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1、Joh ns Hop ki ns Un iversity was foun ded in 1876 on a sp irit of expIo ratio n and discovery. As a result, stude nts can pu rsue a multi-dime nsionaf un dergraduate exp erie nee both in and outside of the classroom. Give n the opportun ities at Hopkins, p lease discuss your curre nt in terests acad

2、emic or extracurricularpu rsuits, pers onal p assi ons, summer exp erie nces, etc. and how you will buildupon them here.Outgrowi ng the Garage Elijahs where I built a 2 ft trebuchetThe air is tain ted with unn atural fumes of grease, wood, and burnt electrical tape. Oil slicks stai n the floor. Thic

3、k woode n shelves sag unnervin gly close to buckli ng under the weight of old house paint and power tools. A workbench lies buried ben eath pap ers, rulers, cans, and metal shards. An un comfortable growl po urs from the water heater. Most people wouldn t describe my grimy garage as p leasa nt, but

4、I love spending my free time here. Itin sixth grade, a 4 ft trebuchet in seve nth grade, and plan to build an 8 ft trebuchet this win ter break. Itereisbwht a battlebot and sla pped an Ardu inomicroc on troller on top to give it in tellige nee. Ever since I sat watch ing jets shake the sky and expl

5、osi ons rock the scree n in the movie Iron Man as a stunned sixh grader, I ve spent weeke nds exp erime nting in my garage, tryi ng to lear n everyth ing I can about engin eeri ng and robotics.veSure, outside of my garage I love wildlife and hik ing, history, and weird foods. I love classic rock, ja

6、zz, and maybe eve n secretly Katy Perry. Nevertheless, I always had a life p la n cen tered on robotics: go to a great college, lear n robotics,build robots, get a Bernese mountain dog, and live happily ever after in a beautiful forest home. It seems strange that Iotics soeasily despite my many in t

7、erests, but in reality, robotics comb ines n early all ofthem. Compu ter scie nee, electrical engin eeri ng, and mecha ni cal engin eeri ng are crucial to the robot, but comb ine them with biology, astro nomy, music, or ecology, and that s when robotics becomes amazing. I could help the sick with ro

8、bots that give surge ons more dexterity while op erati ng. I could help the poor with affordable, robot-made p roducts. I could aid the elderly, rep lace the limbs of wounded warriors, and keep fire fighters from harm s wayralbwsAlthough these robots may not be the crims on and gold Iron Man suit th

9、at first got me in terested, I love the realistic and heroic p ossibilities in the field of robotics.Almost as excit ing as imag ining the robots I could build, is imag ining where I could build them. I could become a pro fessor and research cutt ing edge A.I. algorithms. I could become an en tre pr

10、en eur and bri ng my creati ons to market. I could eve n become an employee for a tech compa ny and devote myself to itslatest inno vati ons. Maybe next year around this time, I will eve n be study ing on the Freshma n Quad. With the LCSR robotics lab, the minor in robotics, a topno tch engin eeri n

11、g pr ogram, a beautiful camp us, in credible seafood, and what thevisit ing admissi ons coun selor described as a“vibra nt a capp ella sce ne,Joh nsWe like Elijah s essay because you really get a sense of his personty theHopkins will both make college fun and satisfy my inner n erd. But for no w, I

12、will bo on work ing in my garage, comp eti ng for sp ace with the family car.With Iron Man. He ties his interests back to opportunities at JHU like the freedomessay is light-hearted, but still does a good job of highlighting his interest in Robotics in a descri ptive and en terta ining way by compar

13、ing it to his fasc in ati onto comb ine mult iple academic fields, research in the LCSR lab, and the a 1 bapp ella see ne. As you are reading his essay, you picture some one who willexplore academic p rograms, stude nt groups, and opportun ities on and off campus you p icture a dyn amic member of ou

14、r Hopkins com muni ty.”Joh ns Hopkins Un dergraduate Admissi ons CommitteeString Theory Joanna If stri ng theory is really true, the n the en tire world is made up of stri ngs, and I cannot tie a sin gle one. This p ast summer, I app lied for my very first job at a small, busy bakery and caf in my n

