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1、.,1,名词性从句,.,2,名词性从句 noun clause,主语从句 subject clause,宾语从句 object clause,表语从句 predicative clause,同位语从句 appositive clause,.,3,辨别下列名词性从句的类别: 1.How the book will sell depends on its author. 2.John said that he was leaving for London on Wednesday. 3.The fact is that he has not been seen recently. 4.The fa

2、ct that he has not been seen recently disturbs everyone in his office. 5.He will talk to us about what he saw in U.S. 6.It is impossible that I go and attend the meeting.,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,宾语从句,主语从句,.,4,That/wh-clause + v +主语从句 S +be/link.v + that/wh-clause表语从句 S + vt + that/wh-clause宾语从句 S + vi

3、+ prep + wh-clause宾语从句,.,5,名词从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。,引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类: 连接词:that, whether, if 连接代词:what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whose, which. 连接副词:when, where, how, why,1。that只起连接主句和从句的作用,在从句中不担任任何成分, 本身也没有词义,宾语从句中可省略 2。不充当介宾 3。 引导主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句,that不可省略。 4. that whether, if, as if ,as

4、though(以上在从句中均不充当任何 成分,.,6,一主语从句,主语从句是在复合句中充当主语的从句,通常放在主句谓语动词之前或由形式主语it代替,而本身放在句子末尾。,1. It 作形式主语,It 作形式主语代替主语从句,主要是为了平衡句子结构,主语从句的连接词没有变化。例如: It is a pity that you didnt go to see the film. It doesnt interest me whether you succeed or not.,.,7,1.It + be + 形容词 that从句,It is necessary / important/ obvio

5、us that,2.It + be + -ed分词 that从句,It is believed that 人们相信 It is known to us all that . 众所周知 It has been decided that 已经决定,3.It + be + 名词 that从句,It is common knowledge that 是常识 It is a surprise that . 令人惊奇的是 It is a fact that 事实是,4.It + 不及物动词 that从句,It appears that 似乎 It happens that . 碰巧 It occurred

6、 to me that 我突然想起,.,8,另注意在主语从句中用来表示惊奇、不相信、惋惜、理应如此等语气时,谓语动词要用 虚拟语气 “(should) +do”,常用的句型有: It is necessary (important, natural, strange, etc.) that It is suggested (requested, proposed, desired, etc.) that,.,9,what 引导主语从句时在句时在从句中充当句子成分,如主语宾语表语,而that 则不然。例如: 1) _you said yesterday is right. 2) _she is

7、still alive is a good thing.,It is right what you said yesterday.,It is a good thing that she is still alive.,What,That,2. what 与that 在引导主语从句时的区别,.,10,主语从句中的“主谓一致”:,1.主语从句通常被看作一个整体,主句的谓语动词用单数形式.,That they will come _certain.,2. What 引导主语从句时,主句谓语动词的单复数由表语的单复数决定.,What he wants _these books. What he wa

8、nts _some water.,3.注意,is,are,is,.,11,1_in the regulations that you should not tell other people the pass word of your e-mail account. .(2005上海) A. What is required B .What requires C It is required D. It requires 2. The Foreign Minister said, “_ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.”

9、(2006 北京) A. This B. There is C .That is D. It is 3.After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth,_ our astronauts desire to do is walk in space.(2004 上海) A .where B .what C .that D. how,Exercises,.,12,宾语从句就是在复合句中作宾语的 名词性从句,通常放在主句谓语动词 (及物动词) 或介词之后。,1.She did not know what had happened.,2. Our suc

10、cess depends upon how well we can cooperate with one another.,3. I am afraid (that) Ive made a mistake.,宾语从句,(作动词的宾语),(作介词的宾语),(作形容词的宾语),.,13,注意1:在demand,order,suggest,decide,insist, desire, request, command, doubt等表示要求、命令、建议、决定等意义的动词后,宾语从句常用“(should)+ 动词原形”。 I insist that she (should) do her work a

11、lone. 我坚持要她自己工作。 The commander ordered that troops (should) set off at once. 司令员命令部队马上出发。,.,14,2. 用whether或if引导的宾语从句,其主语和谓语的顺序也不能颠倒,仍保持陈述句语序。此外,whether与if 在作“是否”的意思讲时在下列情况下一般只能用whether,不用if: a. 引导主语从句并在句首时;b. 引导表语从句时;c . 引导从句作介词宾语时;d. 从句后有“or not”时;e. 后接动词不定式时。,.,15,Whether there is life on the moon

12、 is an interesting question. The question is whether she should have a low opinion of the test? Everything depends on whether we have enough money. I wonder whether he will come or not. Can you tell me whether to go or to stay?,.,16,3. 宾语从句中的“时态呼应”与“否定转移”,若主句谓语动词为think,consider,suppose,believe, expe

13、ct,fancy,guess,imagine等,其后的宾语从句若含 有否定意义,一般要把否定词转移到主句谓语上,从句 谓语用肯定式。例如:,He told me that he _ his job. (已经完成了工作),时态呼应,否定转移,我认为他不会来这里.,I think he wont come here. ( ) I dont think he will come here. ( ),had finished,注意,.,17,4.宾语从句中用it作形式宾语,We think it our duty that we should help others.,注意:如果主句中有形容词或名词作

