八年级英语下学期期中复习 翻译句子专练 人教新目标版(2021年最新整理)_第1页
八年级英语下学期期中复习 翻译句子专练 人教新目标版(2021年最新整理)_第2页
八年级英语下学期期中复习 翻译句子专练 人教新目标版(2021年最新整理)_第3页
八年级英语下学期期中复习 翻译句子专练 人教新目标版(2021年最新整理)_第4页
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1、(水滴系列)八年级英语下学期期中复习 翻译句子专练 (新版)人教新目标版(水滴系列)八年级英语下学期期中复习 翻译句子专练 (新版)人教新目标版 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(水滴系列)八年级英语下学期期中复习 翻译句子专练 (新版)人教新目标版)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为(水滴系列)

2、八年级英语下学期期中复习 翻译句子专练 (新版)人教新目标版的全部内容。11期中复习翻译句子专练unit 11。 你怎么啦?没什么大事。我感冒了。_2。 如果你讲太多,就会喉咙痛。_3。 如果我切伤了自己,我会敷药在伤口上。 _4。 不要长时间不休息地一直坐在电脑前面。_5. 他看到地上躺着一只钱包。_6。 不要在司机还没把车停下就下车。_7. 让我吃惊的是,大家对这个让人惊讶的消息都不感到吃惊._8。 当你陷入困境,你需要向他人求助。 _9. 当你切到你的手指,首先放在水下冲洗,然后敷药在上面,接下来用绑带缠起来._10. 他过去常常睡懒觉,现在他已经习惯早起了。_11。 我们对这部有趣的电

3、影很感兴趣._12。 汤姆总是乐于助人。_13. the bag is too heavy for her to carry. (用sothat 改为同意句)_14。 露西盼望她爸爸戒烟。_ unit 21. 让我们唱歌来使病童们高兴起来。_2. 你可以在动物园义务照顾动物。_3. 他们想要了解这儿过去是什么样的。_4。 帮助比我们不幸的人对我来说是梦想成真。_5. 李爷爷一个人住在孤岛,但他不觉得孤独。_6. 我弟弟两岁时就能自己写字了。_7. 他们创办了一个机构来帮助残疾人。_8。 这笔钱使他有可能买一辆新自行车。_9。 这场事故没有影响她的生活._10. 他对去郊外野餐的想法感到非常兴奋

4、._11. 我周日有空去公园张贴告示征志愿者._ unit 31. 你能帮我干些家务吗?_2。 我们两人都不能玩电脑游戏了,因为妈妈随时就会回来的。_3. 我刚到家,天就开始下雨了。_4。 我们已经长大了,可以帮爸妈分担家务了。_5。 两年前我不会骑自行车,他也不会。_6. 让孩子做家务是浪费时间。_7。 现在的孩子为了放松把太多的时间花在玩电脑游戏上了._8。 对于父母来说给孩子提供安静的学习环境是很重要的._9。 为了不再依靠父母她努力工作。_10。 养成早睡早起的好习惯对你的健康有益。_11. lucy没小心使用哥哥的相机,结果哥哥生气了。_12. 你学习越努力成绩就会越好。_13. 既

5、然你住在地球上,你就应该尽自己的职责来保护它的环境。_unit 41。 他昨晚直到爸爸回来才做作业。_2. 虽然她每天得做很多作业,但她不觉得压力大。_3. 他在学校和同学相处得那么融洽以至于从不觉得孤独。_4. 你为什么不主动帮助你弟弟呢?_5. tom刚才没在看书而是在玩电脑游戏。_6. 请向我解释一下你为什么未经我的允许翻看我的东西。_7. 在我看来父母不应该把自己的孩子与别的孩子做比较。_8. 考试给孩子带来太多的压力以至于孩子们总是很疲倦。_9. 有时候她要到晚上很晚才能写完作业。_10. 把孩子逼得太紧对他们的发展是不好的._11. 对于孩子来说开心比成功更重要。_ unit 51