15、eighborhood. I knew that if I were hired there, I would lear n how to use a cash register, prep are san dwiches, and take cake orders. I imag ined that my biggest struggle would be cateri ng to dema nding New Yo rkers, but I n ever thought that it would be the benign act of tying a box that would be

16、come both my biggest obstacle and greatest teacher.s employees hastilyOn my first day of work in late August, one of the bakery explained the p rocedure. It seemed simp le: wrap the stri ng around your hand, then wra p it three times around the box both ways, and knot it. I recited the an them in my

17、 head, “ three times, turn it, three times, knot” un til it became myman tra. After observ ing mult ip le empio yees, it was clear that anyone tyi ng the box could complete it in a matter of sec on ds. For weeks, I labored en diessly, only to watch the stro ng and small p ieces of my p ride unr avel

18、 each time I tried.As I rushed to discreetly shove half-tied cake boxes into p lastic bags, I could not help but won der what was wrong with me. I have lear ned Mozart arias, all with as effort, tyingmemorized the fun cti onal groups in orga nic chemistry, and calculated the an ti- derivatives of fu

19、n cti ons that I will pr obably n ever use in real lifemodest amount of en ergy. For somereas on though, after a monthstri ng around a cake box still left me in a qua ndary.As the weeks progressed, my skills slowly bega n to improve. Of course there were days whe n I iust wan ted to throw all of the

20、 string in the trash and use Scotch tape; this sense of defeat was n either welcome nor wan ted, but remarks like Oh, you must be new ” from snarky customers catapulted my deter min ati on to greater heights.It should be more difficult to devel op an internal pu Ise and sense of legato in a piece of

21、 music tha n it is to find the n ecessary rhythm required to tie a box, butthis seem in gly trivial task has clearly p rove n not to be trivial at all. The difficultiesthat I encoun tered trying to kee p a sin gle knot in tact are proof of this. The lack ofcoop eratio n betwee n my coord in ati on a

22、nd my un dersta nding left me frazzled, butthe satisfacti on I felt whe n I successfully tied my first box was almost as great asany I had felt before. Scie ntists devel oping stri ng theory say that stri ng can exist in a straight line, but it can also bend, oscillate, or break ap art. I am tha nkf

23、ul that the string I work with isnot quite as temp erame ntal, but I still cri nge whe n some one asks for a chocolate man del bread. Supp osedly, the stri ng suggested in stri ng theory is respon sible for unifying gen eral relativity with qua ntum p hysics. The only thi ng I am fespon sible for wh

24、e n I use string is deliveri ng some one s pie to them without thebox falli ng ap art. Tying a cake box may not be qua ntum p hysics, but it is just as crucial to holdi ng together what matters. am beg inning to realize that I should not be ashamed if it takes me Ion ger to earn. I p ersist, and I c

25、on ti nue to tie boxes every weeke nd at work. Even though I occasi on ally backslide into feeli ngs of exas peratio n, I always rewra p the stri ng aro und my hand and start over because I have lear ned that the most gratify ing victories come from ten acity. If the uni verse really is comp rised o

26、f stri ngs, I am bon fide nt that I will be able to tie them together, eve n if I do have to kee p my fin gers crossed that my knots hold up.“ Joa nna does a great job of grabb ing your atte ntio n from the first sentence by comparing her struggles lear ning to tie up bakery boxes to stri ng theory.

27、 We get a gli mpse at her p ers on ality throughout the essay she is not afraid to laugh at herself or admit failure. She uses her story to illustrate that she reco gni zed a weak ness, refused to give up, and is able to grow from it; which gives us a sense of how she will tackle challe nges here at

28、 JHU. Her voice defi nitely came through n this essay. She also used the space effectively to tell us a lot about who she sher love of music and scie nee, her dedicati on to a p art-time job, and her ability to put things in p ers pective. Even though the actual topic itself lear ning totie stri ng

29、aro und bakery orders seems n arrow in scop e, it allowed us to seehow well-ro un ded her in terests were and really get to know her through her-X-”writ ing.Joh ns Hopkins Un dergraduate Admissi ons CommitteeTemper Morley I feel p erfectly content at Woodrow Wils on Skateboard P ark, a ceme nt swell

30、 in the ground located just west of the easter nm ost point of the no rth side of Chicago and tra pped p ere nni ally in the me ntal sp ace in habited by fourtee n-year-old angry youths. Outside of home and school, it is the p lace where I have spent most of my life. Its terrain so familiar, I could

