Unit4 Making the news 教学设计_第1页
Unit4 Making the news 教学设计_第2页
Unit4 Making the news 教学设计_第3页
Unit4 Making the news 教学设计_第4页




1、基本信息学科英语年级教学形式合作探究教师 单位高级中学教材版本人教版章节必修5课题名称Unit4 Making the news选择的内容课程内容(或知识点)写作技术内容网络查询,ppt 教学过程设计教学环节(或知识点)【写作指导】1. 新 闻 报 道 的 第 一 句 往 往 是 全 文 的 中 心 句 (topic sentence),所以这个句子中常包含四大元素:what (事件), when(时间), where (地点)和 who (人物),而在下文则要补充事件的过程和细节,往往包括 why (目的或原因)和 how (具体过程)等。2. 学 生 应 熟 记 新 闻 报 道 类 的 一

2、 些 常 用 结 构 , 如“It is reported that./ As is reported./According to the report.”等。3. 新闻报道关键在于语言客观平实,所以学生不必追求过度花哨的词汇和过于复杂的句型。4. 时态常用过去时和将来时。【常用句型】1. Its reported that. / As is reported./ According to the report. 据报道2. Its said that.据说3. Its likely that.很可能4. Its a great chance for.对是一个很好的机会。【课内探究】学习范文,

3、模仿写作。下面是一篇主题为“提升学生阅读热情活动”的新闻报道,请通读后用适当的单词、短语或句子补全文章。The city library carried out activities to raise students enthusiasm for readingLast week our city library carried out a series of activities 1. _(为了) raise students enthusiasm for reading and build a learning city. 2. _(首先), the staff of the libra

4、ry came to Yanchi High School 3. _ (为学生们带来200本书). There they made a speech on reading, 4. _ (号召同学们多读书、读好书). 5. _(然后), they donated 120 books to the reading room of Yanchi High School,6. _ (在那里他们与同学们分享了读书的经验). 7. _(最后), they invited 20 families to 8. _(参加) the parent-child reading, teaching parents h

5、ow to develop childrens interest in books.来源:学&科&网 9. _ (通过这些活动), students enjoyed the pleasure of reading and 10. _ (对阅读的兴趣更加浓厚了).具体目标培养学生的写作能力师生设计【课前预习】2011年3月日本东北沿岸发生了一次强烈地震,以下是一篇新闻报道。请朗读掌握主要内容。On March11, 2011, a tremendous earthquake, which was recorded as the largest one in the Japanese histor

6、y, hit northeastern Japan. Almost at the same time, the earthquake set off a terrible tsunami (海啸), with walls of water sweeping across the northeastern coast. To make matters worse, a nuclear power station (核电站) exploded on the next day. As a result, people all over the world began to worry that th

7、is would cause damage to their health. It was officially announced that 11,734 people were recorded dead and another 16,375 still missing as a result of the disaster信息技术应用情况学生明显比以前对于写作有了兴趣。教学评价设计1.评价方式与工具课堂提问 书面练习 制作作品 测验 其他2.评价量表内容(测试题、作业描述等)【针对训练】假设你是某学生英文报社小记者,请根据下列内容,写一篇英文新闻报道。起火地点:银川市一个酒吧时间:2015年3月20日22:00


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