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1、1. The thickness of a tooth measured along the pitch circle is one half the circular pitch.沿节圆所测得的齿厚是周节的一半。2. The earthquake measured 6.5 on the Richter scale.这次地震的震级为6.5力士震级。3. We must reflect what measures to take in case of any accidental collapse of a bed .我们必须考虑一下如果层床意外崩塌应该采取什么措施。4. In the tran

2、sistor the output current depends upon the input current ,hence it is a current-operated device.在晶体管中,输出电流取决于输入电流,因此,晶体管是电流控制器件。5. The relay is operated by a current of several milliamperes.继电器由数毫安电流起动。6. The hearing aids are operated from batteries.助听器用电池供电7. Either of two reactions may be in effec

3、t in the reduction of iron oxide with carbon.在用碳还原氧化铁时,两种反应中的每一种都可能发生8. Alloys belong to a half-way house between mixtures and compounds.合金是介于混合物和化合物的中间结构9. The spindle rotates simultaneously round two axes at right angles to each other.钉子同时绕两个相互垂直的轴旋转10. An electron is an extremely small corpuscle

4、with negative charge which rounds about the nucleus of an atom.电子是绕原子核转动且带有负电荷的微粒11. The rudder serves the purpose of yawing the airplane to the right or left.方向舵的用途是使飞机能够左右偏航12. Each of these compounds boils at a different temperature.这几种化合物的沸点各不相同13. After more experiments ,Galileo succeeded in ma

5、king a much better telescope.经过一些实验后,伽利略成功的造出了一架好的多的望远镜14. During the weo and half hour talk, the two sides exchanged views on the choice of terms of payment, but they made no mention of the mode of transportation.在两个半小时的商谈中,双方就付款方式交换了意见,但却没有提到运输方式15. The application of electronic computers makes fo

6、r a tremendous rise in labor productivity.使用电子计算机可以大大提高劳动生产率16. The maiden voyage of the newly-built steamship was a success.那艘新建轮船的首航是成功的17. About 20 kilometers thick , this giant umbrella is made up of a layer of ozone gas .地球的这一巨型保护伞由一层臭氧组成,其厚度约为20公里。18. We have made a careful study of the proper

7、ties of these chemical elements.我们仔细的研究了这些化学元素的特性。19. Gases and liquid are perfectly plastic.气体和液体具有很好的弹性20. That radio factory impressed me deeply.那个无线电厂给了我很深的印象21. All of the austenitic stainless steels resist hydrogen damage .所有的奥氏体不锈钢都具有抗氢腐蚀性能22. If the N pole of one magnet is held toward the N

8、pole of another, the magnets will push away from each other .把一个磁石的北极对着另一个磁石的北极,这两个磁石就会相互排斥23. Simple in principle, the experiment led to a scientific revolution with far-reaching consequences.这个实验虽然原理简单,却导致了一场影响深远的科学革命24. A list of all the ways that diesel power is used would take pages .一份列举柴油机所有用

9、途的清单可能要好几页25. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the air being only 0.03 per cent , carbon is amassed into the compass of the plant from a large volume of air.因为空气中二氧化碳的浓度只有万分之三,所以聚集在植物内部的碳是从周围极大体积的空气中得来的26. Ice and water consist of the same substance in different forms .冰和水由相同的物质组成,但形态不同27. Wer

10、e here no gravity, there would be no air around the earth.假如没有重力,地球周围就不会有空气28. A scientist constantly tried to defeat his hypotheses , his theories ,and his conclusion.科学家经常设法否定自己的假设,推翻自己的理论,并放弃自己的结论。29. Solids transmit sound very well.固体传声效果很好30. This typewriter is indeed heap and fine .这部打字机真是物美价廉

11、31. James Watt invented the steam engine .詹姆斯瓦特发明了蒸汽机32. I can finish the work so long as you give me time .你给我时间,我能完成这项工作33. If you dont bring the map ,youll get lost.不带地图是会迷路的34. We should gradually eliminate the differences between town and country.我们应当逐步消灭城乡差别35. Applicants who have worker at a

