



1、教师姓名:王威 学校:大兴区魏善庄中学 课题:模块7 Unit4 Sharing (Learning about language)设计思路本节课是这一单元的第一课,重在通过本节课的学习,让学生对于所学词汇能够理解并应用。课前发给学生学案,让学生查找字典,做好本课学习的准备工作;本课的第一步是学习词汇,主要以学生讲解为主,老师适当总结;第二步让学生观看视频和图片,让学生讨论:How can we help people in poor or in danger?; 第三步学生进行写作,给出两个写作素材。教材分析本课选自人教版高二第七模块Unit4 Sharing本单元的中心话题是帮助弱者、志愿

2、服务、合作共享等。通过听、说、读、写等活动不仅学习有关的语言知识,还要培养学生的社会责任感。本单元的教学内容分为以下几部分: 热身; 读前; 阅读; 理解; 语言学习; 语言运用; 小结. 涉及到的要点有:理解志愿者活动,献爱心活动,合作共享的意义;培养学生在日常生活中帮助他人、扶贫救困的爱心;帮助学生树立正确的价值观;掌握本单元教学目标和要求中词汇的用法;学会在写作中正确使用时间表达法;复习限制性定于从句。本节课是这一单元的第一课,在教学中先是词汇和句子的输入,同时加以功能项目中要求的句型,最终达到输出。 学情分析高二1班学生整体素质较好,对于英语学习有比较高的认识。80%学生能够具有一定的

3、英语表达能力,还有部分学生英语基础较差。本班学生喜欢默默的学习,因此课堂氛围可能显得不是很活跃。教学目标By the end of class, students will be able to:知识目标:understand the meaning of the new words and phrases能力目标:write a letter to ICRC to express feelings and want to help people in the earthquake or poor area by using the new words and phrases 情感目标:hav

4、e the awareness of helping the poor or endangered people 教学重点和难点(一) 教学重点:write a letter to ICRC(二)教学难点: express their own opinions in writing 教学资源课本,教学参考书,网络资源,急救文章,教学课件教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图时间安排Step1GreetingStep2Learning about words and expressionsStep3DiscussionStep4WritingStep5HomeworkT greets stud

5、entsT lets students explain, then teacher sums or adds moreEg. hear from 1) 解释2) 增加内容3) 高考链接T shows students some pictures, then asks a question;When students report, teacher writes down the information on the blackboardT gives students the writing material, and helps them analyze it;T gives student

6、s time to writeT displays one or two students writing and evaluates it. To let students polish their writingTo let students preview reading “A letter home” by underlining the important sentencesStudents greets T Students the words and phrasesStudents discuss the question, then report Students try to

7、 understand and remember the points in the writingStudents writeStudents listen and understand the good points and bad points in students writingStudents polish their writingStudents preview reading “A letter home” by underlining the important sentencesTo arise the attention of studyTo train the abi

8、lity of their expressionsTo practice the ability of speakingTo help students catch the detail information in the material To train students writing abilityTo make students have a clear understanding of the materialTo improve their writing abilityTo get a preparation of the further study21510171板书设计 Unit4 Sharing (learning language and writing ) 1. hear from Give them money2. adjust Send medical equipment3. otherwise Go there to help them4. donate Organize


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