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1、Pygmalion,卖花女,George Bernard Shaw,George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 2 November 1950), was an Anglo-Irish playwright, critic and polemicist whose influence on Western theatre, culture and politics extended from the 1880s to his death and beyond. He wrote more than sixty plays. With a range incorporat

2、ing both contemporary satire and historical allegory, Shaw became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.,Major Works,卡希尔.拜伦的职业Cashel Byrons Profession 武器和人Arms and the Man 鲧夫的房产Widowers Houses 英国佬的另一个岛John Bulls Other Island 圣女贞德Saint Joan 卖花女

3、Pygmalion 魔鬼的门徒The Devils Disciple 人与超人Man and Superman 伤心之家Heartbreak House 华伦夫人的职业Mrs.Warrens Profession 巴巴拉少校Major Barbara 苹果车The Apple Cart 长生(千岁人)Back to Methuselah 凯撒和克娄巴特拉Caesar and Cleopatra,Pygmalion is a play by George Bernard Shaw, named after a Greek mythological character.,Character,Hen

4、ry Higgins, a linguistic scientist. A robust and handsome forty-year-old bachelor. He is absolutely uncivilized in his relations with people. Although he firmly believes himself to be kindhearted and considerate. Higgins makes a bet with another scientist, Colonel Pickering, that he can, in six mont

5、hs, make a Cockney flower girl speak so well that she can be passed off as a duchess.,亨利.希金斯,Eliza Doolittle, the flower girl. Dirty and ignorant, Eliza comes to Higgins and pathetically begs him to teach her to speak well enough to run a respectable flower shop. Grown fond of Higgins and grateful t

6、o him, Eliza tries to please him and is ignored. Gradually disappointed at Higgins ingnorance, she left the 2 men in the nignt after the embassy reception. To assert herself, Eliza threatens to go into competition with Higgins, using his own methods of teaching proper speech. Higgins rudely congratu

7、lates Eliza on her assertiveness and welcomes her as a friend and equal. Eliza marries not Higgins but Freddy Hill. They open a flower shop that, with Pickerings help, finally becomes prosperous.,伊莉莎.杜利托,Colonel Pickering, a linguist who has traveled to London from India to see Higgins. An elderly,

8、amiable soldier, Pickering is as confirmed a bachelor as Higgins, but he is a gentleman who treats Eliza with respect and helps to moderate Higgins mistreatment of her.,皮克林上校,Alfred Doolittle, a dustman, Elizas father. Doolittle is distinguished by a good voice, an original mind, and a complete abse

9、nce of conscience. He plans to blackmail Higgins, mistakenly thinking that Higgins has taken Eliza as his mistress. Higgins and Pickering are so delighted by the scoundrels straightforwardness that they give him five pounds. Doolittle is made middle class by Higgins letter to Ezra D. Wannafeller, an

10、 American philanthropist, Higgins calls Doolittle “the most original moralist” in England. Wannafeller leaves Doolittle an income of 3 thousand pounds a year.,阿尔弗雷德.杜利托,Mrs. Higgins, Henrys mother, a woman of taste. She has asked her barbaric son to stay away when she is receiving guests. Her poise

11、and competence help to bring some order into the lives of those around her.,Nepommuck, a spectacularly bewhiskered Hungarian. At the embassy reception at which Eliza is passed off as nobility, Nepommuck, a former pupil of Higgins who makes his living as a translator, testifies that Eliza is certainl

12、y of royal blood, perhaps a princess.,Freddy Eynsford Hill, the uneducated and unintelligent son of an impoverished noble family. He is the son and the brother of Mrs. Eynsford Hill and Miss Clara Eynsford Hill. He loves Eliza and haunts the street by Higgins house to catch a glimpse of her. He marr

