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1、小升初英语精品模拟测试卷学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项.(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)( ) 1.a. come b. became c. see( ) 2.a. watch b. wastec. water( ) 3.a. father b. future c. fast( ) 4.a. safe b. safely c. safety( ) 5.a. next b. netc. near( ) 6.a. monthb. mouthc. maths( ) 7.a. no litteringb. no smokingc. no eatin

2、g or drinking( ) 8.a. look for b. find c. find out( ) 9.a. get into b. go to c. get to( ) 10.a. look out of b. look out for c. look at 2、 听录音,选择正确的应答,将其序号写在题前括号内.(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)( )1. a. yes, i am. b. yes, we do. c. no, they werent.( ) 2. a. its monday. b. its the second of june. c. on the first of

3、 june. ( )3. a. he is going to visit bobby. b. he is having a big lunch. c. he visited his cousin.( )4. a. she does her homework. b. no, she didnt. c. she ate some nice food.( )5. a. we will stay here for a week. b. we will go by train. c. we will stay here with mike.三、根据所听对话及问题,选出正确的答案.(共5小题;每小题1分,

4、满分5分)( ) 1. a. yes, he does. b. no, he doesnt. c. he eats some noodles.( ) 2. a. liu taos. b. toms. c. jims.( ) 3. a. the bund. b. beijing. c. shanghai museum.( ) 4. a. to eat some snacks. b. to play with some toys. c. to eat some snacks and play games.( ) 5. a. tomorrow. b. protect the earth. c. in

5、 the art room.四、听录音,根据听到的内容,填入所缺单词.(共10空;每空1分,满分10分)nancy and her parents will go to australia next _.they are talking about _ plans. nancy _ to see the kangaroos, koalas and other interesting _. her mother wants to see the sydney opera house. she also wants to _ some _ for her friends. she will go

6、around the _ and do some _. nancys father likes _. he will call his cousin there .they will go and watch an _ football game together.笔试部分(70分)五、选择恰当的选项.(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)( )1. my cat a big mouse last night.a. catch b. catches c. caught d.will catch( )2. the girl is crying _, but the boy is laughing

7、 _.a. sad,happily b.sadly,happy c.sadly,happyly d.sadly,happily( )3. your brother go to bed early yesterday?yes. he usually to bed at eight oclock.a. does, goes b. did, goes c. did, went d.does,went( )4. that boy at school. hes a boy.a. does good, good b. does well, good c. did well, well d.did good

8、,well( )5. liu tao cant his bedroom clean.a. keeps b. keep c. keeping d. to keep( )6.myuncleisa_.helikes_.a.cooker,cookingb.cook,cook c.cooker,cook d.cook,cooking( )7.they _ in london next year. a.working b.work c.will work d.worked( )8. i have rice, meat and vegetables for dinner.a. lots of, many,

9、some b. a lot of, a little, many c. a little, a few, some d.a little,many,some( )9. you cross the road. its the red man.a. cant b. must c. mustnt d.can( )10. people in macau drive on the _ side of the road. a. left b. right c. both d.all六、完形填空.(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)sam is a little boy, and he is only e

10、ight years 1 . one day he goes to the 2 . it is the first time for him to do that. he 3 a ticket and then goes in. but after two or three minutes he comes 4 , buys a second ticket and goes in again. after 5 minutes he comes out again and buys a 6 ticket. two or three minutes later he asks for anothe

11、r ticket. then the girl in the ticket office asks him, “ 7 do you buy so many tickets? how many friends do you meet?” sam answers, “ 8 , i have no friend here. 9 a big boy always stops me at the door and tears(撕) my 10 in pieces(碎片).” ( ) 1.a. bigb. oldc. boyd. small( ) 2.a. cinemab. schoolc. airpor

12、td. shop( ) 3.a. seesb. takec. buysd. got( ) 4.a. inb. homec. outd. by( ) 5.a. a fewb. a littlec. a lot ofd. one( ) 6.a. moreb. thirdc. newd. three( ) 7.a. whenb. whyc. what d. where( ) 8a. nob. yesc. greatd. sorry( ) 9a. sob. andc. butd. there( ) 10a. moneyb. ticketc. bookd. things七、阅读理解.(共10小题;每小题

13、1分,满分10分)a. 阅读短文,判断句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的写“t”,不相符的写“f”.long long ago, some people had a bottle of wine(酒). but everyone wanted to drink it. so they set a rule that everyone would draw a snake on the ground and the man who finished first would have the wine. one man finished his snake very soon and he was a

14、bout to drink the wine. when he saw the others were still drawing, he decided(决定) to draw the feet to the snake. however, before he finished the feet,another man finished and grabbed(抢) the bottle from him, saying, who has ever seen a snake with feet?” the story of draw a snake and add feet to it.”

