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1、课 时 教 案课时进度课 题Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?教学目标Key vocabulary: join dance swim sing play chess paint speakKey structures: I want to join the art club.Can you swim?Yes, I can./No, I cant.I canbut I cant教学重点Key vocabulary and the key structures教学难点How to talk about abilities using can/cantPairwork.课

2、 型新授课教具录音机教法、学法及个性化设计教学内容与过程Step 1. Leading inWe can do many things. For example: I can speak English and you can speak English too. Ill ask some of you to come to the front to act and others guess what they are doing? Then lead in some key words.Step 2.Pre-task1. Game: SHOW YOURSELF to practice: I

3、can What can you do?2. Look at the pictures and learn and explain the key words( join dance swim sing play chess paint speak)3. To practice the key structures using the key words by asking the students to come to the front to show and then discuss the pictures.Can you? Yes, I can./No, I cant.4. To l

4、ead in talking about all kinds of clubs by asking “what can you do if you want to dance well”, and lead in clubs and the key structures.I want to join the art club. Can you swim? Yes, I can./No, I cant.Step 3.While-task1a look at the picture and then match the words with the people.1b Listen to the

5、conversation and check ,correct the answers.Step 4. Post- task1. Pairwork a. First lead students to read the conversations for several times and practise in pairs according to the pictures on the screen. b. Then look at the pictures and practise Can she /he /they2. Groupwork Super interview - In fou

6、rs to make a survey. First fill in the blanks then report using the key structures.Step 5.Summary and homework1.Write something about what you can do and what club you want to join.2. Interview two classmates and make a conversation using the key structures. 板书设计Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Words

7、: Structures:Art club paintI want to join the art club.Swimming club swimCan you paint?English club speak EnglishYes, I can/ No, I cant.Music club play the guitar I canbut I cantChess club play chess课后反思组长签字:课 时 教 案课时进度 第 1 周第 2 课时(学期 第 2 课时)课 题 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?教学目标Key structures: Wha

8、t club do you want to join?I want to join the chess club.Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can.Can you play it well? No, I cant.教学重点What club do you want to join ? I want to join the chess club.Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can.教学难点To make conversations using the key structures and learn to intervie

9、w others for jobs.课 型新授课教具录音机教法、学法及个性化设计教学内容与过程Step 1. Leading inDo you know clubs We have known some clubs. Look at the pictures on the screen and lets look through the clubs. And what club do you want to join?Step 2.Pre-task Look at the pictures about the talent show on the screen and guess what k

10、ind of clubs they can joinStep 3.While-task 1. 2a First ask students to read the names of the clubs and finish 2a and then read after the tape and explain something necessary. 2.2b complete the conversation with the words in the box. Then listen to the first conversation and check the answers and th

11、en practice in pairs according to the pictures . 3.3a Put the sentences in order to make a conversation. 4.Survey: Our school will start some clubs. Interview three students what club they want to join.using the clue in the picture.Step 4. Post- task 1.Job Interwiew : Look at the ad and then intervi

12、ew the classmates for the job. Ask students if they find someone for the job. Why? What can they do? Why not? What cant they do? 2.Explain the key words: our kid be good with help with/to do join us Step 5. Summary of the period This class weve learnt some key words and the key structures. What club

13、 do you want to join?I want to join the chess club.Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can.Can you play it well? No, I cant.Step 6. Homework Go over the words and practice the key structures. To finish off the workbook exercises. 板书设计Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 一 words and phrases 二 Key structures1.

