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1、姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_-密-封 -线- 英语专业四级考试全真模拟试卷六(1)考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分题号一二三四五总分分数遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。part writing45 min.section a composition35 min.write on answer sheet one a composition of 150 words on the following topic:health and wealth, which to prefer?you are to write in three paragraphs.in

2、the first paragraph, state clearly your viewpoint on the issue.in the second paragraph, explain your reasons clearly and with supporting details.in the last paragraph, draw a conclusion or suggestion.marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. failure to follow the inst

3、ructions may result in a loss of marks.section b note-writing10 min.write on answer sheet one a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:you have promised to join your friend mikes party, but now you cant go. write to apologize and explain why. marks will be awarded for content, or

4、ganization,grammar and appropriacy.part dictation15 min.listen to the following passage. altogether the passage will be read to you four times. during the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. for the second and third readings, the passage will

5、be read sentence by sentence, or perhaps phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. the last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. you will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. please write the whole passage on answe

6、r sheet two.part listening comprehension20 min.in sections a, b and c you will hear everything once only. listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. mark the correct response for each question on your answer sheet.section astatementin this section you will hear nine statements. at t

7、he end of each statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following nine questions. 1. what does the speaker imply?a. well go home because there are no tickets available for the movie.b. well go home because there are no tickets available for the concert.c. well go to the movie bec

8、ause we couldnt get any tickets for the concert.d. well go to the concert instead of going back home.2. the speaker means_.a. it hurt me to look at the lamp. b. i hurt myself on the lamp. c. the lamp attracted my attention. d. i bought the lamp.3. the blouses will cost_.a. $160b. $40c. $18d. $804. t

9、he speaker earns_a month.a. $900b. $1800c. $200d.$4005. how did mary feel about the movie?a. she found it interesting.b. she found it lengthy.c. she found it significant.d. she found it boring.6. where does sandy believe life is harder?a. the city.b. the country.c. the lake.d. the swamp.7. frank_.a.

10、 called his mother three days agob. was too busy to call his motherc. called his mother three days laterd. hadnt called his mother for more than three days8. the speaker claims_.a. dont make noise in the kitchenb. you may not cook herec. they were quite when they ated. these are homemade cookies9. w

11、hat is the meaning of the speaker?a. if you can see the movie on television, why pay for it? b. would it be foolish to watch that movie on television? c. why did you pay to see a movie on television? d. when you saw that movie on television, was it silly? section bconversationin this section, you wi

12、ll hear eight conversations between two speakers. at the end of each conversation, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following eight questions.10. what does the woman imply?a. the man should watch the program, too.b. the man should leave the television on.c. the program will be over

13、 soon.d. shell watch television later.11. when was the fire built?a. before the man came home.b. after the man came home.c. after the woman left. d. when both were home.12. how is the woman doing in the course?a. she understands very little.b. she hasnt been doing much of the reading.c. she isnt hav

14、ing much trouble.d. she understood the reading last night.13. whats the topic of the conversation?a. a robbery.b. a burglaryc. a theft.d. an armed robbery.14. what have the students been assigned to do before saturday?a. nothing.b. to check out book from the library.c. to see a movie and write a par

15、agraph.d. to read the next chapter in the textbook.15. how much does the stereo cost now?a. $1000.b. $800.c. $820.d. $960.16. what happened to myron?a. he passed out.b. he failed to get the job of chairman. c. he made the wrong selection.d. he was put in an awkward position.17. what did the woman sa

16、y of her knowledge of foreign languages?a. she hasnt learned french.b. she can speak several foreign languages including french.c. she can speak either german or french.d. she speaks neither french nor german.section c news broadcastquestions 18 to 19 are based on the following news item. at the end

17、 of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the two questions.now listen to the news.18. which one of the following is not mentioned in the list of the military equipment handed over?a. rifles.b. vehicles.c. uniforms.d. fuel.19. which of the following is true?a. the ruf seized military

18、 equipment from u.n. peacekeepers earlier this year.b. the logistical problems prevented the return of all the u.n. equipment.c. the rebels seized the military equipment when they surrounded and seized several u.n peacekeepers.d. the u.n. troops later escaped from the prison.questions 20 to 21 are b

19、ased on the following news item. at the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the two questions. now listen to the news.20. whats the percentage of the unhealthy children by the time they graduated from high school?a. 10%.b. 13%.c. 20%.d. 90%.21. what is the national average r