14、宾语补足语时,一般用it来作形式宾语,把从句放在宾补后面。,我发现他两天之内完成工作是不可能的.,I find it impossible that he can finish the work in two days.,.,18,Exercises: “it”作形式主语或形式宾语:,1.I hate _ when people talk with their mouths full A. it B. that C. these D. them 2. I feel _ strange that he should be so careless. A. / B. it C. that D. ho

15、w 3. It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning grey. Awhile B. that Cif Dfor 4 Will you see to _ that the luggage is brought back? A. weB. yourselfC. itD. them,A,B,B,C,.,19,三表语从句,表语从句在复合句中作表语的名词性从句,放在系动词之后,一般结构是“主语连系动词表语从句”。可以接表语从句的连系动词有be, look, remain, seem等。另外,常用的还有the reason is that 和It is bec

16、ause 等结构。例如: 1) The question is _ we can make good preparation in such a short time. 2) This is _ we cant get the support of the people. 3) But the fact remains _ we are behind the other classes. 4) The reason _ he is late for school is _ he missed the early bus.,whether/how,why,that,why,that,.,20,四

17、同位语从句,1. 同位语从句的功能 同位语从句对于名词进一步解释,说明名词的具体内容,一般由that引导,例如: 1) The kings decision that the prisoner would be set free surprised all the people. 2) The order that all the soldiers should stay still is given by the general.,同位语从句就是在复合句中作名词的同位语的名词性从句。,2. 同位语在句子中的位置 同位语从句有时可以不紧跟在它所说明的名词后面,而是被别的词隔开。例如: He g

18、ot the news from Mary that the sports meeting was put off.,.,21,同位语从句和定语从句的区别: that作为关系代词,可以引导定语从句,充当句子成分,在从句中作宾语时可以省略; that引导同位语从句时,起连词的作用,没有实际意义,不充当句子成分,一般不能省略。 I had no idea that you were here(that引导同位语从句,不能省略) Have you got the idea(that)this book gives you of life in ancient Greece?(that引导定语从句,作

19、宾语,可以省略),.,22,Exercises,1.Doris success lies in the fact _ she is co-operative and eager to learn from others.(2006 上海春季) A. which B. that C. when D. why 2.Do you have any idea_ is actually going on in the classroom? (2005辽宁) A. that B. what c. as D. which 3. There is a feeling in me _ well never kn

20、ow what a UFO is not ever.(2002上海) A. that B. which c. of which D. what 4.Information has been put forward_ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. A. while B. that C. when D. as,.,23,(1) They want to know _ do to help us. A. what can they B. what they can C. how they can D.

21、 how can they (2) Can you make sure _ the gold ring? A. where Alice had put B. where had Alice put C. where Alice has put D. where has Alice put (3) Someone is ringing Mary. Go and see _. A. who is he B. who he is C. who is it D. who it is,B,C,I.语序问题,考点归纳,D,归纳,在名词性从句中,除了关联词在从句之首外,其它部分应用_的语序。,陈述,.,24

22、,II.用if 或whether 填空,1. I dont know _ Ill be free tomorrow. 2. I dont know _ or not Ill be free tomorrow. 3. The question is _ this book is worth writing. 4. It depends on _ we will have enough money. 5. _ they can do it matters little to us. 6._ you are not free tomorrow , Ill go without you,whether

23、/if,whether,whether,whether,Whether,If,a.主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、介词后面的宾语从句只能用_,不能用if ; b.后面紧跟 or not 时, 用_.,归纳,whether,whether,.,25,III. that 与whether / if 的选择:,(1) _ knowledge comes from practice is known to all. WhatB. WhereC. If D. That (2) It makes no difference _ our sports meet will be held this week

24、or next week. A. thatB. eitherC. whetherD. when (3) I doubt _ he will come soon. (4) I do not doubt _ he will come soon. (5) Do you doubt _ he will come soon?,D,C,whether / if,that,that,表示是否时用_,表示肯定时用_,归纳,whether /if,that,.,26,1._ I cant understand is why he has changed his mind. 2._ the earth is ro

25、und is known to us all. 3. _ he won the race was _ we expected.,that:,what:,_只起连接作用,在从句中不充当任何成分,没有词义,_起连接作用,且在从句中充当主语,宾语或表语, 表示“所的”。,That,What,That,what,归纳,. that, what引导名词性从句的区别,.,27,. what why B. why; because C. why ; that D. that; because,C,C,D,Consolidation:,.,35,4. _ I cant understand is _ she

26、wants to change her mind. A. What; why B. Which; how C. That; why D. What; because 5. _ his dream of going to college will come true is uncertain. A. That B. Whether C. If D. Even if 6. It is known to us _ where there is pollution, there is harm. A. which B. where C. what D. that,D,A,B,.,36,7. I have the information _. A. of what hell come soon B. that hell come soon C. of that hell come soon D. his coming soon 8. - I saw your neighbor break your wi


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