1、2017 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试新课标 英语阅读理解AIn the coming months, we are bringingtogether artists formall over the globe, toenjoy speaking Shakespeareplays in theirown language, in our Globe, within the architecture Shakespeare wrote for. Please come and join us.NationalTheaterofChinaBeijing|ChineseThis great oc
2、casion( 盛会 ) will be the NationalTheatre of China first visit to the UK. Thecompany s productions show the new face of21st century Chinese theater. This productionof ShakespeareRichards III willbe directedby the NationalAssociate Director , WangXiaoying.Date & Time : Saturday 28 April,2.30pm & Sunda
3、y 29 April,1.30pm & 6.30pmMarjanishvili TheatreTbilisi|GeorgianOneofthemostfamoustheatresinGeorgia,the Marjanishvili,founded in 1928,appears regularlyat theatre festivals all overthe world. This new production of As You Like It is helmed(指导) by the company s Artistic Director Levan Tsuladze.A在即将到来的这
4、几个月中, 我们将会把全球的艺术家聚在一起,去享受全球的艺术家用他们自己的语言为我们讲述莎士比亚的戏剧,在我们的环球剧院,在莎士比亚写作一生的剧院中。请来加入我们。中国国家大剧院北京 /中文这个伟大的盛会将是中国国家大剧院第一次来到英国拜访演出。这个公司(国家大剧院)的产品(作品)展示了 21 世纪中国戏剧的新面貌。这次的作品 -莎士比亚的查理三世将会由中国国家大剧院的副主任,王晓鹰指导。日期和时间 :4 月 28 日周六下午 2:304 月 29 日周日下午 1:30 和 6:30玛詹尼诗维丽剧院第比利斯 /格鲁吉亚文格鲁吉亚最著名的剧院之一,玛詹尼诗维丽剧院,建立于1928 年,其作品频繁
5、地出现在全世界的各种剧院节中,这次的新作品皆大欢喜是由剧院的艺术导演莱文史雷指导。Date&Time:Friday18May,2.30pm&日期和时间 :5 月 18 日周五下午 2:00Saturday 19May,7.30pm5 月 19 日周六晚上 7:30Deafinitely TheatreLondon | BritishSignLanguage ( BSL )By translating the rich and humorous text ofLove s Labour s Lostintothephysicallanguage of BSL, DeafinitelyTheatr
6、e creates戴妃妮特丽剧院伦敦 /英式手语通过把丰富和幽默的莎士比亚戏剧空爱一场翻译成英式手语,戴妃妮特丽剧院创造了一种新的莎士比a new interpretation of Shakespeare亚喜剧作品的翻译形式并且目的是通 s comedyand aims to build a bridge between deaf and过把失聪观众和正常观众这两组不同hearing worlds by performing to both groups的观众做为一个整体观众来为这两个as one audience.群体的观众建造一座桥梁。Date & Time : Tuesday 22 M
7、ay,2.30pm &日期和时间 :5 月 22 日周二下午 2:30Wednesday 23 May,7.30pm5 月 23 日周三晚上 7:30Habima National Theatre哈比马国家剧院Tel Aviv | Hebrew特拉维夫 /希伯来语The Habima is the centre of Hebrew-language哈比马剧院是全世界希伯来语剧theatre worldwide , Founded in Moscow after院的中心。建立于1905 年俄国战争后the 1905 revolution, the company eventually的莫斯科,这
8、家剧院最终于20 世纪 20settled in Tel Avivin the late 1920s, Since年代晚期搬迁到了特拉维夫。自19581958,theyhavebeenrecognisedas the年以来,该剧院已经被看做是以色列national theatre of Israel .Thisproduction of的国家剧院。莎士比亚的作品威尼ShakespeareThes Merchant of Venice marks斯商人是他们第一次在英国的演出。their first visit to the UK.Date & Time :Monday 28May,7.30 &
9、 Tuesday29 May,7.30pm21.which play will be performed by the National Theatre of China?日期和时间 :5 月 28 日周一晚上 7:305 月 29 日周二晚上 7:3021.哪个戏剧将会在中国国家大剧院上演?A. Richard .B.Lover sLabour sLostC.As You Like ItD.The Merchant of Venice22.What is special about Deafinitely Theatre?A.It has two groups of actorsB.It i
10、s the leading theatre in LondonC.It performs plays in BSLD.It is good at producing comedies23.When can you see a play in Hebrew?A.On Saturday 28 April.B.On Sunday 29 AprilC.On Tuesday 22 May.D. On Tuesday 29 MayBI first met Paul Newman in 1968, when George Roy Hill, the director of Butch Cassidy and
