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1、人教版,Unit 2Ill help to clean up the city parks,单元同步阅读能力提升,一、完形填空。 Dear Sir or Madam, Im writing to you to show my interest in volunteering at your animal sanctuary (避难所). I am eighteen years old and in my last year at high school.I am _1_ to take a degree in veterinary science (兽医学学位) at university.A

2、s you will see from my resume (简历),I always show a(n) _2_ in working with animals.And I have _3_ experiences of working with animals as a volunteer.I _4_ worked at Dogs Home.I had a feeling of _5_ for looking after dogs,such as feeding small dogs,cleaning them and exercising with them.Besides,I ofte

3、n spend time on my uncles farm and help him _6_ the animals.Those experiences make me have a(n) _7_ feeling of working with animals.Both the Dogs Home and my uncle will be glad to provide references (提供推荐信,I am hardworking and expect to help out _8_ any kind of job at the sanctuary.I cant _9_ how ex

4、cited I will be if I can work at the sanctuary.It can also help me to get more skills (技能). I hope I can _10_ a difference to the sanctuary.Please have a look at my resume. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Emily Jones,)1.A.cheering Breplying Ccovering Dplanning ( )2.A.interest Bsign

5、Cjoy Dspirit ( )3.A.poor Bseveral Cother Dmore ( )4.A.only Bonce Creally Dhardly ( )5.A.role Bresult Csatisfaction Dpoint,D,A,B,B,C,)6.A.care for Btry out Ctake after Dfix up ( )7.A.disabled Bclever Clonely Dstrong ( )8.A.of Bwith Cat Din ( )9.A.mean Bcontrol Cimagine Dvolunteer ( )10.A.make Bnotice

6、 Craise Dopen,A,D,B,C,A,二、阅读理解。 A In a busy bus station,there was a little girl sitting all alone on a bench (长椅).All the busy travelers passed her quickly and no one stopped. After some time,a man walked up to her.He had a daughter like the little girl.He felt worried about her because he didnt see

7、 her parents anywhere.He asked,“Are you OK?Are your parents here with you,The little girl didnt even look up at him!He sat down next to her and touched her shoulder (肩膀).The little girl raised her head and he saw that she was crying.He felt terrible. He gave her a warm smile and reached out his hand

8、.She looked scared,but she took his hand and let him take her to the information desk.He told the security guard (保安人员) about the situation and the guard made an announcement (公告) over the speakers (喇叭,Minutes later,a woman came running to the desk.When she saw the girl,she hugged (抱住) her quickly.T

9、hen she turned to the man and said,“Thank you,sir.I was looking for her everywhere.I couldnt make an announcement because she is deaf.” Now the man understood why the little girl didnt answer him at first.He just felt glad that he had helped her,)11.What do we know about the man? AHe was the girls f

10、ather. BHe had two daughters. CHe didnt know the girl. DHe knew the girls parents. ( )12.When the man spoke to the girl at first,she _. Adid nothing Bsat down Craised her head Dtouched his shoulder,C,A,)13.Why was the girl crying? ABecause the man looked scary. BBecause she felt very hungry. CBecaus

11、e the man played a joke on her. DBecause she didnt find her mother. ( )14.The man took the girl to the information desk to _. Atake her to his home Bmake her feel relaxed Chelp her find her parents Dask the guard to look after her,D,C,)15.Which of the following is NOT mentioned (提及)? AWhere the stor

12、y happened. BHow the little girl got lost. CThe girls health problem. DThe happy end of the story,B,B We dont have special skills but all of us can be special people.Why?We can volunteer. Mary,a Canadian girl,was sad because she had a heart problem.Her classmates had always been trying to cheer her

13、up.However,they couldnt because she was so sick that she needed lots of money to have an operation (手术).Her parents hoped to get help from the public.A TV station soon set up a callin center for Mary.Many people called and offered to help Mary out.At the same time,Marys classmates donated money,and

14、some of them even put some news on the Internet telling Marys story.All above helped Mary a lot.Mary and her parents really appreciated (感激) everyones hard work,There are lots of chances for us to volunteer.The Olympic Games,for example,need thousands of volunteers.And volunteers are also needed in

15、local hospitals,old peoples homes,and so on.We can also help homeless people and disabled people or volunteer to clean up parks.Volunteering is not only a great way to help people,but also a great way to make new friends,to learn new skills,and to have fun,根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 16What was wrong with Mary?

16、. 17Why did Mary need lots of money? . 18How did a TV station help Mary,She had a heart problem,Because she needed to have an operation,A TV station soon set up a callin center for Mary,19Did Mary and her parents appreciate everyones hard work? . 20What does the writer think of volunteering? _,Yes,

17、they did,Volunteering is not only a great way to help people, but also a great way to make new friends, to learn new skills, and to have fun,三、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。有两个词是多余的。 serve,interest,read,write,volunteer,strong, raise,excite,program,able,sad,story Helen Monson was always 21. in help

18、ing her community (社区).Her first 22. experience was for the American Red Cross when she was in high school.She volunteered almost every year.One summer she 23. food,and another year she organized an art 24.,interested,volunteer,served,program,After she retired (退休),she started volunteering to help t

19、he old.When her father was older,he was not 25. to see clearly,which made her 26. ,because he always enjoyed 27. She thought it would be helpful to read to elderly people in her community.She also helped one woman write her 28. Ann was almost 100 years old,and Helen 29. down information about her life when she visited her.She put the information in a book and got it published.Ann was very 30. to share her life stories with her children and grandchildren. Helen says,“The most enjoyable part of volunteer work is becoming friends with the people I help.,able,s


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