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1、五上课本翻译lesson 1: li mings big family1. li mings family 李明的家人this is my father, my mother and me. we live in china.这是我和我的父亲,母亲。我们住在中国。i have two grandfathers and two grandmothers. 我有两个祖父和祖母。i dont have brothers or sisters. 我没有兄弟姐妹。my parents have one child: me! 我的父母只有一个孩子:我!i have aunts and uncles. 我有

2、姨妈、婶婶和姨夫、叔叔。my mother has a sister. 我妈妈有一个妹妹。she is aunt wanrong.她是婉蓉姨妈。 my father has a brother. 我爸爸有一个弟弟。he is uncle dachao. 他是大超叔叔。i have one cousin. her name is jing. 我有一个堂妹,她叫静。uncle dachao and aunt meiping are jings parents. 大超叔叔和美萍婶婶是静的父母。i love my family. 我爱我的家人。 lesson 2: what do they look

3、like?1. who are they ? 他们是谁?my grandfather is eighty-one years old. 我爷爷81岁了。he has white hair. 他有一头白发。my grandmother is seventy-five years old. she has white hair, too. 我的奶奶75岁了,她也是一头白发。my parents and i have black hair. 我和我的父母都是黑头发。we all have black eyes. 我们都是黑眼睛。my uncle, aunt and my cousin jing ha

4、ve black hair and black eyes, too.我的叔叔、婶婶和堂妹静也是黑头发、黑眼睛。my father is tall. 我爸爸个子高。my mother is short. 我妈妈个子矮。uncle dachao is tall and thin. 大超叔叔又高又瘦。aunt meiping is short. 美萍婶婶个子矮。look at jing and me. 看看我和静。i have short hair, but jing has long hair. 我是短发,但她是长发。 lesson 3: what do they do?1. what does

5、your father do? 你爸爸是做什么工作的?my father is a teacher. 我的爸爸是一位教师。where does he work? 他在哪工作呢?he works at a school.他在一所学校工作。he drives to work. 他开车去工作。my mother is a doctor. 我的妈妈是一位医生。she works at a hospital. 她在一家医院工作。she goes to work by bus. 她乘公交车去上班。my aunt wanrong is a nurse. 我的姨妈婉容是一名护士。how does she go

6、 to work? 她怎么去上班呢?she goes to work by bike. 她骑自行车去上班。my uncle zhiwei is a worker. he walks to work.我的姨夫志伟是一名工人,他步行去上班。lesson 4: what do they like to do?1. what does he/she like to do? 他/ 她喜欢做什么?my grandfather likes to go for a walk. 我爷爷喜欢散步。i like to go for a walk with my grandfather. 我喜欢和我爷爷一起散步。my

7、 grandmother likes to plant flowers. 我奶奶喜欢种花。jing likes to water flowers. 静喜欢浇花。my father likes to cook. 我爸爸喜欢做饭。i like to help him. 我喜欢帮助他。my mother likes to go shopping. 我妈妈喜欢购物。this is my aunt meiping. she likes to read books.这是我婶婶美萍,她喜欢读书。this is my uncle dachao. 这是我叔叔大超。he likes to work on the

8、computer. 他喜欢在电脑上工作。lesson 5: having fun together1. we like to have fun together. 我们喜欢一起玩。what does your family like to do, li ming? 李明,你一家人喜欢做什么?my family likes to go for a walk together. 我们家人喜欢一起去散步。we like to watch a film at the cinema. 我们喜欢去电影院看电影。we like to watch the animals at the zoo. 我们喜欢去动物

9、园看动物。we like to plant vegetables on the farm. 我们喜欢在农场种菜。we like to fly kites in the park. 我们喜欢在公园放风筝。lesson 6: maddys familyhello again! im maddy. 大家好,我是曼迪。im a monster. 我是一个怪兽。i live in a big, big house with my big, big family.我和我的大大的家人住在一所大大的房子里。i have a brother and a sister. 我有一个弟弟和妹妹。my sister l

10、ikes to sit and cry. 我妹妹喜欢坐着哭。my brother likes to ride bikes, but bikes are small.我弟弟喜欢骑自行车,但是自行车太小了。my mother works. she is a worker. 我妈妈工作,她是一名工人。my father works, too. 我爸爸也上班。he works in a park. 他在一个公园里工作。i have an aunt and uncle. 我有一个叔叔和婶婶。they live in a big, big house, too. 他们也住在一座大大的房子里。their h