11、 the Sundance Kid , introduced usin New York City. When the studio didn t want me for the film - it wanted somebody as well known as Paul - he stood up for me. Idon knowt how many people would have done that; they would have listened to their agents or the studio powers.A.查理三世B.空爱一场C.皆大欢喜D.威尼斯商人22.戴
12、妃妮特丽剧院的特殊性是什么?A.有两组演员B.它是伦敦一流的剧院C.剧院采用英式手语表演D.剧院擅长表演喜剧23.什么时候可以看到用希伯来语表演的戏剧?A.4 月 28 日周六B.4 月 29 日周日C.5 月 22 日周二D.5 月 29 日周二B我第一次见到保罗纽曼是在 1968 年,当时乔治罗伊黑尔,虎豹小霸王的导演,在纽约介绍我们认识的。当电影制片厂不想让我演电影 -制片厂想要像保罗一样出名的演员 -保罗却站出来支持我。我不知道有多少人会那么做;通常他们会听他们的经纪人或者电影制片厂领导的安排。Thefriendshipthatgrewoutoftheexperience of mak
13、ing that film andThe Stingfour years later had its root in the fact that although there was an age difference, we both came from a tradition of theater and live TV.友谊,产生自拍摄那部电影和四年后我们共同出演电影骗中骗的经历。尽管我们年龄不同,但是我们的友谊却根深蒂固这样的事实 :我们都We were respectful of craft(技艺)and focusedon digging into the characters w
14、e were goingto play. Bothof us had the qualitiesandvirtues that are typicalofAmericanactors:humorous, aggressive, and making fun of eachother-butalwayswithanunderlyingaffection. Those were also at the core (核心)of our relationship off the screen.Wesharedthebriefthatifyou refortunate enough to have su
15、ccess, you shouldput something back - he with his Newman sOwn food and his Hole in the Wall camps forkidswhoare seriouslyill,andme withSundance and the institute and the festival.Paul and Ididn seet each otherallthatregularly, but sharing that brought us together. We supported each other financially
16、 and by showing up at events.来自传统的戏剧和直播电视剧。我们都尊重技艺并且会集中注意力在深挖我们所要表演的人物性格特征。我们两个都有着美国演员典型的品格和美德:幽默,进取,爱彼此打趣 -但是总是伴随着我们彼此之间的潜在影响。这些是我们在银屏之外的日常生活当中也是好朋友的核心。我们分享着共同的信念 -如果你足够的幸运取得了成功,你应该对社会做出一些回报 -他创办了以自己的名字命名的食品公司并且为那些有着严重疾病的孩子提供露营的慈善活动,而我创办了圣丹斯组织和圣丹斯节。我和保罗并不经常见面,但是分享的信念把我们带到了一起。我们在经济上彼此支持并且一起出席公益活动。I
17、last saw him a few months ago. He dbeen in and out of the hospital.He and I bothknew what the deal was,and we didn talkabout it.Ourswas a relationshipthat didn tneed a lot of words.24.Why was the studio unwillingto give the我最后一次 见到他是在几个 月前。他当时一直频繁的进出医院。我们都知道怎么回事,并且我们不讨论他的病情。我们之间友谊不需要过多的言语。24.为什么一开始电
18、影制片厂不愿意把role to author at first?A.PaulNewmanwantedit.B.The studio powers didn t like his agent.角色给作者?A.保罗纽曼想要演这个角色。B.制片厂的领导不喜欢他的经纪人。C.Hewasn tfamousenough.C.他不足够出名。D.The director recommended someone else.D.导演推荐了其他人。25.Why did Paul and the author have a lastingfriendship?A.Theywereofthesameage.B.They
19、 worked in the same theater.C.Theywerebothgoodactors.D.They have similar characteristics.26.Whatdoes theunderlinedword“ that in”paragraph 3 refer to?A.Theirbelief.B.Their care for children.C.Theirsuccess.D.Their support for each other.27.What is the authorosepurpinwriting thetest?A.Toshowhisloveoffi
20、lms.B.To remember a friend.C.Tointroduceanewmovie.D.To share his acting experience.25.为什么保罗和作者有着持久的友谊?A.他们年龄一样。B.他们在同一家剧院工作。C.他们都是好演员。D.他们有着相似的性格特征。26.第三段中画线单词“ that指”的是什么?A.他们的信念。B.他们对孩子的关心。C.他们的成功。D.他们彼此的支持。27.作者写这篇文章的目的是什么?A.为了展现作者对电影的热爱。B.为了纪念一个朋友。C.为了介绍一部新电影。D.为了分享他的表演经历。CCTerrafugia Inc. said