14、 kidWhat club do you want to join?2. ourI want to join the chess club.3. help with/ do /to doCan you play the guitar? Yes, I can.4. be good withCan you play it well? No, I cant.5. join us课后反思组长签字:课 时 教 案课时进度 第 1 周第 3 课时(学期第 3 课时)课 题 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?教学目标1. The key vocabulary: violin tr

15、umpet drum piano or 2. Learn the target language:Can you play the guitar? No, I cant.Can Bill play the guitar? Yes, he can, but he cant sing.教学重点1.Key vocabulary2. Review and consolidate the target language教学难点Review the usage of the modal verb can by asking and expressing abilities.Train students l

16、istening and speaking abilities by using the target language.课 型新授课教具录音机教法、学法及个性化设计教学内容与过程Step 1. Leading in1. Guessing games: Listen and guess what instruments they are and brainstorm to consolidate the new words.2. Present the new words(violin trumpet drum piano) and write them on the blackboard.S

17、tep 2.Pre-task 1. 1a Match the words with the pictures.(Pay attention to the word the ) 2. 1b Pairwork -Ask and answer questions about the instruments using the key structures. 3. Fill in the chart using can/cant(first ask and answer then r For example: Can you play the drums? Yes/No,Jim can play th

18、e piano but he cant play the drums or the guitar. .name instrumentDrumsPianoGuitarTrumpetViolin JimCantcanCantcancanThis activity provides practice in understanding the target lanuage in spoken conversationStep 3.While-task 1. 2a listen and circle the words you hear 2.2b listen again. Fill in the ch

19、art with the words in the box.this activity provides additional listening to consolidate the new words and structures.Step 4. Post- task Make an interview about what instruments students can play:1. Divide the students into ten groups2. Make a survey about the instruments students can play.3. The le

20、ader in each group reports to the class.4. Choose some best ones to have a talent show.5.Step 5. Summary of the period This period we mainly talk about the instruments and the abilities of playing them The new words . The key structures .(the same as the Key Point)Step 6. Homework Make a conversatio

21、n about the interview and write the report of their own groups 板书设计Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?Words Structures violinCan you play the guitar?trumpet No, I cant.drumCan Bill play the guitar?pianoYes, he can, but he cant sing.or课后反思组长签字:课 时 教 案课时进度 第 1 周第4 课时(学期第 4 课时)课 题 Unit 1 Can you play the g

22、uitar?教学目标 1.Key vocabulary: musician then be rock band show Sunday pm kung fu may draw little e-mail address why2.Key structures: musicians wanted for rock band/School Music Festival Then you can be in our school music festival. What can you do? I can do Chinese Kung fu.教学重点1. The key vocabulary an

23、d the key structures 2. To learn to write a wanted ad and posters with the modal verb can.教学难点To write a wanted ad and make a poster with the modal verb can.课 型新授课教具录音机教法、学法及个性化设计教学内容与过程Step 1. Leading inUse the sentences: Can you and What can you do? to talk with some students and then show some pi

24、ctures about some famous musicians by asking who she/he is and lead in the word musician and other key wordsStep 2.Pre-task3a 1. Show a magazine to lead in the word ad and underline the things they want people to do for the school music festival.2.How to write a wanted ad. First write the title usin

25、g the word “wanted forThen use the drill: Can you? At last, the advertiser and the phone number.Step 3.While-task 3b This activity provides writing practice using the target language. Complete the following poster with the words in the box. 3c Write the poster for our school day. Work in groups of s

26、ix. Write a poster for our school day according to the ad in 3a.then put them on the wall to see which group does the best.Step 4. Post- task P64 read the conversation and fill in the blanks and explain some key words and sentences.Step 5. Summary of the period This class weve learnt some key words

27、and structures. And we have learnt how to write a wanted ad and posters with the modal verb canStep 6. Homework Recite the conversation and write an ad for our school day. 板书设计Unit10 Can you play the guitar?WordsLanguage pointsmusiciandrawdo Chinese kung futhenlittlebe inrock bande-mailtalk to/withs

28、howaddressMay ISundaywhya littlepmlearn aboutan e-mail address课后反思组长签字:课 时 教 案课时进度 第 1 周第 5 课时(学期第 5 课时)课 题 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Self Check 教学目标复习词汇guitar,dance,swim,sing,chess,speak,play,paint,join,music,art,club,piano,drum,trumpet,violin,can,cant教学重点复习词汇guitar,dance,swim,sing,chess,speak,play,paint,join,mu


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