青岛大学 英语研究生真题 607 基础英语 XXXX年_0_第1页
青岛大学 英语研究生真题 607 基础英语 XXXX年_0_第2页
青岛大学 英语研究生真题 607 基础英语 XXXX年_0_第3页
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1、青岛大学 英语研究生真题 607 基础英语 xxxx年 青岛大学xxxx年硕士研究生入学试题 科目代码:_607_ 科目名称:基础英语 (共9页) 请写明题号,将答案全部写在答题纸上,答在试卷上无效 part one vocabulary and structure (40 points) a. choose one of the four answers that best completes the sentence. 1. in 1989 carret hongo was chosen as_ for the pulitzer prize in poetry. a. his being

2、one of the finalists b. to be one of the finalists c. one of the finalists d. the one finalist who 2. the classic american novel moby dick_ an account of the conflict between human beings and their fate. a. may be regarded as b. as may be regarded c. regarded as may be d. regarded may be as 3. it wa

3、s novelist and poet _ in 1968 founded jackson state universitys institute for the study of the history, life, and culture of black people. a. margaret walker did b. margaret walker c. margaret walker who d. margaret walker and 4. _ of green lumber may come from moisture in the wood. a. more weight t

4、han half b. of the weight, more than half c. the weight is more than half d. more than half of the weight 5. _ main processes involved in virtually all manufacturing: extraction, assembly, and alternation. a. there are three b. three c. the three d. three of the 6. the expressionistic artist was con

5、cerned not with the reality of the subject matter but with _ inner nature and the emotions that it aroused. a. it has b. its c. what its d. is it whether 7. one of the basic principles of wildlife conservation involves _ adequate 1 natural food and shelter to maintain populations of each species in

6、a given habitat. a. the provision b. that provision c. to provide d. providing 8. _ one after another, parallel computers perform groups of operations at the same time. a. conventional computers, by handling tasks b. since tasks being handled by conventional computers c. whereas conventional compute

7、rs handle tasks d. while tasks handled by conventional computers 9. the liberty bell, formerly housed in independence hall, _ in philadelphia, was moved to a separate glass pavilion in 1976. a. which a historic building b. a historic building which c. was a historic building d. a historic building 1

8、0. stage producers klaw and erlanger were the first to eliminate arguments among leading performers _in order of appearance, instead of prominence. a. of whom list the program b. the program listing c. for them the program listed d. by listing them on the program b. choose the one word or phrase whi

9、ch would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if they were substituted for the underlined word or phrase. 11. employees were told to take their grievances to the assistant manager. a. salaries b. customers c. complaints d. suggestions 12. these brown insects are ubiquitous, arent they? a.

10、eaten by birds b. found everywhere c. very destructive d. useful to farmers 13. it is unwise to provoke strange animals. a. feed b. touch c. anger d. chase 14. they say he and his brother are gullible, you know. a. very unpopular b. easily deceived c. physically similar d. generally frustrated 15. w

11、hen equipment becomes obsolete, it is time to replace it. a. run down b. out of date c. badly rusted d. expensive to repair 16. im glad to hear about the young mans good convalescence. a. recovery b. response c. appearance d. appointment 17. the statement was attributed to dr. kohler. a. angrily den

12、ied by b. reportedly said by c. presumably repeated by d. carelessly published by 2 18. let me reiterate my main point. a. review b. report c. revise d. repeat 19. judge jones decisions are generally regarded as being equitable. a. long b. clever c. fair d. popular 20. mr. carson thought he was enti

13、tled to more assistance from the government. a. had received b. would obtain c. had a right to d. might apply for 21. some observers thought the war would be calamitous. a. marvelous b. hazardous c. tremendous d. disastrous 22. the young couple continued their secret rendezvous last week. a. courses

14、 b. meetings c. messages d. conversations 23. some of the business practices of the chemical company make it a menace in this area. a. large employer b. major producer c. leader d. threat 24. the doctor said larrys main problem was obesity. a. being fat b. getting old c. smoking too much d. exercisi

15、ng too little 25. they say the government is subsidizing the shipping industry. a. trying to destroy b. helping to support c. starting to develop d. continuing to operate 26. the ideas of the religious group were denounced on yesterday evenings program on tv. a. praised b. ignored c. attacked d. exp

16、lained 27. the main result of the meeting was unanimity. a. great anger b. great concern c. total agreement d. total confusion 28. mrs. davis said she did not know what might alleviate her plan. a. cause b. ease c. stop d. prevent 29. john soon learned that his time in the 100-meter race had been qu