21、Monday that its newflyingcarhascompleteditsfirstflight,bringingthe company closer to its goal ofselling the flying car within the next year. Thevehicle-named the Transition has two seats,four wheels and wings that fold up so it can bedriven like a car. The Transition, which flew at1,400 feet for eig
22、ht minutes last month, can reach around 70 miles per hour on the road and 115 in the air. It flies using a 23-gallon特拉福加公司说本周一他们公司的新发明可以飞的汽车已经完成了第一次试飞,使该公司在明年实现销售飞行汽车的目标更近了一步。这个交通工具 -被叫做 “transition-有两”个座位,四个轮子和翅膀,翅膀可以折叠起来为了被驾驶起来像一辆车。这个“ transition,上”个月已经在 1400 英尺的高空飞行了 8 分钟,在陆地上可以tank of gas and bu
23、rns 5 gallons per hour in the达到每小时大概70 英里和在空中每小air. On the ground, it gets 35 miles per gallon.时大约 115 英里。在陆地上,它每加仑可以跑 35 英里。Around 100 people havealready put大约有 100人已经下了 10000 美down a $10,000 deposit to get a Transition金的定金为了在“transition上市”时购when they go on sale, and those numbers will买“transition,
24、并”且这个数字在特拉福likely rise after Terrafugia introduces the加公司本周后期在纽约汽车展上向公Transition to the public later this week at the众介绍 “transition之后”有可能增加。 但New York Auto Show. But donexpect it to是不要期望 “transition会出”现在很多show up in too many driveways. It s expected的马路上。因为 “transition的预”期价格to cost $279,000.And it w
25、on thelp ifyou re是 279,000 美元。并且如果你被陷在交stuck in traffic. The car needs a runway.通拥堵中了 “transition也帮”不上忙。因为“transition需要”跑到才能飞起来。Inventors have been trying tomake发明家们从20 世纪 30 年代以来flying cars since the 1930s,according to就一直努力发明能够飞行的汽车,根Robert Mann, an airline industry expert. But据罗伯特说,一名航天业的专家。但Mann
26、thinks Terrafugia has come closer than是罗伯特认为特拉福加公司已经比其anyone to making the flying car a reality. The他公司更接近使飞车成为现实。政府govemment has already permitted the已经允许该公司去使用特殊的材料为company to use special materials to make it了使这个交通工具更容易飞行。目前easier for the vehicle to fly. The Transition is“ transition正在”进行撞击实验来确保no
27、w going through crash tests to make sure it它达到联邦安全标准。meets federal safety standards.Mann said Terrafugia was helped by the罗伯特说特拉福加公司被联邦航Federal Aviation Administration s decision 空管理局帮助为了让特拉福加公司建five years ago to create a separate set of立一套独立的轻便飞机的标准,这个standards for light sport aircraft, which arelo
28、wer than those pilots of larger planes Terrafugia says an owner would need to pass a test and complete 20 hours of flying time to be标准对飞行员的要求比驾驶大型飞机的飞行员的标准要低。特拉福加公司说车主需要通过一个测试并且完成 20able to fly the Transition, a requirement pilotswould find redatively easy to meet.28. What is the first paragraph mai
29、nly about? A. The basic data of the Transition.B. The advantages of flying cars.C. The potential market for flying cars. D. The designers of the Transition.29. Why is the Transition unlikely to show up in too many driveways?A. It causes traffic jams. B. It is difficult to operate. C. It is very expe
30、nsive. D. It bums too much fuel.30. What is the government attitudes to the development of the flying car?A. Cautious B. Favorable. C. Ambiguous. D. Disapproving.31. What is the best title for the text?A. Flying Car at Auto ShowB. The Transition s Fist FlightC.Pilots Dream Coming TrueD. Flying Car C
