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1、Sorry doesnt mean anything.道歉没有任何用I know more than you think.我知道的比你想像得多And you think more than you know.你是自我感觉良好But knowledge is not the same as wisdom.Wisdom is doing it.知识与智慧是两码事智慧就是亲身实践Everyone tells you what to do and whats good for you.They dont want you to find your own answers.They want you t

2、o believe theirs.每个人都口口声声说是为你好他们不想让你自己找到答案只希望你信他们那套I want you to stop gathering information from outside yourself and start gathering it from the inside.我希望你不要从你的外部世界收集信息而是从你的内心进行收集People are afraid of whats inside,and thats the only place theyre ever gonna find what they need.人们都害怕他们的内心而内心恰恰是他们唯一的归

3、宿People are not their thoughts.They think they are and it brings them all kinds of sadness.想法不代表你的人格人们却因为不明白这点而沮丧The mind is just a reflex organ.It reacts to everything.Fills your head with millions of random thoughts a day.None of those thoughts reveal any more about you than a freckle does at the

4、end of your nose.大脑只是反射器官对所有事情都有反应所以整天才会有各种奇怪思绪这些想法完全不代表你的为人就跟你鼻子上的雀斑一样无意义Learning to throw out everything you dont need in your mind.你要学会抛开脑中没用的东西Empty your mind.Take out the trashThe trash is anything that is keeping you from the only thing that mattersThis moment. Here. Now.清除你的杂念抛开杂念那些杂念使你无法全神贯注

5、此时此地此刻Clear my mind心无旁骛Knowing everything, when in fact you know nothing.自以为什么都懂,实际上什么都不懂That the ones that are hardest to love are the ones that need it the most.最不讨人喜欢的人通常最需要爱That knowledge is not the same as wisdom.Wisdom is doing.知识和智慧不是同一件事情智慧是去实践Death isnt sad.The sad thing is most people dont

6、 live at all.死亡并不可悲.可悲的是大多数人根本就没有活过.A warrior does not give up what he lovesHe finds the love in what he does.战士不会放弃他的所爱他在他所做的事中找到爱A warrior is not about perfectionor victoryor invulnerability.Hes about absolute vulnerability.Thats the only true courage.战士并不是要尽善尽美不是永远胜利不是要刀枪不入他极其脆弱那才是唯一真正的勇气The acci

7、dent is your training.Life is choice.You can choose to be a victim or anything else youd like to be.意外就是你的训练.人生是个选择.你可以选择成为受害者或者任何你想成为的人.A warrior acts. Only a fool reacts.战士主动.傻瓜被动.There is no starting or stopping, only doing.从来就不存在开始或终止,只有过程.Nearly all of humanity shares your predicamentIf you don

8、t get what you want, you suffer.And even when you get exactly what you want,you still sufferbecause you cant hold onto it forever.几乎所有人都有你这样的困境如果你得不到你想要的你就难受甚至当你得到了你想要的你还是难受因为你不能永远拥有Cause it was the first thing that I was sure that I loved.因为那是我确定的第一件我深爱的事Life has just three rules? Paradox, humor an

9、d change.生活只有三条法则?悖论,幽默和变化Paradox-Life is a mystery.Dont waste time trying to figure it out.悖论-生活是个迷不要浪费时间试图解开Humor-Keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself. It is a strength beyond all measure.幽默-保持幽默感特别是自我幽默.那是最重要的力量.Change- Know that nothing stays the same.变化-懂得没有事物是静止不变的.The journey. The

10、 journeys what brings us happiness, not the destination.旅程.旅程才是带来快乐的事物,而不是目的地.A warrior is not giving up what he love, he finds love in he does.战士不会放弃他热衷的志业,他在所作所为中找到爱。A warrior is not about perfection, or victory, or invulnerability.战士无须尽善尽美,不需常胜不败,不必刀枪不入。Hes about absolute vunlnerability, thats the true courage.战士很脆弱,那才是唯一的勇气。The addicident is your training. Life is choice. You can choose to be youd like to be.每个事件都可能是磨练,取决於自己所选择。A warrior


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