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1、Word Study Phrases and Expressions Word Building Grammar,Language Study,Contents,Word Study,Word list:,assert 2. cluster 3. depressed 4. gruff 5. imminence 6. numb,7. overpower 8. revel 9. streak 10. subjugate 11. throb 12. tremor,Word Study,1. assert v.,a. to state or express positively; to affirm

2、assert ones innocence b. to put (oneself) forward boldly or forcefully in an effort to make an opinion known Example: I had to assert myself in the meeting in order to ensure acquisition of the new book.,Synonyms,asseverate declare aver,To be continued on the next page.,Word Study,To assert is to st

3、ate ones opinion confidently but often without proof to support it. “I have endeavored to assert nothing but what I had good authority for.” (William Sewel) Asseverate connotes sober sincerity of assertion. “The taxpayer also asseverates that his return from Greece proves conclusively that his inten

4、tions were and are honorable.” (Daily Report for Executives),To be continued on the next page.,纳税人同时郑重声明他从希腊的返回,本身就非常有说服力地证明他的意图,曾经是,现在也是诚实的 (行政官员每日报告),除了我确有把握的事情外,我不会断然地讲任何事情” (威廉西维尔)。,Word Study,Declare has the approximate force of assert, but may suggest formality of statement and authority in th

5、e speaker. Congress declared that it would reduce the budget deficit(预算赤字). Aver stresses the speakers confidence in the validity of the statement. She averred that solitude was necessary for creative work.她断言离群索居对于创造性的工作是必不可少的。,Word Study,a. number of things of the same kind growing closely togethe

6、r b. number of people, animals or things grouped closely together,2. cluster n./v.,Examples: ivy growing in thick clusters a cluster of houses, spectators, bees, islands Reporters were clustered round the Prime Minister. (使集中),Word Study,3. depressed a.,a. affected or marked by low spirits b. an are

7、a, industry, etc. that is depressed does not have enough economic or business activity,Synonyms,blue dejected dispirited downcast downhearted,Examples: depressed by the loss of his job The divorce left him deeply depressed. Britains depressed housing market,Word Study,brusque粗鲁的, 无准备的; blunt率直的, 直言不

8、讳的; crusty爱发脾气的, 暴躁的,These adjectives mean “abrupt and sometimes discourteous in manner or speech”.,4. gruff (声音)粗哑的; 生硬的 (人的行为)冷淡的; 态度生硬的,To be continued on the next page.,Gruff implies roughness or surliness of manner and often harsh speech but does not necessarily suggest rudeness. Her answer was

9、 gruff, but her eyes twinkled. Brusque emphasizes rude abruptness. Try to cultivate a less brusque manner.,Word Study,To be continued on the next page.,Word Study,Blunt stresses utter frankness and usually an upsetting directness. I have to be blunt: youre not welcome here. Crusty suggests a rough a

10、nd forbidding (难亲近的) manner that sometimes conceals benevolence of spirit. Hes a crusty old gentleman who feeds stray dogs and cats.,Word Study,5. imminence n.,the nearness of something that is going to happenimminent a. about to happen very soon,Examples: the imminence of nuclear war An announcemen

11、t of further cuts in government expenditure is imminent.,Word Study,6. numb a.,a. (of a part of the body) unable to feel anything, usually for a short time b. not able to feel any emotions or think cheerfully because you are so shocked or frightened,Examples: I had been lying awkwardly and my leg ha

12、d gone numb. My fingers were so cold that they felt numb. Ever since his girlfriend left him he has felt numb.,Word Study,7. overpower v.,a. to overcome or vanquish by superior force; to subdue 压倒,征服,击败 b. to affect so strongly as to make helpless or ineffective; to overwhelm (感情等)压倒; 使无法忍受,Examples

13、: Police overpowered the criminal and took him away. The smell of the garbage overpowered me. They were overpowered by grief when their son died.,Word Study,a. to take great pleasure or delight b. (literary or humorous) to dance, drink, sing, etc., at a party or in public, esp. in a noisy way Exampl

