已阅读5页,还剩43页未读 继续免费阅读




1、1,Unit Twelve Insurance,2,What is the purpose of insurance?,house against fire. You can insure your car against accident/theft. nose against harm. life insurance. health insurance. You can effect a endowment insurance.养老保险 accident insurance. burglary and robbery insurance.,3,Insurance Contract(保险合同

2、) 1.Definition (1)保险合同是投保人与保险人约定保险权利义务关系的协议 An insurance contract is an agreement whereby the insurance rights and obligations are specified and agreed by the applicant and the insurer. (2)投保人the applicant 是指与保险人订立保险合同,并按照保险合同负有支付保险费义务的人。 An applicant refers to the party who enters into an insurance

3、 contract with an insurer and is obligated to pay the premiums under the insurance contract. (3)保险人the insurer 是指与投保人订立保险合同,并承担赔偿或者给付保险金责任的保险公司。 An insurer refers to the insurance company which enters into an insurance contract with an applicant and is obligated to make indemnity or payments of the

4、insurance benefits.,4,(4)被保险人the insured 被保险人是指其财产或者人身受保险合同保障,享有保险金请求权的人,投保人可以为被保险人。 The insured refers to anyone whose property or person is protected by the insurance contract and who is entitled to claim for compensation. An applicant may be the insured. (5)保险标的The subject matter 保险标的是指作为保险对象的财产及

5、其有关利益或者人的寿命和身体。 The subject matter of the insurance refers either to the property of the insured and related interests associated therewith, or to the life and the body of the insured, which is the object of the insurance. (6)保险利益 insurable interest 保险利益是指投保人对保险标的具有的法律上承认的利益。 An insurable interest r

6、efers to the interest which the applicant has in the subject matter of the insurance and is recognized by laws. (7)保险事故insured event 保险事故是指保险合同约定的保险责任范围内的事故。 An insured event refers to an event falling within the scope of cover under the insurance contract.,5,(8)保险金额the insured sum 保险金额是指保险人承担赔偿或者给付

7、保险金责任的最高限额。 The sum insured refers to the maximum amount which the insurer undertakes to indemnify or pay under its insurance obligation. (10)保险费the premium 保险费是指投保人向保险人支付的保险合同规定的费用。 The premium refers to the charge that the applicant pays to the insurer as specified in the insurance contract. (11)保

8、险价值insured value 保险价值是指保险标的的保险价值,保险价值可以由投保人和保险人约定并在合同中载明,也可以按照保险事故发生时保险标的的实际价值确定。 The insured value of the subject matter of the insurance may be agreed by the applicant and the insurer, and specified in the contract; or it may be assessed based on the actual value of the subject matter of the insur

9、ance at the time of the occurrence of the insured event.,6,7.2 Fundamental Principles of Cargoes Insurance(保险的基本原则) (1)保险利益原则 The insurable interset 投保人对保险标的应当具有保险利益。 An applicant shall have an insurable interest in the subject matter of the insurance. 投保人对保险标的不具有保险利益的,保险合同无效。 An insurance contract

10、is null and void if the applicant has no insurable interest in the subject matter of the insurance. (2)最大诚信原则 The Utmost Good Faith 订立保险合同,保险人应当向投保人说明保险合同的条款内容,并可以就保险标的或者被保险人的有关情况提出询问,投保人应当如实告知。 The insurer shall, prior to the conclusion of an insurance contract, explain the contract terms and condi

11、tions to the applicant and may inquire about the subject matter of the insurance or person to be insured. The applicant shall make a full and accurate disclosure.,7,(3)赔偿原则 Indemnity 保险金额不得超过保险价值;超过保险价值的,超过的部分无效。 The sum insured shall not exceed the insured value of the subject matter of the insuran

12、ce, and any portion exceeding the insured value of the subject matter of the insurance is null and void as a matter of law.,8,风险: risks, perils total loss 损失:losses particular average partial loss (单独海损) general average (共同海损) 险别:risks, perils, coverages 保险公司按照不同险别包括的风险所造成的损失和发生的费用承担赔偿责任,所以在保险业务中风险、

13、损失和险别三者有着紧密的联系,为此,我们对保险公司所能承保的风险与损失的种类和内容必须有准确的理解。,9,Risks in Cargo Transportation,Risks in cargo transportation are of many kinds. Different risks mean different losses And different risks are covered by different insurance clauses and different insurance clauses mean different premiums保险费 . So we

14、need to have a good understanding of the different risks and losses before we know how to effect insurance. In marine cargo transportation insurance, risks fall into perils of the sea海难 and extraneous risks外来风险.,10,Perils and risks风险,1.Perils of the Sea海难/海上风险 Natural calamities海上发生的自然灾害 Fortuitous

