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1、give roses to others and the lasting fragrance will remain in your hand.,下一页,be generous and you will be prosperous. help others and you will be helped.,下一页,unit4 sharing warming-up reading,can you guess who they are?,norman bethune 白求恩,mother teresa 特蕾莎修女,a volunteer teacher,下一页,the woman was in pa

2、pua new guinea (png) for two years,pre-reading,independent state of papua new guinea,巴布亚新几内亚独立国,do you know where png is?,下一页,located to the north of australia,pngs national flag and national emblem(国徽) pngs paper currency,巴布亚在马来语中意为“卷发人”。 16世纪中叶,葡萄牙人来到该岛时,见 当地居民和自然景观很像非洲的几内亚, 故称之为新几内亚.,png is a poo

3、r country with most people living in tribal(部落的) villages. its educational and living conditions are especially poor.,this reading passage is an airmail from jo, a volunteer teacher in png.,a letter home,下一页,fortnight n. hear from be dying to bamboo n. muddy adj. track n. imaginative adj. challengin

4、g adj. equipment n. experiment n. mixture n.,两星期,收到某人的来信,极想、渴望,竹子,泥泞的,小道,有想象力的,充满挑战的,设备,实验,混合物,12. come across 13. relevant adj. 14. to be honest 15. make any difference to 16. local people 17. dialect n. 18. remote adj. 19. ridge n. 20. relative n. 21. stick out of 22. rectangular adj.,偶然遇见、碰见,有关的、

5、相关的,说实话,对有任何影响,当地人,方言,遥远的,山脊、屋脊,亲戚,使某物伸出、突出,长方形的、矩形,23. adjust vt. 24. newly made 25. possession n. 26. steam vt. 27. participate in 28. puzzled adj. 29. dry out 30. dry up 31. otherwise 32. privilege n.,调节、调整,新制造的,所有物、财产,蒸,参加,困惑的、迷惑的,(使浸水之物)干透,干涸,否则,特权,task1 fast-reading,1.read and get its main ide

6、a.,the passage is written in the form of a letter by a young_(voluntary), jo. it is about her experience_ a teacher and her first visit _ a village _ is the home of her students.,volunteer,as,to,which/that,2.now ,can you divide the passage into two parts? how?,下一页,electricity or water,bush,bamboo,st

7、icking out,task2 careful-reading1,下一页,inside,newly made,fireplace,a couple of,laid,covered,下一页,read paragraph 4-8 and finish the chart,types of houses,family relationships,cooking methods,sleeping arrangements,mens hut is a _ hut with _. no _, small _. floor was covered with _.,low bamboo,grass stic

8、king out of the roof,windows,doorway,fresh grass,everyone seemed to be a _of tombes . (large extended family),relative,_ are placed in an _, then _ are placed in the drum, covered with _ and _.,hot stones,oil drum,vegetables,banana leaves,steamed,kiak usually slept in her _. a newly made _ for jenny

9、 and me to sleep on.,own hut,platform,diet,possessions,agriculture,beliefs,_, _ and _.,sweet potato,corns,greens,i could only see one _,a few _ and _ and a couple of _.,tin plates,cups,jars,tools are very basic. there is no _.,machinery,the villagers believe that any _attract _ in the night so the f

10、ood is _in the can and the can is then _ of the hut.,leftovers,evil spirits,dried up,thrown out,broom,the boys jumped out of the windows in the science lesson. 2. tombes mother cried “ieee ieee” when she saw jo. 3. the tin can was standing upside down on the grill. 4. why was science the most challe

11、nging subject for jo? 5.why does jo wonder how relevant chemistry is to the kids?,guess the reasons for the facts according to the reading passage.,task2 careful-reading2,1. the boys jumped out of the windows in the science lesson. because they were frightened; they had never seen anything like this

12、 before.,reasons,2. tombes mother cried “ieee ieee” when she saw jo. it was her way to welcome visitors to the village and she drew everyones attention to their arrival.,3. the tin can was standing upside down on the grill. the tin can was used to dry out the leftover food, which might attract evil

