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1、精品英语小升初测试2021年江苏小升初模拟测试英 语 试 题听力部分( 30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分。每小题读两遍)( )1. a. walkb. wakec. weakd.week( )2. a. catchb. chairc. cheer d.check( )3.a. go into b. go toc. go ind.go out( )4.a. safeb. safetyc. safelyd.save( )5.a. litterb. letter c. littled.later( )6. a. lightb. rightc. bright

2、d.night( )7. a. cheer b. chair c. hair d. there( )8. a. mother b. matter c. water d. centre( )9. a. sharp b. shop c. help d. deep( )10. a. ball b. doll c. door d. hole2、 听录音,根据所听的内容,选出合适的答句。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。每小题读两遍)( )1. a. no, he doesnt. b. no, i didnt. c. yes, i do.( )2.a. we go to the cinema.b. we

3、 went to the zoo. c. we are going to the zoo.( )3. a. were watching tv. b. yes, we do.c. i often go fishing.( )4. a. we were on the bus.b. in the afternoon.c. we took a bus.( )5. a. were watching tv.b. i often watch tv.c. we are going to watch tv.三、听录音,判断下列句子是(t)否(f)与所听短文内容相符。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。短文读两遍)

4、( )1. liu tao is going to find some books about music.( )2. liu tao is going to buy some presents for ben.( )3. ben is going to see his parents in usa.( )4. ben is going to buy some kites.( )5. ben is going to watch a match with his dad.四、听录音,填入所缺单词。(共10个空格,每空一词,每词1分,满分10分,短文读三遍)in this summer holid

5、ay, i am going to in some and i will go to visit my in suzhou. i will learn something . they have a . they vegetables, rice and something . its very . suzhou is a beautiful city. _ i go to suzhou, i will learn something about it on the .笔试部分(70分)五、单项选择。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)()1. there is _apple tree in

6、 the garden. under _tree,there is a cat. a .an; ab.an; thec. a; thed.a; a( )2.keep_! you should tale _in the library. a. quiet;quiet b. quietly;quietly c. quiet, quietlyd. quietly, quiet( )3. tims mother angry because tim homework yesterday. a. is, isnt doing b. did, didnt doc. was, didnt dod. is ,

7、doesnt do( ) 4. helen never _ the computer games after school.a. playb. playsc. playingd.to play( ) 5. there _ a lot of sweet food on the table just now.a. areb. isc. wasd.were( ) 6. _ are you going to come home? _ 5:30. a. what; / b. when; atc. where; ind. how; by( )7. they watch tv _ 7:00 _ the ev

8、ening.a. on; on b. at; in c. on; at d. in; on( )8.he haseggs andmilk for breakfast.a. a few;a fewb.a little;a littlec.a few; a little d.a little;a few( )9.thank you.you will find tower bridge ina . b.c. d.( )10.-i cant go to hong kong for the hiliday.-a.thats a good idea.b.oh.what a pity.!c.thank yo

9、u.d.thats good.六、完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)ted worked in a factory in a big town. he liked 1 very much, and was very 2 at it. when he 3 free, he always went down to the small river behind the factory and tried to 4 some fish. but there were fewthere, because the water 5 not clean. one autumn, he went

10、to the seaside 6 his holiday and stayed 7 a small cheap hotel. 8 the first day he caught a lot of fish and was very 9 . he 10 them to the hotel, and they cooked his fish for all the people. they liked eating the fish very much. after that, he did this every day.( )1. a. fishingb. fishesc. fishd.fish

11、ed( )2. a. wellb. goodc. fined.nice( )3. a. wasb. isc. bed.are( )4. a. catchesb. catchingc. catchd.caught( )5. a. wereb. wasc. ared.is( )6. a. withb. forc. aboutd.of( )7. a. atb. inc. ond.for( )8. a. onb. inc. atd.for( )9. a. illb. thirstyc. happyd.sad( )10. a. takesb. tookc. takingd.take七、阅读理解(共14小

12、题,a篇b篇每小题1分,c篇阅读理解每空一词,每空一分,满分15分)(a)contents(目录)chapter1:springtimestories.2chapter3:storiesinfall.20flyoverthehill.3whatabeautifulday!.21thebestwishes.7 littlerabbitwentcamping.25chapter2:summertimestories.12chapter4:storiesinwinter.28havefunatmollypark.13 thebestfriend.29the sheep in the garden.1

13、7 thekingofsnow.32thesheepinthegarden177. 阅读故事书的目录页,判断正(t)误(f)。( ) 1.wereadthis“contents”tofindoutastoryyouwanttoread.( ) 2.thestoriesareorganized(安排)intheorderoftheseasons.( ) 3.therearetwelvestoriesinthisbook.( ) 4.ifyouwanttoreadthestoryaboutanimals,youshouldturntopage17orpage20.( ) 5.iftomisread

14、ingpage30,hesreadingthestorythekingofsnow.(b)travelling many people like to travelby plane, but i dont like it because an airport is usually far from the city. you have to get there early and wait for hoursfor the plane to take offand it is often late. you cant open the window. you cant choosethe fo

15、od. planes are fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city. i like travelling by train. i think trains are safe. train stations are usually in cities. when you cant catch a train, you can catch another one. you can walk around in the train and open the windows. you ca

16、n see many interesting things on your way. i know it takes a little more time. i also like cars. you can start your journeywhen you want to, and you dont need to get to a train station or a bus stop. also you can carry many things with you in a car. but sometimes there are too many cars on the road.