15、accidents意外事故 2.Extraneous risks外来风险 General extraneous risks Special extraneous risks,11,Perils of the sea: natural calamities: heavy weather, lightening, earthquake, volcanic eruption and so on. fortuitous accidents: fire, explosion, vessel being stranded, grounded, sunk or capsized, collision or

16、contact of vessel with any external object other than water,12,Heavy weather,lightening,earthquake,Volcanic eruption,tunami,Natural Calamities,13,Fortuitous accidents,fire,explosion,collision,stranded,sunk,grounded,14,Part 1. Perils and Losses in Ocean Transportation,2. Extraneous risks 外来风险 Extrane

17、ous risks refer to risks outside perils of the sea. (1)General extraneous risks 一般外来风险 General extraneous risks include theft, breakage, leakage, contamination, sweat and heating(受潮受热), taint of odor(串味), hook damage(钩损), shortage(短量) and rust(锈损),15,Part 1. Perils and Losses in Ocean Transportation

18、,(2)Special extraneous risks 特殊外来风险 Special extraneous risks refer to risks resulting from military affairs, political and administrative rules such as war, strikes, failure to deliver(交货不到), rejection(拒绝收货),16,Total loss: Actual Total Loss (实际全损) Constructive Total Loss (推定全损) Partial loss: General

19、 Average (共同海损) Particular Average (单独海损),17,Basic coverage,FPA: Free From Particular Average a limited form of cargo insurance cover under which no partial loss or damage is recoverable. It only provides coverage for total losses and general average emerging from the actual “marine perils” like ves

20、sel being stranded, grounded or sunk. WPA: With Particular Average WA: With Average a wider cover than FPA. It provides extensive cover against all losses or damage due to marine perils throughout the duration of the policy, including partial loss or damage which may be attributed to natural calamit

21、ies like heavy weather.,18,All risks: the most comprehensive of the three basic coverage under which the insurer is responsible for all total or partial loss of, or damage to the goods insured either arising from sea perils or general external causes.,19,Additional coverage,General additional risks

22、general extraneous risks Special additional risks special extraneous risks,20,Part 2. Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of China Insurance Clauses (CIC),Additional risks 1. General additional risks 一般附加险 General additional risks cannot be covered independently and should go with FPA or WPA. They are includ

23、ed in All Risks coverage. The following general extraneous risks are to be covered subject to additional premium.,21,Part 2. Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of China Insurance Clauses (CIC),(1) T.P.N.D( Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery)偷窃提货不着险 (2) Fresh and/or Rain Water Damage Risk (3) Shortage Risk短量险 (

24、4) Intermixture 混杂& Contamination污损 Risks (5) Leakage Risk渗漏险 (6) Clash &Breakage Risks碰损破碎险 (7) Taint 感染of Odor Risk串味险 (8) Sweating & Heating Damage受潮受热险 (9) Hook Damage Risk钩损险 (10) Rust Risk锈损险 (11) Breakage of Packing Risk包装破裂险,22,Part 2. Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of China Insurance Clauses (C

25、IC),2. Special additional risks Special additional risks cover the damage or losses arising from special additional reasons such as political events, military affairs, national policies and acts, and administrative measures. The special additional risks include:,23,What is the premium?,Premium is th

26、e name given to the sum of money paid by the insured.保险费是投保人所付的钱。 How is the premium quoted? It is quoted as a percentage of the sum insured.保险费是按投保金额的百分之几计算的。,24,Insure(cover) the goods FPA(WPA,against All Risks) for the buyers account由买方负担保险费 on behalf of the buyers with an insurance company for t

27、he sum of US$ 100,000 at the rate of 0.5%保险费率为千分之五 at slightly higher premium at/for 110% of the invoice value,25,我们已为该货物向保险公司投保平安险和战争险,保险率0.5%,投保额为45,000美元。 We have insured/covered the goods FPA and against War Risk at the rate of 0.5% for the sum of U.S. $45,000 with the insurance company. 我们已按发票金

28、额的110%投保水渍险及战争险。 We have insured W.P.A and against War Risk at 110% of the invoice value.,26,根据你方要求,我们已对台布按发票金额的110%向中国人民保险公司投保一切险。 In compliance with your request, we have covered insurance on tablecloths against All Risks for 110% of the invoice value with the PICC. 我们愿代你方投保。 We will arrange/effec

29、t insurance on your behalf. 投保effect/arrange/take out/provide/cover insurance,27,Insurance: Insurance on + 保险货物 Insurance on 1000 sets of electric fans Insurance for + 金额 Insurance for 10% of the invoice value Insurance against + 保险险别 Insurance against All Risks Insurance at + 保险费 Insurance at premi

30、um of 5% Insurance with + 保险公司 Insurance with PICC,28,expressions,We shall cover TPND on your order. The goods are to be insured against leakage. How do you cover insurance? This insurance policy covers us against All Risks. We usually insure against All Risks for 10% above the invoice value. Seller

