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1、消防行业专有名词中英对照fire prevention code防火规范uniform fire code, 2003 edition (incorporates provisions from both the fire prevention code and the wfcas uniform fire code)统一消防规范 2003版 standard for portable fire extinguishers手提灭火器标准standard for low-expansion foam低倍数泡沫灭火系统标准standard for medium- and high-expansio

2、n foam systems中高倍数泡沫灭火系统 标准standard on carbon dioxide extinguishing systems 二氧化碳灭火系统标准standard on halon 1301 fire extinguishing systems哈龙1301灭火系统标准standard for the installation of sprinkler systems自动喷水灭火系统安装标准standard for the installation of sprinkler systems handbook自动喷水灭火系统安装标准手册automatic sprinkle

3、r system handbook, cd-rom, 2002 edition自动喷水灭火系统安装标准手册cd 2002年版standard for the installation of sprinkler systems in one- and two-family dwellings and manufactured homes单户及双户居室和厂房自动喷水灭火系统标准recommended practice for fire department operations in properties protected by sprinkler and standpipe systems消防

4、部门对喷水和水管系统保护的财产保护的推荐操作standard for the installation of sprinkler systems in residential occupancies up to and including four stories in height四层及四层以上的建筑安装自动喷水系统的标准standard for the installation of standpipe, private hydrants, and hose systems水管系统、私人消防管系统及哈龙灭火系统安装标准。standard for water spray fixed syst

5、ems for fire protection固定防火洒水系统标准standard for the installation of foam-water sprinkler and foam-water spray systems泡沫水喷洒系统安装标准standard for dry chemical extinguishing systems干粉灭火系统标准standard for wet chemical extinguishing systems湿粉灭火系统标准standard on wetting agents 润饰剂标准standard for the installation of

6、 stationary pumps for fire protection消防固定水管的安装标准standard for water tanks for private fire protection个人消防水塔标准standard for the installation of private fire service mains and their appurtenances个人消防供水总线及附属装置的安装标准standard for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of water-based fire protection system

7、s水用消防系统的检查、测试和维护标准flammable and combustible liquids code可燃、易燃液体的标准code for motor fuel dispensing facilities and repair garages电动机燃料分配设备极其修理厂规范code for the manufacture and storage of aerosol products 烟雾品生产和存储标准standard for the installation of oil-burning equipment燃油设备的安装标准standard for dry cleaning pl

8、ants干粉清理剂工厂标准standard for spray application using flammable or combustible materials易燃品喷洒装置标准standard for dipping and coating processes using flammable or combustible liquids易燃液体浸渍及涂料工艺标准standard for the manufacture of organic coatings 有机涂料生产标准standard for solvent extraction plants可溶物分解工厂标准standard

9、for the installation and use of stationary combustion engines and gas turbines固定式内燃机和气体涡轮机的安装和使用标准standard for the storage and handling of cellulose nitrate film纤维素硝酸盐胶片的使用和处理标准code for the storage of pyroxylin plastic硝酸纤维素塑料的存储标准 2002年版standard on fire protection for laboratories using chemicals化学实

10、验室的防火标准standard for bulk oxygen systems at consumer sites用户区大容量氧气系统标准standard for gaseous hydrogen systems at consumer sites用户区气态氢系统标准standard for liquefied hydrogen systems at consumer sites用户区液化氢系统标准standard for the design and installation of oxygen-fuel gas systems for welding, cutting, and allie

11、d processes焊接、切割及相关用途的氧气燃料系统的设计、安装标准standard for acetylene cylinder charging plants乙炔钢瓶充气厂标准standard for fire prevention during welding, cutting, and other hot work焊接、切割及其它动火施工的防火标准compressed natural gas (cng) vehicular fuel systems code处置天燃气(cng)汽车燃料系统规范recommended practice on materials, equipment

12、and systems used in oxygen-enriched atmospheres富氧环境下材料、装置和系统推荐实施规程national fuel gas code国家燃油气体标准 2002年版national fuel gas code handbook, 2002 edition国家燃油气体标准手册 02版national fuel gas code handbook, 2002 cd-rom edition国家燃油气体标准手册cd 02版standard for the storage, use, and handling of compressed and liquefie