15、tells us that going too far(远) is as bad as not going far enough. ( ) 1.long long ago, some people had two bottles of wine among them.( ) 2.everyone wanted to drink the wine by himself.( ) 3.the man who finished the picture first would have the wine.( ) 4.the man who decided to draw the feet to the

16、snake had the wine.( ) 5.the man drew the feet because he was good at painting.b.阅读短文,选择正确答案.one day, allan and his friend henry went swimming in a river. it was very hot. how happy they were in the river! after they got out of the water, they played games in the sun for a while. on their way back,

17、henry saw some flowers. he liked the flowers very much and ran into the green field(农田)to look at them. now allan was walking by himself. then he heard henry calling out, a snake(蛇)!help!. “whats wrong with you? asked allan. “a snake bit(咬)me in the leg. come here! allan ran over and saw a small red

18、 wound(伤口)on henrys leg. “the snake was in the grass. i didnt see it, “sit down quickly! allan told henry. allan put his mouth at the little red wound and began to suck(吸)at it. in this way he saved(挽救)henrys life. oh, allan, its very kind of you to help me. “thats all right. we are friends and we m

19、ust always help each other.1. it was_ when allan and henry went out. a. hot b. cold c. rainy d. wet2. after swimming, they played in the sun_. a. the whole morning b. for 2 hours clong dfor a while3.why did henry run into the green field?a. because he likes running.b.because he saw the snack and wan

20、ted to hit it.c.because he saw some flowers in the field.d.because allan ran after him.4. henry and allan are_. a. workers b. good friends c. brothers d. farmers5. which of the following(下面的)is true? a. henry went to look at the flowers with allan. b. they ran to the hospital at once.c. allan saw th

21、e snake. d. allan saved henrys life.八、词汇运用.(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)a.根据首字母或中文提示补全句子.1. a cat likes catching a m and eating it 2. the children in the classroom are talking l 3. i gave him a sweet. he b very happy.4.liu tao has some bad _ 习惯.5.to keep safe, you can wait on the _ 人行道.b.用所给词的适当形式填空.1. what c

22、an we do _ (keep) the classroom clean?2. i _ (not) go swimming next sunday.3. why is the car _ (stop)?4. i can see my mother _ (easy).5. the girl never _ (go) to school late.九、翻译句子.(共12空;每空1分,满分12分)1. 那场动物表演很令人激动,所有的孩子们都兴奋地欢呼. the show was very , all the children cheered .2. bill今天早上觉得很困,因为他昨天睡觉晚了.

23、bill felt this morning, he to bed late last night.3. 杯子里刚才有水吗? 是的,但是现在没有了. - there any water in the glass just now? yes. but there is _ water now.4. 为了过马路安全,我们首先必须寻找斑马线. to cross a road , we must first look for a zebra .5. 吴江人民欢迎游客. people in wu jiang .十、按要求改写句子.(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)1. the rabbit walked

24、 by the lion. (改成一般疑问句)_2. liu tao goes to bed late. (改成否定句)_3. mike likes sweet food. (对画线部分提问)_4. you must look at the traffic lights on the road. (对画线部分提问)_5. illstaythereforamonth.(对划线部分提问)_十一、书面表达.(8分)暑假即将来临,你准备做些什么有意义的事呢?请你根据图片提示,制定一份健康、有意义的暑假计划吧!要求:条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范,不少于50字._答案与解析听力部分(3

25、0分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项.(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)【题号】1-10【答案】1. b 2.c 3.b 4.b 5.a 6. a 7.a 8.c 9.c 10.a【解析】1. the boy became happy because he saw his parents again.2. to protect the earth, you should save water.3. what do you want to be in the future?4. to cross a busy road safely, you must first look for a ze

