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1、采用英语写英文如何拼写 采用,指采纳应用。那么,你知道采用的怎么说吗? to adopt to employ to use introduction adoption adopt 她意识到在所采用的方法中可能出错。 She recognized the potential for error in the method being used. 那幅画给我们提供了采用透视画法的最早的范例。 The painting provides us with one of the earliest examples of the use of perspective. 大多数国家采用米制。 Most co

2、untries adopt metric system. 采用的方法和处理时所采用的本质上相同。 The approach is essentially the same as for a function. 主绞车的主刹车系统既可采用带式刹车,亦可采用液压盘式刹车。 The _in brake system utilizes either a band brake or a hydraulic disc brake. 体力测定采用爬绳法或爬杆法,测定采用跳台法。 Use rope or pole climbing time to measure the stamina of mi _. 很多

3、车子在后轮采用鼓式制动,前轮采用盘式制动。 Many cars have drum brakes on the rear wheels and disc brakes on the front. 用途:、摩托车发动机缸件,因冬天寒冷或其它原因的冷裂或破损,致使机体局部破裂,影响使用,若整体更换极不经济,如果采用传统方法焊接,有可能使裂纹延伸或漏焊,而且对焊工技术要求很高,采用缸体修补剂,工艺简单。 It is uneconomical to change the whole cylinder. 角色的名字要采用大写字母排字,而对白则采用常规文字样式。 Write character names

4、 with capital letters but write dialogue text nor _lly. 这项新工艺得到了更加广泛的采用。 The new technology has been more widely adopted. 我应该采用多长的训练距离,以及什么时候训练? What training distan _s should I get to and by when? 他们正在采用一种新的勘探方法寻找石油。 They are using a new prospecting method to quest for oil. 采用什么平台呢? What about the

5、platform? 由于我们在这一基准中没有采用这一点,所以所读取的都是0。 Sin _ we are not using any in this bench _rk, the readings are all 0. 如果您认为我们的建议适合您,那么就采用它们。 If you think our suggestions work for you, then adopt them. 在美国我们喜欢采用“全部都要或什么都不要”的方法去。 In the US, we like to take the all or nothing approach to weight loss. 我该采用何种媒体?

6、Which media should I use? 如果因为某些原因您没有或者不能采用这些价值,那么您就不需要为敏捷而操心了。 If for some reason you dont have or cannot adopt these values, then you shouldnot worry about agility. 对于从需求到设计以至 _和测试的每个 _生命周期阶段采用最新的工具。 Adopt modern tools for every stage of the development life cycle fromrequirements to design to dev

7、elopment and testing. 但是如果我们象这些国家正在进行的那样利用我们的努力和采用创新的策略,我们没有理由不能遏制该病流行的趋势。 But if we harness our efforts and employ innovative approaches as these nationsare doing, there is no reason that we cannot turn back the tide of this epidemic. 这些事实上都是在采用那时的战斗计划。 That, in fact, was then adopted as the battle

8、 plan. 但是采用这些实践仅仅是个开始。 But adopting these practi _s is just the start. 学生:在间接法中,它显然开始于那些收益,于是第一个项目应该是贬值,这就是我们应该采用的方法吗? STUDENT: In the indirect it obviously starts from that ine and then the firstitem should be depreciation Is that the way that we should go? 在他们的作品中试图采用“活着的雕塑”作为创 _和主题的身份。 In their w

9、ork they attempt to adopt the identity of living sculptures, as bothcreators and subject. 因此,您必须采用任意一种迁移方式执行这一步骤。 Therefore, you must perform this step _nually with any of the migrationapproaches. 采用文档/文字的样式,您没有知道是哪一种方法。 With the document/literal style, you have no way to know which one. 我们相信,这种类型的可

10、以有效地应用于采用任何一种方法学的项目中。 We believe that this type of spreadsheet can be used on any project with anytype of methodology very effectively. 你们采用那种方 _? What methodology do you use? 在本文中,我们采用并构建在可运作的观点上。 In this paper we adopt and build on the operational perspective. 紫色赋予了大中的一切,从茄子到紫水晶,并且人类已经采用它作为皇室的象征。

11、Purple is prevalent in nature in everything from eggplants to amethysts, andhu _ns have adopted it as a symbol of royalty. 因为所有的系统是在相同的概念下执行的,不管您选择采用哪个(哪些)平台,该技术都会对您起到帮助作用。 And sin _ all cloud systems perform under the same general con _pts, thistechnique should be useful to you regardless of which cloud


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