11、ouse is beside our house. 他们的房子在我们房子旁边。they have two children. 他们有两个孩子。the boys name is mike. 男孩名叫迈克。the girls name is mary. 女孩名叫玛丽。mike and mary are my cousins. 迈克和玛丽是我的堂兄妹。my aunt and uncle like to go for a walk. 我的叔叔和婶婶喜欢去散步。my cousins like to play jump-on-uncle.我的堂兄妹们喜欢在叔叔身上跳来跳去。they have fun. 他

12、们玩的很开心。my family likes to have fun together. 我们家人喜欢一起玩。we like to have dinner in a restaurant. 我们喜欢去饭店吃晚餐。,we like to watch a film. 我们喜欢看电影。we are a big, happy family!我们是一个快乐的大家庭!wheres the film? 电影在哪呢?lesson 7: china1. look at the map! 看这张地图!look, class! this is a map of the world. 同学们,看! 这是一张世界地图。

13、this is a map of china. 这是中国地图。we live in china. 我们居住在中国。we speak chinese. 我们说汉语。what is the capital city of china, li ming? 李明,中国的首都是哪?beijing is the capital city of china! 北京是中国的首都。whats this? 这是什么?this is the flag of china. 这是中国的国旗。it is red. it has five yellow stars. 它是红色的,上面有五颗黄星。2. famous plac

14、es in china 中国著名的地方this is tiananmen square in beijing. 天安门广场在北京。its very big. 它非常大。this is the palace museum. its beautiful. 这是故宫,它很漂亮。this is the great wall. 这是长城。its very long. its great! 它非常长,也非常了不起!lesson 8: canada1. a map of canada 一张加拿大地图this country is canada. 这个国家是加拿大。i know about canada. 我

15、了解有关加拿大的事。my friends jenny and danny live in canada.我的朋友詹妮和丹尼住在加拿大。what do you know about canada, li ming? 李明,你对加拿大了解什么呢?i know they speak english and french in canada.我知道在加拿大人们说英语和法语。i also know the capital city of canada. its ottawa.我还知道加拿大的首都是渥太华。the flag of canada is red and white. 加拿大的国旗是红色和白色的

16、。it has a red leaf on it! 上面有一片红枫叶!2. famous places in canada 加拿大著名的地方this is niagara falls. 这是尼亚加拉大瀑布。 it is a famous waterfall in canada. 在加拿大,它是一个非常著名的瀑布。this is the cn tower. 这是多伦多电视塔。it is very tall. 它非常高。lesson 9: the u.s.1. a map of the u.s. 一张美国地图this is a map of the u.s. 这是一张美国地图。what count

17、ry is next to the u.s.? 哪个国家紧挨着美国呢?i know! its canada. 我知道,是加拿大。in the u.s. , they speak english! 在美国,人们说英语!heres the capital city of the u.s. its washington, d.c.这是美国的首都,华盛顿特区。the flag of the u.s. has stars and stripes. 美国的国旗上有星星和条纹。its red, white and blue. 它是红白蓝色的。2. famous places in the u.s. 美国著名

18、的地方this is the white house . 这是白宫。the president of the u.s. lives in the white house.美国的总统住在白宫。what is this, li ming? its the 李明,这是什么? 这是statue of liberty. its in new york. 自由女神像,它在纽约。 lesson 10:the u.k.1. a map of the u.k. 一幅英国地图what country is this, li ming? 李明,这是哪个国家?its the u.k. thats right! 这是英

19、国。对了!do you know the capital city of the u.k.? 你知道英国的首都吗?yes, i know! its london. 是的,我知道,是伦敦。what do they speak in the u.k.? 在英国人们说什么?thats easy! english! 太简单了!英语!heres the flag of the u.k. 这是英国的国旗。what color is it? 它是什么颜色的?its red, white and blue. 它是红白蓝色的。2. in the u.k. 在英国this is the big ben. 这是大本

20、钟。it has a very big clock. 它是一个非常大的钟。its very famous. 它非常有名。the u.k. has a king or a queen. 英国有国王或王后。this is a queen. 这是女王。kings and queens live in palaces. 国王和王后住在宫殿。this is buckingham palace in london. 这是英国的白金汉宫。 lesson 11: australia1. a map of australia 一幅澳大利亚地图look at this map, what country is i

21、t? 看这张地图,这是哪个国家?its australia! 它是澳大利亚!do you know the capital city of australia, li ming?李明,你知道澳大利亚的首都吗?no. i dont know. 不,我不知道。the capital city of australia is canberra. 澳大利亚的首都是堪培拉。i know they speak english in australia! 我知道在澳大利亚人们说英语!thats right! this is the flag of australia.对了!这是澳大利亚的国旗。its blu

