四川省宜宾第三中学高中英语 Module 2 A Job Worth Doing学案 新人教版必修5_第1页
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1、新四川省宜宾第三中学高中英语 Module 2 A Job Worth Doing学案 5 人教版必修Vocabulary 一adj. adj. satisfied 1. satisfying 令人满意的 感到满足的,满意的a smile appeared on his face. sons work, eg. When he saw his 1) satisfy sb _ eg. What he did satisfied his parents 2) satisfy ones needs _ eg. Its impossible for her husband to satisfy her

2、 needs. 3) be satisfied to do sth _ 4) be satisfied with sb/sth _ vi 提出(愿意做某事)2.offer(主动)1) offer to do sth _ eg. He offered to drive me home. 2) offer sb sth= _ 向某人提供某物 eg. The old lady offered the strangers some money. Mary, offer some coffee to the guests. 3. 1) in particular_ eg. I love music in

3、 general but I love folk songs in particular. 2) be particular about/over eg. She is particular about her dress. vt. n respect 遵守;尊敬,尊重4. eg. We should respect the traffic rules. Everyone must respect his parents. 1) be highly respected _ 2) have/show respect for = _ 尊敬某人 3) give/ send ones respects

4、 to sb _ eg. Please give my respects to your parents. 4) in respect of _ eg. This is especially true in respect of the United States. n. vt. ) 弯曲 (使弯道,弯曲处5. bend 1)be bent on/bend oneself on _ eg. The boys bent their attention on making model ships. 2) bend sb to sth/sb 使某人屈服于. eg. She tried to bend

5、 her husband to her wishes. vt 直接的 adj. direction 指导 n 6.direct 指挥,导演,指导 eg. Who directed the film ? 1) direct sb to do sth _ 1 eg. The boss directed him to cancel the meeting. 2) direct sb to sp _ 3) under ones diretion _ n. vt 相遇.7. encounter 遇到eg. We encountered a lot of difficulties. .相遇 1) have

6、 a close encounter with .和 come across run across meet sb by chance偶然遇到 相同意义短语: vt. n. 与合同,契约.签合同 8. contract 1) sign a contract _ keep a contract _ break a contract _ draw a contract _ 与某人签约做某事2) contract sb to do sth eg. Yao Ming contracted the Rockets to play basketball for another season. Anyone

7、 who breaks the contract will be punished . vt require 需要,要求9. 1) require+ n. /pron. 2) require doing /to be done _. 房间需要打扫。 3)require (sb) to do sth eg. The teacher required us to arrive early. 4) require+that- clause 从句用(should )+ do eg. The doctor required that I should stay at home and have a go

8、od rest. adj. , 重要的10. essential 有必要的eg. Working hard is essential to success. 1) be essential to/for sb _ 2) Its essential that-clause +(should)+v原 做什么是重要的 eg.Good food and plenty of exercise are essential for a healthy life . n.vt. 急需,要求11. demand 要求,需求,请求 1)in the demand for 对.的需求 eg. Our school

9、is in great demand for teachers. = Teachers are in great demand in our school. 2)meet/satisfy ones demands _ 3) demand to do sth _ 4) demand sth. 5) demand that sb /sth (should) do. 要求. 1.我要求道歉。_. 2.老板要求玛丽在一星期内答复. _. 2 vi 遭受,忍受 vt 受)痛苦,忍受12. suffer (遭 1)suffer from 受.苦,患.病. eg. He suffered from cold

10、 and hunger in the old society . He suffered from all kinds of disease in those years. 2)suffer losses _ eg. Peasants suffered great losses because of the heavy snow. 二单词重现. 1. 脑力的,思维的(adj.)_ 2.令人满意的(adj.) _ 3. 充满压力的(adj.)_ 4. 会计 (n.)_ 5. barber_( ) 6. biochemist_( ) 7.电工(n.) _ 8. 矿工(n.) _ 9. 志愿者(n.