13、d gases in portable cylinders轻便式瓶装处置液化气的储存、使用和处理标准 2003年版liquefied natural gas (lng) vehicular fuel systems code液化天然气体车载系统标准liquefied petroleum gas code液化石油气标准utility lp-gas plant code公用煤气站中液化石油气的储存与处理标准standard for the production, storage, and handling of liquefied natural gas (lng)液化天然气的生产、储存与处理标准

14、standard for the prevention of fires and dust explosions in agricultural and food products facilities农业和食品业设备防火和防尘标准guide for venting of deflagrations爆燃通风指南standard on explosion prevention systems防爆系统标准national electrical code(r) 国家电气规范national electrical code(r) handbook 国家电气规范手册electrical code for

15、 one- and two-family dwellings and mobile homes单户和双户居室和移动居室的电子标准recommended practice for electrical equipment maintenance电子设备维护的推荐操作 2002年版standard for electrical safety requirements for employee workplaces工作区域电子安全要求标准national fire alarm code(r)国家火灾报警规范national fire alarm code(r) handbook国家火灾报警规范手册n

16、ational fire alarm code handbook cd-rom, 2002 edition国家火灾报警规范手册cd 02版electrical inspection code for existing dwellings一至二户住宅的电气维修规范standard for the protection of electronic computer/data processing equipment电子计算机/数据处理设备的保护标准recommended practice for the fire protection of telecommunications facilitie

17、s电子通讯设备防火推荐操作recommended practice on static electricity静电的推荐实施规程electrical standard for industrial machinery工业机器电子标准standard for fire doors and fire windows防火门窗标准recommended practice for protection of buildings from exterior fire exposures建筑物内部放火和防暴推荐操作standard on incinerators and waste and linen ha

18、ndling systems and equipment焚化炉及废品和亚麻品处理系统的标准boiler and combustion systems hazards code锅炉与燃烧系统的危险等级标准standard for ovens and furnaces烘箱与熔炉标准standard for industrial furnaces using a special processing atmosphere使用经处理的气体作燃料的工业熔炉标准standard for industrial furnaces using vacuum as an atmosphere真空工业熔炉标准sta

19、ndard for parking structures停车厂建筑标准standard for repair garages修车库标准standard for the installation of air-conditioning and ventilating systems空调和通风系统的安装标准standard for the installation of warm air heating and air-conditioning systems暖气与空调系统的安装标准standard for exhaust systems for air conveying of vapors,

20、gases, mists, and noncombustible particulate solids输送水蒸气、其它气体、雾气、不燃固体颗粒的空气排气装置标准recommended practice for smoke-control systems控烟系统的推荐标准guide for smoke management systems in malls, atria, and large areas购物厅,大厅和较大区域那烟尘控制系统的指导standard for ventilation control and fire protection of commercial cooking op

21、erations商用烹烤的通风和防火标准standard glossary of terms relating to chimneys, vents, and heat-producing appliances有关烟囱、通风孔和热处理设备的术语表 2003版standard for health care facilities康复设施标准standard for health care facilities handbook康复设施标准手册standard for hypobaric facilities低比重设备标准standard on gas and vacuum systems煤气和吸

22、尘系统标准life safety code, 2003 edition 建筑物、构筑物火灾的生命安全保障规范-2003年版/editionlife safety code handbook, 2003 edition建筑物、构筑物火灾的生命安全保障规范手册-2003年版/editionlife safety code handbook on cd, 2003 edition建筑物、构筑物火灾的生命安全保障规范手册cd-2003年版/editionguide on alternative approaches to life safety确保生命安全的选择性方法指南code for means

23、of egress for buildings and structures大楼、建筑物紧急出口规范standard for grandstands, folding and telescopic seating, tents, and membrane structures看台、折叠或伸缩席,帐篷和防护膜结构的标准recommended practice for the installation of smoke-control door assemblies控烟门装配安装标准 2003年版standard for emergency and standby power systems应急和