17、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。( ) 1. many people like to travel by _.a. trainb. carc. planed.metro( ) 2. if i am hot, can i open the window in the plane?a. yes, you can.b. no, you cant.b. c. maybe.d.we dont know.( ) 3. can i open the window in the train?a. yes, you can.b. no, you cant.c. c. maybe. d.we dont know.( )

18、 4. travelling by train takes us _ more time.a. a lot ofb. a fewc. a littled.few( ) 5. we can carry many things when we travel by _.a. carb. trainc. planed.metro(c)yuegong1(月宫1号)here you can see many vegetables.for example, potatoes and tomatoes.are you on afarm?no.youareinyuegong1.itisacloser lab(封

19、闭的实验室)atbeihang university(大学)inbeijing.you can see many interesting thins in that lab.yuegong1hasthreerooms.itlookslikeasmallhome.eightvolunteers(志愿者)liveinyuegong1togetherforoneyear.theyhaveanexperiment.scientistswilllearnfromtheexperiment.theycanfindwaystohelpastronautsstay inspaceforalongtimeint

20、hefuture.that can help the astronautsa lot.howdovolunteerslivehere?oneroomisthelivingroom.peopleworkandsleephere.everyday,theygetupat6:30amandgotobedat11:00pm.theothertworoomsaregreenhouses(温室).peoplegrowfoodthere.theygrowmorethan30kindsoffood.theyalsoeatworms(虫子).“theyareyummy”onevolunteersaid.the

21、life in theyuegong1 is really cool. would you like to live there?阅读短文,根据短文在横线上填写合适的单词1.this article(文章)is about the _yuegong1.2.yuegong1 is at a university in _ . 3.volunteersworkandsleep in the _ room.4.people in yuegong1 eat _ andworms5.the experiment will help the_.八、单词拼写。(共12个空格;每空一词,每词1分,满分12分)

22、a.用所给词的正确形式填空。(共4小题;每小题1分,满分4分)1. tom and mike usually _( brush ) teeth in the morning and before bedtime.2.to fight the virus(病毒),we should keep _ (health).3. billy swims well,he will go to _ (swim) school.4.tom _ (not go) to school yesterday.b.根据图片和首字母提示,填写适当的单词。(共8个空;每空1词,每空1分,满分8分)because of the

23、 covid-19(新冠肺炎),we had a d spring festival.we cant go out,because many people were s . to overcome(战胜它) it.we can do some things.first,when you have a fever or a cough ,you must go to h .we must wear a mask(口罩)when we go outside.second,we shouldw our hands before eating.third,we should do more s .we

24、 should also eat more f and vegetables.many s are working on (研发)new medicine.d and nurses are taking care of the sick people.i think we will win soon九、按要求改写句子。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)1. he felttired this morning. (对划线部分提问) _2. this is bobbys bedroom. (对划线部分提问) _3. miss li will stay in china for three mont

25、hs. (对划线部分提问) _4. you cant watch tv now because its late. (对划线部分提问)_5. to, the, out, they, this, want, find, about, before, lessons, country(.)(连词成句)十、根据中文完成句子。(共5小题,每空一词,每小题2分,满分10分)1.一天,一只老鼠路过并且吵醒了狮子。one day ,a mouseandthe lion.2.杨玲昨天晚上带我们参观了她的新家。yang ling her new home.3.他总是在上课觉得困是因为他从不早睡觉。he alwa

26、ys in class.because he never4.吴江是一座美丽的城市,在这儿的人们欢迎游客。wu jiang is a .people here.5. 威力喜欢画画,他想要成为一名画家。 willy. he wants to be .十一、书面表达。(满分8分)根据下面提供的思维导图,请以“beingagoodstudent”为题,写一篇短文。要求:1.必须包含思维导图中23个方面的要点,可适当发挥; 2.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,语法正确; 3.字数不少于40字。(已给出的不计入字数)being a good student2.road safety3.diet4.dream

27、5.hobbies1.habit6.being a good studentto be a good student,答案与解析听力部分一、bcaaa bcdad二、bccca三、tfttf四、travel, places, grandparents, different, farm, grow, else, interesting, before, internet笔试部分5、 bbccb bcbdb 6、 abacb bbacb7、 ttfff cbbca life beijing living vegetables astronaut8、 a.1.brush 2.healthy 3.sw

28、imming 4.didnt go b.different sick hospital wash sport fruit scientists doctors九、1. how did he feel this morning?2. whose bedroom is this?3. how long will miss li stay in china?4. why cant i watch tv?5. they want to find out about this country before the lessons.十、1.walked by woke up 2.showed us aro

29、und last night3.feels sleepy goes to bed early4. beautiful city welcome visitors5.likes painting an artist十一、略听力材料一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分。每小题读两遍)1. i wake up at six every morning.2. tom won the game yesterday.lets cheer for him.3. my sister and i go into a shop to buy some nice food.4.to

30、keep safe ,we should drive on the left side.5.dont litter on the ground.6.the shop is on the right.7. the girl with long hair is my sister.8. we went to the shopping centre at chinese new year.9. be careful! the knife is very sharp.10. theres a hole on the window.二、听录音,根据所听的内容,选出合适的答句。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。每小题读两遍)1.did you have a party at christmas?2.where are you going next wee


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