11、)_ 10. (主动)提出(vi)_ 11.信号 (n.)_ 12. in particular _ 13. 垂直的(adj.)_ 14. on average_ 15. in theory _ 16. in practice _ 17. 遵守(vt.)_ 18.伤亡人数(n.) _ 19.bend_( ) 20. 圆形的(adj.)_ 21.指挥(vt.)_ 22. pass by_ 23. take.for granted_ 24.相遇,邂逅(n.)_ 25. profpund_( ) 26. have an effect on_ 27.任务,职责(n.) _ 28.合格的,称职的(adj

12、.)_ 29.take up_ 30.vertical_( ) 31.take notice of _ 32.暂时的,临时的(adj.)_ 33.冰箱( n.)_ 34.合同,契约( n.)_ 35.挣(钱)(vi.) _ 36.长久的( adj.)_ 37.工资,薪水(n.)_ 38.全体职员,员工( n.) _ 40.agent_( ) 39.sign_( ) 42.申请(vi.)41.analyst_( ) _ 43.推理,推断(n.)_ 44.组织的( adj.)_ 45. 工作,职位(n.)_ 46.厨师(n.)_ 47.需要(vt.) _ 48.可续签的( adj.)_ 3 49.

13、 必不可少的(adj.)_ 50. 模特 (n.)_ 51. shot_( ) 52. in response to_ 53.感激的(adj.) _ 53. 可获得的(adj.) _ 54. 数据库(n.)_ 55. 要求,需要(n.)_ 57. 传统的(adj.) _ 56.bioinformatician_( ) 58. 年轻人(n.)_ 59. 遭受(痛苦)(vi)_ 60. pathologist _( ) 61. double _( ) 62. 休闲(n.)_ 63.个人(n.) _ 64. 健康(n.)_ 65.外向的(adj.) _ 66. 个性,性格(n.)_ 三词汇拓展. 1

14、.satisfying(adj.) -_(v.) -_( n.) 2.stressful (adj.) -_( n.) 3. organisational(adj.)-_(v.) -_(n.) 4. traditional(adj.)-_(n.) 5. personality (n.)-_(adj.) 四、听力(Listening materials) (INT= Interviewer; CLA=Claire) Part 1 INT: Good Morning,_ _ _ Ms Patterson, Ms Claire Patterson, is that tight? CLA: Yes.

15、Thank you. INT: My name is Mr Floyd and Im the manager. CLA: Pleased to meet you. INT: So how old are you? CLA: I was 19 in March. INT: And youve got “A” levels in English, French and CLA: Business Studies. INT: Right. And youre interested in a _ _ with us? CLA: Yes. INT: How did you find out about

16、us? CLA: I saw your ad in the local paper. INT: What makes you think youll like the job? INT: Well, I like working with people 4 INT: Yes, well of course you will have to _ _ people, but youll also be using the phone a lot. CLA: Right. INT: Have you travelled much yourself? CLA: Yes, in Europe mostl

17、y, but I also visited China last year. INT: That must have been interesting. CLA: Yes, it was. INT: What languages do you speak? CLA: French, and _ _ _ _ Italian. INT: Whats your French like? CLA: Not bad. Last summer I looked after a group of 15 French children who were visiting Britain. I took the

18、m _ _ to places like Oxford and Stratford. INT: That cant have been easy! CLA: No, it was a nightmare( 恶梦)! INT: They_ _ _ _, or had an accident CLA: Yes, but luckily there were no disasters. I managed somehow. INT: Im glad to hear that. And I think we can offer you the job. But before we go on, are

19、 there any questions youd like to ask about the job? Part 2 INT: Before we go on, are there any questions you want to ask about the job? CLA: Well, I was _ _ the pay. The advertisement wasnt very specific. INT: Well, you will earn the starting salary of a permanent employee, thats a take-home salary

