1、Unit 8 Career Ladders,Unit Goals,Lead in,Listening good skills,have belief in; new ideas,8,Role Play,A: Mr. Brown, do you have any tips for getting promoted? B: Certainly, people who get promoted are always those who have passion for / have belief in their work. A: Hmmm , what else? B: Its very impo
2、rtant to have good skills / new ideas to do an effective job. A: I see. B: Oh, one more thing. Work hard as you will be judged by what you do,9,Words and Expressions,advance /d5v:ns/ v. 进展;进步 chance /t:ns/ n. 机会 promote /pr5mJt/ v. 晋升;提升 importance /Im5p:tns/ n. 重要性 advisor /d5vaIz/ n. 顾问 pride /pra
3、Id/ n. 骄傲;自豪 necessary /5nesIsrI/ adj. 必要的 judge /dd/ v. 评价;判断,10,Words and Expressions,passion /5pn/ n. 激情;热情 belief /bI5li:f/ n. 信念;相信 even though 即便;即使 get promoted 得到提升 take pride in 对感到自豪 have passion for 热衷于 have belief in 对有信心,11,Reading doing nothing or entertaining visitors makes me tired.”
4、 Maybe we can not paint as well as Picasso, but we can all do our best to find work that inspires and excites us. And we can always bring what we do in play to what we do at work. Mark Twain said, “The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.” This is what successful people seem to d
5、o,15,Words and Expressions,appearance /5pIrns/ n. 外表;外貌 honesty /5nIstI/ n. 诚实;诚恳 confidence /5knfIdns/ n. 信心;自信 creativity /9kri:eI5tvtI/ n. 创造性;创造力 treat /tri:t/ v. 把视为;对待 secret /9si:krIt/ n. 秘诀;秘密 successful /sEk5sesfUl/ adj. 成功的 marriage /5mArIdV/ n. 结合;婚姻 relax /rIlAks/ v. 放松,16,Words and Expr
6、essions,entertain /9ent5teIn/ v. 招待;娱乐 visitor /5vIzIt / n. 访客;游客 tired /5taId / adj. 厌倦的;疲乏的 paint /peInt/ v. 绘画 inspire /In5spaI / v. 激励;鼓励 excite /Ik5saIt / v. 使激动;使兴奋,17,Words and Expressions,vocation / vJ5keIn / n. 职业;行业 treat as 把看作 do ones best 尽全力 seem to 似乎;好像,18,Read and fill,After reading
7、 Text A, fill in the chart with the tips of achieving career success,inspires and excites,in play,your vacation,what you hate,doing nothing,19,Read and judge,What does Mark Twain mean by saying “The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.”? Read Text A again and tell whe-ther the fo
8、llowing statements agree (A) or disagree (D) with this statement,) When I work, I relax. ( ) I can always find joy in my job. ( ) I really hate to mix my work with my leisure. ( ) If a job can always inspire and excite me, its surely a good one,A,A,D,A,20,Reading 2,Warm up,Text B,Words and Expressio
9、ns,Read and choose,Read and sum up,21,Warm up,There are many tips to help us achieve career success. Discuss in pairs and tick what might help with our promotion on a job. See if you can add something more,) praise the co-workers for their great work ( ) understand the importance of teamwork ( ) bui
10、ld a good relationship with the boss and co-workers ( ) refuse criticism from the boss or co-workers ( ) learn skills from model workers,22,Text B,BASIC” Tips for Career Success It is not an easy task to move ahead in a job, but the following “BASIC” tips might be helpful to your career success,Be n
11、ice to everyone. Keep in mind that todays enemy may be tomorrows partner. Do not speak ill of your co-workers, your boss, or even competitors. Advocate team spirit. It is teamwork rather than individual activity that seems to be the key to success in todays working world,23,Text B,Stick with your st
12、rengths. The easiest path to job success is to combine your best talents and strengths into your work. Identify your models. Observe how the most successful workers act and try to learn their skills. Constructive criticism should be welcomed. Accept what makes sense to you,24,Words and Expressions,p
13、raise /preIz/ v. 表扬;颂扬 teamwork /5ti:mw:k/ n. 协作;团队合作 criticism /5krItIsIzm/ n. 批评;评论 model /5mdl/ n. 模范;模特 enemy /5enImI/ n. 敌人 partner /5p:tn/ n. 伙伴;合作者 competitor /kEm5petItE/ n. 竞争者,25,Words and Expressions,advocate /5dvkeIt/ v. 提倡;主张 spirit /5spIrIt/ n. 精神 individual /9IndI5vIdjul/ adj. 单独的;个别的
14、 stick /stIk/ v. 坚持;粘 combine /km5ban/ v. 使联合;合并 talent /5tlnt/ n. 才能 identify /aI5dentIfaI/ v. 识别;鉴定,26,Words and Expressions,constructive /kn5strktIv/ adj. 建设性的;有益的 sense /sens/ n. 道理;意义 move ahead 晋升;提升 speak ill of 说坏话,27,Words and Expressions,team spirit 团队精神;合作精神 rather than 而不是 stick with 坚持