13、spirits, so the tin can was thrown out of the hut.,why was science the most challenging subject for jo? 5.why does jo wonder how relevant chemistry is to the kids?,because most of the boys will go back to their villages after year 8 and she thinks chemistry may make little difference to the kids lif

14、e.,there was no equipment.,reasons,as kofi annan, secretary general of the united nations said “ each contribution- no matter how small- can help make a difference.”,1. it was wonderful to hear from you. hear from sb. = receive a letter from sb. 收到某人的信 i look forward to hearing from you. 注意:hear fro

15、m后面只能接表示人的名词或代词,不可接letter作为它的宾语。 hear about 听说的事 have you heard about the new anticancer drug? hear of 听说(常用于否定和疑问句);肯听,听从 whos he?-ive never heard of him. 他是谁?我从没听说过他。 he wouldnt hear of me/my paying for the bill. 我要付账,但他不肯。 hear about/ of 听到关于 weve have heard quite a lot about the couple.,language

16、 points for reading i,2. i know youre dying to hear all about my life here. be dying to do / for sth. 渴望做某事;迫切想要 she is dying to go abroad. i am dying for a glass of water. “渴望”的类似说法 be thirsty for sth. desire to do sth. have a strong desire for sth. long to do long for sth.,3. ive included some pho

17、tos will help you picture the places i talk about. (line 3, para 1): picture: imagine, form a picture of sb or sth in the mind picture: (在心里描绘的)像,心像,形象;(生动的)描写,叙述 the picture (of): 酷似的东西,相似的形象,化身,典型 i can still picture the house i spent my happy childhood in. 我仍能回忆起那间房子,在那里我度过美好的童年。 can you picture

18、what it is like to live on a lonely island? 您能设想在孤岛上的生活是什么样吗? she is the picture of her mother.,make的用法: 1) be made from 由.制成 (看不出原材料) the paper is made from wood. 2) be made of 由.制成(看出原材料) the house is made of stone.,remember them!,4. well, its a bush schoolthe classroom are made of bamboo and the

19、roofs of grass. 是的, 这是一所灌木丛学校-教室是由竹子建成的, 房顶是用草盖的。,3) be made into 某种原材料制成某种成品 glasses is made into bottles. 4) be made in 在某地制造, in后面接表示地点的名词 this tv set is made in shanghai.,5) be made by 由谁制造 the machine is made by workers in the factory. 6) be made up of 由.组成 the class is made of 30 boys and 30 g

20、irls. make for 方向前进; 有助于/促进 the audience made for the exits when the alarm sounded. cultural exchange makes for better understanding.,5. have walked a long way, sometimes up to two hours, to get to the school. up to = as many as/ as much as he can earn up to $50,000 a year. up to 还可以表示 (1)up until 一

21、直到为止(时间,地点,数量,程度) she lived at home right up to / until she got married. (2)good enough for sth. 胜任 i am not sure if she is really up to that job. (3)由负责 its up to her to decide whether or not to go on the course. (4) 计谋什么(坏事) i see what you are up to. 我知道你在动什么歪脑筋。 whats up? (口语)怎么了?,6. im still try

22、ing to adapt to these conditions.,try to do sth. 尽力去做某事 try doing sth. 试着做某事,英语中有些动词后加动名词和不定式作宾语时, 意义区别较大。 forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事 forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事,remember to do sth. 记得去做某事 remember doing sth. 记得做过某事 mean to do sth. 打算做某事 mean doing sth. 意味着要做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事 stop doing sth. 停止做

23、某事,go on to do sth. 继续做另一件事 go on doing sth. 继续做同一件事 can help to do sth. 不能帮着做某事 cant help doing sth. 禁不住做某事,imaginative adj. an imaginative child/writer imaginary adj.,imaginable adj. imagine v. imagination n. image n.,7. however, one thing is for sure, ive become more imaginative in my teaching. f

24、or sure adv. 必定,一定 that is for sure. he will be sick for sure.,imaginative adj. 富有想象力的,爱想象的 an imaginative child/writer有想象力的孩子/富有想象力的作家 imaginary adj. 想象中的,假想的,imaginable adj. 可想象的 imagine v. 设想 imagination n. 想象力 image n. 雕像, 肖像; 形象,概念;,7. however, one thing is for sure, ive become more imaginative