6、。 下暴风雨的时候我正走路回家。_2。 当天开始下大雨的时候她正在接电话。_3。 我们在玩电脑游戏的时候,有人敲门。_4。 雨点敲打窗户的声音那么大以至于我睡不着。_5。 当他醒来的时候,他妈妈正在确认他的学习用品是否在书包里。_6。 他在拍照时,我在扫落叶。_7. 当同学们在上第一节课的时候,汤姆还在费力往学校赶。_8。 在收音机里听到这个消息我们都惊呆了。_9。 在他们默读课文的时候,老师进来了。_10. 那时我是如此地害怕以至于脑子一片混乱了。_11。 这次空难的真相对很多人意义重大。_12. 当我在往学校跑的时候,我突然意识到那天是星期六,我们不上课。_ unit1参考答案1。what

7、s the matter /the trouble / wrong with you? nothing serious . i have a cold.2. if you talk too much, youll have a sore throat. 3。 if i cut myself, i will put some medicine on the cut.4。 dont sit in front of the computer for a long time without taking breaks.5. he saw a wallet lying on the ground。 6。

8、 dont get off until the driver stops the bus。7. to my surprise, no one was surprised at the surprising news。8。 when you get into trouble, you need to ask others for help.9。 when you cut your finger, first run it under the water, then put some medicine on it, next put a bandage on it。 10. he used to

9、sleep late ,now he is used to getting up early。11。 we are interested in the interesting movie. 12. tom is always ready to help others.13。 the bag is so heavy that she cant carry it. 14。 lucy expects her father to give up smoking.unit2参考答案1. lets sing to cheer up the sick children。2. you can voluntee

10、r to care for animals at the zoo. 3。 they want to learn about how it used to be.4. helping the people who are less lucky than us is a dream come true for me。5。 grandpa li lives on a lonely island, but he doesnt feel lonely。6. my younger brother could write by himself at the age of two.7. they set up

11、 an organization to help disable people.8。 the money made it possible for him to buy a new bike.9。 the accident made no difference to her life.10. he is very excited about the idea of going for a picnic in the country.11. i free to set up signs asking for volunteers at the park on sunday.unit3参考答案1。

12、 could you please help me (out) with some chores?2. neither of us can play computer games because mom will come back any minute now.3. the minute (that) i arrived home, it began to rain.4。 we are old enough to help our parents share the housework。5. i couldnt ride the bicycle two years ago and neith

13、er could he.6。 making children do chores is a waste of time。7. kids these days spend too much time playing computer games to relax。8. its important for parents to provide their kids with a quiet environment to study。9。 she works hard in order not to depend on her parents. 10. developing the habit of

14、 going to bed early and getting up early is good for your health。11。 lucy wasnt careful with her brothers camera, as a result, he was angry。12。 the harder you study, the better grades you will get.13。 since you live on the earth, you should do your part in protecting its environment。unit4 参考答案1. he

15、didnt do his homework until his father came back last night。2. though she has to do so much homework, she doesnt feel stressed out.3. he gets on so well with his classmates that he never feels lonely。4。 why dont you offer to help your younger brother?5. tom was playing computer games instead of read

16、ing just now.6。 please explain to me why you looked through my things without my permission。7。 in my opinion, parents shouldnt compare their kids with others.8。 examinations cause so much stress for children that theyre always tired。9. sometimes she cant finish her homework until late at night.10。 p

17、ushing the kids too hard is not good for their development.11。 its more important for children to be happy than to be successful。unit 5参考答案1。 i was walking home at the time of the rainstorm。2. she was answering the phone when it began to rain heavily.3. somebody knocked at the door while we were pla

18、ying the computer games。4。 the rain beat so heavily against the windows that i couldnt fall asleep.5. when he woke up, his mother was making sure that all his school things were in his bag.6. while he was taking photos, i was sweeping the fallen leaves。7. while his classmates were having the first class, tom was making his way to school.8。 we were all shocked when we heard the news on the radio.9.


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