15、make sense 有意义;有道理,28,Read and sum up,Read Text B and sum up the five basic tips for your career success by filling in the blanks,Be nice to everyone, including your co-workers, your boss, or even your _. Advocate team spirit or _. Combine your best _ and _ into your work. _ how your models act and
16、try to learn their skills. Accept whatever makes sense to you, even if it is a _,competitors,teamwork,talents,strengths,Observe,criticism,29,Read and choose,Read Text B again and choose the correct answers,1. How many tips for career success are mentioned in the text? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D.
17、Six. 2. According to the text, the reason why you should be nice to everyone is that _. A. you might become co-workers in the future B. you want to live in a world full of peace C. to speak ill of your boss will make you lose your job D. you need to work with the others to make more money 3. Which o
18、f the following statements is NOT true? A. We should learn to observe how successful employees act. B. It is wise to accept rather than avoid constructive criticism. C. Its not difficult to keep a job or get promoted. D. We need teamwork to be successful in todays working world,30,Writing,Read and c
19、onclude,Model and write,Problem Solving,31,Read and conclude,Read the passage below, and fill in the missing tip in the blank,People who get promoted are those that have _ for their work. They are proud of their work. They have a strong desire to do their best no matter how small the job is,Tips for
20、 Career Success a. good relationship b. team spirit c. passion d. model workers,C,32,Model and write,Write a short passage about career success by modeling the passage above,People who get promoted are those that _ a model worker. They observe how _. They find out how he or she deals with difficult
21、_,learn from,the most successful worker acts,problems and people,33,Problem Solving,Look at the career ladder below. Why are there two matched positions, such as senior engineer vs. project manager, in the lower, middle level of the ladder? Work in pairs and find out the reasons,Senior Vice Presiden
22、t,Vice President,Technical Director,Director,Principal Engineer,Senior Program Manager,Senior Program Manager,Program Manager,Senior Engineer,Project Manager,Engineer,Technical Career Ladder,34,Notes,1. 职业发展的5大准则: 把握机遇; 掌握成功的标准; 发挥自身优势; 学会与上司相处; 理解企业文化,2. 成功人士的10大素质: 欲望(人生理想); 忍耐(忍受肉体上和精神上的折磨); 眼界(见
23、多识广); 明势(紧跟形势和通晓人情世故); 敏感(对机会的快速反应能力); 人脉(各种人力资源的建立和拓展); 谋略; 胆识; 与他人分享的愿望; 自我反省的能力,35,Language in Use,Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV,Part V,36,Part I,Match Column A with Column B to form the phrases we have learned in this unit,1. relax 2. spirit 3. pride 4. successful 5. career ladder 6. promoted
24、7. criticism 8. vacation,A,B,a. a persons soul or character b. raised to a higher position, rank, etc. c. critical words or remarks d. be free from work or effort e. holiday f. having success g. satisfaction in ones achievements (成绩) h. structure of career development,37,Part I,Then complete the fol
25、lowing statements with these phrases. Each can be used only once,1. The engineer is going on a _ next week. 2. It is no secret that hard work is one of the main ways of getting _. 3. It takes many years to reach the top of the _. 4. It is really good to _ a little bit after a long days work. 5. A ma
26、n with good team _ is more likely to achieve career success. 6. Jack, a _ boss, is very nice to his workers. 7. The young worker takes great _ in his work. 8. _ is sometimes better than praise,vacation,promoted,ladder,relax,spirit,successful,pride,Criticism,38,Part II,Listen to three tips for career
27、 success and match them with the pictures,Tip1 Tip2 Tip3,A,B,C,39,Part II,Tip 1. One of the best ways to achieve career success is watching and learning from a model worker. Tip 2. A worker with good team spirit will get promoted more quickly. Tip 3. The secret of career success is making your vocat
