



1、硕博连读面试英文自我介绍范文篇一、硕博连读面试英文自我介绍范文Good morning, my dearest pro fessors. I am glad to be here for this in terview. Thank you very muchfor givi ng methe cha nee.First let me in troduce myself. My n ame is XXXX, 24 years old, from XXXX, XXXX P rovi nee.I got my bachelor degree from Shandong Uni versity. D

2、uring those four years, I studied hard and then I was reeommendedfors my greatadmissi on to be a po stgraduate without exams. It honor that I can remai n in XXXX Un iversity for further study.And now, as a po stgraduate, my major is weldi ng, and my sup ervisor is Professor XXXX. Un der the guida ne

3、e of my tutor,I m doing some research on XXXX. My project name XXXX.Person ally,I amopen-min ded, quick in thought and curious.d like to read a book orIn my spare time, I like readingbooks and listening to music.Whe n I got frustrated and n ervous, I liste ning to some music, which can hel p relax m

4、e and help me stay calm and kee p the p eace of mind. Then I can con ti nue my work and study with a good mood.Asmentioned, I have done some research and someexp erime nts, which in terestedmeand throw mei nto it with greatenthusiasm. You know the process of research is a littleboringand sometime ve

5、ry frustrating,but it s challengingand inspiring and I enjoy it especially whenl get somenewfindingsstudy as theby myself.However, duri ng the one and a half years po stgraduate, the more I studied and exp erie need, the more clearly I realized that I n eed study further. As a result, I want to appl

6、y for the opportunity to further study as a PhD graduates without exam so that I could able to continue my research smoothly.I will app reciate it very much if you can give me the opportunity to further my educati on here.OK, that s all. Thank you!篇二、硕博连读面试英文自我介绍范文Good afternoon teachers:I feel quit

7、e glorious to atte nd this in terview.Also it s a great honour to be qualified to be a p ostgraduate without exam.And I ll make an introduction about myself.My n ame is XXX and I come from city Weifa ng of ShandongProvince.Ibegan to major in our BiomedicalEngineeringDep artme nt of Shandong Un ivers

8、ity from 2O19.a nd I love this major very much.From my angle, BMEis a promising field. As weall kno w,it is devel oping in a valid sp eed. So III study inthis field as always and make con tributes to it in all of mylife. In the p ast three years, I study very hard and seldom orn ever abse nt from an

9、y class. Whe n I en tered the college, asenior sister appren tice told me that college is heave n forthose strugglesand hell for the fallen ones.So I treasure everymun ite to fight. Its a happy process for me to study,and myp erforma nee inthe uni versity is also ideal, I got theschorlarshi p ofShan

10、dongUniversity for my progress.And I alsoreceived many other honors because of my excellentbehavior,such as excelle nt league member,excelle nt cadre ofSDUand so on. From my view, four years is too short for us butit do make great in flue nces on our future. If we take it,well become outsta nding.As

11、 we all know,BME is a sunshining field and it needs hightecniq ue. So the kno wledge I lear ned is not eno ugh to do moreresearch on this doma in. For this reas on,l want to become apostgraduate for further study. I have desire to be better andI ll study or make rereach with great efforts and inovat

12、ion.I believe I ll become a qualifed and outstanding masterresearch stude nt.篇三、硕博连读面试英文自我介绍范文Good morning, teachers. It s my great honor to be here forthis in terview. I am。,the postgraduate of the fifth lab.During the p ast two years, I have bee n worki ng hard and trying mybest to improve myself.

13、 With the help of mysupervisor and other fellows in the lab, I get a better un dersta nding of scie ntific research and engin eeri ng in the field, and lear n more research skills.Inmy spare time, id like to take part in group activities orga ni zed by the stude nt union, because I love the atmos phere that people get together to talk or paly with each other. I also love shopping ,just as other girls do. Besides, I like watching movies very much, and my favorite movie is the Brave Heart.I will app reciate it very much, if you can give me the opportunity to further my e


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