24、备用动力系统标准standard on stored electrical energy emergency and standby power systems储备电能应急和备用动力系统标准recommended practice on laser fire protection激光消防器的推荐操作standard for coal preparation plants煤厂消防标准standard on fire protection for self-propelled and mobile surface mining equipment自走式表面采矿设备的防火保护标准standard f

25、or fire prevention and control in underground metal and nonmetal mines金属或非金属的地下矿的火灾防护和控制标准standard for fire prevention and control in underground bituminous coal mines沥青煤矿的火灾防护和控制标准standard for fixed guideway transit and passenger rail systems固定式导向槽运送系统标准standard on motion picture and television pro

26、duction studio soundstages and approved production facilities影视音响室和其他影影视设备的标准standard on fire safety in racetrack stables赛马场消防安全标准standard for flame effects before an audience特技火焰对观众影响标准standard for fire safety symbols消防安全符号标准 2002版guide on roof coverings and roof deck constructions层面覆盖层与屋面盖板结构指南sta

27、ndard for smoke and heat venting烟热发散标准standard for chimneys, fireplaces, vents, and solid fuel-burning appliances烟囱、壁炉、通风口与固体燃料燃烧器标准standard on water-cooling towers水冷却塔标准standard on types of building construction建筑物类性型标准standard for fire walls and fire barrier walls防火墙和防火隔离带的标准standard for manufactu

28、red home sites, communities, and setups预制房屋的选址和建造标准standard for the fire protection of storage仓库防火标准standard for the protection of records档案履历储藏消防安全标准standard for safeguarding construction, alteration, and demolition operations建筑防护、改造和拆除操作的标准standard methods of tests of fire endurance of building co

29、nstruction and materials建筑结构和材料耐火性测试方式standard methods of fire tests of door assemblies 门户装配消防测试方法标准standard method of test for critical radiant flux of floor covering systems using a radiant heat energy source用辐射热能源的楼面覆盖层的临时辐射通量的标准测试方法standard method of test of surface burning characteristics of bu

30、ilding materials建筑材料的表面燃烧层特性的标准测试方法standard methods of fire tests of roof coverings屋顶覆盖物的防火性能标准测试方法standard on fire test for window and glass block assemblies窗户和玻璃镜片组装的防火性能的测试标准recommended practice for determining smoke generation of solid materials固体燃料发烟情况研究测试方法标准standard test method for potential

31、heat of building materials建筑材料的潜热性能的标准测试方法standard methods of tests and classification system for cigarette ignition resistance of components of upholstered furniture家具耐香烟着火性的标准测试方法和分类系统standard method of test for determining resistance of mock-up upholstered furniture material assemblies to ignitio

32、n by smoldering cigarettes通过阴燃鉴定家具材料耐香烟着火性的标准测试方法standard method of test for flame travel and smoke of wires and cables for use in air-handling spaces空中电线和光缆的火焰和烟尘移动率的标准测试方法standard methods of fire tests for evaluating room fire growth contribution of textile wall coverings评定纺织品墙面覆盖物室内火灾扩展率的标准测试方法st

33、andard method of test for fire characteristics of mattresses and bedding assemblies exposed to flaming ignition source暴露在有焰点火源下的床垫、被褥火灾特性试验方法标准standard test method for determining ignitibility of exterior wall assemblies using a radiant heat energy source运用辐射热能源的内部墙防燃性的标准测试方法standard test method for

34、 developing toxic potency data for use in fire hazard modeling火灾危险模型的有毒数据发展的标准测试方法standard test method for measurement of smoke obscuration using a conical radiant source in a single closed chamber单间闭室内锥形辐射源的烟尘灰暗度的标准测试方法standard method of test for heat and visible smoke release rates for materials a

35、nd products using an oxygen consumption calorimeter用耗氧型热量计测试材料和产品的热量和可见烟发散度的标准方法standard method of test for heat and visible smoke release rates for upholstered furniture components or composites and mattresses using an oxygen consumption calorimeter用耗氧型热量计测试家具材料和组成部分的热量和可见烟发散度的标准方法 2003版standard me