22、e. do you see a little flag inside australias flag?它是蓝色的。你看到在澳大利亚的国旗里面有一面小国旗了吗?what flag is that? 那是哪个国旗?its the flag of the u.k. 它是英国的国旗。2. in australia 在澳大利亚kangaroos live in australia. 袋鼠居住在澳大利亚。this is beach in australia. 这是澳大利亚的海滩。australia has many beautiful beaches. 澳大利亚有许多美丽的海滩。 lesson 12: m

23、addys family photoshi! its me. maddy the monster. 喂! 是我,怪兽曼迪。my family lives in many different countries. 我的家人住在许多不同的国家。do you want to see my family photos? 你想看一看我家人的照片吗?this is me. i live in canada. 这是我,我住在加拿大。i speak english and french. 我说英语和法语。i like to go to niagara falls. 我喜欢去尼亚加拉大瀑布。this is me

24、 at niagara falls. 这是我在尼亚加拉大瀑布。this is my cousin. she lives in beijing, china. 这是我表妹,她住在中国北京。she speaks chinese. 她说汉语。she likes to go to the great wall. it is great! 她喜欢去长城,它非常棒!this is my grandfather. 这是我祖父。do you know where he lives? 你知道他住在哪里吗?yes! he lives in the u.s. 是的,他住在美国。my grandfather like

25、s to see the statue of liberty.我祖父喜欢去参观自由女神像。what do they speak in the u.s.? 在美国人们说什么呢?they speak english. 他们说英语。my grandfather speaks english, too. 我祖父也说英语。this is my aunt. 这是我姑妈。she lives in london. 她住在伦敦。do you know where london is ? 你知道伦敦在哪吗?yes! its in the u.k. it is the capital city of the u.k

26、.是的,它在英国。它是英国的首都。my aunt speaks very good english. 我姑妈英语说得非常好。she likes to have tea with the queen at the palace.她喜欢和女王在宫殿里一起喝茶。this is my uncle. 这是我舅舅。he lives in australia. 他住在澳大利亚。he speaks very good english, too. 他英语也说得非常好。my uncle likes to go to the beach. 我舅舅喜欢去海滩。how does he go to the beach?

27、by kangaroo.他怎么去海滩呢?乘坐袋鼠。lesson 13: beijing is great!1. i love to travel. 我喜欢旅行。i love to travel! it is fun! 我喜欢旅行! 它非常有趣!i want to go to beijing. 我想去北京。i want danny and jenny to come, too. 我想让丹尼和詹妮也去。beijing is a big city. 北京是一个大城市。there are many interesting places in beijing. it is great.北京有很多有趣的地

28、方,它很伟大。this is the palace museum in beijing. it is beautiful.这是北京的故宫,它很美。tiananmen square is in beijing. 天安门广场在北京。it is very famous.它非常有名。this is the great wall. it is very long. 这是长城,它非常长。lesson 14: may i go to beijing?1. may i travel to beijing? 我可以去北京旅行吗?mum, may i travel to beijing? 妈妈,我可以去北京旅游吗

29、?to beijing? im afraid not. 去北京?恐怕不行。youre too young, li ming. 李明,你太小了。you can come, too! please, mum? 你也可以来,求求你了,妈妈?beijing is the capital city of our country! 北京是我们国家的首都。okay, li ming! you are a good boy. 好吧,李明,你是一个好孩子。you work hard in school. 你在学校努力学习。you may go. and i can come with you. 你可以去,我也和

30、你一起去。may i go to the great wall? yes, li ming, you may.我可以去长城吗?是的,李明,可以去。may i go shopping? yes, you may. 我可以购物吗?是的,可以。may i live in beijing, mum? no, you may not, li ming.妈妈,我可以住在北京吗?不,李明,不可以。lesson 15: may i invite danny and jenny?1. make a call 打电话i want danny and jenny to come on our trip to bei

31、jing.我想让丹尼和詹妮也跟我们一起去北京旅游。may i invite them, mum? 妈妈,我可以邀请他们吗?okay, li ming. i will call mrs. smith. 好吧,李明,我给史密斯夫人打电话。hello. this is mrs. li. may i speak to mrs. smith?你好,我是李夫人,你是史密斯夫人吗?this is mrs. smith. 我是史密斯夫人。li ming and i are going on a trip to beijing.我和李明将要去北京旅游。can jenny and danny come? 詹妮和丹