20、ate of the measles among children?a. 13 out of every 1000 children.b. 40 out of every 1000 children.c. 1 out of every 1000 children.d. 0.3 out of every 1000 children.questions 22 to 23 are based on the following news item. at the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the two q

21、uestions.now listen to the news.22. the peacekeeping force is led by_.a. natob. germanc. u.n.d. u.s.a.23. how long will the role of german peacekeepers be extended?a. 5 years.b. 5 months.c. 1 year.d. 1 month.questions 24 to 25 are based on the following news item. at the end of the news item, you wi

22、ll be given 20 seconds to answer the two questions. now listen to the news.24. where did the afghan islamic press based?a. afghan.b. saudi arabia.c. pakistan.d. united arab emirates.25. which is the opposition governments capital?a. taloqan.b. ishkamish.c. namakabad.d. faizabad. cloze15 min.decide w

23、hich of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. mark the correct choice for each blank on your answer sheet.today there are a great variety of types of colleges and universities in the united states. some are _26_by the states, others are

24、 privately endowed, and _27_ are supported by _28_ sects. some of these institutions focus on a general liberal education; others on technical and practical training, on specialized research, on the fine arts, or on preparation for the practice of a profession. between 1900 and 1950 college enrollme

25、nt _29_ tenfold, and it has grown much greater since then. the students represent all economic levels of society and all races.state governments and other governmental _30_, special foundations, and the colleges themselves grant many _31_ to students with special abilities and to those with _32_ nee

26、ds. and the federal government has established a vast program offering long-term loans to students to help them _33_ their education expenses. the goal is to make higher learning available to everyone who is willing and capable, _34_his financial situation.to _35_ educational opportunity to more of

27、the population, _36_ schools have been established. these include two-year junior colleges and _37_ colleges for workers. there are city-supported and state-supported colleges with _38_ little or no _39_. some of them have _40_ admission policy, so that anyone who has graduated from high school is a

28、ccepted.26. a. held onb. backed upc. stood outd. put in27. a. more othersb. others morec. still othersd. others still28. a. religiousb. spiritualc. sacredd. godly29. a. reproducedb. multipliedc. intensifiedd. strengthened30. a. agenciesb. organizersc. officialsd. leaders31. a. opportunitiesb. occasi

29、onsc. scholarshipsd. assistantships32. a. economicalb. financialc. materiald. psychological33. a. lookb. bindc. keepd. meet34. a. regardless ofb. with regard toc. in consideration ofd. despite of35. a. intendb. spreadc. resortd. demand36. a. less-demandingb. more-demandingc. less-acquiring d. more-a

30、cquiring37. a. extrab. sparec. eveningd. nightly38. a. refundb. chargec. exposed. enlist39. a. taxationb. depositc. spendingd. tuition40. a. a closeb. an interc. a transd. an open part grammar and vocabulary15 min.there are twenty-five sentences in this section. beneath each sentence there are four

31、words or phrases marked a, b, c and d. choose one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence. mark your answers on your answer sheet.41. i believe watching tv is_ listening to radio.a. so good or better thanb. like good or better thanc. as good as or better thand. as good as or better42. t

32、he effect of the medicine,_ we had expected, was quite encouraging. a. whichb. thatc. asd. what43. “would you send this message to prof. wilson?”“sure,_him about something else in any case, so there wont be any bother at all.”a. ill seeb. i seec. ill be seeingd. i may see44. i have no choice then bu

33、t _the work.a. finishedb. to finishc. finishd. finishing45. “during last decade, there have been many changes in family life.”“are these changes _?”a. for the good or for the badb. for the worse or for the betterc. for worse or for betterd. for the worst or for the best46. james was born in london_m

34、ay 7, 1952 _4:45_the morning.a. on/at/inb. in/at/inc. in/at/ond. on/by/in47. is it important that he_ his education in all ways?a. developb. developsc. will developd. developed48. can you introduce the girl_ the right to me?a. inb. atc. ond. of49. a sneeze cannot be performed voluntarily,_ be easily

35、 suppressed.a. nor it canb. it can notc. nor can itd. cannot it50. he is still not here, he_.a. may miss his planeb. could miss his planec. should have missed his planed. may have missed his plane51. i do not doubt_ he will appear soon.a. thatb. whetherc. ifd. whatever52. all substances,_, liquid or solid, are made up of atoms.a. be they gasesb. whether they are gasesc. they are gasesd. they can be gases53. only in recent years_ begun to realize the importance of internet.a. people have


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