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1、26Unit 10 Around my home知识梳理一、Words:.restaura nt 餐馆3. street 街道 4 . park 公园.supermarket 超市 7 . busy 忙碌的 8 . shop 商店11. eat13. near在附近14. behind 在后面1. food食物5 home 家9. live 居住10. old老的、旧的吃 12. nice 美好的15. arou nd 在周围near your home在你家附近 some sho ps 些商店 a lot of sho ps许多商店二、Phrases:1. on Brown Street 在

2、布朗大街上3. behind my home 在我家后面5. a busy street一条繁忙的街道在你家附近有公园吗? 在那条街上有一些商店。你家附近有些餐馆吗?三、Sentences :1. Is there a park near your home?2. There are some shops on that street.3. Are there any restaurants near your home?重点点拨1 . where引导的疑问句用法:意思是“在哪里?”,回答时,后面经常会用介词短语,例如:Its near your home , on the desk , in

3、 the room, behind the door 等等。2 . There be句型表达的意思是“在某地有某物” ,there is 后接可数单数名词或不可数名词,例: There is a park near my home. There is some milk in the bottle. There are 后接可数名词复数;例: There are two supermarkets n ear here.3. live表示“居住”的意思,居住在某地通常会用live in 。4 . some和 any的用法:some用在肯定句,any用在否定句或疑问句。单词播音园大声朗读下列短文,

4、体会粗写的单词中字母 u的发音/?/的单词。Myuncle has a son. He likes to jump and run. He ofte n pl ays in the fun land. He goes to school by bus. Onsunny days, he likes to swim with ducks.训练大本营核心模块一.看图,读一读,判断句意是否和图片内容相符,对的打/错的打X。2.4.5.G氐ft h()1. There is a tree beh ind the house.)2. There are some eggs un der the duck

5、.)3. There are many boys n ear the school.)4. There are some buses on the street.)5. There are some trees in the p ark.1. Whereis your home? ()2. Is there a school near your home?(3. Are there any restaura nts on the street?4. Is your homeon Green Street? ()5. Where do you live? ()A.B.(三.看图,读一读,选择正确

6、的词填空。 on n ear un der behi ndWhere are the books?Theyre the desk.Is the ball on the bed?No, its the bed.Where are the trees?They are the house.Is there a lake (湖)the park?Yes, there is.Where is the mouse?Its the book.四.看图,读一读,选择正确的句子。A. Is your home on Brow n Street?B. Are there any rest

7、aura nts n ear your home?D.E.No, there arent.I live in Shenzhen. )C. Yes, it is. Its on Garde n Street.Yes, there is.LOJC. Where is Li ndas home?D. Is there a sup ermarket n ear Joh ns home?Tier home is on Pink Street2.(討厂 輸 there is.3,(4” ( )1. () 2.() 3.(4.五.看图,读一读,选择正确答案。匸Whgl?五irhot而 了强)1.A. Yes

8、, there is.B. Its on Brow n Street.C. Its a restaura nt.Is there a park)2 lyour home?A. No, there is nt.B. Yes, it is.C. No, there arent.匚Where tio you live?)3.A. Im 11.B. No, I dont.Are there any sheps Ep that street?C. I live in Liy un Estate.)4.A. Yes, they are.B. No, there isnt.C. Yes, there are

9、.Is the school near your home?()5.A. Yes, there is.B. No, it isnt.C. Its a busy street.综合模块r讥GCrCrc-(hCrGGA. funIIB. runC. sun2.5:G(r(rA. sonB*fun(H C-Cup(L3.1 A.butI B.putI C.bus4.(.A“ A.some y B-duck t C.jump()5.!:畀CfGC.GGA.uncleBJunchC. under.判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打” ,不同的打“X”。Sue: Where is your

10、home, Tom?Tom: (1) Sue: (2) Tom: No, it is nt.Sue: (3) Tom: Yes, there is.Sue: Are there any restaura nts?Tom: (4) Sue: Do you ofte n go there?Tom: (5) 二. 看图,读一读,选择句子补全对话。A. No, 1 dont-B. Is there a park near your home?C. Yes, there are.D. Its on Park Street.E. Is your home near your school?三. 下面是4位

11、小朋友家周围的设施,读表格,判断句子正(V)误(X)。restaura nt(s)park(s) sh)p(s) school(s)booksh op(s) sup ermarket(s)Tom3211Ann2l12-isa1121Bob1212()1. There are three restaura nts and two sho ps n ear Toms home.)2. There is a booksh op and two p arks n ear Anns home.)3. There is a school and two sup ermarkets n ear Lisas

12、home.)4. There is a restaura nt and a school n ear Bobs home.*( Ttiy 购mg J2.brewn Street3.rVftimart* a aJ5.V,果店四. 根据句意和首字母填空。1. - Where is your h ? Its on Brow n Street.2. There is a p nearmy home. Lots of people like to walk and playthere.3. We can buy lots of differe nt thi ngs in the s .4. Are yo

13、u hungry? Lets go to the rand eat some food.5. Is there a fruit sn earvourhome?Wakr Street五. 看图回答问题。1. Where is Jims home? noy home ) ( parkf2. Is there a school near your home?libra 恳)3. Are there any trees in the park?4. Is your home on Happy Street?ry ho】ne_) Happy Strcvl5. Is your home on Green

14、Street?my hocnc Brown Strxxt六.正确回答问句。1. - Is there a park n ear your home? - Yes,2. - Is your home n ear the library?3. - Are there any boys in the room? - No,-No,4. - Is your school on Sam Street? - Yes,5. - Is there a restaura nt n ear here? - No,参考答案核心模块I. xVxxVII. 1-D 2-E 3-A 4-C 5-BIII. 1. on 2. un der 3. near 4. in 5. beh indIV. 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. BV. BACCB综合模块I. WxWII. (1)D (2)E (3)B (4)C (5


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