31、 n avigate it bli ndfolded, towed on my poardby a p ack of feral dogs. Much of what I know of life, I lear ned there.A sea of nods and han dshakes and back pats welcomes my every arrival to thismunicipal oasis. Here, I am known. Called variously Mor, Bob Morley, Mordog,Mo, Mo Mon ey, or (lo ng story

32、) Tom Po rk. It is the on ly p lace on earth where (were an electio n ever to be held) I could almost certai niy be mayor. Among the stra nge, sometimes dow ncast, and esse ntially good people here, I have found another family. I need them as much as they need me and as much as we all need skateboar

33、ding. This four-wheeled toy brings us inner peace. Skateboarding is a sta nding meditatio n, a time to put con scious thought aside and let p rimal impu Ise guide the body through various jumps and bala ncing acts. I turn to skati ng in times of joy and in times of strife, to celebrate a good day, e

34、sca pe writer s block, social failures, or other minor trage dies.t is at Wils on that I encoun tered on ce, and the n aga in, a man called Temp er. I was thirtee n whe n I crashed into a beefy shadowy figure I had heard talked abouton ly in whis pers. This man, known by the wor d he had chose n to

35、affix toiiun dreds of walls aro und Chicago, had earned a spot in the com munity as aesp ected graffiti artist and skateboarder. His imp robably light feet and on-board )race were known to most of the city. I was barely in augurated into the park bee ne whe n I pl owed headl ong into him, knocking b

36、oth of us dow n, turtle-like and winded. I hadn t been paying attention and apologized rapid -fire while trying toscra pe my body off of his. When we both got to our feet, Temper kno cked me dow n aga in and walked away without comme nt. It was the most frighte ning thing that ever happened to me at

37、 Wilso n. He left the park that day, and I had see n him on ce, maybe twice, sin ce.The five years since the in cide nt have bee n more or less good to me. In high school, I aba ndoned the dream of beco ming a p rofessi onal skateboarder and discovered a fuller gamut of life s offerings. I learned t

38、o think about things otherthan skati ng and in turn discovered p hysics, girls, cook ing, and writi ng a pu rsuit I love as much as skateboard ing. The same cannot be said for the p assage of ime in Temper s life. I saw him recently and had lunch with him and my friend.le told us of overcoming a cri

39、ppling drug addiction, spending time in jail, and con tract ing AIDS a disease that every day reminds him that his time on earth is coming to an end. He is trying his best to make the most of it all. It was with the greatest tre pidati on that I told him about the Wils on in cide nt. Over pi zza and

40、 emon soda, I expla ined how much he had scared me. I added that it was mporta nt that it had happe ned. I think it helped me grow up, I expla in ed. An awkward sile nee followed. His head turned dow n and to the side for a mome nt. Then he just laughed. His eyes apo logized, and I laughed too, coll

41、ectively embrac ing that very Wils on men tality: life, like skateboard ing and men n amed“Temper, ” will knock you down. There is nothing else to do but forgive, forget, and sta nd back up.“ Morley s structure for the essay is measured with each paragraph transitioning to a differe nt p ers onal qu

42、ality. He sets the sce ne and characters, and the n shifts into the meat of the essay, writ ing about how a sp ecific in cide nt ep itomizes thepark experience. The essay beautifully ties in Morleys personality with hisexp erie nces at Woodrow Wils on. His focus is always on devel oping how the park

43、 has sha ped HIM. After read ing the essay, I have a much better un dersta nding ofthe type of JHU stude nt youwho Morley is and what qualities he will bring to Hopkins. We get the sense that he is reflective and authentic the type of JHU student you d want as your labpartne r or in your writing gro

44、up.Joh ns Hopkins Un dergraduate Admissi ons CommitteeDiss onance LeilaMy brain is utterly discorda nt. Curiosities, ranging from aborti on in colonial America to the enl arged p aralimbic regi on of whale bra ins, battle for p riority of in vestigati on in my mind. As I sit hun ched over my laptop,

