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1、1,小学语法易错题,兰州市城关区伟斯教育培训学校 张翠琴,2,3,小学英语三种基本句型,主系表句型 (am/is/are) there be句型 (there is /are) 主谓宾句型 (do/ does,4,主+系动词+表:(词性与词序,5,there be (there is/are,该句型通常用来表达某地存在某物(人,6,主谓宾句型(do/does,英语第三个句型通常叫主+谓+宾+状,它的核心是“do”即动词。本句型表达什么人/( 物) 做什么,7,教学难点,动词的变化。 定语的位置 否定句和一般疑问句的转换 正确的思维方式的培养,8,主系表句型的人称变化,You (They We

2、) are rich. He ( She ) is rich. I am rich. 肯定:They (We)are teachers. He is a teacher. 否定:They(We)are not teachers. He isnt a teacher. 疑问:Are they teachers? Is he a teacher,be动词用法口诀 我用am, 你用are , is用于他、她、它; 单数is 复数are , 千万不要用错它,9,There be 句型主语单复数变化,桌子上有一本书. There is a book on the desk. (On the desk,

3、there is a book.) There is not a book on the desk. Is there a book on the desk? 桌子上有两本书. There are two books on the desk. There are not two books on the desk. Are there two books on the desk? 句中若有am,is, are,直接拿来当老大; 句中若有am, is, are, 否定not屁股后面挂,10,主谓宾句型拓展,肯定: You study English hard for the test in th

4、e school every day . 否定: You dont study English hard for the test in the school every day. 疑问: Do you study English hard for the test in the school every day? 句中若无 am, is, are, 请来助动当老大; 句中若无 am, is, are, 助动not主语后面挂,11,主格: you they we I he she 该句型一般现在时主语是第三人称单数时,动词变化如下: 1、在动词词尾直接加s。如: play plays, wan

5、t wants 2、以字母s, x, ch或o 结尾的动词加es。如:teach teaches, do does 3、以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先把y变i,再加es。如:study studies, fly flies He studies English. He does not study English. Does he study English,do/does 用法口诀我、你要用do; 他、她、它用does; 单数does,复数do,主谓宾句型主语人称变化,12,句型拓展,主 谓 宾 状 I love you very very much. 我非常非常地爱你。 主 状 谓 宾 Th

6、e students study English hard. 学生们努力地学习英语。 The students study English hard for the test in the school every day . 学生们为了考试在学校里每天努力地学习英语。 Tip: 状语有两种:副词和介词短语,13,主谓宾句型的时态,现在时 You study English. You do not study English. Do you study English? 过去时(该句型过去时中的行为动词变化分为两类:规则变化和不规则变化) You studied English yesterd

7、ay. You did not study English yesterday. Did you study English yesterday? 将来时 You will study English tomorrow. You will not study English tomorrow. Will you study English tomorrow,14,主谓宾句型的过去时(不规则动词,提示:不规则动词在句子中的词序与规则动词一样,但否定句和疑问句是由助动词did 帮助完构成的,老师应该提醒学前助动,后还原! He taught us English last term. He did not


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