32、尼能去吗?please, mum? please! please! 求求你了,妈妈?求求你了!求求你了!thats wonderful, mrs. li! 李夫人,太好了,yes, jenny can go. i can talk to dannys mother. 是的,詹妮能去,我去跟丹尼的妈妈谈。thank you, mrs. smith. 谢谢你,史密斯夫人。when will you go to beijing? 你们什么时候去北京?we will go to beijing in the morning on february 3.我们打算2月3日上午去北京。okay! 好的! l

33、esson 16: how can we go to beijing?1. bus or plane? 公交车还是飞机?this is a bus. a bus is slow. 这是公交车,公交车慢。this is a plane. a plane is fast. 这是飞机,飞机快。2. lets go by train. 我们坐火车去。lets go to beijing by plane, mum! a plane is fast.妈妈,我们坐飞机去北京吧!飞机快。no, li ming! its not far. i want to take a bus.不行,李明,北京并不远,我想

34、做公交车。how far is it from shijiazhuang to beijing?从石家庄到北京有多远?its 278 kilometres. 278千米。a bus is slow. i dont want to take a bus.公交车慢,我不想做公交车。lets take a train. a train is fast. okay.我们乘火车吧,火车快。好的。 lesson 17: the travel plan1. making a travel plan 制订旅行计划we are going to travel by train. 我们将要乘火车去旅游。we wi

35、ll go to beijing on february 3. 我们将于2月3日去北京。sunday february 2 get ready for the trip 2月2日 星期日,为旅行做准备monday february 3 go to beijing 2月3日 星期一 去北京tuesday february 4 go to tiananmen aquare 2月4日 星期二 去天安门广场wednesday february 5 go to the palace museum2月5日 星期三 去故宫thursday february 6 go to the great wall 2月

36、6日 星期四 去长城friday february 7 go shopping 2月7日 星期五 购物saturday february 8 go home 2月8日 星期六 回家 lesson 18: billy beeone day, the queen bee is very sick. 一天,蜂后生病了。she needs special honey to save her. 她需要特殊的蜂蜜来救她。but its in honey flower city. 但是这种蜜在蜂蜜花城。its far from here. who can help her? 离这里很远,谁能来帮助她呢?th

37、is is billy bee. he is very kind. 这是蜜蜂比利, 他非常友善。he wants to get the honey. 他想去拿到蜂蜜。he invites benny bee to go with him. 他邀请蜜蜂本尼和他一起去。lets help the queen. okay! 我们帮帮皇后吧。好的!they need to bring the honey back before 2:00 in the afternoon,or the queen will die. 他们必须在下午2点之前把蜂蜜带回来,否则皇后就死了。how far is it? it

38、 is about 20 kilometres. 有多远呢?大约20千米。they fly for fifteen minutes. 他们飞了15分钟。billy bee is very fast, but benny bee is slow.蜜蜂比利飞的很快,但蜜蜂本尼飞的很慢。benny bee feels tired. 蜜蜂本尼有的累了。its too far! may we take a bus? 太远了!我们可以乘公交车吗?no, the bus is slow. 不,公交车太慢了。may we go there by train? 我们可以乘火车去那吗?no! there is n

39、o train. 不!没有火车。they fly very, very high in the sky. 他们在空中飞的非常非常高。they fly fast. benny bee feels very cold and tired.他们飞的很快,蜜蜂本尼感到又冷又累。billy bee flies in front of benny bee. 蜜蜂比利飞在了蜜蜂本尼的前面。he flies very hard. 他非常尽力地在飞。finally they arrive in honey flower city. 最后他们到达了蜂蜜花城。come on, benny. you can do i

40、t ! 本尼,加油,你能做到的!look! there it is! hooray! 看!它在那! 万岁!they get the special honey and fly back home.他们拿到了特殊的蜂蜜,然后飞回了家。they arrive at 1:55just in time! 他们1:55 到了,正好准时!the queen eats the honey and feels better.蜂后吃了蜂蜜,感觉好多了。billy bee and benny bee are very happy.蜜蜂比利和蜜蜂本尼非常高兴。thank you, kids! youre welco

41、me.孩子们,谢谢你们!不用谢。 lesson 19: meet li mings family1. arriving in shijiazhuang 到达石家庄jenny and danny arrive in shijiazhuang at ten oclock in the evening on january 31. 詹妮和丹尼1月31日晚上10点到了石家庄。hello, jenny and danny! 嘿,詹妮,丹尼!hello, mr. li! 你好,李先生!nice to meet you, mr. li. 很高兴见到你,李先生。did you have a nice trip

