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1、外研版八年级英语下册第 2 模块学案module 2 unit 3 学案编写: 审核:aims: master all the new words and phrases of unit1;can use them freely.预习自测:根据句意及所给首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. at last we all _ (参加) the competition.2. have you _(曾经) travelled to hong kong?3. it _ (听起来) great!4. he is _(编造) up a story.1. he couldnt _ (买得起) the plane

2、ticket.1. i forgot to _(邀请) mary to my birthday party.2. they wanted to learn more about _(古代的) buildings.3. please _ (清点) the animals on the farm.4. can the man speak _(阿拉伯语)?5. please _(混合) the juice and water.课内探究:一、单项选择:1. we know that she enjoys _ books very much.a. read b. reads c. reading d.

3、to read2. he is very poor, so he cant afford _ a new house.a. buy b. buying c. to buy d. bought3. do you look forward to _ this wonderful film again?a. see b. seen c. saw d. seeing4. china is a beautiful country _ a long history.a. at b. in c. with d. on5. it was time for class. mr. king asked all t

4、he children _ down quietly.a. sit b. sat c. to sit d. sitting6. she is a _ girl with two big eyes.a. sit-years-old b. six-year-old c. six years old d. six year old7. “have you ever been to tokyo?”“yes, i _ there twice. its a modern city.”a. have gone b. have been c. had gone d. had been8. at times,

5、parents find it difficult _ with their teenage children.a.talk b.talked c. talking d. to talk9. _ ive been to many countries.a. so far b. finally c. at first d.now10. mr. li _ britain several times. tomorrow he will give us a talk about britain culture. a. has gone to b. have gone to c. has been to

6、d. have been to11. danny did all kinds of things to make the baby _.a. to stop crying b. stop crying c. to stop to cry d. stop to cry12. i have done _ things here since i came to beijing as a volunteer.a. so many b. so much c. such many d. such much13. jenny invited me _ swimming this afternoon.a. w

7、ent b. go c. to go d. going14. i dont think thats a good idea. my idea is different _ yours.a. as b. from c. with d. for15. the boy is not honest and he often _ lies to cheat his parents.a. takes up b. gives up c. makes up d. sets up二用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. he _ (not finish) his homework. can you help him?

8、2. i have never _(see) tigers.3. he has _ (be) to germany twice.4. i go to the library 5 _ (time) a week.1. cctv is starting a project _(call) “looking for the most beautiful country teachers”.1. we _(spend) all our money, so we have to walk home now.1. he isnt here. he _(go)to the post office.1. we

9、 should keep our classroom _(clean).2. in our school there are three _(germany).1. the teachers ask us _(work) hard carefully.三句型转换1. i have ever visited the great wall.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_you _ _ the great wall ?_, _ _.2. jim has bought a present for his mother. (改为否定句)jim _ _ a present for his mother

10、.3. he knew the girl two years ago. (改为同义句)he _ _ the girl _two years.4. my father went to london by train. (改为同义句) my father _ _ _ to london. 5. that sounds wonderful. (改为感叹句)_ _ that sounds!6. my father has traveled many countries by plane. (对画线部分提问)_ _ your father traveled many countries ?7. they

11、 had fun in the zoo. (改为同义句)they _ _ _ _ in the zoo.8. i have kept this book for ten days. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _you kept this book?四翻译句子1.大明曾经参加过很多比赛。daming _ _ _lots of competition.2. 我饿了。 我还没有吃早饭呢。im hungry. i _ _ breakfast.3. 在写作比赛中,丽丽得了一等奖。lili got the _ _ in the _ _.4. 他们去过很多有趣的地方。they _ _ _many inter

12、esting places.5.mike 和 clare 在埃及的开罗,非洲最大、最忙碌的城市之一。mike and clare are in cairo in egypt, one of _ _ _ _ _in africa.6. mike 和 clare 也开始学习那个国家的语言。mike and clare _ also _to learn the language of the country.7. 你曾经参加过体育竞赛吗?_you ever _ the sports competition8. 他已经邀请我和他一起看电影了。he _ already _me to go to a mo

13、vie with him.课后提高一、单选题1. bob went to the park after school_ besides lin ling.a. as well b. either c. to d. also2. - i will have a match tomorrow. i hope i will win.-_.a. good luck b. no idea c. thats such a pity d. its all right3. in recent years, the economy of our country _ rapidly.a. is increased

14、 b. has increased c. increased d. has been increased4. _ im not very healthy, although i have one healthy habit.a. may be b. maybe c. may d. possible5. in the football game, we _ the students from class 9 and _.a. beat; won first prize b. beat; win the first prizec. beat; win first prize d. won; won

15、 first prize6. many students find _ interesting _ english by listening to cds.a. it; learning b. that; to learn c. this; learning d. it; to learn二、完型填空have you ever been to beijing ? do you know something 1 beijing ? beijing is a 2beautiful city. it has a long history and has 3 famous places to visi

16、t. you must know tianan men square, the great wall , and the great hall of the people. do you know the summer palace? it is a very beautiful royal ( 皇家 的) 4 . do you know to see the red 5 all over the hills ?please go to the fragrant hills (香山). besides those, there are some 6 sights (风景、名胜),such as

17、 the temple of heaven, beihai park.beijing is a big 7 . it is our capital, 8 . now, it is becoming 9 beautiful. do you want 10 to beijing ? welcome!( ) 1. a. about b. for c. in d. to( ) 2. a. good b. quite c. well d. very( ) 3. a. many b. much c. a few d. a little( ) 4. a. zoo b. hall c. garden d. p

18、ool( ) 5. a. leaves b. hills c. grass d. trees( ) 6. a. others b. another c. other d. else( ) 7. a. city b. town c. suburb d. country( ) 8. a. too b. also c. either d. as well( ) 9. a. less b. more and more c. much d. over( )10. a. come b. to come c. coming d . came三、任务型阅读。my friend, amy, once said

19、to me, “ travelling alone is a life-changing experience ”. i traveled alone a lot when i was in my early 20s and i loved it. the experiences of traveling alone really makes me more adventurous(有冒险精神的). i think everyone should try at least once in their lives. now im married. i go everywhere with my

20、husband and its just not the same. the feeling of being on an adventure has gone. i miss traveling alone.i then thought of my first solo( 单独的)trip to south america. i went to south america and stayed there for six months. i find having holidays with other people is not as exciting as traveling alone. i dont meet adventureswith them but i can experience a lot on my own. when traveling by myself, i can choose from minute to minute what i will do next. i can visit a place that i didnt plan to thereseebefore.withouthavingicantogoagree with anyone


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