12、job will receive preference over those who have not.求职者中,有工作经验者将优先录用36. He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders.他双手插进口袋,然后耸了耸肩37. Visible light covers a wave length range of about 0.38 to 0.78Mm.可见光的波长范围为0.380.78Mm38. When the masses are of one heart , everything becomes ea

13、sy.群众齐心了,一切事情都好办39. It is not so easy to get iron from its ore .从铁矿石中提炼铁不是那么容易的40. Its no use quarrelling now .现在争论时没用的41. It is the U.S that is distorting and perverting the “Geneva spirit”正是美国在歪曲颠倒“日内瓦精神”42. We eat to live .but not live to eat .为生存而吃饭,而不应为吃饭而生存43. The industrial waste gases are ha

14、rmful to us and we should by all means remove them .工业废气对我们是有害的,应尽力排除44. One must make painstaking efforts before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language .要掌握好一门外语,非下苦功不可45. A wise man will not make such a mistake .聪明的人不会犯这样的错误46. The earth goes around the sun .地球围绕太阳转47. The population of

15、 Guangdong Province is even larger than that of the U.K.广东省的人口比英国多48. If you know the frequency , you can find the wavelength .如果知道频率,就能求出波长49. The jammer covers an operating frequency range from 20-500MHz.干扰机的工作频段为20500MHz50. Aluminum alloys can be divided into two classes :heat-treatable and non-h

16、eat treatable alloys.铝合金可分为两类:可热处理铝合金和不可热处理铝合金51. All the metals are good conductors because there is a great number of free electrons in them.一切金属都是良导体,因为金属里有大量的电子52. Electrical inventors who followed Edison did not have to experiment with the substances which he had found would not work.爱迪生之后的电器发明

17、家们无需再对爱迪生发明的不管用的材料进行试验了53. Basically, there are two directions of applied loads on the filldt welds: parallel to the weld length and transverse to the weld length.角焊缝所受外载基本上按两个方向作用:一个与焊缝平行,另一个与焊缝垂直54. Trusses may be classified as simple ,compound, or complex.桁架可分为简单桁架、复合桁架和复杂桁架55. Work does not incl

18、ude time , but power does .功不包括时间,但功率包括时间56. We had meant to the laboratory ,but we forgot to .我们本想去实验室,但忘去了57. We have to analyze and solve problems .我们必须分析问题,解决问题58. Marketing economy itself the product of long course of development ,of a series of revolutions in the modes of production and of exc

19、hange .市场经济本身是一个长期发展过程的产物,是生产方式和交换方式一些列变革的产物59. Among the four pictures ,two appear to be real ,others false .在这四幅画中,有两幅看起来是真的,另外两幅看起来是赝品60. Actually, it isnt ,because it assumes that there is an agreed account of human rights ,which is something the world does not have .事实并非如此,因为这种问法是以人们对人的权利有共识为基础

20、的,而这种共同认识并不存在。61. The people of China have always been courageous enough to probe into things, to make inventions and to make revolution .中国人民历来是勇于探索、勇于创新、勇于革命的62. Our policy must be made known not only to the leaders and to the cadres but also to the broad masses.我们的政策,不光要使领导者知道,干部知道,还要使广大群众知道63. H

21、appy families also had their own troubles幸福的家庭也有幸福家庭的苦恼64. He was proficient both as a flyer and as a navigator .他既精于飞行,又善于导航65. We must actively introduce new techniques ,equipment , technologies and material .我们必须积极采用新技术、新设备、新工艺、新材料66. I had experienced oxygen and /or engine trouble .我曾碰到过,不是氧气设备除

22、了故障,就是引擎出故障,或者两者都出了故障67. Under ordinary conditions of pressure ,water becomes ice at 0 and steam at 100 .在常压下,水在零摄氏度时结冰,在一百摄氏度时变成蒸汽68. What we want ,first and foremost ,is to learn ,to learn and learn .我们首先需要的是:学习、学习、再学习69. Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness ,affection weakness , thrift avarice

23、 .勇之过度则为蛮,爱之过度则为宠,俭之过度则为贪70. We should discard the idea that scientific inquiry will ever be complete .我们必须明白科学是永无止境的71. Ice is not as dense as water and it therefore floats.冰的密度比水小,因此能浮在水面上72. Metals do not melt until heated to definite temperature .金属要加热到一定程度才能融化73. Until recently geneticists were

