(外出吃饭)?no,_.14im 12 years old. youre 14. im_ than you。15a rabbits tail is_ than a monkeys tail.16 an elephant is _ than a pig.17 a lake is _ than a sea。18 a basketball is _ than a football.二、选出合适的单词完成句子heavy tall long much many big (1) how _is the yellow river?(2) ho _is mr green? hes 175cm。

4、(3) how _are your feet? i wear size 18.(4) how _is the white tshirt? its 100 yuan.(5) how _apples are there in the bag? there are 5。(6) how _ is the fish? its 2kg.三、选择()1.shewateredtheflowers_。atomorrowbsometimescyesterdaymorning()2.what_mikedolastweekend?adobdoescdid()3。i_myroomlastsunday.acleanedb

5、cleancamcleaning()4._you_tvlastnight?ado,watchbdid,watchcdid,watched()5.didyourfatherwriteane-mailyesterday?ayes,hedid.byes,hedoescno,hedont ()6。they_onatripinfebruary,2007。aaregoingbgoingcwent ( )7 what do you like doing in your spare time? i like _。 a。 playing chess b。 plays chess c. play chess( )

6、8 lets _ fishing together, ron. a。 go to b. going c。 go ( )9 does he want to play _ the swings? a. onb。 in c。 to( )10 what does lisa like doing? she _ playing the violin. a. like b.liked c。 likes ( )11 what _ sam _ on saturdays? a. do.do b. does do c. doesdoes( ) 12how did people travel 500 years ag

7、o? a。 by boat.b。 by horse. c. both a and b.( ) 13he _ like playing basetball _ singing. a. doesntand b. does.or c。 doesnt.or ( ) 14mr。 and mrs。 ho _ roller-skating _。 a。 like。toob。 likeseitherc。 likestoo ( ) 15was there any cola? _. a. yes, there was. b. no, there was。 c. yes, i did。( )16 _ the chil

8、dren _to school 50 years ago? a。 does。 go b。 do go c。 didgo( )17it _ (not be) bens birthday last friday。a。 wasnt b. werent c. isnt d。 arent( 18 these men_ (not be) firemen a week ago.a。 wasnt b. werent c. not be d。 arent( ) 19 they _ (not be) in beijing three days ago.a。 wasnt b。 werent c。 not is d。

9、 arent( ) 20 it _ (not be) the 2nd of november yesterday。a。 wasnt b。 werent c. not are d. arent四、用括号内单词的正确形式完成下列句子1。it_(be)helensbirthdayyesterday。2。wheresthecamera?it_(is)thereamomentago。3.tom_(go)tovisitafarmlastweek.4.thetwins_(water)theflowersinthegardenyesterdaymorning.5.what_(do)youdothreedays

10、ago?6。what_you_(do)lastfriday?we_(water)treesonthefarm7. _ (do) mr lee_ (teach) english? 8. -does he _(like) feeding the pet?-no, he _(do not)。 he likes _ (surf) the net。9 look! jenny is having a painting lesson. billy _ _ (write) a story.10.-_ you use credit cards 50 years ago? -no, i _(do not)。11.

11、 there _(be not) any supermarkets before。 12。 -what _you _(do) last night? -i _(read) a book. it was fun。13。 miss guo _ (not get) up late the day before yesterday.14。 we all _ (not have) a good time three days ago.15. she _ (not find) a beautiful butterfly just now。 16。 i _ (not watch) a cartoon yes

12、terday evening。17. her father _ (not read) a newspaper last night。18。_ he _ (go) to that morning? yes, he _。19._your brother _(find) some meat in the fridge(冰箱). no, he _。20。_ mary _ (read) an interesting book about history? yes, she _。21。_ the students of class six _(have) an english lesion the day

13、 before yesterday? no, they didnt.22my school is _, but toms school is _than mine. and sallys school is the _. (small)23。 rabbits can run _, but tigers can run _ than rabbits, and cheetahs can run _of the three。 (fast) 24。pig is _, but deer is _than pig, and elephant is the _ (heavy)24。 im _, but sh

14、e is _ than me. (beautiful) 26. every day is _。 but today is the _ day i have ever had。 (busy) 27. i think pizza is the _ food of all。 (delicious)28my brother is two years _ (old) than me.29。 is your sister _(young) than you? yes,she is。30. who is _(thin),you or helen? helen is。31. whose pencil-box

15、is _ (big),yours or hers? hers is.32ben jumps _ (high) than some of the boys in his class. 33does nancy sing _(well) than helen? yes, she does. 34my eyes are _(big) than hers。 35which is _(heavy),the elephant or the pig? 36who gets up _ (early),tim or tom? 37do the girls get up_(early) than the boys? no,they_.38jim runs _ (slow)。 but ben runs _(slow).五、中译英1。我喜欢游泳和溜冰,你喜欢干什么?2.tim和kate喜欢打乒乓球.3。你喜欢看书吗?喜欢.我也喜欢.4。你业余时间喜欢干什么?我喜欢下棋。5。我们去滑冰吧。6。ben喜欢唱歌,jack也喜欢唱歌,他们可以一起唱歌。7。我们有空的时间喜欢跑步,我们觉得它


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