



1、托福口语复述练习方法 托福口语复述练习是备受托福考生推崇的练习方法,做好口语复述练习,托福口语的提升也会非常明显。大家分享托福口语复述练习方法,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语复述练习方法:3步走助你口语迅速提升第一步:听懂内容,整句复述第一步练习较为简单,只需要大家能够听懂听力材料的内容,并能够整句复述即可。这是托福口语复述练习的第一步,也是打基础的一步。大家在听到听力材料的时候,首先要保证能够听懂内容,然后一句一句复述。听懂是复述的前提,此时不做间接复述,尽量还原原文。初步练习主要是练习听力,矫正发音。大家在做复述练习时可以给自己复述的内容录音,看看有哪些表达不完整不正确的地方,对


3、练习速记能力。此时的复述不再按照听力材料原文复述,而是作为第三方进行转述。听听力的时候迅速记下要点,然后进行间接复述。托福口语考试答题时都采用“间接复述”的方法,不仅是间接复述,还要对听到的内容进行要点归纳,用自己的话来表达。托福口语的听力材料都是整篇播放完以后才会让考生开始转述,所以此时的复述练习要以口语考试为标准,练习整段听力材料的转述。转述中不加入自己的观点,只是以第三人称的方式叙述段落内容。我们在初中或高中的语法中都学过转述方法,我们来举个简单的例子:tony said:“ive already seen the film.”变为间接转述句:tony said that he had

4、already seen the film.大家在做间接复述的时候要注意人称的改变以及转述引语前的that,间接转述的时候不会重复原话,句子的时态会有所变化,指示代词和时间地点也要跟着变动。托福口语范文:课堂游戏效果更好托福口语范文一:task 2.do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is better to use games in class. please use specific reasons and details to support you opinion.personally, i totally

5、 agree with this and playing games in class has a lot of benefits. to begin with, it is more interactive, students tend to cooperate with each other and think hard to figure out the best way to deal with their opponents, in this process they can really come up with creative solutions. eventually, no

6、t only can students learn to work together with others, they also get a chance to develop their creativity, it is more fun to learn when playing games. apart from that, playing games is good way to bring together students who have different personalities, it helps them to bond more with each other.托

7、福口语范文二:task2leaving some time for group discussion in class is beneficial for study .do you agree or not?sample response:as far as i am concerned, leaving some time for group discussion in class has much benefit. first of all, it enables us to exchange ideas directly after teachers instruction, whic

8、h helps improve our learning efficiency and producing new ideas during the course of class. if we get confused, we can have someone to ask or discuss with at once. moreover, when we discuss and argue with our partners, group discussion also provides us a way to reduce negative emotions and improve i

9、nterpersonal communication skills. talking with others, exchanging ideas, discussing and even debating has been proved as efficient ways to reduce negative feelings.托福口语范文:最受欢迎的网站托福口语范文一:task 1.describe the most popular website in our country and explain why.i would say sina. com is the most popular

10、 website in my country. it is actually a major portal website. to begin with, by logging on the website i can get access to what is happening around the world, plus, there is also a local news section, through which i can learn the things happening in my neighborhood. apart from that, the website co

11、vers a wide range of topics, like sports, technology, and even politics. i can use the materials as a kind of reference when i write research papers. so, based on the reasons above, i find sina the most popular website in our country.托福口语范文二:task1describe one of the most popular websites in your cou

12、ntry? explain why it is popular with details or examples.sample response:well, one of the most popular websites in my country is called baidu.com due to the following reasons. firstly, many people including me have been accustomed to surfing its page to search for some information we need. as everybody knows, baidu is a a famous and effective searching website on which we can find thousands of replies to the questions in our mind. additionally, most of us


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