Topic 3Must we exercise to prevent the flu_第1页
Topic 3Must we exercise to prevent the flu_第2页
Topic 3Must we exercise to prevent the flu_第3页
Topic 3Must we exercise to prevent the flu_第4页
Topic 3Must we exercise to prevent the flu_第5页
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1、Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu?Section AThe main activities are 1a and 1d. 本课重点活动是1a和1d。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:journalist, question, go ahead, prevent, build sb up , all the time, finally, crowded, throat, Internet 2. Go on learning the modal

2、 verbs should and must:(1)What should we do to prevent it?(2)We should keep our rooms clean.(3)Must we exercise to prevent the flu?Yes, we must./No, we dont have to./No, we neednt.3. Asking for and giving advice.4. Talk about how to prevent the flu: (1)We should exercise often to build us up. (2)We

3、should wash our hands and change our clothes often. (3)We had better not go to crowded places. Teaching aids 教具图片/录音机/磁带/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)1.Have a test.(before class)2.师生讨论如何保持健康,引出如何预防流感,导入新课。1). (师生就健康话题进行讨论。注意应用情态动词should, shouldnt, must, mustnt,导入本

4、课的目标语言dont have to, neednt。)T:Boys and girls, we know keeping the school and classrooms clean is good for our health. Then do you know how to keep healthy? Youd better say it with should/shouldnt, must/ mustnt, had better (not).S1: We should have healthy eating habits.S2: We mustnt throw litter arou

5、nd.S3: We mustnt drink sour milk.T:Must we go to see a doctor when we have a headache?S4:Yes, we must.(帮助学生用否定形式回答。)T:No, we dont have to. / we neednt. We can have a good rest.(板书并讲解。)Must we go to ?Yes, we must./No, we dont have to. / we neednt.S5:We shouldnt exercise on an empty stomach.S6:We shou

6、ld have enough sleep.S7:We should brush teeth twice a day.S8:We shouldnt read in the sun.T:What else should we do to keep healthy? Please make some sentences with had better.S9:Youd better go to bed before nine oclock in the evening.S10:We had better not play sports right after meals. 2. (通过谈论如何保持健康

7、,引出如何预防流感这个话题,可适当用汉语解释,导入新课。) T: Good habits can help us to keep healthy and bad ones can cause diseases. There is a serious disease called flu. T: The flu is a serious disease, but we dont have to be afraid of it. We can do something to prevent it. But how to prevent it? If you want to answer this

8、question, please follow me. (板书,让学生猜词义,并要求掌握。)prevent, questionStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13分钟)利用图片进行师生对话,呈现1a内容,学习文中部分生词,为听力扫清障碍。听录音回答问题,然后读对话找关键词,培养学生从听和阅读中提取重要信息的能力。1. (假设近几天发生流感,教师用图片给以提示,让学生尽量用英语谈论怎样来预防流感,学生不会说的单词,教师给予帮助、引导,以此来学习1a中的部分生词。) T:Suppose the flu spreads quickly among people these

9、 days. What should we do to prevent it? (教师出示开窗通风的图片。) Ss:We should keep the air fresh. T:Yes, we should keep the air fresh all the time. (板书并让学生掌握。)all the time (教师出示一幅画有拥挤人群的图片。) T:If the flu spreads, is it right to go to crowded places? Ss:No, we had better not go to crowded places.(引导学生回答。) T:Ye

10、s, we should keep away from crowded places. (板书并要求掌握短语,理解生词。)crowded, keep away(from)2. (用1a中的图片引出1a听力。) T:Look at the picture in 1a. Kangkang is watching TV. On TV, a journalist is interviewing his father. What are they talking about? Lets listen to 1a. (板书,并让学生理解。)journalist (出示小黑板上的问题,让学生带着问题听1a录

11、音,回答问题。核对答案。)T: Now, listen to the tape and find out the answers to these questions.(1)What are they talking about?(2)How much advice does Dr. Li give in the dialog?3. (认真阅读1a,找出关键词及生词。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)完成1b和1c,使学生熟悉目标语言。1. (再放1a录音,并让学生跟读,注意模仿语音语调。然后完成1b,并以问答形式巩固。) T: Listen to 1a

12、again and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Then finish 1b. Ask and answer in pairs to check Dr. Lis advice.Example:S1: What should we do to prevent the flu?S2: We should do exercise often. We shouldnt go to crowded places 2. (学生自读1a后,四人一组练习对话。然后脱离课本,根据黑板上的关键词,表演出来。)T: Read

13、1a by yourselves, then practice it in groups of four. You can look at your books at first. Then act out the dialog according to the key words on the blackboard.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)完成1d和2。通过编对话,使学生进一步掌握本课的目标语言。1. (完成1d,重点训练dont have to/ neednt的用法。练习本课目标语言。)T: Lets do 1c using the informati