31、loser to Reality小时的飞行才可以驾驶 “transition,这”个要求对飞行员来说相对容易满足。28.第一段主要是关于什么内容?A. “ transition的基”本数据。B.飞车的优点。C.飞车的潜在市场。D. “ transition的设”计者。29.为什么 “ transition不太”可能在太多的马路上出现?A.它会引起交通拥堵。B.它很难操作。C.它很贵。D.它太耗油。30.政府对飞车发现的态度是什么?A.谨慎的。B.支持的。C.模棱两可的。D.反对的。31.文章的最佳题目是什么?A.在汽车展会上的飞车。B. “ transition的第”一次飞行。C.飞行员的梦想
32、成真。D.飞行汽车离现实更近了。DDWhen a leafy plant is under attack, itdoesn t sitquietly.Backin1983,twoscientists, Jack Schultz and Ian Baldwin, reported that young maple trees当一颗有叶子的树被攻击时,它不会安静的站着。早在1983 年,两位科学家,杰克和伊恩,报道说被虫子getting bitten by insects send out a particularsmell that neighboringplants can get. Thes
33、echemicals come fromthe injured parts oftheplantandseem tobean alarm.Whattheplantspumpthroughthe air is a mixtureofchemicalsknownasvolatileorganiccompounds, VOCs for short.Scientists have found that all kinds of plants give out VOCs when being attacked . It s a plant s way of cryingButoutis.anyoneli
34、stening? Apparently. Because we can watchthe neighbors react.Some plants pump out smelly chemicals to keep insects away. But others do doubleduty .They pump out perfumes designed toattractdifferentinsectswhoarenaturalenemies to the attackers. Once they arrive, the tables are turned. The attacker who
35、 was lunching now becomes lunch.In study after study,it appears that these chemical conversations help the neighbors .The damage is usually more serious on the first plant, but the neighbors , relativelyspeaking , stay safer because they heard the alarm and knew what to do.Does this mean that plants
36、 talk to eachother? Scientists don knowt. Maybe the firstplant just made a cry of pain or was sending amessage to its own branches, and so, in effect,咬的小枫树会发出一种特殊的周围植物都能感受到的气味。这种化学成分来自于植物受伤的部分并且似乎是一种警报。植物通过空气传给的东西是一种化学混合物,被称作易挥发的有机化合物,简称 VOCs。科学家们已经发现说当植物被攻击时所有种类的植物都会发出VOCs。这是植物大声呼喊的一种方式。但是有人能听到吗?显而
37、易见地。因为我们可以观察周围植物的反应。一些植物会发出难闻的化学成分来保持昆虫远离它们。但是其他的植物有着双重的责任。它们发出被设计用来吸引袭击者天敌的昆虫的香味。一旦袭击者到达植物这,餐桌发生了扭转。准备吃午餐的袭击者自己成了午餐。在一次又一次的研究中,研究显示说这些化学成分的交流帮助周边的植物。损害通常对于第一课植物更加的严重,但是对于周边植物,相对来说,保持更加安全因为周边的植物听到了警报并且知道该做什么(保护自己)。这就意味着植物彼此之间可以谈话吗?科学家们不知道。也许第一课植物仅仅发出疼痛的喊叫或者发出了wastalkingto itself. Perhaps theneighbor
38、sjusthappenedto “ overhear the” cry. Soinformationwasexchanged, but itwasn attrue, intentional back and forth.一个信息给它自己的树干,实际上,是对自己说话。也许周边的植物碰巧听到了这个呼喊声。因此信息被交流了,但是这种有意识的信息的来回的传递并不是真的。Charles Darwin, over 150years ago,达尔文,在 150 年前,想象了一个imagined a world far busier, noisier and more比我们现在能够看到和听到的更加忙intim
39、ate( 亲密的 ) than the worldwe can see碌,更加吵杂,更加亲密的世界。我and hear. Our senses are weak. There as们的感官很弱无法感知。这一切都在whole lot going on.进行之中。32. What does a plant do when it is under32.当植物受到攻击时,植物通常会做attack?什么?A. It makes noises.A.它制造噪音。B. It gets help from other plants.B.它得到来自其他植物的帮助。C. It stands quietlyC.它站着
40、一动不动。D. It sends out certain chemicals.D.它发出某种化学物质。33. What does the author mean by33.作者在第三段划线句子 “桌子发生“ the tablesare turned” in paragraph 3?了转换 ”是什么意思?A. The attackers get attacked.A.攻击者被攻击了。B. The insects gather under the table.B.昆虫(害虫)聚集在桌子下面。C. The plants get ready to fight back.C.植物准备反击。D. The