24、 not interested in particular genes .基因学家们今年来才开始对特定基因感兴趣74. We cannot be too careful in doing experiment .我们做实验时要尽可能小心75. Discovering that end product differs significantly from the prototype that was tested is not unusual.终端产品与实验产品有明显的差别,这种情况是常见的76. The average speed of all molecules remains the sa

25、me so long as the temperature is constant.只要温度不变,各种分子的平均速度也就不变77. The influence of temperature on the conductivity of metals is slight .温度对金属的导电性影响不大78. The common non-metals tend to be less strong than metals .一般的非金属材料比金属材料强度差79. The absence of air also explains why the stars do not seem to twinkle

26、 in space ,as they do from the earth .正因为没有空气,所以星星在太空中不能像地球上看它们时那样闪闪发亮80. Eclipses can not be often seen in every part of the world .日蚀和月蚀在世界各地并不是常常都能看到81. There exist neither perfect insulations nor perfect conductors .既没有绝对的绝缘体,也没有绝对的导体82. In contradiction to solids ,gases never have a definite vo

27、lume .与固体不同,气体从来没有固定的体积83. The absolute zero of temperature can never be reached.温度的绝对零度是永远不会达到的84. IBM will probably never be able to regain its position as the undisputed colossus of the computer industry .IBM可能永远不能恢复它在计算机工业中无可争辩的巨人地位85. Horsepower has nothing to do with the horse .马力和马毫不相干86. Har

28、dened steel and brittle materials such as glass and ceramics are not normally amenable to diamond turning .一般情况下,淬硬钢材及玻璃和陶瓷等脆性材料,通常不宜使用金刚石切削87. In contradiction to solids ,gases never have a definite volume .与固体不同,气体从来没有固定体积88. Not everybody is convinced the Leaning Tower of Pisa really can be saved

29、 .并未每一个人都相信比萨斜塔真的能免于坍塌89. Not many of the things are of use in form in which they are found .不是所有的东西在刚被发现时都有用。1. A material which has the property of elasticity will return to its original size and shape when the forces producing strain are removed.如果把产生应变的力去掉,具有弹性的材料就会恢复到它原来的体积和形状2. Being cooled in

30、 the air ,this kind of steel becomes harder and harder.在空气中冷却后,这种钢就变得越来越硬3. Having been well insulated ,the wire may be used as a conductor .将金属线很好的绝缘以后,就可以用作导线4. Copper has less resistance than aluminum for the same size wire ,but aluminum ,being much lighter in weight ,has less resistance per unit

31、 of weight .对于同样粗细的电线来说,铜比铝的电阻小,但由于铝的重量很轻,所以它单位重量的电阻较小5. The expanding gas rotates the blades of the turbine , thus giving up a large part of the power ,which drives the compressor .热的膨胀着的气体转动涡轮的叶片,因而放出了大部分的动力,驱动了压缩机6. Some alloying elements make the grain of steel finer ,thus increasing the hardnes

32、s and strength of steel .某些合金元素可精华钢的晶体度,从而提高了钢的硬度和强度7. The photon ,not having a material mass ,maybe considered as having radiationmass.光子虽然没有物质质量,但可以认为它具有辐射质量8. Pure iron is a silver-white metal ,melting at 1535.纯铁是银白色的金属,在1535融化9. Molecules vary considerable in size and weight ,ranging from the ti

33、niest macromolecules to the largest macromolecules.各种分子的大小和重量都有很大差别,包括从最小的微分子到最大的宏观分子10. Judging by its conductivity , the metal may be aluminum .按其导电性来看,这种金属可能是铝11. A valence electron can move away from its atom ,leaving it a hole .价电子能够脱离其原子,给原子留下一个空缺12. An object at rest has no kinetic energy ,it

34、s velocity being zero .静止的物体不具有动能,因为它的速度为零13. An electric current decomposes water into hydrogen and oxygen ,hydrogen being liberated at the cathode .电流把水分解为氢和氧,氢气从阴极释放出来14. We can store electrical energy in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium .电能可能储存在由一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属极板内15. A ferrous met

