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1、Computer Network Test Paper1. Who invented IP and some related Internet protocols?Ba) Vinton Cerf and Bob Metcalfeb) Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahnc) Bob Metcalfe and Ivan Sutherlandd) Bob Metcalfe and David Clark2. In the OSI reference model, 3. The upper layers of the OSI model are, in correct orderB

2、a) Session, application, presentationb) Session, presentation, applicationc) Session, application, presentation, physicald) Application, presentation, session4. The lower layers of the OSI model are, in correct orderDa) physical, system, network, logicalb) physical, logical, network, systemc) physic

3、al, transport, network, data linkd) physical, data link, network, transport5. The Internet Protocol (IP) generally corresponds to which OSI layer?Aa) Network (layer three)b) Transport (layer four)c) Data link (layer two)d) Session (layer five)6. MTU stands forCa) Minimum Transfer Unitb) Minimum Tran

4、smission Unitc) Maximum Transmission Unitd) Maximum Transfer Unit7. What layer of the OSI model is designed to perform error detection functions?Ba) Physicalb) Data linkc) Networkd) transport8. Which of these network devices primarily functions at the OSI Network layer (layer 3)?Ca) Switchb) Gateway

5、c) Routerd) All of the above9. What is the size of todays standard (IPv4) IP address?Aa) 4 bytes (32 bits)b) 12 bytes (96 bits)c) 15 bytes (120 bits)d) 16 bytes (128 bits)10. What is the size of the next-generation (IPv6) IP address?a) 4 bytes (32 bits)b) 12 bytes (96 bits)c) 15 bytes (120 bits)d) 1

6、6 bytes (128 bits)11. Which of the following higher-level protocols runs over IP?Da) FTPb) HTTPc) SMTPd) All of the above12. Which of the following IPv4 addresses is the loopback address?Ca) b) c) d) 5513. Which of the following IPv6 addresses is the loopback add

7、ress?Ba) 0:0b) 0:1c) 127:0d) 127:114. The length of an IP datagram header can vary depending on the options used. What is the smallest possible IP header size?Ba) 16 bytesb) 20 bytesc) 24 bytesd) 60 bytes15. The source IP address for an IPv4 datagram is stored where in the header?Ca) 2nd longword (b

8、ytes 5-8)b) 3rd longword (bytes 9-12)c) 4rd longword (bytes 13-16)d) 5rd longword (bytes 17-20)16. The destination IP address for an IPv4 datagram is stored where in the header?Da) 2nd longword (bytes 5-8)b) 3rd longword (bytes 9-12)c) 4rd longword (bytes 13-16)d) 5rd longword (bytes 17-20)17. The h

9、eader length field in an IPv4 datagram contains the size of an IP header measured in number ofCa) Bitsb) Bytesc) Longwords (4 bytes)d) None of the above18. Can IP run over any other physical networks besides Ethernet?Da) No (and IP does not run over Ethernet)b) Noc) Yes (but IP does not run over Eth

10、ernet)d) Yes19. What function does Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) perform?Aa) Converts IP addresses to Ethernet addressesb) Automatically assigns IP addresses to computersc) Prevents two computers from using the same IP addressd) None of the above20. What mechanism does ARP use to resolve IP addr

11、esses?Ba) Mathematical formulab) Lookup tablec) Central web sited) Random number generator21. Which utility program is designed to report whether a networked computer is responding at a given IP address, and how long these responses take?Ba) tracerouteb) pingc) ttcpd) netstate22. which of these shel

12、l commands supplies the IP address of a computer running the Linux operating system?Ba) ipconfigb) ifconfigc) linuxconfd) none of the above23. Which of the following technologies manage the conversion between IP addresses and host names?Ba) BGPb) DNSc) ARPd) All of the above24. CIDR stands forDa) Cl

13、ass-based Internet Domain Routingb) Careful Inter-Domain Routingc) Constant Internet Domain Routingd) Classless Inter-Domain Routing25. In CIDR notation, which of the following networks contains host ?Ba) /22b) /21c) /23d) /2426. Which cent

14、ral authority is responsible for allocating IP addresses on the Internet?Ba) IETFb) IANAc) IEEEd) None of the above27. The IP delivery service isCa) Reliable, connection-orientedb) Non-routablec) Unreliable, connectionlessd) None of the above28. TCP stands forAa) Transmission Control Protocolb) Triv

15、ial Connection Protocolc) Traffic Control Protocold) Telephony Connection Protocol29. UDP stands forCa) Universal Data Protocolb) Unreliable Datagram Protocolc) User Datagram Protocold) Ultimate Data Protocol30. Both TCP and UDP belong to which layer of the OSI mode?Ba) Sessionb) Transportc) Network

16、d) Data Link31. UDP offers which of the following benefits relative to TCP?Aa) UDP consumes fewer computer resources by not maintaining connection stateb) UDP supports a self-regulating “throttle” feature that prevents network saturationc) UDP guarantees that Individual packets of a transmission wil

17、l arrive “in order”d) None of the above32. What is the maximum recommended length of twisted-pair Ethernet cables used in home or business networks?Ba) 10 metersb) 100 metersc) 1000 metersd) Other33. On Ethernet LANs, the Ethernet address is also known as theBa) IP addressb) MAC addressc) Virtual ad

18、dressd) Other34. How long is a MAC address?Ba) 4 bytesb) 6 bytesc) 8 bytesd) 10 bytes35. What is the basic unit of Ethernet traffic?Ba) Fileb) Framec) Packetd) Stream 36. CSMA/CD stands forAa) Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detectionb) Collision Sense Multiple Access with Carrier Detectionc) Carrier Single-Multiple Access with Collision Detectiond) Collision Single-Multiple Access with Carrier Detection37. Which of the follow


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