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1、xx 埃默里大学商学院奖学金种类及申请条件美国的埃默里大学在国家上的口碑是不错的,本科有很多出色的专业,去埃默里大学读本科,也许商学院是不错的选择,跟着出guo 一起来了解下美国埃默里大学商学院奖学金种类及申请条件吧,欢迎阅读。emory advantage is emory universitys financial aidinitiative to help students from families with annual totalines of $100,000 or less who demonstrate a need for financialaid. the program

2、 reduces the amount of money borrowed to payfor an undergraduate emory degree. the goal istomake an emoryeducation attainable forany qualified student,regardless ofine.the loan replacement grant (lrg) replaces loans fordependent undergraduatestudentswhose familiesannualtotalines are $50,000 or less.

3、grants replacethe federal subsidizedstaffordloan award typically providedin theaidpackage. theeligiblegrant amount represents the studentsloan self-helpportionof the aid award. funds may be used to cover educationalexpenses including tuition, room, and board.the loan cap program (lcp) caps cumulativ

4、e federalsubsidized stafford loan debt at $15,000 for domestic,dependent undergraduatestudentswhose familiestotalannualines are between $50,000 and $100,000. with the loan cap program,students receivea standardfinancialaid award (which includesloans) until $15,000 in federal subsidized stafford loan

5、 debtis arued. the loan threshold includes debt obtained for emoryenrollmentonly.aftertheloan cap isreached, grantswillbeprovided to replace federal subsidized stafford loaneligibility.both programs are available to eligible undergraduatedependent students at emory university studying in emorycolleg

6、e, oxford college, goizueta business school, and nellhodgson woodruff school of nursing. these programs areavailableto studentsearningtheirfirstundergraduatedegree;students earninga second undergraduatedegree are not eligibleto receive aid through these programs. summer term isconsidereda non-standa

7、rdacademic term and is not includedinthe emory advantage. studentsare expected to makesatisfactoryacademic progress in order to receive aid.there is no separate application for the emory advantage program. all students who apply for institutional need-based financial aid will be considered for this

8、program. continuing emory students must submit an application for financial aid each year to assess current eligibility.a familys entire financial portfolio, including ine,assets, and other earnings will be considered usinginstitutionalmethodology.the program is capped at a $100,000annual ine with a

9、 goal of providing assistance to as manyfamilies as possible in a fair and equitable manner whilemeeting demonstrated need.full-time attendance is normally required to receiveinstitutional grant funding. exceptions to this policy may bemade if a student is attending a final term, and full-timeattend

10、ance is not required to meet graduation requirements.ifyou meet the criteriaforthe emory advantage program,your financial aid award will include a reasonable amount offederal work-study. a work ponent is considered part of thestudents self-help expectation.埃默里优势奖学金是埃默里大学的财政援助计划,每年提供10万美元用于表明需要经济援助的学

11、生。该计划减少了为埃默里学位本科和研究生所需的借款金额。 目标是让任何无论收入如何合格的学生都可以接受埃默里教育。贷款替代补助金(lrg)取代家庭年收入在50,000 元以下的本科生的贷款。赠款取代了援助包中通常提供的联邦资助斯塔福德贷款奖。 合格的补助金代表学生的助学金贷款自助部分。资金可用于支付教育费用包括学费、房费和学费。贷款上限计划 (lcp) 将家庭年收入在5 万美元到 10 万美元之间的家庭依赖本科生的联邦资助斯塔福德贷款累计债务为15,000 美元。借助贷款计划, 学生将获得标准的财政援助奖励( 包括贷款 ) ,直到联邦资助的斯塔福德贷款债务达到15,000 美元。贷款门槛包括仅

