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1、One should learn deeply about his motherland before he travels abroad. 一个人到国外去之前,应该更进一步了解祖国,单元核心素养:文化意识,1,编辑课件,Ann Jones is one of the most interesting people I have met;she is only twenty-five,but she has travelled to over fifty different countries.Five years ago,she was a typist(打字员) in Birmingham

2、,but she decided to give up her job and see the world.Since then,her life has changed completely. The first time she went abroad was seven years ago,when she was just 18.She took a boat to France and then hitchhiked(搭便车) around Europe for five weeks.She has visited Europe many times since that first

3、 trip,of course,but this holiday was the one which made her start travelling.She never forgets the excitement of those five weeksalthough it was not all enjoyable.When she was on a train,somebody stole her purse.So she lost all her money and had to work in a restaurant for a fortnight.She made some

4、good friends there,however,and has returned several times since then,话题导入,How did she find money for her travels?After her first trip abroad,she went home and worked for two years,saving all the time.Now she travels around,finding work when her money is low.She has made a lot of friends,she says,and

5、 has learned quite a few languages.Although she has had occasional(偶尔的) difficulties and has often been sick,she has never thought about giving up her travels.“My first time abroad changed my life,”she says,“and I have wanted to travel ever since.,1.Ann Jones lost her work,so she decided to travel a

6、round.( ) 2.While traveling,Ann Jones made some good friends.(,查看答案,根据短文判断正(T)、误(F,F,T,PART 1,读前清障,PART 2,课文理解,Period One Introduction & Reading and VocabularyPre-reading,PART 1,读前清障,6,编辑课件,第一组,查看答案,1.surveyA.幸运的;吉祥的 2.neighbourhood B.调查 3.suburb C.有吸引力的;吸引人的 4.attractive D.城郊;郊区 5.fortunate E.四邻;街坊

7、,匹配左边的单词与右边的汉语意思,6.pretty A.打扰;烦扰;麻烦 7.tourist B.令人讨厌的人或事 8.bother C.地域;区域;行政区 9.nuisance D.旅游者;观光客 10.district E.很;相当,第二组,查看答案,11.approach A.海港 12.harbour B.美丽的;宜人的 13.gorgeous C.接近 14.architecture D.饿死 15.starve E.建筑,第三组,查看答案,PART 2,课文理解,10,编辑课件,Match each part with its main idea. 1.Part 1 (Paras.

8、17)A.They are discussing the climate of Xiamen. 2.Part 2 (Paras.811) B.They are discussing the harbour,parks,the island and lunch. 3.Part 3 (Paras.1216) C.They are discussing the buildings and shopping malls. 4.Part 4 (Paras.1722) D.John Martin is visiting Xiao Lis hometown,Xiamen,查看答案,Step 1Fast-re

9、ading,11,编辑课件,Choose the best answer according to the text. 1.Which is the most interesting part of the city? A.The western district. B.The eastern district. C.Gulangyu Island. D.The northern district,Step 2Careful-reading,查看答案,2.How did John and Xiao Li go to visit Xiao Lis hometown? A.By bus. B.In

10、 a car. C.On foot. D.On a train,查看答案,13,编辑课件,3.The climate is . A.cool in the summer and warm in the winter B.hot and dry in the summer,but cold in the winter C.not very hot and wet in the summer,but quite cold in the winter D.very hot and wet in the summer,but quite cold in the winter,查看答案,14,编辑课件,

11、4.Which sentence is TRUE according to the text? A.Xiao Li and John havent seen each other for 6 years. B.There are so many tourists in the autumn. C.Xiao Lis hometown is an old city that has no apartment blocks. D.John doesnt like eating fish,查看答案,15,编辑课件,After reading the text,please fill in the fo

12、llowing blanks. Xiao Lis hometown is in the northwest of Xiamen,one of the most 1. _ (attract),interesting and lively places.He is now taking John Martin to visit his hometown.The people there are 2. (friend).Xiao Li feels 3. fortunate living there.There are too many tourists 4. (come) to visit Xiam

13、en every year,5. sometimes can be a nuisance.Many modern high-rise buildings 6._ (put) up in the business district.The western part is 7. most interesting part of the city. As they 8. (approach) the harbor,查看答案,Step 3Post-reading,attractive,friendly,it,coming,have,which,been put,the,are approaching,

14、16,编辑课件,they see Gulangyu Island across the water,which is gorgeous 9. some interesting architecture.As John Martin is 10. (starve),they decide to have lunch in a nice little fish restaurant,查看答案,with,starving,17,编辑课件,1.You know,Ive seen quite a lot of China and Ive visited some beautiful cities,but this is one of the most attractive places Ive been to. 句式分析,Step 4Sentence-learning,You know,Ive seen quite a lot of China,插


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