26、bra crossing.5. the bookshop is next to our school.6. which month comes after september?7. what does this sign mean? it means “no littering”.8. miss li wants to find out more about canada.9. how can i get to your grandmas house?10. dont look out of the window, tim. 3、 听录音,选择正确的应答,将其序号写在题前括号内.(共5小题;每

27、小题1分,满分5分)【题号】1-5【答案】1. c 2.c 3.a 4.a 5.b 【解析】1.听力原句是 were they at school yesterday?是过去时态,故选c2.听力原句是 whens childrens day?是问儿童节在什么时候,a是星期,b是日期,c是在六月一号,故选c3. 听力原句是what is billy going to do this weekend?问billy这个周末准备做什么?是将来时态,故选a4. 听力原句是what does your sister usually do on sundays?你的妹妹星期天干什么?是一般现在时态中的三单.

28、故选a5.听力原句是how will you go to london?你怎么去伦敦?a是待在那里一周 b是乘火车去 c和mike待在一起.故选b三、根据所听对话及问题,选出正确的答案.(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)【题号】1【答案】b【解析】听力原文是 w: hi, mike. what do you have for breakfast?m: i have some noodles.w: what about lunch and dinner?m: for lunch and dinner, i eat a lot of rice, some meat and some vegetab

29、les.q: does mike have noodles for lunch?问题是mike中午吃面条了吗?从听力原文面条是早饭吃的,所以中午没有吃,故选b【题号】2【答案】c【解析】听力原文是 w: tom, whose bedroom is it?m: its my brother jims.w: oh, there are a lot of books and toys on the floor.m: yes, he should put his things in order.q: whose bedroom isnt clean?问题是谁的卧室是不干净的?从听力原文知道卧室是jim

30、的,故选c【题号】3【答案】c【解析】听力原文是3. w: hi, mike. where did you go for the summer holiday?m: i went to beijing and visited my uncle .how about you, helen?w: i went to shanghai museum with my family. i learnt a lot there.q: what place did helen visit during the holiday?问题是假期间helen参观了什么地方?从听力原文知道mike去了北京,helen去

31、了上海博物馆,故选c【题号】4【答案】c【解析】听力原文是4. w: hello, david. it is childrens day this sunday. what are you going to do at the party?m: im going to play some interesting games.w: are you going to bring some snacks to the party?m: yes, of course.q: what are they going to do at the party?问题是在排队上他们准备做什么?从听力原文知道玩些有趣

32、的游戏和带些零食去吃,故选c【题号】5【答案】a【解析】听力原文是5. w: what is your class project about?m: its about “project the earth”.w: where will you show it?m: well show it in the art room tomorrow.q: when will they show the project?问题是他们何时展示他们的课题?从听力原文知道tomorrow,故选a四、听录音,根据听到的内容,填入所缺单词.(共10空;每空1分,满分10分)【题号】1-10【答案】1. month

33、2.their 3.animals 4.wants 5.buy 6. presents 7.city 8.shopping 9.sport 10.wonderful【解析】nancy and her parents will go to australia next _month_. they are talking about _their_ plans. nancy wants to see the kangaroos, koalas and other interesting _ animals_. her mother wants to see the sydney opera hou

34、se. she also wants to _buy_ some _presents_ for her friends. she will go around the _city_ and do some shopping. nancys father like_sport_. he will call his cousin there .they will go and watch a _ wonderful_ football game together.笔试部分(70分)五、选择恰当的选项.(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)【题号】1【答案】c【解析】本题考查时态,由于时间是last

35、 night是昨天晚上,是过去时,catch过去式caught,故选c【题号】2【答案】d 【解析】本题考查动副结构,cry和laugh都是动词,后面都要用副词.而且happy的副词要去y变i,故选d【题号】3【答案】b【解析】本题考查学生时态和时间的对应,yesterday是过去时,用did.usually是一般现在时,又由于he 是三单,所以用goes.故选b【题号】4【答案】b【解析】本题考查学生good和well的用法.do是动词,应该搭配well,后面是boy是名词,用形容词good,故选b【题号】5【答案】b【解析】本题考查学生情态动词can的用法.情态动词can后面应该用动词的原

