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1、 淮 海 工 学 院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系 (院): 计算机科学系 专 业: 计算机科学与技术 姓 名: 王 琴 学 号: 3202000142 (用外文写)外文出处: data synchronization over different platforms under enterprise security policy 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语:外文资料的选材比较正确,内容是企业安全策略下的跨平台数据同步的方法。译文基本准确,该同学认真地完成了外文资料翻译任务。 签名: 2004年 4月 16 日注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻

2、译译文企业安全策略下的跨平台数据同步摘 要:本文探讨了跨平台数据同步的方法,并举例说明了在企业安全策略下实现跨平台数据同步在设计intranet自动化工具中的应用。关键词:企业安全策略、intranet自动化工具、socket通信、组件化编程1. 引言关于b-s开发模式的好处已经被讨论了很多,intranet自动化工具在现代企业办公自动化中的应用正日益普及。随着现代企业朝着国际化、集团化的方向发展,现代企业内部各部门之间出现了分工细密化和分布全球化的趋势。分工细密化和分布全球化的趋势使得各部门之间难以找到一个较完整的可共享的数据和可适用于各部门间独立管理的工具,各部门在开发自己的intrane


4、据库产品的默认设置,也很少公开数据库访问的用户名和密码。因此,在各部门之间通过数据库客户端访问工具进行直接的跨平台数据访问与同步几乎不具备可行性。本文是笔者在摩托罗拉中国软件中心实习期间参与开发intranet自动化工具的设计开发过程中面临的数据同步问题解决方案的总结。2. 几种跨平台数据同步方案在介绍常用跨平台数据同步方法之前有必要简要介绍一下所开发的intranet自动化工具的设计目的和状况。所开发的intranet自动化工具是运行在windows nt平台上的asp应用程序,其设计目的是将本地windows nt平台上的cr tracking(change request trackin

5、g, 变更需求跟踪)access数据库与美国unix平台上含有cr跟踪信息的rational clearddts(distributed defects tracking system, 分布式错误跟踪系统。以下简称ddts)数据库进行同步更新,以实现与本项目相关的cr信息的本地web访问和跟踪。在数据同步中要求实现的功能包括:获取ddts数据库中的新数据用于access数据库的添加、获取ddts数据库中指定纪录的字段值用于access数据库的更新。在接手进一步开发intranet自动化工具之前,本项目组已经有了一个cr跟踪的intranet工具,使用该工具可以进行cr的输入、修改、查询和列表


7、。使用这种方法,只需在windows nt web服务器中安装相应的odbc驱动程序,然后在设计asp程序时使用ado编程,进行数据的简单查询和添加、修改即可进行跨平台数据同步,设计十分简单。但这种方法存在两方面的问题:一是在开放数据库ip端口访问的用户名和密码的同时,即给该数据库所在部门带来了安全隐患,一旦web服务器受到攻击而使用户名和密码被窃取,开放的数据库也就处在被攻击的风险之中;二是有的部门使用的是第三方开发的基于数据库的工具(如ddts工具),其部门本身并没有数据库的管理权限,因而也就无法添加用户名和分配权限。在开发过程中,采用基于socket通信的跨平台数据同步方法。3 .一种基


9、法多次连接和连接关闭后导致僵死进程的情况。在开发过程中,使用popen函数运行一个perl脚本获取所需的数据并将其通过管道返回程序,该脚本使用ddts工具来获取数据。这种方法充分利用了已有工具和perl语言的灵活性,降低了开发难度。为了确保侦听程序始终运行,采用了在unix主机的系统crontab里添加了一条指令使得系统每隔一分钟检查侦听程序scksvr是否正在运行,并在因系统异常导致其中断运行的情况下重新启动。客户端运行在windows nt平台上,采用microsoft visual c+的atl(active template library)模板com开发和mfc socket编程做成

