



1、口译教程16单元雷天放16.2Speaking about talented personnel, I think the most crucial factor is that we should build up a system in which talents flow freely. I don t believe that China is short of the talented people:instead, there are many of them. Our problem is that many people have not been assigned to th

2、e jobs that may give full play to their talents. It s like having many beautiful young ladies andhandsome young men, but most of them remain single because they have no opportunities to meet and socialize with each other. To be honest, in our institutions or enterprises, many people thought an indiv

3、idual not an able person. But that was not the case, it was more likely that he had been assigned to a job that did not suit him at all. Actually, if he had been transferred to another post, he might have become a first-class talent.With regard to the concept of talent and the personnel system, we s

4、ued to lay emphasis on personal charisma. Now, the team spirit is more emphasized. I feel now we are much more open and permissive than before in terms of both the personnel system and the attitude towards different people, which I think is a positive change. If we call our society before the access

5、ion to the WTO a comparatively traditional one, we may call it a relatively modern society since our entry to the WTO. I think there is a great difference of principle between the two. In the past, aparticular position might have been createdfor the sake of a particularperson, but in the days to com

6、e, we may tryto spot the particularperson to fill an available position. If wesay in the past we paidgreat attention to a person s expertise inthe selection process, maybefrom now on we will pay much more attentionto a persons overallquality.16.5Ladies and Gentlemen: Good afternoon. I feel greatly h

7、onored to have this opportunity todiscuss with you theissue of CHina s introduction of foreign capital. The statisticsreleased by the Ministry ofCommerce last week show that in 2004, China approved theestablishment of 43,664 newforeign-funded enterprises, with a contractual foreign investment ofUS$

8、60.63 billion.China has become the world* s second largest recipient of foreigninvestment. We will in our work centreon the principles and policies of ournation s economic andsocial development, adapt tothe new situation of world economicdevelopment and stickto the principles of active,reasonable an

9、d efficient utilization offoreign capital. Inabsorbing foreign capital, we will try to follow the principle of the four combines 1. Combine it with economic structural adjustment and industrial upgrading: 2. With the improvement of the socialist market economy system, and the reinforcement of enterp

10、rise competitiveness:3. With the expansion of exports and development of an open economy: and4. With the vigorous development of China* s western area, the rejuvenation of northeast Chinaand the promotion of harmonious development of regional economies. We will take measures to further improve the s

11、oft environment for foreign investment,actively explore new methods for absorbing foreign capital, put emphasis on absorbingadvanced technologies, modern management and special talents, actively introduceforeign capital to invest in industries of new and advanced technologies, encouragemultinational

12、 companies to set up regional headquarters, research and procurementcenters here, speed up the development of supporting industries and open up the service trade field to foreign capital step by step. To achieve these ends, we will focus our efforts on the following two areas. 1. We will actively im

13、proved the policy and legal environment for foreign investment and the level of administration according to law. To deliver our commitments on joining the WTO and meet the requirements of our opening-up process, we will further improve the legal system of absorbing foreign investment, keeping the po

14、licies and laws for foreign investment steady, consistent, predictable and operable. We will try to create a unified, steady, transparent and predictable environment for foreign investment. We will build up a clean, industrious, pragmatic and efficient government. 2. We will maintain and improve an

15、open and fair market environment. We will, in combination with the current nationwide work of rectifying and standardizing the operation of the market economy, firmly prohibit the arbitrarily imposed fees, inspections, contribution and fines on foreign-funded enterprises. We will make efforts to break down regional protectionism and industrial monopolies, intensify law enforcement in the protection of intellectual property rights, crack down on infringements of IPRs and copyright piracy so as to es


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