



1、协商解除用工关系、劳动关系协议书Labor Relationship Termination Agreement甲方:广州市友谊对外服务公司Party A乙方:Party B丙方:(身份证号:)Party C(ID Card No. :)甲乙丙三方经友好协商,就解除劳务派遣合同、劳动合同相关事宜达成如下协议:The Party A, B and C terminate the employment contract though negotiation and reached following agreement:第一条合同的解除1. The termination of the contr

2、act1.1 甲乙双方确认依据 年 月 日签订的劳务派遣合同第条的约定,甲乙双方自 年 月 日起解除就丙方的劳务派遣关系。1.1 According to Section 3 in Labor Contract signed by Party A and B on the date of dd mmmm yyyy on the basic of both sides confirmed, Party A and Party B terminate the labor dispatch relationship of Party C from the date of dd mmmm yyyy.1

3、.2 甲丙双方确认依据劳动合同法第三十六条及双方于 年 月日签订的劳动合同第 条的约定,甲丙双方自 年 月 日起解除劳动合同。1.2 According to Article 36 in Labor Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China and Section _ in Labor Contract (dd mmmm yyyy) On the basic of confirmation by Party A and Party C, Party A and Party C terminate the labor contract from

4、dd mmmm yyyy.1.3 甲乙丙三方确认,签订本协议书之前各方已经对解除合同的合法性、解除合同的必要程序或手续、经济补偿或条件作了充分的沟通并确认各方对此不存在任何实质性或程序方面的争议。1.3 Party A, Party B and Party C had already notice the necessary procedure of this agreement and the severance pay or the compensation after fully negotiation. All sides of Party A, Party B or Party C

5、had already notice the legitimate. After singed on this agreement,there will be nocontroversy on any clause or procedure of this agreement.1.4 丙方确认至签订本协议止,甲方或乙方已足额向丙方支付工资(包括正常工作时间工资、加班工资等工资)及其他应发福利,不存在任何应付未付款项。1.4 Party C had already confirmed before signed that, Party A or Party B had already paid

6、the salary of Party C (including regular and overtime pay rate etc.) and other welfare, and there is not any other accrued payables.1.5 丙方确认在签订本协议书前,甲方、乙方不存在任何违反劳动合同、劳务派遣合同或劳动法等相关法律法规的情形。1.5 Party C had already confirmed before signed that, Party A or Party B have not violated any section or article

7、 in Labor Contract or in LaborDispatch services Contract or in Labor Contract Law.第二条 合同解除后的经济补偿及支付方式2. The way to pay the severance pay or the compensation after termination2.1 甲乙丙三方确认,由乙方根据丙方在甲方派遣至乙方的工作年限及相关情况直接向丙方支付以下费用,合计金额为 元,大写: (如需缴纳个人所得税,则由乙方依法代扣代缴)。甲方无需向丙方支付经济补偿。2.1 By the confirmation of P

8、arty A, Party B and Party C, Party B should paytheseverancepayorcompensationTotalAmount(RMB):for the employee directly with the termination of labor relationship and employment relationship due to the reasons above, according to the working life and work-related condition since Party A dispatch labo

9、r relationship to Party BA因解除用工关系和劳动关系所产生的法定的经济补偿金 元;A, The payment for termination of labor relationship and employment relationship amount(RMB) B 应休未休年休假折算人民币 元。B, Annual leave havent been used convert to RMB amount .2.2 丙方应于 年 月 日前完成工作交接手续,乙方于丙方完成工作交接手续时向丙方支付经济补偿。2.2 Party C should finish the pro

10、cedures of transfer before ddmmmmyyyy,Party B should pay the payment for termination of labor relationship and employment relationship while the time Party C finished the procedures of transfer.第三条 其他3. Others3.1 甲乙丙三方保证不将本协议或以前因劳务派遣合同、劳动合同签订或履行过程中获得的商业秘密或其他应当保密的事项泄露给第三方。3.1 Party A, Party B and Par

11、ty C should guarantee this Agreement and the Labor Contract before, including but not limited to draft of this agreement, are trade secrets of the three parties and shall not be disclosed to a third party by either party in any form.3.2 本协议签订后,甲丙双方不存在任何劳动关系意义上的债务或义务,丙方不得以任何理由追究甲方或乙方的责任。3.2 After thi

12、s agreement have been signed, there will be none labor dispatch relationship or debt or any other obligation between Party A and Party B, Party C have no reason to call to account the responsibilities of Party A or Party C第四条 协议的生效4. The time of this agreement come into effect4.1 本协议自三方签字或盖章之日起生效。三方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。4.1 This agreement will come into effect when all sides of Party A, Party Band P


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