3b u6 what time is it_第1页
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1、3b Unit6 What time is it?教学内容:译林版3b Unit6 What time is it?教材分析:教学目标:1.能初步感知、体验单词wake up, mum, oclock, breakfast, dinner, class, bed, OK, eleven, twelve.,并理解单词的意思;2.能在情境中感知如何问询时间,能初步听懂、会说、会读句型日常交际用语:What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for . 及 Hurry up.3.能准确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和协助下尝试复述课文内容。4.能初步使用本课所学的

2、词汇和日常交际用语谈论时间。教学重难点:1. 能在情境中感知如何问询时间,能初步听懂、会说、会读句型日常交际用语:What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for . 及 Hurry up.2. 能准确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和协助下尝试复述课文内容。教具:教学光盘、课件、图片,小时钟等教学过程:Step1: warming-up.T: Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning, Miss Yang.T: First, lets play a game-magic eyes. Please shout out the

3、number of the pictures, OK?由这个环节引出本课新词:eleven, twelve, clock.并实行单词教学。设计意图:通过游戏的方式进入课堂学习,比较能够吸引学生的注意力,活跃课堂氛围,而且在复习旧知识点的同时引入新内容,过渡比较自然,学生比较容易接受。Step2:leading-in.1.sentence time.T: Look! Its a clock. And a clock can tell us the time. If we want to know the time, you can ask: What time is it?导入新句型what t

4、ime is it?并教读,协助学生了解意思。Look at the clock. Who can tell me what time is it?Ss: Three.T: Yes. And you can also tell me “ Its three oclock.”导入新句型Its xxx oclock.,并教读。Look! I have a clock. But I dont know the time. Who can tell me what time is it?出示不同的几个时间,让学生说出答案,协助他们练习句型。T: We all know that we should d

5、o right things at the right time. And what can we do at these time?出示三个时间:seven oclock, twelve oclock, six oclock。让学生讨论一下这些时间能做什么事.T: Yes. We can do these things. At seven oclock, we can have breakfast. 引出生词breakfast.And we can also say “ Its time for breakfast.”引出新句型Its time for xxx.用同种方式引出lunch, d

6、inner,并代入句型。设计意图:由上一环节学习的新词clock创设一个情境,让学生在真实的情境中接触新句型1.what time is it? 2.Its xxx clock.3. Its time for xxx.这样学习起来比较简单。2. rhyme time.T: Now lets enjoy a rhyme. Time, time, whats the time? Twelve, twelve, twelve oclock. Clock, clock, twelve oclock. Lunch, lunch, time for lunch.设计意图:通过一首chant, 带领学生巩固

7、一下难读的单词,并且活跃一下课堂氛围,进入下一阶段的学习。Step3:presentation.1.wake up教学T: Look! What time is it?Ss: Its seven oclock.T: Yes. Its seven oclock. But look! What is Liu Tao doing?Ss: Sleep!T: Nice! Hes still sleeping. But its time for breakfast. So, we should say to him:” Wake up!” 引出新句型wake up. 并进行教学。2.watch and a

8、nswer: what does Tao Tao do this day?T: Now, lets watch the cartoon. And then please tell me what does Tao Tao do this day?播放动画。Now who can tell me what does Tao Tao do? Do you remember?S1: Breakfast.S2: Class.S3: Dinner.S4: Bed.3. read and fill in blanks.T: Yes, very good. He does four things this

9、day. And do you remember when Tao Tao do these things? Lets read the story again.再次自读课文。Ok. Now who can tell me when does Tao Tao do these things? Can you fill in the blanks?先让学生完成表格,在校对答案.T: OK. Now when does Tao Tao have breakfast?Ss: seven oclock.T: Nice! Tao Tao has breakfast at seven oclock. An

10、d when does he go to school? Can you find the answer in the story? Ss: 不能!T: Do you know why? Its because Tao Tao is late for school. So we should tell him: “ Hurry up!”引出新句型Hurry up,并进行教学。用同种方式引出其他的时间。4.read the story in different ways.T: Now lets read the story after the cartoon.跟读课文,纠正学生的语音语调,并带领

11、学生模仿动作,体会人物情感。And now lets dub the cartoon. 分组为动画配音。Now 4 people a group and tyr to act the cartoon.让学生分组表演动画,并请其他学生为表演者评分,以此激励学生。设计意图:通过设置不同难度的人物,带领学生学习课文,由分层理解课文开始,直到体会人物情感,并通过表演课文,考查学生对课文的掌握情况,层层升入,让学生能够透彻的理解课文,并体会新授句型的使用情况。Step4:production.T: Look! Here is my timetable. Lets make our timetable a

12、nd then talk about it with our friends. For example, its seven oclock. Its time for breakfast. And now mwke your timetable.让学生完成自己的时间表。Are you OK? Lets share our timetable together. Look! This is my time table. Listen to me: hi, Im Miss Yang. This is my day. Its seven oclock. Its time for breakfast老师先做一个示范,然后让学生自己互相讨论,再请几名学生上讲台来展示。设计意图:通过设计自己的时间表,让学生互相讨论,不仅可以练习本堂课所学句型,而且还能让学生有一个明确的时间观念。Step5: exerciseT: Noe lets do some exercise. Who can be the No.1? Come on, OK?设计意图:通过完成一些练习题,帮助学生巩固今天学过的知识点,并通过讲解,解决学生还存在的疑惑。Step6: homework.1. Read Story ti


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