14、on in 1b. First read the dialog, and pay attention to the target language dont have to/neednt.2. (先师生问答,然后由学生两人一组练习。)T: Now, I ask, you answer, then practice in pairs.Example:T:Must we finish homework on time?S1:Yes, we must.T:Must we finish it now?S2:No, we dont have to.S3:No, we neednt.3. (看3中的图片,

15、讨论怎样预防流感。) T: Look at the pictures in 2, and discuss what we should do to prevent the flu. (讨论几分钟后,要求学生完成2里面的练习。提示学生注意should, had better, must的用法。) T: Follow the examples to make dialogs using the sentence patterns:“We should/We had better /We must ” Example: Dialog 1 A: What should we do to prevent

16、 the flu? B: We should do more exercise. Dialog 2 A: What should we do to prevent the flu? B: We should go to see a doctor. Dialog 3 A: What should we do to prevent the flu? B: We must keep away from crowded places.(教师可帮助学生回答。) (学生小组练习之后,核对答案。教师可以请几组同学到讲台前为大家表演。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)通过创

17、设情景,分角色表演和写短文,提高学生综合运用本课所学语言知识的能力。1. (四人一组做一个采访。一人扮演记者,其他三人扮演医生。记者采访如何预防流感,医生回答记者的提问。评出优胜组。)T: Work in groups of four. One acts as a journalist. The others act as doctors. The journalist asks how to prevent the flu. The doctors answer the journalists questions. Then act out in the front and we will

18、decide which group is the winner at last.2. Homework: 写一篇小短文来说明如何预防流感。板书设计:Must we exercise to prevent the flu?Section Ago ahead should exercise often to build us exerciseWe had better not go to crowded places.crowded placesMust we do exercise to prevent the flu?keep away (from)Yes, we must./N

19、o, we dont have to./No, we neednt.3.教学后记:Section BThe main activities are 1a, 1b and2a. 本课重点活动是1a,1b和2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:ring sb up, leave a message, on time, give a talk,by myself,themselves2. Learn how to make telephone calls and leave messages. T

20、eaching aids 教具小黑板/图片/录音机/幻灯片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1.Have a test.(before class)2.复习并巩固should和must的用法。通过接、打电话的游戏,回顾有关打电话的交际用语,导入新课。1). (让学生两人一组表演上节课做过的采访活动,复习重点词汇。)T: Work in pairs. Make an interview about how to prevent the flu. One student is a journalist, t

21、he other is a doctor.Please act it out. Journalist:Hi, Dr. Li, may I ask you some questions? Dr. Li:Sure, go ahead. Journalist:What should we do to prevent the flu? Dr. Li:We dont have to be afraid of the flu. We should do exercise often, and we had better not go to crowded place. 2. (通过接、打电话的游戏,回顾有

22、关打电话的交际用语,营造活跃的课堂气氛,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)通过创设打电话的情景,师生共同回顾打电话的交际用语,导入1a。根据1a,完成1b。使学生初步了解电话留言的格式。1. (创设打电话情景,导入新课。) T: We know Kangkangs father is a doctor. Kangkang has something to tell his father when he is at work. So he rings his father up. Suppose his father answers

23、 the telephone. Please make a telephone conversation between Kangkang and his father. S1, S2, please. (板书ring up,并用英语解释,要求掌握。)ring up = phone = call S1:Hello! May I speak to Dr. Li Yuping?S2:Hello! This is Dr. Li. Whats up?S1:Hello, dad! This is Kangkang. I want you to go to the park with me on Sund

24、ay.S2:OK! Ill go with you.S1:Thanks, dad!T:S1, S2 did very well. Now this time suppose someone asks Dr. Li to answer the telephone. S3, S4, please.(S3扮演康康,S4扮演李医生,教师扮演护士。)T:Hello! Renai Hospital.S3:Hello! Id like to speak to Dr. Li Yuping?T:Just a moment, please. Hes coming.S4:Hello, this is Dr. Li.