10、一个com组件。使用com组件可以避免在多个asp文件中使用winsock activex控件进行编程,实现代码复用。该com组件还用于一些vbscript脚本,这些vbscript脚本使用该com组件并访问本地数据库实现数据的同步,具体实现的是自动获取ddts上的当天cr到本地数据库并发送e-mail给相关人员、指定条件获取ddts上的cr到本地数据库并发送e-mail给相关人员、自动更新正在进行的cr的状态、根据cr和人员进行的工时收集、cr统计与跟踪等任务,可以使用windows nt的schedule service来定时运行这些vbscript脚本实现数据的定时自动同步。4. 结束语

11、本文分析了在企业安全策略下跨平台数据同步面临的问题和几种数据同步方法,在分析手工同步和开放数据库访问ip端口的利弊基础上提出了一种基于socket通信的数据同步解决方案。在实现基于socket通信的数据同步时,服务器端充分利用了已有的工具和perl语言的灵活性;根据实现intranet自动化工具的需要,客户端使用了visual c+的atl模板设计了一个socket客户端com组件。在设计的自动化工具中,利用windows nt的schedule service实现cr的定时自动同步、更新及发送通知e-mail等任务,使用asp设计对本地数据库访问的交互页面进行cr跟踪。在实际使用中,这种方案

12、很好地满足了设计目的,与原有intranet工具相比,大大降低了所有项目组成员在cr跟踪上所贡献的时间和精力。附件2:外文原文(复印件)data synchronization over different platforms under enterprise security policyabstract: this paper discusses methods of data synchronization over different platforms. then it gives an example to illuminate the application of impleme

13、ntation of data synchronization over different platforms under enterprise security policy in the design of intranet automatic tools.key words: enterprise security policy, intranet automatic tools, socket communication, componential programming1. introduction have been discussed as for b- s developpi

14、ng the advantage of the mode a lot of, the intranet automation tool transacts the application in the automation in the modern business enterprise increasingly universal.along with modern business enterprise towards the direction that internationalization, group turn develops, modern business enterpr

15、ise internal and each section a trend for appearing cent work closely turning with distributing world turning.the cent work is close to turn to turn to make with the world that distribute the trend each section a data for hardly finding out aly more completely sharing with applicably the tool of the

16、 independence management among each section, each section will choose with the resources term according to the characteristics of this section at the time of developping own intranet automating the tool own intranet announces the terrace.on the other hand, the original data in section announces the

17、terrace to affected the section to announce the choice of the terrace to the intranet on the certain degree;on the other hand, at make selection own intranet announce the terrace at the same time, share with other section the section of the data originally too the ground of cowgirl chose own data an

18、nounces the the same time, modern business enterprise internal and each section a data for being in conjunction with work too more and more closely, different section usually needing visitting can renew synchronously, or at least can in certain time partition the proceeding data is synchr

19、onous.although big and part of databases product has own according to tcp/ ip interview method, the strategy in enterprise security is next, each section will usually change to install to the port of ip interview method, combining to develop an own internal data interview tool;the section of having

20、used even the tacit approval of the database product establishes, and also few public the customer of the database interview with password.therefore, pass the database between each each section the customer carry to visit the tool proceed the direct cross-platform data interview with do not have the

21、 possibility synchronously and almost.this text is summary that the synchronous problem in data solution that the writer faces in motor pull period of chinese software center practice participate intranet that develop design development process automate tool.2. synchronous project in data in a few c

22、ross-platformshave the necessary synopsis introduction before introducing synchronous method in data in in common use cross-platform once an intranet for developping automates the design purpose of the tool with the intranet for developping automation tool is a rational to circulates in

23、 the applied procedure in windows nt the asp on the terrace, its design purpose is ascend with the unix terrace of the united states the native windows nt the cr on the terrace tracking( change request tracking, change need follow) the database of access to imply cr follow the information clearddts(

24、 distributed defects tracking system, the distribute type mistake follows the system.below brief name ddts) the database proceeds the synchronous renewal, toing realize with the native web of the related the information of cr in this item visit with follow.request synchronously and inside in the dat