36、thod of test for determining the degrees of combustibility of building materials鉴定建筑材料可燃度的标准测试方法standard methods of tests to evaluate fire performance characteristics of pipe insulation评定绝缘管道防火性的标准测试方法standard test method for mattresses for correctional occupancies可变式空气垫的标准测试方法standard method of tes

37、t for the evaluation of flammability characteristics of exterior non-load-bearing wall assemblies containing combustible components using the intermediate-scale, multistory test apparatus 用中等的多层楼测试设备测试含有可燃成份的非承重墙易燃性的标准测试方法standard methods of fire tests for evaluating contribution of wall and ceiling

38、 interior finish to room fire growth 墙壁和屋顶室内燃烧的扩散率的标准测试方法standard test methods for measurement of flammability of materials in cleanrooms using a fire propagation apparatus (fpa) 易燃物在无尘室里的火灾传播试验方法标准standard method of fire tests of floor fire door assemblies installed horizontally in fire resistance

39、rated floor systems在抗火层内水平安装的防火门的标准测试方法standard test method for lp-gas containers液化石油气容器的实验方法标准recommended practice for fire flow testing and marking of hydrants消防给水容量的测试和标定的推荐操作standard for wildfire control野外火灾控制的标准standard for protection of life and property from wildfire野外火灾生命和财产保护的标准code for saf

40、ety to life from fire on merchant vessels商用船只火灾的生命安全标准fire protection standard for pleasure and commercial motor craft娱乐和商用电动飞行器的防火标准fire protection standard for marinas and boatyards码头及造船厂的消防标准petroleum wharves码头石油标准standard for the control of gas hazards on vessels船只煤气危险的控制标准standard for the const

41、ruction and fire protection of marine terminals, piers, and wharves航海站、桥墩和码头的建设和防火性标准standard for fire protection of vessels during construction, repair, and lay-up在船只建设、修理和升级时的防火标准standard for the protection of cleanrooms洁净室的消防标准standard for the safeguarding of tanks and containers for entry, clean

42、ing, or repair罐与容器的进入、清洁与维修安全指南标准recommended practice for handling releases of flammable and combustible liquids and gases处理释放的易燃、可燃液体的推荐实施规程standard for tank vehicles for flammable and combustible liquids装易燃液体的槽车标准standard for the storage of flammable and combustible liquids at farms and isolated s

43、ites在农田或偏僻区域的易燃液体的存储标准guide for aircraft rescue and fire fighting operations飞机救援与灭火操作指南标准standard for aircraft rescue and fire fighting services at airports机场消防和营救标准recommended practice for the recurring proficiency training of aircraft rescue and fire-fighting services机场营救和消防服务再度应变能力训练的推荐操作standard

44、 for aircraft fuel servicing飞机燃料供应标准standard for aircraft hand portable fire extinguishers飞机手提式灭火器标准standard on aircraft hangars机场库标准standard on aircraft maintenance飞机维修标准standard for evaluating aircraft rescue and fire fighting foam equipment评定用于飞机营救和灭火泡沫器材性能的标准standard for aircraft rescue and fire

45、 fighting vehicles用于飞机营救和灭火的车辆标准standard on airport terminal buildings, fueling ramp drainage, and loading walkways机场终点建筑、油料管道和装载道的标准standard for heliports直升机机场标准guide for aircraft accident response飞机事故处理指南standard for construction and protection of aircraft engine test facilities建设和防护飞机引擎测试设备的标准gui

46、de for airport/community emergency planning机场及社团应急计划指南code for the storage of liquid and solid oxidizers液体和固体氧化剂存储标准code for the storage of organic peroxide formulations有机过氧化氢物的存储标准code for the storage of pesticides杀虫剂存储标准recommended practice for responding to hazardous materials incidents危险品事故防范对策推

