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1、1,What is happiness,民商法 程莹,2,Para.7,The idea “happiness,” to be sure, will not sit still for easy definition: the best one can do is try to set some extremes to the idea and then work in toward the middle,诚然,给“幸福”下定义不是件容易的事:最好是尽量为这一概念确立一些极限然后就发现了本质内容,3,Para.7,sit 1. sit in(on) for sth(as sth) 在中任职;任

2、代表 He was sitting as a temporary judge. 由他担任临时大法官。 2.sit at sbs feet 崇拜,拜倒在某人脚下 3.sit comfortably/easily/well (with sth) (在某位置或场合)显得合适、自然,如鱼得水,4,Para.7,extreme adj. 1.极度的,极大的 We are working under extreme pressure at the moment. 2.异乎寻常的;严重的;严厉的 Children will be removed from their parents only in extr

3、eme circumstance. 3.极端的,偏激的,过分的 4.末端的,尽头的 She sat on the extreme edge of her seat. n.1.极端,极度;2.把某事引向极端;carry sth to extremes 3.极度,非常 in the extreme,5,Para.7,To think of happiness as acquisitive and competitive will do to set the materialistic extreme.To think of it as the idea one senses in, say, a

4、holy man of India will do to set the spiritual extreme. 把幸福认为是可得到的和可竞争来的话会确立唯物论的极限。将其视为一个人(比如印度的 圣人)所感知的信念,就会确立精神上的极限,6,Para.7,acquisitive adj. 贪得无厌的 He is very acquisitive and has filled his house with things. n.acquisitiveness,7,Para.7,competitive adj. 1.竞争的;以竞争来决定的; 2.好强的;有竞争心的; 3.(由于价格合理而)易于销售的

5、4.Competitive sports 竞技性体育项目,8,Para.7,materialistic 物质享乐主义的;贪图主义的 materialism 实利主义;物质主义 唯物主义;唯物论 idealism 理想主义;唯心论,唯心主义,9,Para.7,holy adj. 1.上帝的;宗教的 2.圣洁的;献身上帝的 3.Take holy orders 成为牧师,10,Para.7,That holy mans idea of happiness is in needing nothing from outside himself.In wanting nothing, he lacks

6、nothing.He sits immobile, rapt in contemplation, free even of his own body.Or nearly free of it. 圣人的幸福感不是靠外界而得到的。无欲无求,他静坐沉思,几乎感觉不到自己肉体的存在,11,Para.7,immobile imubail, -bi:l adj. 固定的;稳定的;不变的 Keep the broken leg immobile.把骨折的腿固定好。 rapt rpt adj. 全神贯注的;入迷的 contemplation ,kntemplein n. 沉思;注视;意图,12,Para.7,

7、If devout admirers bring him food he eats it; if not, he starves indifferently. 如果有虔诚的信徒带给他食物他会吃,如果没有的话,他就会淡然的饿着。 devout divaut adj. 虔诚的;衷心的 indifferently indifrntli adv. 冷淡地;漠不关心地;平庸地;相当差地,13,Para.7,Why be concerned?What is physical is an illusion to him.Contemplation is his joy and he achieves it

8、through a fantastically demanding discipline, the accomplishment of which is a joy within him. 有什么好牵挂的呢?什么是物质对他来说就是幻觉。沉思才是他的极乐并且通过修行来实现,这种修行本身就是他内心的乐趣,14,Para.7,illusion n.错觉;幻觉;假象 The lake in the desert was just an optical illusion.沙漠中的湖泊只是一种视力错觉。 demanding adj.要求高的,费力的,15,Para.7,discipline n. 1.训练;训导;锻炼 Learning poetry is a good discipline for the memory.背诗是训练记忆的好方法。 2.纪律;风纪 Good discipline in the classroom makes it easier to work. 3.惩罚;处罚;处分 That child needs discipline,16,Para.7


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