36、型,故选b【题号】6【答案】d【解析】本题考查词汇的运用.我叔叔是为厨师,所以用cook;他喜欢烹饪,知识点like doing sth,所以用cooking,故选d【题号】7【答案】c【解析】本题考查将来时态.有时间 next year明年就知道将来时态,故选c【题号】8【答案】b【解析】本题考查词汇的运用.a few加可数名词,a little加不可数名词,many加可数名词,a lot of,lots of和some 后面单复数都可以,这题的关键是meat是不可数名词,不能用many ,a few 只能用a little,故选b【题号】9【答案】c【解析】这题考查词汇can must的用

37、法.由题意得,红灯时禁止穿马路的,故选c【题号】10【答案】a【解析】本题是文化背景题.澳门汽车是靠左行驶的,故选a六、完形填空.(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)【题号】1-10【答案】1. b 2.a 3.c 4.c 5.a 6. c 7.b 8.a 9.c 10.b【解析】1. 题干句意为“他只有8岁.”8岁的表达是eight years old,故选b.2. 题干句意为“一天他去了.”.由后文知道需要买票进入,所以最有可能是电影院,故选a.3. 题干句意为“他.了一张票,然后进入.”电影院进入的话是要买票的,故选c.4. 题干句意为“但是2-3分钟后,他来.”根据上下文,推出他应该

38、出来了,因为又要买票,出来短语是come out,故选c.5. 题干句意为“过.分,他又出来了”.应该是过几分钟后, minutes是可数的,只能用a few故选a .6. 题干句意为“过几分钟后,他又出来并买了一.票”由上下文可以推测出他又买了一张新的票,故选c.7. 题干句意为“你.买这么多票,你有几个朋友?”由上下文可以推测出应该是问你为什么买这么多票,为什么单词是why,故选b.8. 题干句意为“.,这里我没有朋友”由上下文推测出应该是回答:不,我没有朋友,故选a.9. 题干句意为“.一个大男孩在门口拦住我.”由上下文推测出应该是但是有个大男孩拦住我,但是单词是but,故选c.10.

39、题干句意为“把我的.撕成碎片.”由上下文推测出是把票撕成碎片,故选b.七、阅读理解.(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)a. 阅读短文,判断句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的写“t”,不相符的写“f”.【题号】1-5【答案】1. f 2.t 3.t 4.f 5.f 【解析】1. 题干句意为“很久以前,一些人拥有2瓶红酒”根据“long long ago, some people had a bottle of wine”可知只有一瓶酒,故选f.2. 题干句意为“人人都想自己喝红酒”根据“but everyone wanted to drink it.”可知人人都想喝,故选t.3. 题干句意为“先

40、完成画的人将拥有红酒”根据“ so they set a rule that everyone would draw a snake on the ground and the man who finished first would have the wine”可知先完成画的人将拥有红酒,故选t.4. 题干句意为“给蛇画足的人将得到红酒”根据“when he saw the others were still drawing, he decided(决定) to draw the feet to the snake. however, before he finished the feet,

41、another man finished and grabbed(抢) the bottle from him”可知在他画足的时候,有个人先画好了,所以他没有得到红酒,故选f.5. 题干句意为“男人画足是因为他擅长画画”根据“one man finished his snake very soon and he was about to drink the wine. when he saw the others were still drawing, he decided(决定) to draw the feet to the snake.”可知他是看见别人没有完成,他才决定画足的,故选f.

42、b.阅读短文,选择正确答案.【题号】1-5【答案】1. a 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.d 【解析】1. 题干句意为“当allen和henry外出的时候是天气什么样子的?”根据“it was very hot.”可知很热,故选a.2. 题干句意为“游泳过后,他们在太阳下玩了多久?”根据“after they got out of the water, they played games in the sun for a while.”可知他们出水后,在太阳下就玩了一会儿,故选d.3. 题干句意为“henry为什么跑到农田里?”根据“ henry saw some flowers. he lik

43、ed the flowers very much and ran into the green field(农田)to look at them.”可知henry看见一些花,由于他喜欢花所以跑到农田里,故选c.4. 题干句意为“allen和henry是什么关系?”根据“we are friends”可知他们是朋友,故选b.5. 题干句意为“下面哪句是正确的?”选项allan和henry一起去看花,根据“now allan was walking by himself.”可知一开始allan并没有去,所以错的;选项b他们马上跑去医院,根据allan put his mouth at the li