14、es: After the long hot summer we revelled in the rainstorm. They revelled all day and all night after their exams.,8. revel v.,revelry reveler,Word formation,Word Study,9. streak n.,a. a line, mark, or band differentiated by color or texture from its surroundings b. a slight contrasting element; a t

15、race,Examples: streaks of grey appearing in his black hair There was a streak of wildness/cruelty in him.(An inherent, often contrasting quality),Word Study,10. subjugate v.,a. to defeat (people or a country) and rule them in a way that allows them no freedom b. to treat (yourself, your wishes or yo

16、ur beliefs) as being less important than other people or their wishes or beliefs,Synonyms,defeat conquer vanquish beat overcome,Example: Journalists must subjugate personal political convictions to their professional commitment to fairness and balance.,To be continued on the next page.,Word Study,de

17、feat, conquer, vanquish, beat, overcome These verbs mean “to get the better of an adversary”. Defeat is the most general. “Whether we defeat the enemy in one battle, or by degrees, the consequences will be the same.” (Thomas Paine) Conquer suggests decisive and often wide-scale victory. “A conquerin

18、g army on the border will not be halted by the power of eloquence.” (Otto von Bismarck),To be continued on the next page.,Word Study,Vanquish emphasizes total mastery. The forces of Napoleon were vanquished at Waterloo. Beat, less formal, is often the equivalent of defeat, though beat may convey gre

19、ater emphasis. “To win battles you beat the soul of the enemy man.” (George S. Patton) Subjugate more strongly implies reducing an opponent to submission. “The last foreigner to subjugate England was a Norman duke in the Middle Ages named William.” (Stanley Meisler),To be continued on the next page.

20、,To overcome is to prevail over, often by Persevering. overcome an enemy overcome temptation overcome a physical handicap,Word Study,Word Study,11. throb v./n.,a. to beat rapidly or violently, as the heart pounds b. a strong low continuous beat Examples: My heart was throbbing with excitement. the t

21、hrob of machinery 机器的振动,Word Study,a. a shaking movement of the earth b. a shaking movement caused by fear, nervousness, illness, weakness, etc.,Word Formation,tremulous 颤抖的, 打颤的,Example: There was a slight tremor in his voice. The story was so terrible that it sent tremors down my spine(脊椎).,The en

22、d of Word Study.,12. tremor n.,Phrases and Expressions,as it were on fire better off at this rate take complete hold of open up be cross with 8. fall over,9. take for 10. in the name of God 11. be chained to 12. be dotted with 13. rob sb. of sth. 14. carry a long way 15. a flash of sth. 16. cross on

23、es mind,1. as it were seemingly; in a way; so to speak. A shortening of “as if it were so”, this idiom has been in use since Chaucers time. We use this idiom to make what we are saying sound less definite. Examples: She was releasing me from the nest, as it were. She is my best friend, my second sel

24、f, as it were.,Phrases and Expressions,2. on fire a. burning b. (of passion) burning with emotion; greatly excited; full of ardor; very enthusiastic; excited or passionate Examples: The enemy could not but abandon the warship on fire. He was on fire with excitement at this marvelous sight.,Phrases a

25、nd Expressions,3. better off a. if you have more money b. if you are in more satisfactory circumstances Examples: a situation where those who do not work are better off than those who do There are disturbed people in prison whod be better off in hospital.,Phrases and Expressions,4. at this rate mean

26、s “if what is happening now continues to happen for some time” Examples: Where has he got to? At this rate we will miss the train. At this rate they will soon overtake other countries.,Phrases and Expressions,5. take complete hold of to gain complete control or influence over sb.; to have great powe

27、r over sb.; to overpower sb. Examples: She felt a strange excitement taking hold of her. The idea will never take hold of the voters.,Phrases and Expressions,Phrases and Expressions,6. open upa. If a country or area opens up, or is opened up, it becomes easier to travel around it or sell things to i

