



1、甲方(代理方):Party A(Age nt):地址:Address:法定代表人:Legal rep rese ntative电话/Tel:乙方(工厂):Party B(Factory):地址:Address:法定代表人:Legal rep rese ntative电话/Tel:三方协议Trip artite Agreement协议号No.:XXX 日期 Date: XXX丙方(外方)/Party C(Foreign Company):地址 /Address:电话/Tel:、背景:1.乙丙双方经友好协商达成一致,丙方向乙方购买 /销售涉及外贸合同号项下的货物。1.Party B and C h

2、ave reached an agreeme nt through frien dly con sultatio n that Party B5agree to buy/sell Party C the goods accord ing to the Foreig n Trade Con tractNo.2. 乙方委托甲方向丙方购买/销售外贸合同项下货物,乙方与甲方签订进 /出口代理协议。2. P arty B authorize P arty A to impo rt/ex port the goods of Foreig n Trade Con tract toParty C and si

3、g n the impo rt/ex port age ncy agreeme nt with Party A.二、授权1.乙方授权甲方以甲方名义与丙方于年 月 日签订号外贸合同。1. Party B authorize Party A to sig n the Foreig n Trade Con tract with con tract no# with Party C on2.甲乙丙经友好协商,同意上述条款及签订此协议。丙方知晓并同意甲方受乙方委托以甲方名义与丙方签署协议。2. Through frie ndly con sultatio n,Party A, B and C agree

4、 the above terms and sig n this agreeme nt. Party C should know and agree that Party A is en trusted by Party B to sig n this agreeme nt with Party C三、权利义务甲、乙、丙三方同意:Party A, B and C agree that:1.如丙方未按照采购/销售外贸合同的规定将货物/货款交付至甲方,甲方无义务按进/出口代理协议的规定向乙方交付任何货物/货款,且免除任何有关延迟/拒交付的违约责任。1.In case, Party C breache

5、s the Foreign Tradeontract that couldn delivery the goods/pay the p ayme nt to Party A, Party A has no obligati on to delivery the goods/pay for the p ayme nt to Party B accord ing to impo rt/ex port age ncy agreeme nt, and exe mpts the res pon sibility for breach of con tract about delayed/refused

6、the goods/payme nt.2.甲方对货物的质量和数量不承担任何责任。如乙、丙方对货物质量和数量有任何异议,应自行双方协商处理,而无权依外贸合同向甲方追究任何违约责任。2.Party A won t undertake any responsibility for quality and quantity of goods. IfP arty B and C has any object ion to the quality and qua ntity of goods, who should n egotiate each other, and shall not be en ti

7、tled to in vestigate any liability to Party A in accorda nee with the Foreig n Trade Con tract.3. 乙/丙方保证所交付给甲方的货物在产地、规品、数量等方面与外贸合同的规定严格一致;如有不符,乙方应承担所有法律责任并赔偿甲方所有损失。3. P arty B/C should en sure that the delivery goods in cludi ng the origi n, size, qua ntity kee p the same as terms of the Foreig n Tr

8、ade Con tract. Otherwise, Party B/C shall bear all legal respon sibility and compen sate all loss to Party A.4. 甲方作为乙方外贸合同签订代理人,不对外贸合同的实际履行承担责任。因乙方或丙方违约导致的损害责任由违约方承担,甲方并有权要求违约方承担给甲方造成的损害责任。4. P arty A en trusted by Party B as age nt of Foreig n Trade Con tract, shall have no liability for the actual

9、 p erforma nee of the Foreig n Trade Con tract.The damage caused by P arty B or C default shall be borne by the breachi ng P arty, and P arty A has the right to require the breachi ng Party to bear the liability of the damage to the Party A四、其他约定1.如本协议与外贸合同不符,以本协议的规定为准。1.If the rules of this agreeme

10、 nt is not con formity with Foreig n Trade Con tract, will be subject to the pro visi ons of this agreeme nt.2.协议应使用英文和中文书写,双方来往的与协议有关的信函和其他文件应用英文和中文书写。如果中英文之间有差异,应以中文为准。2.The agreeme nt shall be writte n in both En glish and Chin ese, corres pondence and ot her docume nts betwee n all p arties rela

11、ted with the agreeme nt shall be Writte n in bothEn glish and Chin ese. If there are any discre pan cies betwee n the Chin ese and En glish text, Chin ese text shall be p revailed.3.本协议履行之任何争议,三方友好协商解决,协商不成,向甲方所在地有管辖权法院诉讼解决,合同履行及争议解决适用中华人民共和国法律。3. A ny dis pute of this agreeme nt, the three p arties

12、 should have frie ndly con sultati ons, if do not talk thi ngs over,which should go to Party A local court with jurisdicti on litigati on, the con tract and dis pute resoluti on apply to the law of the PeopI es Rep ublic of China.4.本协议一式三份,三方各执一份,自三方签字盖章之日生效。4. This agreeme nt is in trip licate, three p arties each hold one copy, effective from the date of sig nature and seal of the


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