25、 Whats up?S3:Hello, dad! I would like you to have dinner with me because today is my birthday.S4:Sorry, I almost forgot it. Happy birthday! And Ill have dinner with you.S3:Thank you, dad.2. (设置听力任务,让学生带着问题听1a录音。)T: OK, first lets listen to 1a and answer this question: What does Kangkang tell his fat

26、her?(核对答案。)3. (再放1a录音,让学生跟读,然后回答问题。)T: Listen to 1a again. Read after the tape. Then answer the following questions.(1)Can Kangkangs father answer the phone? Why?(2)What will Miss Hu do?(核对答案。)4. (快速阅读1a,标记出康康的留言内容,板书并让学生掌握。) T:Please read 1a quickly and find out Kangkangs message and then circle it

27、 on your books.Please tell my father not to forget the talk tomorrow afternoon.5. (根据康康的留言内容,完成1b中的电话留言,要求学生掌握其格式及内容,并核对答案。) T: Read 1a and then complete 1b according to the information in the dialog. Pay attention to the form of the message.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:7分钟)根据关键词进行对话表演,使学生掌握本课所学的打

28、电话交际用语。巩固1a。1. (巩固1a。学生大声朗读,找出关键词和短语,然后教师出示写有关键词的小黑板,进行核对。) T: Read 1a aloud, then find out the key words.(1) speak, afraid, busy, examine, ring . up(2)Id like to speak to ., right now, leave, go ahead, tell . not to ., message2. (让学生三人一组练习对话。) T: Practice the dialog in groups of three.3. (让学生根据小黑板上

29、的关键词和短语表演对话。) T: Close your books. Look at the key words on the blackboard and act out the dialog in groups of three. One acts as Kangkang, the others act as the operator and Miss Hu.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)(完成1c和2a。通过听录音,写电话留言并根据电话留言补全对话,使学生进一步熟悉电话留言的格式及内容。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)创

30、设情景,根据对话写留言和根据留言编对话,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。1. (创设情景,探究如何打电话及如何写电话留言。)T: Suppose you are calling Ren Xiaofeng, but he isnt in. His mother answers the phone. You ask his mother to give him your message. Ask him to go to the zoo with you at 8:30 tomorrow morning.(两人一组编写对话,并在班上表演,表演时其他同学按他们的对话内容,记录电话留言。然后请记录完整的同

31、学将电话留言内容汇报给全班同学,由刚才表演的两名同学核查留言内容是否准确,并将正确的电话留言内容及格式呈现在黑板上。)2. (出示幻灯片,给出一段电话对话,让学生完成电话留言。)A:Is Lily there, please?B:No, she isnt here right now.A:Oh. Can I leave a message?B:Sure, go ahead.A:This is Ann speaking. Please tell Lily not to forget to take part in our party tomorrow evening.B:OK, Ann. Ill

32、 give her the message.3. Homework:让学生根据3b的电话留言编写一个打电话的对话,完成3b。板书设计:Must we exercise to prevent the flu?Section B ring upIm afraid he is busy right now.leave a messageIll ring him up later.give sb. a messageCan I leave/take a message?Please tell my father not to forget the talk tomorrow afternoon.4.教

33、学后记:Section CThe main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:habit, fat, happen,first aid, happiness,on the other hand, unhappy3. Talk about health and exercise. Teaching aids 教具小黑板或幻灯片/录音机/图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 R

34、eview 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)1.Have a test(before class)2.通过复习电话留言的内容,导入新课。1). (教师出示小黑板或幻灯片上的电话内容,让学生编电话留言。)T: Please read this dialog and practice in pairs. Then write a telephone message according to this dialog.Dialog:A: Could I speak to Maria, please?B: Im sorry, she isnt in. Do you want me to take a mes

35、sage?A: Yes. This is Tong. Our class will have a party at 7:00 p.m. on Friday. Please tell her to bring her camera.B: OK, Ill give her the message.2). (检查家庭作业。两人一组合作练习,然后请几组学生表演对话。)T: Pair work. Please practice the phone conversation between Betty and Judys mother, and then act it out.3. (由复习上节课的电话留

36、言转入讨论康康的爸爸做的报告,导入部分生词,进一步了解报告,激发学生的兴趣。为新课作铺垫。)T:Lets review Kangkangs message. What does Kangkang tell his father in Section B?Ss:He tells his father not to forget the talk.T:What talk? Can you guess?Ss:Maybe its about health, because hes a doctor.T:You are right. In his talk, he tells us happiness

37、is the best medicine. On the other hand, if you are always unhappy, you may feel ill. So, be happy to be healthy. Are you clear?Ss:Yes.(板书,并要求学生掌握on the other hand;理解happiness, unhappy。)happiness, on the other hand, unhappyT:Do you want to know more about Dr. Lis talk?Ss:Yes. (导入1a。)Step 2 Presentat

38、ion 第二步 呈现(时间:9分钟)1.学习1a,完成1b。初步学习本课谈论健康问题的功能句。2. (让学生听1a录音,并回答问题。)T: Listen to 1a. Then answer the questions:(1)Is doing sports always safe?(2)Why should we say no to smoking and drinking?(核对答案。)3. (让学生朗读1a,标出生词和重难点。教师讲解,并出示写有关键词的小黑板。)(1) healthy eating habitsbreakfastenergyfruit and vegetablesfast