28、t.b. to cause sth. to be available for development, production, etc.c. to create a new opportunity or possibility,Examples: Cheaper air travel has opened up all kinds of new holiday destinations. to open up undeveloped land, new territory, etc. When youve got a qualification like that, so many caree

29、r opportunities opened up.,Chinese,a. 使(国家,地区) 开放 b. 开发,生产 c. 提供新的机会、可 能性,Phrases and Expressions,7. be cross with(infml.) to be rather angry,Examples: I was cross with him for being late. Why is he so cross with you?,Chinese,生气,Phrases and Expressions,8. fall overa. If sb. falls over, they fall to

30、the ground.b. If sth. falls over, it falls onto the side.c. to fall over sth.: to tumble over,Examples: He was walking along quite normally and then suddenly fell over. If you make the cake too high itll just fall over. Be careful not to fall over the step on your way in.,Chinese,a. 跌倒 b. 从上落下 c. 被绊

31、倒,9. take for to regard as Examples: Do not take our silence for approval. I think they took me for Japanese.,Phrases and Expressions,10. in the name of God You follow a question with “in the name of God” as a way of expressing surprise or disbelief. Example: What in the name of God are you doing he

32、re?,Phrases and Expressions,11. be chained to to be bound to; to have your freedom restricted because of a responsibility you can not escape Examples: Too many women nowadays feel chained to the kitchen sink. My brother was chained to my sick mother for more than 30 years.,Phrases and Expressions,12

33、. be dotted with to have things or people spread here and there over a wide area Examples: The sky was dotted with stars. The countryside is dotted with beautiful ancient churches.,Phrases and Expressions,13. rob sb. of sth. to deprive sb. of sth. belonging to that person by an unjust procedure Exam

34、ples: Those cats robbed me of my sleep. The fact that he had lied before robbed his words of any credibility.,Phrases and Expressions,14. carry a long way (said of sound or smell) to go very far Example: Even in this stillness Leaphorn doubted if the sound would carry a long way.,Phrases and Express

35、ions,15. a flash of sth. a sudden, brief and intense display of sth.; sudden show of wit, understanding, etc. Examples: The essays could do with a flash of wit or humor. a flash of inspiration, intuition, etc.,Phrases and Expressions,II. Phrases and Expressions,16. cross ones mind (of thoughts, etc.

36、) to come into ones mind; to suddenly occur to one Examples: It never crossed my mind that she might lose. It never crossed my mind that they would turn the proposal down.,The end of Phrases and Expressions.,List:,I. Compound II. Suffix -en,Word Building,Word Building,ivy-covered adj.,noun,past part

37、iciple,snow-covered wind-blown flood-stricken weather-beaten hen-pecked dog-tired student-centered,被雪覆盖的 被风吹的 受灾的 (因风吹日晒)粗糙的,受损的 怕老婆的,惧内的 极度疲乏的,累极了 以学生为中心的,Word Building,whiten v.,suffix,-en: to make or become,darken fasten heighten lengthen moisten sharpen strengthen weaken worsen,变黑暗 装牢;系紧 增高;增强 (

38、使)变长 使湿润 (使)锐利;(使)敏锐 加强;(使)坚固 使弱;使稀薄 (使)恶化;(使)变坏,To be continued on the next page.,Word Building,woolen adj.,suffix,-en: made of; looking like,brazen earthen golden leaden wooden,黄铜制的;坚硬的 土制的;地球上的 金制的;金色的 铅制的;沉闷的 木制的;呆笨的,The end of Word Building.,Grammar,The Use of “As”,“as” is used as proposition e

39、.g. They ate in silence, sleepy and yet on fire with excitement, for it was the first day of their first spring sowing as man and wife. (Para. 3) b. “as+adj./adv./n.+as-clause/gerund phrase” “as” being an adverb, the second a conjunction e.g. Mary thought of as many things as there are in life. (Para. 3),To be continued on the next page.,Grammar,e.g. “ is there anything in this world as fine as eati


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