45、 my scree n is alwaysIr-sp lit in two. What my mom sees as a tee nager wasti ng away behi nd a glow ing scree n is actually me tryi ng to watch a docume ntary on Magritte and his genous style of surrealism while lear ning about the groun dbreak ing water geysers found on Jupiter s moon Europa. Such

46、investigative tendencies are even evident in my running list of ideas for the Woodrow Wils on Fellowsh ip, with top ics ranging from the cycle of recidivism that fosters the p ris on in dustrial comp lex to the removal of people of color from 17th and 18th cen tury paintings in curre nt academia.I l

47、ook to Joh ns Hopkins not to contain my bra in, but to feed the insani ty. I n eed the lack of a core curriculum and in tersessi on courses so I can in vestigate a breadth of top ics thoroughly, to a much fuller exte nt tha n I can man age with just the library and the in ter net. I look to Joh ns H

48、opkins as the home for my eclectic in terests so I can con ti nue play ing soccer just as well as I can continue pursuingp hotogra phy at the Homewood Arts Worksh ops.As I rave about my rece nt cosmic ven tures like going to a Bria n Gree ne lecture and meeti ng with an astrophysicist at the Goddard

49、 Space Flight Cen ter, I look to Joh ns Hopkins to en gage my en thusiasm with research in stituti ons like the App lied Physics Laboratory and the Cen ter for Astro physical Scie nee. Where my college search left me faced with so many small, lackluster p hysics programs,Joh ns Hopkins shines with t

50、he delightfully exte nsive Henry A. Rowla nd Department of P hysics and Astronomy. As my boyfrie nd and I have an in volved discussi on about the incomp atibility of an omni scie nt God with libertaria n free will, I look to Joh ns Hopkins Dep artme nt ofPhilosophy with classes like The Existe ntial

51、 Drama and Freedom of Will and Moral Respon sibility. With sketchbooks full of musings on top ics like my cog nitive diss onance of reject ing free will while reveri ng Sartre, I am insuppr essibly excited by the un dergraduate p hilos ophy journal Prometheus. Seeing that no new issues of Prometheus

52、 have bee n p ublished in the last couple of years, I am deter mined to resurrect the thought- provok ing gem, just as decidedly as I am to start andEthics Bowl team at Joh ns Hopkins.As I p assi on ately rant about rape culture and cultural approp riati on in the shower,look to Joh ns Hopkins for i

53、ts diversity of peop le, the city of Baltimore, and as a home for the next four years. I look to Joh ns Hopkins to con duct my diss onant bra in in to a melodious symphony.I look to Joh ns Hopkins stude nt orga ni zatio ns like the Hopkins Fem ini sts, Sexual Assault Resource Un it, and the Office o

54、f Multicultural Affairs so I can con tribute my soap-studded ideas and take action. |I look to Johns Hopkins for its diversity of people, the city of Baltimore, and as a“ The running theme through Leila s essay is her interest in a vtyriief topics and subjects, which makes it easy to picture her thr

55、iv ing in the open curriculum andn terdisc ip li nary lear ning style at JHU. She also makes conn ecti ons betwee n her eclectic in terest and opportun ities on campus like research at the App lied physics Lab, reviv ing the uni versity p hilos ophy journ al, and clubs like theHopkins Fem ini sts. I

56、t is not hard to p icture her being a con tributor to campus in and out of the classroom. ”Joh ns Hopkins Un dergraduate Admissi ons CommitteeHometown QuanLife without Ian guage: all the ideas, thoughts, and emoti ons p rese nt, but un able to be exp ressed. This is how I p icture my gran dfather wh

57、e n he first immigrated to America with my grandmother and their nine children. Lost, he wanders around, hoping to bump into someone who can understand him. He raises his own | children to know Viet namese and hopes his future gran dchildre n would also beconn ected to the Ian guage of their an cest

58、ors. But whe n 1 form my lips intounn atural sha pes to sp eak the I cannot sp eak Viet namese.se words, they come out p athetically.As a child, the con versati ons betwee n me and my gran dfather con sisted of feeble attempts at speaking each other s Ianguage. Only a couple of familiarwords could mome ntarily break the wall that divided us. When ever I visited hishouse, I exchanged a shaky“Cha o ?ng ” for his heavily accented -llo, ” anderanoff before the shame from my in ability to un dersta nd could affect me. J At the time, I was un aware of the syn


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