17、ite an accomplishment. a. a cancellation b. a complication c. an achievement d. an accompaniment 30. it is a fact that henry is quite rigid in his views. a. inflexible b. arrogant c. tolerant d. inaccurate 31. few people at first were able to see the magnitude of africas food problems. a. limit b. s

18、ize c. cause d. solution 32. the johnsons may decide to curtail their visit to hawaii. a. cancel b. shorten c. lengthen d. re-schedule 33. it was realized later that a serious nuclear accident had just been averted. a. avowed b. averred c. avoided d. avenged 34. the building was evacuated within a v

19、ery short time. a. opened b. emptied c. cleaned d. painted 35. these chemicals have been found to be toxic to human life. a. useful b. harmless c. essential d. poisonous 36. mr. smith inadvertently revealed to us a business secret. a. obviously b. surprisingly c. unintentionally d. unquestionably 37

20、. i have heard that those men are now under surveillance. a. being watched b. being questioned 3 c. mapping property d. working underground 38. that group was excellent at handling clandestine operations. a. secret b. medical c. cautious d. difficult 39. a new law was passed to obtain more revenue f

21、or the local government. a. money b. power c. offices d. employees 40. most of the conversation between the two men was intelligible. a. rapid b. clever c. disagreeable d. understandable part two proof reading and error correction ( 10 points) the following passage contains ten errors. each line con

22、tains a maximum of one error. in each case, only one word is involved. you should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way. for a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line. for a missing word, mark the position of the

23、 missing word with a “” sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line. for an unnecessary word cross out the unnecessary word with a slash “/”and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line. “ jazz began in new orleans and worked its way

24、 up the river to chicago,” is the announcement most investigators of mainstream popular culture are apt to make when dealing in the vague subject 1._ of jazz and its origins. and while that is certainly a rational explanation, charmingly simple, it is more than likely true. jazz could no more have 2

25、._ begun in one area of the country than did blues. the mass migration of 3._ negroes throughout the south and the general liberating effect of the emancipation make that extremely difficult to say just exactly where 4._ and when jazz originated. it is easy to point out that jazz is music 5._ that c

26、ould not have existed without blues and its various antecedents. moreover, jazz should not be thought of as a successor to blues, 6._ but a very original music that developed out of, and was concomitant with blues and moved off into its own path of development. one 7._ interesting point is that alth

27、ough jazz was developed out of a kind 8._ of blues, blues in their later popular connotation came to mean 9._ a way of playing jazz, and by the swing era the widespread popularity of the blues singer had already been replaced by the jazz player. 10._ part three translation from english into chinese

28、(30 points) only a few short weeks ago, we shared the glory of mans first sight of the world as god sees it, as a single sphere reflecting light in the darkness. as the appollo astronauts flew over the moons gray surface on christmas eve, they spoke to us of the beauty of earth-and in that voice so

29、clear across the lunar distance, we heard them invoke gods blessing on its goodness. in that moment, their view from the moon moved poet archibald macleish to write : “ to see the earth as it truly is, small and blue and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as rider

30、s on the earth together, brothers on that bright loveliness in the eternal cold brothers who know how they are truly brothers.” 4 in that moment of surpassing technological triumph, men turned their thoughts toward home and humanity - seeing in that far perspective that mans destiny on earth is not

31、divisible; telling us that however far we reach into the cosmos, our destiny lies not in the stars but on earth itself, in our own hands and our own hearts. part four reading comprehension (30 points) passage one william morris died 100 years ago and is remembered as one of the greatest and most att

32、ractive figures of victorian britain. as a designer and decorator morris towered over his contemporaries, altering ideas about buildings and interiors and bringing about a renaissance in the crafts. many of his textiles are still in production and have never lost their freshness. morris was arguably

33、 the most brilliantly inventive creator of pattern that there has ever been. this is the william morris being celebrated in a whole succession of centenary exhibitions in britain, throughout europe and the united states. the largest and most sumptuous opens at the victoria and albert museum in londo

34、n this may. but we must not allow concentration on morris as the supreme designer of his time to blind us to the fact that there was another william morris, indeed two. morris was a man of almost superman energy who was also one of the best known poets of his period, considered on a par with brownin

35、g and tennyson; he was even sounded out as a possible poet laureate on the death of the latter. he was also a political activist, in the thick of revolutionary socialism in the london of the 1880s. these three threads wove in and out of morriss life and personality like the complex pattern in one of

36、 his tapestries. it is possible to trace the beginnings of these passions back right to morriss childhood. he was born, in 1834, into prosperity. his father was a partner in a firm of discount brokers in the city of london. the morris family fortune had been made by speculation in copper mines in the western country of devon. the young morris was a


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