35、al is one chiefly made of iron .黑色金属是一种主要由铁构成的金属16. With the last-mentioned approach ,water as supplied under the existing head is passed through an ejector whose diffuser creates a vacuum.就最后提到的方案而言,现有水头提供的水通过射流泵在其扩散管处形成真空17. Given the voltage and the current ,the resistance can be determined accor

36、ding to Ohms.已知电压和电流,根据欧姆定律就可求出电阻18. The volume of a given weight of gas varies directly as the absolute temperature ,provided the pressure does not change.如果压力不变,一定量的气体的体积就与绝对温度成正比19. The electronic microscope possesses very high resolving power compared with the optical microscope .与光学显微镜相比,电子显微镜具

37、有极高的分辨率20. The energy in coal and oil came from the sun ,stored there by the plants of millions of years ago .煤和石油里的能量来自太阳,是由数百万年前的植物储存起来的21. This atom ,with 92 electrons spinning about the closely packed and complex nucleus , is the element uranium , which seems to be the most complicated of the na

38、tural atoms .有92个电子围着又密集又复杂的原子核旋转的原子,就是元素铀。它似乎是天然原子钟最复杂的原子了22. Hysteresis energy is a useful basis for the establishment of failure criteria in fatigue.在建立疲劳破坏准则时,迟滞能量是一个有用的依据23. For about the last 200 years ,the structural theory has been developed by scientists , mathematicians and engineers , wit

39、h the very practical object of providing a reliable basis for the design of structures by calculation.近200年来,科学家、数学家和工程师们发展了结构理论,其目的在于通过计算给结构物的设计工作提供可靠的基础24. With the base grounded , transistor Q4 is a very high impedance .当基极接地时,晶体管Q4便成为一个非常高的阻抗25. As an alternative to impedance functions ,one can

40、use a friction factor lookup table that relates the impedance between zones to the attractiveness between zones.作为阻抗函数的另一种选择,可以采用摩擦系数查询表来描述小区之间的阻抗26. Some features of the nucleon structure emerge from these relations.折现关系式展现了核子结构的某些特征27. It is necessary to prevent induction motors against overload a

41、nd under voltage.必须保护感应电动机,防止过载和欠压28. The porous wall acts as a kind of seine for separating molecules .多孔壁的作用就像一把筛子,它把不同质量的分子分开29. To transmit electromagnetic waves takes energy .传送电磁波需要能量30. To ensure that the reaction progresses reasonably fast involves the closest contact between the small accou

42、nt of liquid phase and the much larger bulk of solid phase.为了保证反应进行的相当快,要求在少量液相和多得多的固相之间有最密切的接触31. It is rather difficult to define this quantity precisely.对这个量要精确的下定义是相当困难的32. It is essential to earth the rotor shaft by an additional earthed brush .必须通过一个附加的接地碳刷把转子大轴接地33. When oxygen is blown into

43、molten pig iron ,silicon begins to oxidize first .当往熔融生铁中吹入氧气时,硅首先开始碳化34. The use of parallel circuits makes it possible to switch any light of appliance on or off without affecting other circuits .用并联电路使我们有可能开关任何电灯或电器而不影响别的电路35. Insulation is to keep electrical conductors separated from each other

44、and from other nearby objects .绝缘体使导线相互隔离并且不接触到其他物体36. The natural tendency of heat to flow from a higher to lower temperature makes it possible for a heat engine to transform heat into work .热从高温流向低温的这一自燃趋势使得热力机可以把热变为功37. To allow out silicon crystal to conduct electricity ,we must find a way to al

45、low some electrons to move from place to place within the crystal ,in spite of the covalent bonds between atoms.为了让硅晶体导电,我们必须寻找一种方法让一些电子在晶体内移动,尽管原子之间有共价键38. The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger to satisfy the increasing demand of electric power .单台发电机的容量越来越大,目的就是满足不断增长的用电需求39.

