



1、顺德梁銶琚职业技术学校2014-2015学年度第二学期春招烹饪/机电141班期末考试英语试卷 (总分:100分, 时间:90分钟)姓名_ 学号_ 班级_ 得分_ 第二部分 选择题26. My American friend offered me _ about USA yesterday. A. some informations B. some information C. many informations. 27. Yesterday my father bought _ pears.A. two dozens of B. two dozen C. two dozens 28. The

2、, the . Im short of money. A. cheaper better B. expensive well C. cheap well 29. _ went to Italy last month. A. The Whites B. The Whites C. The White 30. Emma made a lot of mistakes . She was quite _. A. careless B. careful C. carefully 31Would you mind me _ here? A. sitting B. sit C. to sit32. Geor

3、ge is _ honest man. A. an B. a C. the33. There is _ old bike at the corner of the room. _ old bike is Toms. A. an;The B. a; an C. a; the34. Japan is _ the east of China. A. to B. in C. on 35. A thousand dollars _ a lot of money. A. are B. is C. were36. I invited Tom and Kate to dinner, but _ of them

4、 came. A. both B. neither C. either37. My mohter wants to listen to the wearher report . Would you please _ the radio? A. tun off B. turn on C. trun over38. Sorry, I know _ about it. Go and ask Tom. A. little B. a little C. few39. Give me the answer _ the question. A. in B. to C. of 40.I want some c

5、offee, but there was _ in the pot. A. any B. none C. no one 41. My father is very _ in playing basketball when he was young. A. interesting B. interested C. interest42. He spoke to the little girl in a very _ way. A. friend B. friendly C. friendliness43. We _ any money at that time. A. didnt have B.

6、 dont have C. didnt had.44.Tokyo is larger than _ in Japan A. any city B. any other city C. another city45. Your fathers idea sounds _. A. well B. good C. greatly 46. The little girl is too young _ go to school. A. to B. not to C. that 47. He was praised _ his honesty. A. for B. at C. by 48. We hadn

7、t planned to meet; we met _ chance. A. in B. by C. for 49. She _ When I came in . A. cooked B. was cooking C. cooking 50. The scientist said that the earth _ moves around the sun A. travels B. traveled C. travel51. - Could I use your pen? - Yes, you _. A. can B. could C. must 52. -Need you go there

8、at once ? - Yes, I _. A. can B. may C. must 53. - Is the man over there Mr. Brown? - It _ be him. Hes much shorter. A. must B. cant C. may54. Mott is out. But he _ here a few minutes ago. A. was B. is C. would be55. I havent _ him since he left school. A. see B. saw C. seen 56. The child was playing

9、 while his mother _ dinner A.was cooking B. cooks C.is cooking 57. Lets go shopping _? A. will se B. shall we C. do we58. Dont make any noise. The baby _ . A. is sleeping B. sleeps C. was sleeping 59. Is there _ in the fridge , Mum? A. anything to eat B. to eat anything C. anything eat60. The white

10、shirt is as _ as the yellow one. A. expensive B. more expensive C. most expensive61. He is very poor , _ he is happy. A. and B. but C. or 62. I like shopping . _. A. so does Bob B. Bob does so C. so is Bob63. Lets play games _. A. in home B. home C. at home64. Its _ to go to bed. A. the time B. a ti

11、me C. time65. - Whose T shirt is on the table? - Oh, thats _. A. my cousin B. my cousins C. my cousins of 66. The woman behind the girls _ from Canada A come B. comes C. coming67. Which is _, The moon or the earth ? A. heavy B. heavier C. heaviest68. Whos going to teach _ Chemistry next term? A. us

12、B. our C. we 69. There is _ with my digital camera. It doesnt work. A. something wrong B. anything wrong C. nothing wrong70. I am sure I _ her four years ago. A. have seen B. saw C. will see 71. This is _ book. A. a useful B. an useful C. useful72. This concert is _ one that I have ever attended . A