28、ion your vacation,40,Part III,Speak out. In pairs, practice the dialogue by using the information below,A: Mr Robinson, do you have any tips for getting promoted? B: Certainly. People who get promoted al-ways _ in their work. A: Hmmm., what else? B: Its very important to _. A: I see,1 have great lov
29、e; work very hard,2 advocate teamwork; accept criticisms,3 take pride; learn from a model,41,Part IV,Read the statements below and try to match them with the pictures,a,b,c,d,1. His father is a rich man; mine isnt,2. A well-known millionaire went to stay at a hotel in New York,3. When your son stays
30、 here, he always has our most expensive room,4. How much is the cheapest room,42,Part IV,Read the statements below and try to match them with the pictures,a,1. His father is a rich man; mine isnt,2. A well-known millionaire went to stay at a hotel in New York,3. When your son stays here, he always h
31、as our most expensive room,4. How much is the cheapest room,43,Part IV,Read the statements below and try to match them with the pictures,b,1. His father is a rich man; mine isnt,2. A well-known millionaire went to stay at a hotel in New York,3. When your son stays here, he always has our most expens
32、ive room,4. How much is the cheapest room,44,Part IV,Read the statements below and try to match them with the pictures,c,1. His father is a rich man; mine isnt,2. A well-known millionaire went to stay at a hotel in New York,3. When your son stays here, he always has our most expensive room,4. How mu
33、ch is the cheapest room,45,Part IV,Read the statements below and try to match them with the pictures,d,1. His father is a rich man; mine isnt,2. A well-known millionaire went to stay at a hotel in New York,3. When your son stays here, he always has our most expensive room,4. How much is the cheapest
34、 room,46,Part V,Write a passage by reordering the statements above. Note that you need to write three sentences altogether,His Father Is Richer Than My Father! One day a well-known millionaire went to stay at a hotel in New York. He went to the reception desk and asked, 1) “_?” The receptionist told
35、 him the price. “Is that the lowest priced room you have? Im staying here alone and only need a very small room.,How much is the cheapest room,47,Part V,Write a passage by reordering the statements above. Note that you need to write three sentences altogether,That room is the smallest and cheapest w
36、e have,” the receptionist replied and then added, “but why do you want a cheap room like that? 2) _.” “Yes,” said the millionaire, “but 3) _.,When your son stays here, he always has our most expensive room,his father is a rich man; mine isnt,48,Unit task,Choosing your favorite tips for career succes
37、s Everyone desires career success. But different persons may have different views and tips for achieving promotion and success in their work. Hold a discussion and then present your own favorite tips for career success to the whole class. Step 1: Divide the whole class into several groups. Work in g
38、roups and try to find out as many tips for career success as possible,49,Unit task,Step 2: Discuss with your group members and find out your favorite tips. Explain your reasons. Step 3: Choose a representative from each group to present the favorite tips for career success to the whole class,50,Exte
39、nded Activities,Part A,Part B,Part C,51,Vocabulary practice,career success,Pick out the words which do not go with the nouns in the circles,have,make,achieve,do,52,Vocabulary practice,a model woker,Pick out the words which do not go with the nouns in the circles,learn,observe,admire,identify,53,Voca
40、bulary practice,tips,Pick out the words which do not go with the nouns in the circles,top,tired,basic,constructive,54,Part B,Read the passage below to decide the ways in which a young worker could learn from a model employee. Tick in the boxes,Learn from a Model When young people get a real job, they may face a lot of new, confusing (困惑的) situations. They may find that everything is different from the way things were at school. And it is not easy to get promoted. Perhaps the best way to achieve career success is by identifying a worker you admire (羡慕)
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