46、Though only 107 elements have been discovered , they combine in enough different ways to make the millions and millions of different things in the world.虽然只发现了107种元素,但这些元素以不同的方式化合在一起就会形成世界上无数的千差万别的东西40. In communications ,the problem of electronics is how to convey information from one place to anot

47、her.在通讯系统中,电子学要解决的问题是如何把信息从一个地方传递到另一个地方41. Short circuits would cause very strong currents to flow .短路会使得很大的电流流过42. Power makes machines run .动力使机器运转43. Friction compels a body in motion to stop .摩擦迫使运动物体停止44. It was not until the 19th century , when magnetism was shown to be the product of electric

48、ity ,that serious research into the nature of permanent magnetism began .直到19世纪证明了磁是电产生的时候,人们才开始对永久磁性的本质做认真研究45. Insulators are used to confine a current to the desired path .绝缘体用来把电流限制在所要求的路线中46. A minimum electric power system is shown in Fig.1, a combination of an energy source , a prime mover ,a

49、 generator and a load .最小的电力系统如图1所示,它由能源、原动机、发电机和负载构成47. The fact that electric currents passing through a wire produce heat is known to all .电流通过导线时产生热这一事实是众所周知的48. But electricity energy travels with the speed of light ,about 186000 miles in a second .但是电能以光速大约每秒186000英里传播49. The creation of synth

50、etic protein from petroleum to make food comes first on the list of current oil company research projects in come countries .从石油中提取合成蛋白以制作人造食品已被列为某些国家石油公司的当前首要科研项目50. The primary concern of electrical engineering is the doing of work by the delivery of energy .电工学主要关注的是通过输送能量做功的情况51. In the installa

51、tions it is possible to increase Reynolds numbers by 39 times without further increase of the velocity head and drive power .在这类设备上,有可能将雷诺数提高39倍,而不用进一步提高速位差与驱动功率52. Magnets have characteristics similar to electric charges in that like magnetic Doles repel each other and unlike magnetic Doles attract

52、 each other .磁铁具有与电荷相似的特性:同磁极相斥,异磁极相吸53. Without forces sufficient to overcome the resistance , bodies at rest will never move .没有足以克服阻力的力,静止的物体绝不会运动54. It was postulated in the early days of the subject that electricity was a fluid or rather two fluids ,present in equal quantities inside matter and

53、 that charging a body consisted of adding an excess of positive of negative fluid to it .在这门学科的发展早期曾经假设过:电流是一种流体,或确切的说是两股流体,这两股流体等量的存在于物体中,同时还假设,给物体充电就是给该物体加过量的正电流或负电流55. The work piece will pass through a series of rollers ,each a little closer to the next one .工件将通过一系列扎轮,扎轮的间隔依次缩小56. The ultrasoni

54、c metal inspection is the application of ultrasonic vibrations to materials with elastic properties and the observation of the resulting action of the vibrations in the materials .金属超声波探测,就是把超声振动施于弹性金属材料,并观察振动在材料中产生的作用57. The rated current must be considered by dividing into pulse current (peak curr

55、ent ) and continuous current which depend on the breakdown mode .额定电流被认为是由击穿模式决定的脉冲电流(峰值电流)和连续电流组成58. They will in general be divided in to a reflected train and transmitted train whose relative intensities will depend on the magnitude of the velocity changed at the boundary ,on the abruptness of th

56、is change ,and on the angle of incidence .它们一般会被分成反射波列和透射波列,这两者的相对强度取决于界面上速度变化的大小,变化的缓急以及入射角的大小59. Surface wear can be caused by either thermal stress of fatigue in the sliding faces .表面磨损或者是由滑动面的热应力引起,或者是由滑动面的疲劳损坏造成的60. It has been shown that water in the fluid can affect both the fluid integrity a

57、nd the operational behavior of the system components .业已证明,液体中的水即会影响液体的完全性又会影响系统元件的工作特性1. A step-down transformer can reduce voltage to whatever is desired . 降压变压器能把电压降低到所需要的任何数值2. Attention is necessary to prevent the electronic instrument from damage .必须注意,以防电子仪器损坏3. This paper aims at discussing the application of nuclear energy .本文的目的是讨论核能的应用4. The increase in pressure with depth makes it difficult for man to go very deep far below the water surface .压力随着深度而增加,这使得人类进入深水很困难5. Some operating conditions could produce elevated casing temperature present


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