12、为emory入学获得的债务。达到贷款上限后,将提供赠款以取代联邦资助斯塔福德贷款资格。埃默里大学、埃默里学院、牛津学院、戈佐伊塔商学院和内尔霍奇森伍德拉夫护理学院的合格本科毕业生都可以攻读这两个课程。 这些课程适用于获得第一届本科学位的学生, 获得第二届本科学位的学生无资格通过这些课程获得援助。 夏季学期被认为是非标准学术术语,不包括在 emory advantage 中。预计学生将取得令人满意的学业进展,以获得援助。埃默里大学优势奖学金计划不需要单独的申请。所有申请机构需求的财政援助的学生都将被考虑在本计划中。持续的埃默里学生每年必须提交财政援助申请, 以评估目前的资格。 家庭的整个财务投资

13、组合,包括收入,资产和其他收益将被考虑使用 制度方法。该计划的年收入为 10 万美元,其目标是在公平和公正的方式向尽可能多的家庭提供援助,同时满足显示的需求。通常需要全日制出勤才能获得机构拨款资金。如果学生参加最后一学期,可能会出现此政策的例外情况, 不需要全日制考生符合毕业要求。如果您符合 emory advantage 计划的标准,您的财务援助奖将包括合理数量的联邦工作研究。 工作部分被认为是学生自助期望的一部分。students must plete a fafsa to receive this scholarship. entering freshmen who are georgi

14、a residents may qualifyfor the hopescholarshipifthey graduated from an eligiblehighschool with a 3.0 or higher grade point average.students who were not eligible for the hope scholarshipas an entering freshman may bee eligible when they have earned a minimum of 30 credit hours with a 3.0 or better g

15、rade point average.students who currently are eligible for and receive thehope scholarship at another georgia institution may continuetoreceivethe hopescholarshipatemory. to retaineligibilityatemory, studentsmust enrollatleasthalf-timeand maintaina 3.0 cumulative gpa.gpa calculations are based upon

16、letter grades only, andplus/minus(i.e.,a-,b+) values are ignored. hopescholarshipsare not based on need, but will reduce any other full tuitionawards you receive. hope scholarship regulations are updatedannually and may change. the annual award amount isdeterminedby state appropriations.for fall xx

17、and spring 2018, students attending emoryuniversity will receive the following: full-time students:$2,028 persemester,half-timestudents:$1,014 persemester.for additional information about the hope scholarshipplease see your financial aid advisor.学生必须完成 fafsa 以获得奖学金。如果从符合条件的高中毕业,其平均成绩高于3.0 分,则乔治亚州居民入

18、学的新生可以获得hope奖学金。没有资格获得hope奖学金作为入学新生的学生,如果获得至少 30 个小时,平均 3.0 分或更高的学分,则可能符合条件。目前符合资格并在格鲁吉亚另一个机构获得hope奖学金的学生可继续在 emory 获得 hope奖学金。要保留在埃默里的资格,学生必须至少注册一次,并保持 3.0 累积 gpa。gpa计算仅基于字母级别,加 / 减( 即 a-,b +) 值将被忽略。 hope奖学金不是根据需要,而是减少您收到的其他全部学费。 hope奖学金条例每年更新,并可能会更改。年度奖励金额由国家拨款决定。xx 年秋季和 2018 年春季,参加埃默里大学的学生以下学生有资格

19、:全日制学生:每学期 2,028 美元,非全日制的学生:每学期1,014 美元。有关 hope奖学金的其他信息,请参阅您的财务援助顾问。students must plete a fafsa to receive this scholarship.the georgia tuition equalization grant (gteg) program provides non-repayable grants to eligible georgia residents enrolled full-time who are attending approved private colleges

20、 in georgia.the student must have graduated from an eligible high school a minimum of 12 months prior tothe first term the grant is received. if the student did not graduate from an eligible high school, the student must establish residency 24 months prior to receiving thegrant.these grants are not

