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1、Unit 3,This is my sister,a book,books,That is a book,This is a book,These are books,Those are books ,too,These are my eraser,s,Those are your pencil sharpener,s,This is an orange,These are orange,s,That is her pencil,Those are her pencil,s,Is that his pencil case,Yes,it is,No, it isnt,Is this your p

2、encil,Are these your keys,Yes, they are,Are those her pens,No, they arent,A,Are these your ,A,Are those your .,B,Yes ,they are,B,No,they arent,be,动词表示“是”,有三个,am ,is, are,我,I,用,am,你,you,用,are,is,连着他,he,她,she,它,it,单数跟,is,后,复数全部都用,are,单数,复数,this,that,is/am,these,those,are,变为疑问句,1.This is my clock,2.Tha

3、t is your ring,3.These are her books,4.Those are his oranges,5.Those are my backpacks,Is this your clock,Is that your ring,Are these her books,Are those his oranges,改错,1.Are this your book,2.Those is my pen,3.Is these his pencils,4.Are those her ruler,Is this your book?/Are these your books,That is

4、my pen./Those are my pens,Are these his pencils,Are those her rulers,Are those your backpacks,5,Are they your books?Yes,theyre,Are they your books?Yes,they are,1,一般直接加,s,如,pen,pens,eraser,erasers,book,books,2,以,o.s.x.sh.ch,结尾的加,es,如,watch-watches,3,以辅音字母加,y,结尾的,变,y,为,i,再加,es,如,family-families,dictio

5、nary-dictionaries,4,以,f,或,fe,结尾的变,f,或,fe,为,v,再加,es,如,knife,小刀,knives,5,部分,以,o,结尾加,es,如,potatoes,土豆,tomatoes,西红柿,其他加,s,如,photo-photos,可数名词复数,把下列单数名词变成复数,pencil baseball game notebook ring ruler,pencils baseballs games notebooks rings rulers,watch fish bus box potato tomato,Watches fishes buses boxes

6、potatoes tomatoes,family baby party,families babies parties,boy class knife life dictionary photo,boys classes knives lives dictionaries photos,把下列句子单数变成复数,1.This is a book,2.That is an orange,3. This is my pencil,4.That is her quilt,5.Is this your watch,6.Is that his dictionary,7.It is my map,8,Tha

7、ts his ring,This are books,Those are oranges,These are quilts,Those are her quilts,Are these your watches,Are those his dictionaries,They are maps,Those are his rings,人称代词和物主代词,人称代词是经常用做主语的代词,物主代词就是表示所有关系的代词,人称代词,I,我,you,你,he,他,she,她,it,它,we,我们,you,你们,they,他们,形容词性物主代词,my,我的,your,你的,his,他的,her,她的,its

8、,它的,our,我们的,your,你们的,their,他们的,把下列句子翻译成英语,1,这是他的铅笔,2,那个是你的文具盒吗,3,那些是你们的桔子吗,4,这些不是他们的地图,5,那些是他们的字典吗,6,这些是我们的削笔刀吗,7,那些是她的手表吗,8,它是我们的学校,This is his pencil,Is that your pencil case,Are those your oranges,These are not their,maps,Are those their dictionaries,Are these our pencil,sharpeners,Are those her watches,It is our school,1.This is my clock,2.That is your ring,3.These are her books,4.Those are his oranges,5.Those are my,backpacks,6.He is my sister,7.She is his mother,8.I am Jeff,1.Is this your clock,2. Is


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