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1、职场英语词汇签订合同This is our contract. Please read it carefully beforesigning.这是我们的合同。请仔细阅读后再签字。We have reached an agreement on all the terms. So thereshouldn t be any problem for the contract.我们对各项条款意见都一致了。合同应当没什么问题了。May we once more remind you that the contract should becancelled by one month notice.请允许我

2、们再次提醒您, 双方应在取消合同一个月前进行通知。Well have the contract ready tomorrow. Its been goodworking with you. Thanks again.我们明天就可以把合同准备好。合作愉快,再次感谢。商务公关:产品信息公司与客户对话时通过一问一答的方式,客户对于产品的规格、使用寿命、售后服务、折扣等等有了较详细的了解、为日后订货打好了基础。A: Ah, yes, this is the model I was interested in.啊,是的,这就是我感兴趣的那种样式。B: I should be very happy to

3、give you any further information you need on it.我很乐意提供您所需要的关于它的进一步的信息。A: Yes, what are the specifications?好的,都有哪些规格呢?B:IfI may referyou to page eightof the brochure,youllfind all the specifications there.如果您看一下手册的第8 页,就会在那儿找到所有的规格。A: Ah, yes. Now what about service life?哦,好的。关于使用寿命呢?B: Our tests ind

4、icate that this model has a service life of at least 50, 000 hours.我们的实验表明这种样式至少可以使用五万小时。A: Is that an average figure for this type of equipment?这是这种设备的平均数据吗?B: Oh, no, far from it. Thats about 5,000 hours longer than any other made in its price range.不是的,要高出许多。这种比在同样价格范围内的任何其他样式都要高出 5000 小时左右。A: Th

5、ats impressive. Now what happens if something goes wrong when were using it?非常不错。不过如果这种设备在我们使用的时候发生故障,该怎么办呢?B: If that were to happen, just contact our nearest agent and theyll send someone round immediately.一旦发生那样的情况,同我们最近的办事处联系,他们会马上派人过去的。A: I see. Do you offer discounts for regular purchases?我明白了

6、。长期购买,你们提供折扣吗?B: Yes, we do indeed. Our usual figure is around 5%, but that depends on the size of the order.是的,我们确实这样做。通常的数目是5%左右,但那还要根据订货的多少来定。A: Yes, of course. Well, thank you very much, Mr. Black.那当然了。好了,非常感谢,布莱克先生。B: Not at all, I hope we shall be hearing from you very shortly.不客气。希望尽快听到您的消息。(

7、:竞学网)办公室实用牢骚英语1. Yech.it is a beautiful day out. And here I am stuck inside the office with all this paper work.哎,外面天气那麽好,我却得守在办公室内处理这些文件。2. How am I to know what Im supposed to do if theres no organization around here?如果这里那麽没有条理,我怎麽晓得该做些什麽好呢?3.Thepany is so cheap we have to sharpen our pencilsuntil

8、theyre down to little stubs like this.公司这麽吝啬,害得我们得把铅笔用到这麽短。4.Nowwhere did my erasergo thistime? Donttake thingsoff other peoples desks without asking them,O.K.?这回我的橡皮又到哪里去了?不要不说一声就拿别人桌子上的东西,好吗?5.I want you to stop hogging my desk space,all right?你不要再占用我的桌子,好吗?6.Turn the other way when you smoke,so I

9、 wont have to breathe it,all right?你抽烟时转向那一边,免得我吸到,行不行?7.Donttalkto me while Im in the middle of calculating.我在计算时,别跟我说话。8.Ah,heck!Another mistake.The staff here cant even usetheir calculators right!真见鬼!又错了。这里的职员连计算器都不能正确使用。9.Oh,whydid he have to give methisrush job now thatitsalmost time for my lun

10、ch break!哎,快到午餐休息时间了,他为什麽非给我这个急件不可!10.I know I made a mistake.I just wish he wouldnt keephammering away at it.我知道我犯错误了。我真希望他不要一直骂个不停。11.Doing this mindless work all day is going to drive mecrazy.整天做这种不用动脑筋的工作,会使我发疯的。12.Whydo I have to do allthese extra needless littlejobsanyway?不管怎样,为什麽我得做所有这些多余的、 不必要的琐碎工作?13.How e everyone in our pany is middle-aged stuffy?为什麽我们公司都是一些古板的中年人?14.I dont understand whats going


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