13、ies her at last and submits to her benevolent despotism. Mrs. Pearce, Henry Higgins housekeeper, a very proper and very middle-class woman. Mrs. Pearce, by sheer force of will, enforces a semblance of order and propriety in Higgins house.,Act One,A group of people are sheltering from the rain. Short

14、ly they are joined by a gentleman, Colonel Pickering. While the flower girl Eliza tries to sell flowers to the Colonel, her accent attracts Henry Higgins, a professor of phonetics. Eliza worries that Higgins is a police officer and will not calm down until Higgins introduces himself. It soon becomes

15、 apparent that he and Colonel Pickering have a shared interest in phonetics;,Act One,Act Two,Next Day. Eliza comes to Higgins home and tells Higgins that she will pay for lessons.,Act Two,Meanwhile, Alfred Doolittle, Elizas father who has no paternal interest in his daughters welfare comes to demand

16、 his daughters return. He appears with the sole purpose of getting money out of Higgins. The scene ends with Higgins telling Pickering that they really have got a difficult job on their hands.,For months, Higggins has trained Eliza to speak properly. 2 trials for Eliza follow.,Act 3,The 1st occurred

17、 at Mrs. Higgins drawing room. It is Mrs. Higginss at home day and she is entertaining visitors.The visitors are the Eynsford-Hills. Higgins bursts in and tells his mother he has picked up a common flower girl whom he has been teaching and he wants his mother to test the girl to see if she is qualif

18、ied to be a true lady.,Act Three,Whilst she is now able to speak in beautifully modulated tones, the substance of what she says remains unchanged from the gutter.,The 2nd trial took place several months later at an ambassadors party.,The scene begins with a whiskers who claims himself as one of the

19、famous pupils of Professor Higgins. His name is Nepommuck. He said he can speak 32 languages and is indispensable at these international parties and tonight he acts as the interpreter because the Greek diplomatist speaks English so villainously that he has to pay Nepommuck to help him. Whats worse,

20、Nepommuck claims himself able to distinguish any man in Europe judging from his languages. Colonel Pickering worries that Nepommuck will find out Eliza and blackmail her. The footman announces Pickering and Eliza.,Act Four,Higgins home The time is midnight. Higgins, Pickering, and Eliza have returne

21、d from the ball. While Pickering congratulates Higgins on winning the bet. Higgins scoffs and declares the evening a silly tomfoolery, thanking God its over and saying that he had been sick of the whole thing for the last two months. Deeply hurted by the ignorance of Higgins, Eliza throws Higgins sl

22、ippers at him. Higgins is at first completely unable to understand Elizas preoccupation. When Higgins does understand he makes light of it, saying she could get married, but Eliza interprets this as selling herself like a prostitute.,Finally she returns her jewellery to Higgins, including the ring h

23、e had given her, which he throws into the fireplace with a violence that scares Eliza. Furious with himself for losing his temper, he damns Mrs. Pearce, the coffee and then Eliza, and finally himself, for lavishing his knowledge and his regard and intimacy on a heartless guttersnipe, and retires in

24、great dudgeon. Eliza roots around in the fireplace and retrieves the ring,she decided to leave.,Act Five,Mrs. Higgins drawing room The next morning. Higgins and Pickering, perturbed by the discovery that Eliza has left them, call on Mrs. Higgins to phone the police.which causes Mrs. Higgins to decry

25、 their calling the police as though Eliza were a lost umbrella.,Act Five,Doolittle emerges dressed in splendid wedding attire and is furious with Higgins because previously Higgins had recommended him as the most original moralist in England to a rich American founding Moral Reform Societies; the Am

26、erican had subsequently left Doolittle a pension worth three thousand pounds a year. Mrs. Higgins informs her son that Eliza is upstairs, and explains the circumstances of her arrival, alluding to how marginalised and overlooked Eliza felt the previous night. Higgins is unable to appreciate this, and sulks when told that he must behave if Eliza is to join them. Doolittle is asked to wait outside.,Act Five,Eliza enters, at ease and sel


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