20、 of roughly (大概)twelve hundred pounds a months CLA: Twelve hundred, right. And do I have to do and special training? INT: Yes, the first week is always a training week, on full pay. My assistant, Mrs Holmes, will look after you. CLA: What are the hours? INT: Half past eight to six, _to _, with an ho

21、ur for lunch. And you will have one afternoon off every week, which you can arrange with Mrs. Holmes. CLA: I see. And when do I start work? INT: The position is vacant (空缺)from the first of July. CLA: Right. Then there is just one other question INT: Yes? CLA: The_ is for three months only. But if I

22、 like the job, and get on OK, what sort of career prospects (职业前景)will I have with you, I mean, will it be possible to change my contract? INT: And become a member of our_ _, you mean? CLA: Yes. INT: Well, Ms Patterson, if you like the job and were satisfied with you, I think your prospect will be e

23、xcellent 5 五、在The Human Traffic Signal(p12)一文中,找出下列中文对应的英语。 1. 最高的首都_ 2. 在高海拔地区_ 4. 尤其,特别_ 3. 处于不好的状况_ 5. 平均_ 6. 冲出公路_ 7. 每两周_ 8. 理论上_ 9. 10. 遵守规则实际上_ _ 12. 死亡率_ _ 11. 多亏13. 一种不同寻常的工作_ 14. 人体交通标志_ 15. 指挥交通_ 16. 给他点小费_ 17. 以为理所当然_ 18. 担任_ 20. 在一个弯道口19. 和死神打了个照面 _ _ 22. 对 21. 住院_ 有深刻的影响_ 23. 从早到晚 _ 请把

24、下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 课后,我的班主任特别表扬了我。(in particular) _ 2. 尽管忙于工作,他平均每天花两个小时锻炼。(on average) _ 3. 事实上,今天许多孩子把父母的爱看成是理所当然的。(takefor granted) _ 4. 在香港出差的某一天,他跟他的偶像(idol)打了个照面。(have a close encounter with) _ 5. 给我留下深刻印象的是这可怜孩子的健康状况极为不好。(have a profound effect on, in bad condition) _ 6 请把下列句子翻译成中文。 1. On one side

25、 the mountains rise deeply, on the other side there is a sheer drop, which in places is hundreds of meters deep. _ 2. The drop is great that anyone inside the vehicle is lucky to survive. _ 3. When two vehicles approach from the opposite directions they cant see each other, but they can see Timoteo.

26、 _ 4A few years later, he was called out in the night to help pull people out of a bus which had crashed at la curva del Diablo. _ 5. And so every morning, week in, week out, from dawn to dusk, Timoteo takes up his place on the bend and directs the traffic. _ 六、在 Growing Jobs(p19)一文中,找出下列中文对应的英语。 1.

27、 电脑系统分析师_ 2. 数据库分析师_ 4. 对健康护理专业人士的需数据库经理_ _ 3. 5. 把A和B相结合_ 6. 家庭护理员_ 7. 照顾_ 8. 飞速老龄化的人群_ 9. 专业的照顾_ 10. 遭受 _ 12. 在18岁以下_ 11. 表达或语言的障碍_ 13. 社会工作者 _ _ 14. 常识 15. 健康的体魄 _ 16. 开朗的性格_ 18. _ 17. 可能 计算机技能_ 7 请把下列句子翻译成中文。n American university, the ten fastest According to a survey published by a1. growing jo

28、bs will be related to computers and health. _ The number of speech pathologists (who help people who have problems speaking) 2. is expected to double by the year 2012. _ Of course there will be plenty of other new jobs, some of which we probably 3.cant even guess. _ 4. But for those who love outdoor

29、 life, a good bet could be the leisure industry. _ 5. As more and more countries open up to tourism, more travel agents will be needed, but the real demand will be for guides to take groups and even individuals on adventure holidays. _ 单项选择 1. All of us, me _, like being praised instead of being punished. A. include B. to include C. including D. included 2. Its always difficult being alone in a foreign country, _ if you dont speak the language. A. in practice B. in theory C. on average D. in particular 3.


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