31、s will not in any event be liable for incidental or consequential damages. We know that according to your usual practice, you insure the goods only for 10% above invoice value, therefore, the extra premium will be for our account.,29,Sentence Patterns,1) As requested, we can arrange insurance on you

32、r behalf. 根据你方要求,我们可为你方办理保险。 2) We now desire to have the consignment insured at your end. 我们欲使货物在你处投险。 3) Please let us know the premium at which leakage is covered by the insurers on your side. 请告知贵方保险商承保渗漏险的保险费率。 4) Our usual practice is to insure shipments for the invoice value plus 10%. 本公司的惯常做

33、法是按发票价值加10%为货物投保。 5) We have covered the goods against FPA and TPND. 我们已为货物投保了平安险和偷窃、提货不着险。,30,Sentence Patterns,6).As agreed, we have covered the insurance on the 300 bolts of Printed Shirting for 110% of the invoice value against WPA with the Peoples Insurance Company of China. 按照协议,我方已为300匹印花细布按发

34、票金额的110%向中国人民保险公司投保了水渍险。 7) We can cover your goods against All Risks and War Risks. But at a slightly higher premium, the difference of which will be for your account. 我们可以代你方投保一切险和战争险,但保费稍高,保费差额由你方负担。 8) We are prepared to comply with your request and obtain cover for 150% of the invoice value. Th

35、e extra premium will be for your account 本公司应归公司要求,按发票价值150%投保。额外的保费将由贵公司支付。 9) We shall, of course, refund the premium to you upon receipt of your debit note or, if you like, you may draw on us at sight for the amount required. 一俟收到你方的索款通知,我们会立即返还保险费。如果你们愿意,也可按所付金额向我方开出即期汇票。,31,Sentence Patterns,10

36、) For your reference, we have taken out an Open Policy with the Peoples Insurance Company of China. 现告知贵方,我方已在中国人民保险公司办理了预约保单。 11). In the absence of your definite instructions regarding insurance, we covered your ordered goods against All Risks for 110% of the invoice value according to our usual p

37、ractice. 在未收到贵方明确保险要求的情况下,我们按惯例对你方所订购货物按发票金额110%投保了一切险。 12). The premium for this cover is at the rate of 1% of the declared value of 5,500. 这笔保险的保险费是申报金额5,500美元的1%。 13). The policy is being prepared and will be forwarded to you together with our debit note within this week. 保险单正在准备之中,本周内即可连同索款通知单一并

38、寄上。,32,Sentence Patterns,14). Please see to it that the above-mentioned goods should be shipped before October 25th and the goods should be covered for 125% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risks. We know that according to your usual practice, you insure the goods only for 10% above th

39、e invoice value. Therefore, the extra premium will be for our account. 请注意上述货物必须确保于10月25日前装船。 保险须按发票价格的125%投保一切险和战争险。 我们知道按一般惯例,你方只按发票价格金额加成10%投保,因此额外保险费由我方负担。 15). We regret being unable to comply with your request because we can only cover insurance for 110% of the invoice value according to the c

40、ontract stipulations. 很抱歉难以按贵方要求办理,因为我方只能根据合约规定按照发票金额的110%进行保险。,33,Translate the following sentences into English,1) 我方欲使货物在你处投险。,We now desire to have the consignment insured at your end.,34,Translate the following sentences into English,2) 我们的惯例是按发票价值加10%为货物投保一切险。,Our usual practice is to insure s

41、hipments for the invoice value plus 10% against All Risks.,35,Translate the following sentences into English,3) 我们已为货物投保了平安险和战争险。,We have covered the goods against FPA and War Risks.,36,Translate the following sentences into English,4) 按照协议,我方已为1,000箱罐装肉食按发票金额的110%向中国人民保险公司投保了水渍险。,As agreed, we have

42、 covered the insurance on the 1,000 cases of Canned Meat for 110% of the invoice value against WPA with the Peoples Insurance Company of China.,37,Translate the following sentences into English,5) 本公司应贵公司要求,按发票价值130%投保。额外的保费将由贵公司支付。,We are prepared to comply with your request and obtain cover for 13

43、0% of the invoice value. The extra premium will be for your account.,38,Translate the following sentences into English,6) 一俟收到你方的索款通知,我们会立即返还保险费。,We shall, of course, refund the premium to you upon receipt of your debit note.,39,Translate the following sentences into English,7) 贵方希望投保渗漏险,我们可按稍高一点的保险

44、费率投保此险种。,If you desire to cover risk of leakage, we can provide such coverage at a slightly higher premium.,40,Translate the following sentences into English,8) 所有货物将由买方按FOB价格投保。,BACK,Insurance is to be effected by the buyers under FOB terms.,41,Translate the following sentences into Chinese,1) The rates vary with the nature of the goods, the degree of cover desired and the place of destination.,保险费率要根据商品性质,所要投保的范


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