25、 in my teaching. for sure adv. 必定,一定,relevant (adj) relevantly (adv) “有关联的 ,有实际价值(重要性)的” 反义词 :irrelevant be relevant to “与有关” = be connected with have sth to do with 这种工作与性别无关 。 the work of this kind is not relevant to sex.,8. sometimes i wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students.,wonder 用法

26、归纳 wonder at 惊奇惊讶(于) wonder about (关于某事)想知道如何;感到疑惑 wonder wh-词 + to do 想知道 wonder wh- / if + 从句想知道 i was wondering where to spend the weekend. i wonder if you are free this afternoon. its no wonder + (that) 从句 难怪,怪不得,不足为奇 no wonder that he has passed the examination.,9. to be honest, i doubt whether

27、 im making any difference to these boys lives at all. make a difference: have an effect on, be important to 有关系,有影响,起(重要)作用 the rain didnt make any difference to our football game. 那场雨没有影响到我们的足球赛。 going to college made a big difference to my whole life. 考上大学对我的整个一生影响颇大。,with的复合结构(with+ 宾语+ 宾补) 1) wi

28、th + n. + doing ( doing表示 with 后名词发生的动作, 此名词为动作的执行者) he lay there with his eyes looking at the sky.,10.tombes father, mukap, led us to his house, a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of the roof.,2) with + n. + done (done 和with后面的宾语构成动宾关系, 此宾语是动作的承受者。 the thief was brought in with his hands tied

29、 back.,stick out 伸出, 突出 stick out for sth 坚持要求某事物 stick to sth 不放弃 (1) she _ (伸出脚) and tripped him over. (2) 当车开动时不要把头伸出车窗外. dont stick your head out of the window while it is running.,stuck out her foot,1. with so much _, ill have to refuse the invitation. a. dealt b. to deal with c. done d. to do

30、with 2. now that weve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions _? taking b. take c. taken d. to take 3. -come on, please give me some ideas about the project. -sorry. with so much work _ my mind, i almost break down. a. filled b. filling c. to fill d. being filled,b,c,b,4. john rec

31、eived an invitation to dinner, and with his work _, he gladly accepted it. a. finished b. finishing c. having finished d. was finished 5. i couldnt do my homework with all that noise _. a. going on b. goes on c. went on d. to go on 6. _ and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible d

32、isease, the patient sought her doctors help to end her life. a. having given up hope of cure b. with no hope for cure c. there being hope for cure d. in the hope of cure,a,a,b,7. with nothing_to burn,the fire became weak and finally died out. a.leaving b.left c.leave d.toleave 8. the girl sat there

33、quite silent and still with her eyes_on the wall. a.fixing b.fixed c.to be fixing d.to be fixed 9. i live in the house with its door_to the south. a.facing b.faces c.faced d.being faced 10. they pretended to be working hard all night with their lights_. a.burn b.burnt c.burning d.to burn,b,b,a,c,11.

34、 with all the children _, the old woman will feel at times lonely. abroad b. work abroad c. to live abroad d. to be abroad 12. at the sight i was frightened and fell off the bike, with all the books _ on the ground.a. lie b. lay c. laid d. lying 13. with still a long way _, we didnt stop to have a r

35、est and went on with our journey.a. goes b. going c. gone d. to go 14. the little girl looks more mature with a pair of glasses _.a. wearing b. to wear c. on d. put on,d,a,c,d,11. i sniffed the food; it smelt delicious sniff vt. vi 1. 嗅,闻 he sniffed the green tea in the cup appreciably. 他欣然闻了闻杯里的绿茶香味。 2. 发觉(+out) its his job to sniff out abuses of power. 他的职责就是查究滥用权力的行为。 vi. 1. 嗅,闻(+at) the dog sniffed at the stranger. 狗闻闻那个陌生人。 2. 对蔑视(+at),12. participate vi. 1. 参加,参与(+in) no professionals participated in th


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