21、based on need and reduce other full tuition awards you receive.the annual award amount is $475 per semester.学生必须完成 fafsa 以获得奖学金。格鲁吉亚学费补助金计划(gteg)计划向参加格鲁吉亚批准的私立大学的全日制人员提供不可偿还的赠款。学生必须是在获得资助的第一学期之前至少12 个月从有资格的高中毕业。 如果学生没有从符合资格的高中毕业,学生必须在收到资助前 24 个月设立居留权。这些补助金不是根据需要,而是减少您收到的其他全额学费。年度奖学金是每学期475 美元。enteri

22、ng national merit finalists who notify nationalmeritscholarshipcorporationthatemory is theirfirstchoicecollege will receive a national merit scholarship of $2000sponsored by emory. ifthe nationalmeritscholarshiprecipienthas been awarded institutional grant funding, the grant awardwill not be reduced

23、 by the amount of the scholarship.通过国家优秀奖学金公司进入国家优异决赛入围者,埃默里大学是其首选大学,将获得由emory赞助的 2000 美元的国家优异奖学金。如果国家优秀奖学金获得者获得机构拨款资助,奖学金金额不会减少。dependent children of eligible emory faculty and staff hired before january 1, xx may receive full-tuition scholarships minus the amount of the hope scholarship and georgi

24、a tuition equalization grant (gteg). employees hired after december 31, xx will receive graduated benefits based upon the employees years of service. students eligible forcourtesy benefits, who also receive emory merit awards, cannot receive awards that exceed their eligibility. courtesy awardsare a

25、pplied prior to emory merit awards. eligible faculty and staff and their spouses or domestic partners may also receivea courtesy award for a portion of their tuition. for additional information, visit the emory university human resources website.xx 年 1 月 1 日以前聘用的合格 emory教职员工的子女可以获得全额学费奖学金减去 hope奖学金和

26、格鲁吉亚学费补助金 (gteg)的数额。 xx 年 12 月 31 日以后雇用的员工将根据员工的服务年限获得毕业福利。有资格获得礼貌福利的学生, 他们也获得埃默里大学优异奖学金,不能获得超过其资格的奖励。 礼貌奖励在埃默里大学优异奖之前申请。合格的教职员工及其配偶或国内合作伙伴也可获得一部分学费的礼貌奖励。有关更多信息,埃默里大学人力资源网站。veteransor dependents of veterans may qualifyfor monthlyeducationbenefits.the officeof financialaid willnot countva education b

27、enefits as a resource when determining eligibility for other types of aid in aordance with federal policy. students who anticipate receiving veterans benefitsand have questionsshould contactthe officeof the registrar.退伍军人或退伍军人的家属可能有资格获得每月教育福利。财政援助办公室根据联邦政策确定其他类型援助的资格时,不会将va教育福利列为资源。 预期获得退伍军人福利并有疑问的学

28、生应与书记官长办公室联系。united methodist ministerial tuition benefitdependent children of active united methodist ministersor missionaries will receive a 45%tuition benefit. this award may be adjusted when bined with other tuition awards. applications are available on our forms page.联合卫理会部长或传教士的依赖儿童将获得45%的学费。结

29、合其他学费奖励, 可以调整此奖励。 申请信息可在我们的窗体页面上找到。many agencies, employers, military and serviceorganizations award funds to students. if you are awarded scholarships from sources other than emory, you must notify the office of financial aid, in writing. the bination of all sourcesof funding you receive may not ex

30、ceed your eligibility or the cost to attend emory for the academic year. emory is requiredto make adjustments forexternalscholarshipsand resourcesifa students demonstrated eligibility (or total cost ofeducation)has alreadybeen met. to the extentpossible,itisour policy to adjust self-help awards befo

31、re reducing grant.you should inform the office of financial aid of any specialinstructions regarding external scholarships. all checks fortheseawards must be sentto theofficeoffinancialaid. awardswillbe posted as a payment to your studentaount. itisemoryspolicy todivide externalscholarshipsequallybetween fallandspring semesters unless otherwise specified by the donor.许多机构、雇主、军事和服务机构向学生提供资金。如果您从埃默里


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