47、荐实施规程standard for professional competence of responders to hazardous materials incidents危险品事故专职处理人员资格标准standard for competencies for ems personnel responding to hazardous materials incidents处理危险品事故的紧急医疗服务(ems)人员资格标准standard for the storage, handling and processing of magnesium solids and powders镁颗粒和

48、粉末的存储、处理和处置标准standard for the production, processing, handling, and storage of titanium铝的制造、处置、处理和存储标准standard for the production, processing, handling and storage of zirconium锌的制造、处置、处理和存储标准standard for combustible metals, metal powders, and metal dusts易燃金属、金属粉末和金属灰尘的标准standard for the storage, han

49、dling, processing, and use of lithium metal锂的存储、处理、处置和使用的标准code for the storage of ammonium nitrate硝酸盐和胺的存储标准explosive materials code爆炸物规范standard for purged and pressurized enclosures for electrical equipment电气设备清洁与加压的密闭场所标准recommended practice for the classification of flammable liquids, gases, or

50、 vapors and of hazardous (classified) locations for electrical installations in chemical process areas易燃液体、气体或蒸汽分类和化工生产区中电气装置危险品(经分类)设置分类推荐实施规程standard for safe havens and interchange lots for vehicles transporting explosives车载爆炸物的安全处和互换处的标准recommended practice for the classification of combustible

51、dusts and of hazardous (classified) locations for electrical installations in chemical process areas可燃灰尘分类和化工生产区中电气装置危险品(经分类)设置分类推荐实施规程standard on manufactured housing厂房建设标准 2003年版standard for fire safety criteria for manufactured home installations, sites, and communities厂房建设和社团的消防安全标准 2003年版standa

52、rd for road tunnels, bridges, and other limited access highways地下渠道、桥梁和限制级高速公路的标准fire safety standard for powered industrial trucks including type designations, areas of use, conversions, maintenance, and operation动力工业用车包括类型选派,使用区域,转化,维修和操作的消防标准standard on subterranean spaces地下空间标准guide to the fire

53、safety concepts tree消防安全原则目录指南guide for the evaluation of fire risk assessments消防险情评估指南guide on methods for evaluating potential for room flashover火灾房间发生轰然的可能性评估方法指南standard for the storage, handling, and use of ethylene oxide for sterilization and fumigation用于杀菌和熏烟的乙撑氧的存储、处理和使用标准standard on industr

54、ial fire brigades企业消防队标准standard for security services in fire loss prevention安全部门火灾损失预防标准guide for safety of motorsports venues摩托运动场馆安全指南standard for the machining and finishing of aluminum and the production and handling of aluminum powders铝和铝制品级铝粉的生长和使用标准standard for the prevention of fire and du

55、st explosions from the manufacturing, processing, and handling of combustible particulate solids易燃固体微粒生产、处置和处理防火和防爆的预防标准standard for prevention of sulfur fires and explosions硫磺火灾和爆炸的预防标准standard for the prevention of fires and explosions in wood processing and woodworking facilities森林防火防爆处理和林木工作设备标准

56、standard methods of fire tests for flame propagation of textiles and films纺织品和胶片的火焰传播的消防标准测试standard for fire retardant impregnated wood and fire retardant coatings for building materials建筑材料阻火型木材和涂料的消防标准standard system for the identification of the hazards of materials for emergency response危险品紧急处理

57、系统鉴别标准recommended practice for a field flame test for textiles and film纺织品和胶片野外火焰测试标准recommended practice for the installation of household carbon monoxide (co) warning equipment家居用一氧化碳警报设备组装的推荐操作premises security code安全准则前提installation of premises security equipment安全设备基础的组装standard on water mist f

58、ire protection systems水雾防火系统标准standard for the installation of lightning protection systems防雷系统安装标准standard for fire protection for facilities handling radioactive materials放射性材料处理设备的消防标准standard for fire protection for advanced light water reactor electric generating plants新型轻水反应堆发电厂防火标准performance-based standard for fire protection for light water reactor electric generating plants轻水反应堆发电厂防火装置基本性能标准standard for fire protection in wastewater treatment a


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