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1、Test o n unit 2: Our WorldBy贾景尧i 课文内容填空(每空一分,共三十四分)1. (像所有的大城市一样),Paris(有一个交通问题)2. A city spokesman said Velib scheme(解决所有的交通问题),but it(可能会减少大气层中的污染)3. (不要乱扔垃圾).Someone has to(把它捡起来)穿越城4. One Parisia n said these bicycles are only for (短途旅行)f people want to (市), they won t use a bicycle.5. (另外), tee

2、nagers here need(更多的体育器材)H、介词填空(每空两分,共二十二分)I. People can take a bicycle,use it for as longthey wan t,a nd the n leave itthe same or ano ther bicycle stati on.2. Every one knowsthat crazy man.3. we do someth ing now ,our earth will be awful.4.1 think we can use bicycles or walk short jour neys .5. Gr

3、eat! The weather man TV says it will be sunny tomorrow.6. Theyparadise,a nd put a park ing .7. the weather report says that temperatures will con ti nuerise.well-k nown山.完形填空(每空两分,共二十分)All pare nts love their childre n.Many pare nts want their kids to( 1 )people when they( 2 ) .Most of them want the

4、ir kids to live better thanothers.Ma ny of them (3)their kids will be sin gers or actors. Actors and sin gerscan(4)money easily in our coun try.Whe n they appear in theadvertiseme nt,they will get (5)money which a farmer or a worker cant makeall his life.Some of the pare nts want their kids to be bu

5、sinessmen(6)doctors. If they workhard, they will have cars and big houses in several(7).Some pare nts want theirkids to work in cities and tow ns.They dont (8)them to work in thecoun tryside.People who work in the cities and tow ns can get money after the(9)f you are a famous man, especially an acto

6、r, youll get much but pay alittle. A farmer is (10)-he gets little but pays much.(1) A.do B.become C.like D.work(2) A.grow up B.get up C.stand up D.set up(3) A.make B.like C.love D.hope(4) A.lose B.make C.remember D.take(5) A.many B.a little C.much D.a few(6) A.or B.and C.but D.else(7) A.days B.week

7、s C.years D.moths(8) A.paly B.need C.enjoy D.want(9) A.retire Beave C.die D.move(10) A.happy B.different C.rich D.luckyW 阅读(每小题两分,共十分)Little Tom dow n the street calls our dog The keep dog.Zip is a sheep dog. Butwhen Tom tries to say Seep, it comes out keep. And in a way Tom is right. Zip isalways b

8、ringing things hoem for us to keep! Ill tell you about some of them.Zips first present was a shoe. It was made of green silk.We did nt know how Zip found the shoe. But after a mome nt Mary, my big sister,told me the shoe had a strange smell. I nodded(点头)and held my nose. What doyou thi nk it is?污点)I

9、t smells like someth ing for clea nin g. I thi nk some one tried to clea n a spot ( off the shoe. Then he put it at the door to dry.Along came Zip. And good-bye shoe! I said.We should take it back.We cant .said my sistter.Maybe little Tom is right, Mary said. Maybe Zip is a keep dog!1.The writer and

10、 Mary did nt knowA. what Zips first prese nt wasB. how Zip carried its first present homeC. who owned Zips first prese ntD. what Zips first prese nt was made of2. Tom calls Zip the keep dogbecauseA. the dog likes keep ing thingsB. the dog likes playing with shoesC. he does nt know the dogs n ameD. h

11、e cant pronounce the word sheepwell3. What made the shoe stra nge wasA. its colour B.its smellC.its size D.that it was a silk one4. The word keepi n the last sentence means A. keeping things for itselfB. bri nging things for other to keepC. not letting it run aboutD. taki ng care of a small child5. We can know from the read ing that the dogA. likes to give prese nts to peopleB. has been kept in at the writers homeC. has brought some troubleD.likes to be called the keep dogWrite (十四分)Write an article making your home town better.Here is a


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