44、ttle red wound and began to suck(吸)at it.,可知他们没有去医院,而是allan救了henry,所以错的;选项c allan看见了蛇,根据 then he heard henry calling out, a snake(蛇)!help!.市henry看见的蛇,所以错的;选项d allan救了henry,根据in this way he saved(挽救)henrys life.allan用这种方法救了henry,是正确的,故选d.八、词汇运用.(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)a.根据首字母或中文提示补全句子.【题号】1【答案】mouth【解析】题干


46、习惯”,我们知道习惯的英文是habit,但是一些坏习惯应用复数形式,故填habits.【题号】5【答案】pavement【解析】题干句意为“为了保持安全,你应该在人行道上等待”,我们知道人行道的英文是pavement,故填pavement.b. 用所给词的适当形式填空.【题号】1【答案】to keep【解析】题干句意为“为了保持教室干净,我们能做些什么呢?”,我们知道为了保持教室干净是to keep the classroom clean,故填to keep.【题号】2【答案】wont【解析】题干句意为“下个星期天我不去游泳”,我们知道下个星期天是将来时态,给了我们not,这个单词说明这是一句

47、否定句,是将来时态的否定句,故填wont.【题号】3【答案】stopping【解析】题干句意为“汽车为什么停了呢”,我们知道这句话是现在进行时,句子里已经有be动词了is,所以后面要使用dong结构,stop的动名词是stopping,故填stopping.【题号】4【答案】easily【解析】题干句意为“我很容易就看见我妈妈了”,我们知道猫see是实义动词,后面不能用形容词,需要用副词,而easy的副词需要把y去掉变成i,故填easily.【题号】5【答案】goes 【解析】题干句意为“这个女孩从不上学迟到”,我们知道上学迟不迟到所欲一般现在时,而且the girl是三单,所以动词也要用三单

48、形式,故填goes.九、翻译句子.(共12空;每空1分,满分12分)【题号】1【答案】animal exciting excited【解析】那场动物表演,所以是animal show; 表演邻人激动是形容事物的,该用exciting;后面是形容孩子们兴奋,该用excited.【题号】2【答案】sleepy because went【解析】困的,单词是sleepy;因为,单词是because;睡觉是go to bed但是时间是昨晚,是过去时,所以用went.【题号】3【答案】was no【解析】杯子里有没有水,应该用there be句型,水是不可数,应该用单数,而且时间是刚才,所以用过去时,所以

49、答案是was;没有水,英语就是no water,所以答案是no【题号】4【答案】safely crossing 【解析】cross是动词,后面接副词,副词安全的英文是safely;斑马线的英文是zebra crossing,所以答案是crossing.【题号】5【答案】welcome visitors【解析】吴江人民欢迎游客,欢迎的英语是welcome,且是一般现在时,所以答案是welcome;游客的英文是visitor,欢迎游客不可能是单数的,所以答案是visitors.十、按要求改写句子.(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)【题号】1【答案】did the rabbit walk by th

50、e lion?【解析】这句的要求是变一般疑问句的.原句是实义动词的过去时态,所以需要借助动词did,后面原本的实义动词的过去式要还原成walk,所以答案是did the rabbit walk by the lion?【题号】2【答案】liu tao doesnt go to bed late.【解析】这句的要求是变否定句的.原句是一般现在时的三单,所以需要借助动词does,该否定句还需要添加not,缩写成doesnt,后面原本的实义动词的三单要还原成go,所以答案是liu tao doesnt go to bed late.【题号】3【答案】what does mike like?【解析】这

51、句的要求是对划线部分提问.划线部分是sweet food是东西,所以用what来提问,原句还是三单形式,需要用助动词does,动词还原成like,所以答案是what does mike like?【题号】4【答案】what must we do on the road?【解析】这句的要求是对划线部分提问.划线部分是look at the traffic lights是做某事,所以用what.do?来提问,原句中有情态动词must,不需要助动词只要往前搬就可以,所以答案是what must we do on the road?【题号】5【答案】how long will you stay there?【解析】这句的要求是对划线部分提问.划线部分是for a month是表示持续一段时间,所以用how long来提问,原句是将来时,有情态动词will,不需要助动词只要往前搬就可以,所以答案是how long will you stay t


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