42、? 旅途愉快吗?yes, thanks.是的,谢谢。whats our travel l plan, li ming? 李明,我们的旅行计划是什么?you will stay two days with my family for the spring festival.你们将要与我们家人一起呆两天,共度春节。wonderful! 太好了!when will we go to beijing? 我们什么时候去北京?we will go to beijing at 11:58 in the morning on february 3.我们将于2月3日上午11:58 去北京。we are goin

43、g by train. 我们坐火车去。we will arrive in beijing at 1:17 in the afternoon.我们将于下午1:17到北京。we will eat beijing duck in the evening. 晚上我们将去吃北京烤鸭。great! 太棒了! lesson 20: the spring festival is coming1. what do you do for the spring festival? 春节你们做什么?the spring festival is coming. 春节将要来临。its the chinese new ye

44、ar. 它是中国的新年。what do you do for the spring festival? 春节你们做什么?we buy new clothes. 我们买新衣服。thats wonderful. 太棒了。we clean our rooms. we clean the doors, the windows and the floor.我们打扫房间,我们擦门、窗和地板。we also make dumplings. 我们还包饺子。i like dumplings. me, too. 我喜欢饺子。我也是。and we visit our family and friends. 我们去拜

45、访我们的家人和朋友。kids get lucky money. 孩子们会得到压岁钱。thats interesting! 那真有趣!i love the spring festival! 我爱春节!when is the spring festival? 什么时候过春节呢?its on february 2 this year. 今年是2月2日。 lesson 21: what year is it?1. the twelve animal 12个动物in china, years have names. 在中国,年都有名字。each year has an animal name. look

46、! 每一年都有一个动物的名字,看!the rat is the first. 老鼠是第一位。this is an ox. 这是牛。heres a tiger.这是老虎。whats this? a rabbit. 这是什么?兔子。this is a dragon. 这是龙。heres a snake. 这是蛇。this is a horse. 这是马。you know this animal! its a sheep. 有知道这种动物! 它是绵羊。you know this one, too! its a monkey. 你也知道这个,它是猴子。whats this? a rooster. 这是

47、什么?公鸡。do you know this one? its a dog. 你知道这个吗?它是狗。the twelfth animal is a pig. 第12个动物是猪。how many animals are there? 有多少个动物呢?lets seeone, two, three twelve! 我们看一看1, 2, 3,12!2. what is your year? 你的属相是什么?im 10 years old. my year is the year of the rat. 我10岁了,我的属相是老鼠。what is your year? 你的属相是什么?youre 10

48、 years old, too. your year is also the year of the rat.你也是10岁了,你的属相也是老鼠。my year is the year of the cat! i can eat rats!我的属相是猫!我能吃老鼠!no, danny. there is no year of the cat. 不,丹尼,没有猫这个属相。your year is the year of the pig. youre 11 years old.你的属相是猪,你11岁了。 lesson 22: special holidays in china1. holidays

49、假日tomorrow is chinese new years day. 明天是中国的新年。this evening, jenny and danny will have a special dinner with li mings family. 今天晚上,詹妮和丹尼将和李明家人共进一顿特殊的晚餐。what special holidays do you have in china?在中国有哪些特殊的假日呢?we have many special holidays: the dragon boat festival, the mid-autumn festival 我们有很多特殊的假日:端

50、午节,中秋节my favorite is the spring festival. 我最喜欢的是春节。this evening, we will have a big family dinner.今天晚上,我们将会有一顿大的家庭聚餐。i love big dinner. 我喜欢大聚餐。what do you do on the dragon boat festival? 端午节你们做什么?we have dragon boat races and we eat zongzi. 我们举行龙舟赛,吃粽子。what do you do on the mid-autumn festival? 中秋节你

51、们做什么?we watch the moon and eat moon cakes.我们赏月,吃月饼。thats wonderful! 真奇妙! lesson 23: what do we need for the trip?1. lets get ready! 我们做准备!tomorrow we will go to beijing. 明天我们将去北京了。lets get ready! 我们做些准备吧!we need train tickets from shijiazhuang to beijing.我们需要从石家庄到北京的火车票。we need some food. 我们需要一些食物。w

52、e need a camera. 我们需要一架照相机。i need some clothes. i want to take my favorite clothes.我需要一些衣服,我想带上我最喜欢的衣服。i like these red trousers. 我喜欢这条红裤子。red is my favorite color. 红色是我最喜欢的颜色。i dont like those trousers. 我不喜欢那条裤子。i like this blue sweater. its new. 我喜欢这件蓝毛衣,它是新的。i dont like that orange sweater. 我不喜欢那件桔色的毛衣。i like these shoes. 我喜欢这


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