41、perfumes attract natural enemies.D.香味吸引了天敌。34.Scientists find from their studies that plants34.科学家从他们的研究中发现植物能can.够A.predict natural disastersA.预测自然灾害。B.protect themselves against insectsB.保护它们自己免受害虫的伤害。C.talk to one another intentionallyC.有意识的与其他植物交流。D.help their neighbors when necessaryD.当有必要时帮助它们
42、的邻居。35.what can we infer from the last paragraph?A.The word is changing faster than ever.B.People have stronger senses than beforeC.The world is more complex than it seemsD.PeopleinDarwin stimeweremoreimaginative.七选五35.通过最后一段我们可以推测出什么?A.这个世界比以前发展的要快。B.人们有着比以前更灵敏的感官。C.世界比它本身看起来要复杂。D.达尔文时代的人们更有想象力。Int
43、erruptions areone of the worst当你在努力做工作时,中途被打things to deal with while you断是最难处理的事情之一。36 re trying to getwork done.36,there are several waysto handle things.Let soktakeat themalo now.37 .Tell the person you resorry and explain that you have a million things to do and then ask if the two of you can ta
44、lk at a different time.When people try to interrupt you,have set hours planned and let them know to come这里有几种方法去处理这些事情。让我们现在来看一看。37 告诉这个人你很抱歉并且解释说你有一大堆的事情要做然后问是否你们两个可以换个时间谈话。当人们尽量打断你时,你可以设定计划好的时间并且让他们知道在那back during that time or that you ll find them个时间过来或者你会在那个时间去找then.38.It can help to eliminate(
45、消他们。38它可以帮助你消除未除) future interruptions.来的干扰。When you need to talk to someone,don当你t需要和某个人谈话时,不要在你do it in your own office.39.it s 自己的办公室谈话。39你借口much easier to excuse yourself to get back toyour work than if you try to get someone outof your space even after explaining how busyyou areIf you have a do
46、or to your office, make推脱回到自己的工作中更容易,比你努力让某个人从你工作的地方出来,甚至在解释过你有多忙之后。如果你的办公室有门,请充分利用它。40如果有人敲门并且good use ofit.40.Ifsomeone它不是一件重要的事情。你可以借口knocks and it s not an important matter.excuse yourselfand letthe person knowyou rebusy so they can get the hint( 暗示 )托辞并让这个人知道你很忙因此他们可以得到暗示说当这个门是关着的,than when the
47、 door is closed,youdisturbed. re not 你tobe是不想让被打扰的。A.If you re busy, don t feel bad about sayingA. 如果你很忙,不要对说不感到抱歉。noB. When you want to avoid interruptions atB.当你在工作时想要避免被打扰时workC. Set boundaries for yourself as far as yourC.为你自己设定一个界限time goesD. If you re in the other person s officeD. or如in果a你在另一
48、个人的办公室或者在public areaE. It s important that you let them know when公共区域E.你让他们知道你什么时候有空是很you llbe available重要的。F. It might seem unkind to cut people shortF.当别人打断你时,你反过来打断他似when they interrupt you乎看起来不太友好。G.Leave it open when youG.让它开着当你有空可以聊天时, 把它 re available to talkand close it when you re not关上当你没空时
49、。完形填空In 1973, I was teaching elementary在 1973 年,我在一所小学任教。school.Each day, 27 kids41“ The每天, 27 个孩子都会进入 “大脑实验Thinking Laboratory.” Thatwas the42室”。那个是孩子们投票得出的名字,students voted for after deciding that “ Room在孩子们觉得 “104教室 ”名字太无聊104 ” was too 43 .之后。Freddy was an average44,butnot an average person. He had the rare balanceof fun and compassion(同情) . He would45the loudest over fun and be the saddestover anyones46.Freddy 是一个普通的学生,但是不是一个普通的人。他有着少见的玩笑与同情之间的平衡。在玩的时候他会笑的最大声,他别人不幸的时候他会是最难过的。Before the school year47,I gavethe kids a special48, T-shirt
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