39、 foodunhealthy so (2) playing sportshelpcause accidentsstay safe when be necessary to first aidhelp yourselvesaccident happens(3) happinessbest medicinebe illtry to be on the other handunhappyso (4) avoid smoking and drinkingthinkcoolnot knowcause many illnessessay no to (教师解释first aid,并要求学生掌握;用构词法讲

40、解unhealthy,并让学生理解。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)通过复述和讨论李大夫的报告,使学生进一步巩固本课所学的功能句。1. (让学生再读1a,并标出每一段的主题句,核对答案。) T:Read 1a again and find out the topic sentence in each paragraph. (两分钟后) T:S1, whats the topic sentence in the first paragraph? S1:Eat the right food to keep you healthy. T:Paragraph T

41、wo? S2:2. (小组竞赛。先小组讨论完成1c,教师核对答案。让学生根据关键词和主题句,分组复述课文。)T: Close your books, and look at the key words on the blackboard and try to retell the passage in groups. Then vote a student to retell in the front.G1: Kangkangs father is a doctor, G2: G3: (评出复述最好的小组,给予表扬。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)引导学生继续谈

42、论有关健康的话题,引出并学习1b。1. (师生谈论李大夫的报告,呈现部分生词,导入1b。)2. (学生自读2,并找出重点短语。教师板书生词和重点短语。)3. (学生四人一组练习对话。然后讨论李医生的报告,根据2编一段对话。完成3。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)通过小组调查讨论,做报告和写小短文,培养学生综合运用本课目标语言的能力。1. (小组活动。六人一组,调查每个学生是怎样保持健康的,教师分发课前准备好的调查表,每组一份。调查结束后由组长将本组的调查结果向全班汇报,然后教师总结。)T: First, make a survey in groups of

43、six about how to keep healthy. Then report the result to the class.NameHow to keep healthyshould/had better/must dohad better not/shouldnt do12345You can report like this: We must eat healthy food and do exercise often. We should wash hands before meals. We had better not go to the crowded places wh

44、en the flu spreads. We should be happy all the time. Happiness is the best medicine. We should say no to smoking and drinking 2. Homework:根据上面每组的调查结果,写一篇如何保持健康的短文。板书设计:Must we exercise to prevent the flu?Section Cfirst aidIts necessary to learn about first aid.on the other handBe happy to be healthy

45、.take care ofYou should say no to smoking and order toSo we should learn more about taking good care of ourselves.stay away from3.教学后记:Section DThe main activities are 1a . 本课重点活动是1a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:stretch,equipment,instead of,choose,e

46、nergy2. Summarize the grammar focus and useful expressions in Topic 3:(1) Modals for giving advice and necessity: many students had to stay at home And we must be careful when we play sports.Must we go to see a doctor when we have the flu?Yes, we must. / No, we dont have to./ No, we neednt.3. Talk a

47、bout health. Teaching aids 教具录音机/幻灯片/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1.Have a test.(before class)2.创设情景,编对话,复习本话题关于预防流感,打电话及电话留言等的目标语言,并导入新课。1). (师生对话,复习本话题有关预防疾病。)T:What a nice day! Glad to see you!Ss:Glad to see you, too.T: I hope you have fun studying at school,

48、especially for those students whose parents arent with them. We should help them and make them live happily at school. These days some students have the flu. What should we do to prevent the flu?S1:We should keep the classroom clean and the air fresh all the time.S2:We should do exercise to build ou

49、rselves up.S3:We had better wash hands often.S4:We had better not go to crowded places.2. (教师介绍一名住校学生的父母与老师的通话情况,学生根据教师所述内容,综合运用本话题目标语言,将其表演出来。)T: Im very glad that youve learned a lot about taking care of yourselves. But your parents still worry about you. Yesterday I got a telephone call from a gi

50、rls father. He asked me to tell her to study hard, look after herself and keep healthy. Also he thanked all of us for helping her. Now please make a telephone dialog between her father and me using the target language in this topic, then act it out. (教师巡回指导,然后要求学生表演。)3. (学生根据所表演的对话内容,写电话留言。学生互相核对后,几

51、名学生代表向全班作汇报。) T: Well done! Next, write a telephone message according to the dialog you acted out just now. And then check it with each other and report in the front.4. (师生共同复习Section C中的内容,引出部分生词,导入新课。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)学习1a。初步呈现本课的目标语言,并培养学生的听力和阅读理解能力。Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)通过对1a内容的学习和教师所出示的关键词复述课文,培养学生的总结概括能力。1. (教师出示小黑板或幻灯片。让学生根据关键词,复述课文。)T: Please retell the passage according to the key words above.2. (指导学生归纳总结本话题的语言知识点。)T:Nice work! Now lets sum up the main points of each section. Fou


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