25、a the function that realizes include:the new data that obtain the ddts database middle finger the database of access ddts database inside useds for the word a value increase, obtains the record settles the renewal useds for the database of access.before taking up further development intranet automat

26、ion tool, this item a the tool of intranet for thering has been a cr following, use that tool can proceed the cr importation, modification, search with row form statistics.the intranets tool requests to search with active usage in related personnel in cr ddts tool the information of the related cr,

27、combining to input information to the server of web native database in web recording into page, providing the cr follow the usage.the synchronous method in data of this kind of intranet tool usage is to makes use of the ddts data the interview the tool, handicraft data is synchronous.the synchronous

28、 method in that data realizes simple, but the operation is tedious, especially while searching the demand repeats sex a sql for inputting similarly language sentence, make this work seemed to be dull.speak from the strict meaning, there in no be regarded as the synchronous solution in data in a kind

29、 of consideration of big and part of databases product has own according to tcp/ ip interview method, request the ip port interview related section opens the database and is customer by the limit develops the intranet the personnel with the password perhaps is a realizes in brief s

30、ynchronous method in data in cross-platform.use this kind of method, a simple search for needing in windows nt web server installing homologous odbc driving procedure, then while designing asp procedure usage ado weaving distance, proceeding data with increase, the modification can immediately proce

31、ed the cross-platform data synchronous, design very and in brief.but this kind of method exsits the problem of the both side:while ising in customer a risk for with password at the same time, then bringing the databases place section safe getting, once the server of web suffering attack and usage na

32、me of account with password burglarizing taking, liberal database too being placed in drive attackstoning that open database ip port interview;two what certain sections uses are the third square the development of according to the tool( such as the tool of ddts) of the database, its section oneself

33、management without database legal power, as a result also cant increase customer with assign the legal develop process, adoption according to the cross-platform data that socket correspondence synchronous method.3. a kind of according to socket correspondence of cross-platform data synchron

34、ous methodaccording to socket correspondence of cross-platform data synchronous the method adopts the concept of customers machine/ server, the calculation accordinglying belong to in the different section in different terrace is on board distinguish development responsible for the server of socket

35、that hear with responsible for the copular the customer of socket carries.regard obtaining the word a value that ddts database middle finger settle record as word a that a key word for, being customer carrying with server linking success, customer carrying sending out to server related cr and demand

36、s obtain, the server pass to adjust to acquire with the tool of ddts cowgirl order the word that customer need when carrying a data erupts to give the customer carries.the server of socket circulates the united states in the place of ddts unix host the top, adoption many progress plait distance.plai

37、t distance process inside, produces to handles falsely with handles to the signal of sigchld to the hour of conjunction that establish the eintr is circumstance that key, if handle not good, willing appear cant link with link to cause the progress after closing many develop process, the usa

38、ge popen function circulates a perl the data that script need when obtaining combines its pass the piping return the procedure, that script usage ddts tool to obtain the data.this kind of method made use of to there has been the tool well with the perl phonetic and vivid, lowering the difficulty of

39、development.for insuring the hears the procedure to circulate always, adopting to increase in system in the host of unix crontab an instruction make the each in system penny clock check 侦 hear the procedure scksvr whether in the movement, and start afresh under the situation of causing break among t

40、hem the movement unusually because of the system.the customer carries to circulate on the terrace of windows nt, adoption microsoft visual c+ of the atl( active template library) template com development makes into a com module with the mfc socket plait distance.the usage com module can avoid using

41、in several asps document the winsock activex controls the piece proceeds to weave the distance, realizing the code reply to use.the coms module still useds for the some the script of vbscript, these the script of vbscriptses use the coms module and visit the native database realizes data of synchron

42、ous, realizes in a specific way of obtain the top of ddts that very day cr automatically the native database erupt to send to e- mail to related personnel and specify the cr term obtain the top of ddts the native database erupts to send to e- mail to related personnel and renew automatically under way of cr appearance, according to cr is with the man-hour that personnel proceed collect, the cr statisticses with fol


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