13、. well B. more well C. the best 73.An elephant is _ than a pig. A. big B. the biggest C. much bigger74.Wash your hands _ you go to the toilet. A. as B. before C. after75.May I know your name? - _ A. No, you cant B. You are impolite C. Call me Tom第三部分:完形填空 All over the world people swim for fun. Swim

14、ming is enjoyed by people of _76_ ages, from the very young to the very old. There are amny places _77_ people to swim. Some people swim in lakes, rivers and seas, _78_ swim in swimming pools. Many schools, hotels and clubs have swimming pools. Some people have pools of _79_ in their yards. Swimming

15、 is one of _80_forms of exercise. It can make hearts and bodies _81_. It can also help blood circulate . Handicapped people can _82_ their bodies in better condition by swimming _83_ they cant enjoy other sports. _84_ is a good idea for us to learn to swim at an early age. _85_ we will enjoy it for

16、the rest of our lives. 76A. every B. anyC. all77A. of B. forC. with78A. othersB. the othersC. the other79A. themselvesB. theirC. their own80A. goodB. betterC. the best81A. strongB. goodC. heavy82A. letB. keepC. give83A. so B. so thatC. if 84A. ItB. ThatC. There 85A. SoB. ButC. And第四 部分 : 阅读理解 One da

17、y Mrs. Green took several pairs of shoes to a shoemaker to be repaired. After a few days she picked them up and put them away. Six months later, she and her husband were asked to dinner. She took a pair of shoes. She hadnt worn them since they were repaired. She put one on her right foot, and then s

18、he put the other on her left. She felt something wrong. She took them off for a closer look. They were the same style,color , and size, but each was for the right foot. Then she thought of the shoemaker. Though she was sure he wouldnt remember her after such a long time, she called him. “ Thank good

19、ness, you finally called,” he said excitedly. “ An angry woman has been troubling me for months. 86. The shoemaker finished repairing her shoes _. A. in a few months B. in a few days C. six months later. 87. Mrs. Green didnt know both shoes were for the right foot until _ one day. A. She came back f

20、rom dinner B. she wanted to wear them. C. she called the shoemaker. 88. What did Mrs. Green do after she found the wrong shoe? A. she phoned the shoemaker. B. she went to have dinner C. she felt something wrong. 89. The other woman was angry because_. A. the shoemaker lsot her shoes. B the shoemaker

21、 gave her two left shoes. C. Mr. Green took away her shoes. 90. Mrs. Green was sure that _. A. the shoemaker wouldnt remember her name. B. the shoemaker would never forget her name. C. the shoemaker would know her name. 第五部分: 句子翻译 (在答案卡上) 顺德梁銶琚职业技术学校2014-2015学年度第二学期春招烹饪/机电141班期末考试英语答案卡 (总分:100分, 时间:

22、90分钟)姓名_ 学号_ 班级_ 得分_Part1 Part 4 (每题1分, 共90分) 1. 【A】【B】【C】 2.【A】【B】【C】 3. 【A】【B】【C】 4. 【A】【B】【C】 5. 【A】【B】【C】.6. 【A】【B】【C】 7. 【A】【B】【C】8. 【A】【B】【C】 9. 【A】【B】【C】 10.【A】【B】【C】11.【A】【B】【C】 12.【A】【B】【C】13. 【A】【B】【C】14. 【A】【B】【C】15. 【A】【B】【C】16. 【A】【B】【C】17. 【A】【B】【C】18. 【A】【B】【C】19. 【A】【B】【C】20. 【A】【B】【C】21 【A】【B】【C】.22. 【A】【B】【C】23. 【A】【B】【C】24. 【A】【B】【C】25. 【A】【B】【C】26. 【A】【B】【C】27. 【A】【B】【C】28. 【A】【B】【C】29. 【A】【B】【C】.30. 【A】【B】【C】31. 【A】【B】【C】32. 【A】【B】【C】33. 【A】【B】【C】34. 【A】【B】【C】35. 【A】【B】【C】36. 【A】【B】【C】37. 【A】【B】【C】38. 【A】【B】【C】39. 【A】【B】【C】40. 【A】【B】【C】41. 【A】【B】【C】42


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