1、选词填空Un it 1Good com muni cati on is the key to success whe n lear ning on li ne. You should take the opport unity to get to know your teacher and classmates through email and by participating in Internet discussions. This will lead to a more positive an d| rewarding lear ning experie nee.It true tha
2、t lear ning the tech no logy n eeded to take part in a class can at times be frustrating!. For example , you may need to ask how to post your assignment on the Web. But , don? t worry ! If you have a problem ,ask for help. There? no such thing as a stupid question , so there is no n eed to be in tim
3、idated or embarrassed. Shari ng in sights and an swers freely is what makes the Internet such a great medium for learning.Online classroom teacher Mike Roberts was asked about what he thought the greatest benefit of online learning is. As a teacher , I need the stude nts to ask questi ons so that I
4、know what areas of my less ons n eed further bxplanation|. That what is great about teaching and learning over the In ternet. I n an ordinary classroom , time is limited , so stude nts seem to ask the binimum amount of questions possible. But in the virtual classroom , stude nts are always ask ing q
5、uesti ons. They really seem to feel comfortabld asking me for the information that they need. They also share a lot of valuable ideas with each other in a way that you don?t usually see in a regular classroom.Un it 2I have to write to you about the way you dress. I was a little in timidated to Comme
6、nt in pers on , so I am writi ng in stead. I hope this doesr? ppset you , but somethi ng has to be don e. I must appeal to you to start dress ing like a mom.Your bn ique| sense of fashi on is more like a sister tha n a mother?;.Pers on ally , it embarrassing to have a mom who dresses youn ger tha n
7、I do. You wear T-shirts with torn jea ns and your nose is pierced. My frie nds say it? strange , but I think they 彳e being a little too negative. It? most likely because their boyfriends think you are pretty. Still , if you want me to have any friends in this community , it is vital that you remove
8、the ring from your nose and start dressing like the other moms. Don ? your peers ever show any concern?Don? you remember how horrible being a tee nager can be ? I feel awfu|l because I think people of my age would rather tale to you than to me. Last week at the shopping center , I had the absolutely
9、 worst experience of my life. The young man who took our money asked if you were my older sister. I thought he would likely ask you out if I had n ? said Thanks , mom” to you. It was disgusti ng.Unit 3Some people just can? keep from giving. That was the way it was with my neighbor. Despite being cri
10、ppled , she was very active. In fact , she seemed to do more for the Commun ity every day tha n I ever do in a years time. I was always |amazed at the pace she kept. On Mon days and Fridays , she worked at a college giving studentd guidanCe on what career to choose. On Tuesdays and Thursdays she hel
11、ped out at a church that gave aid to people without homes. And on the weeke nds , she taught local kids who n eededeXtrg help with their schoolwork. And most importa ntly , she always had a positive attitude. I don?t remember once heari ng her compla in about her troubles. The stresses of everyday l
12、ife n ever seemed to bother her. Instead , she looked for every occasion she could find to spread her good humor aroun d. I remember whe n I had just lost my job. She took a day off from work to spend time with me and listen to my frien ds. She n ever once became impatie nt with my complaints. She n
13、 ever acted like there was anything in this world more important than what I had to say.What I regret now is not having ever really done anything for her. I suppose she n ever n eeded it.Un it 4So , how about your in terview?The whole thing was bad from the beg innin g. I en tered the room with Icon
14、 fide ncd and gave the woma n a strong han dshake. She said I squeezed too hard and hurt her. I had a real hard te com muni catihg with her after that?What do you mean?Well , it was pretty apparent that I failed to persuad her to hire me.I tried to make eye |contact with her , but she kept looking a
15、way , which made me think she wasn?t very focused or interested in what I was ” say ing.“know what you mean .It can be so stressful beinj in terviewed for a job. It 会 very depressing when you don? get any encouragement from the pers on who is ask ing you questi ons. But , doflt worry. I ,m sure you
16、made a better impression than what you think.“ don? th ink I impressed her at all. I was really bothered that she kept looking away , only |interrupting| me once in a while to throw in a word or two. I had to get her attention by making big gestures and changing the tone of my voice. I don?t think I
17、 have ever had such a horrible experie nee.”Unit 5AIDS has emerged as the world ? biggest problem over the past 25 years. The| epidemic has touched the lives of people around the world , but no other place has been plagued like Africa. In Africa 20 million people were linfected with the diseasein 19
18、99. That number continues to grow. Africa has hecounted for nearly four out of five AIDS related deaths in the world. It is Estimated that as of 1999 , 13 million children had lost their pare nts to AIDS. Although there is no cure , people in more developedcountries can get medicine to help. In Afri
19、ca though , most do not have access to new medic in es. Most people n eglect going to the doctor to find out if they have the disease. Because they have not been diagnosed with the illness , they continue to spread the disease without knowing it. Many men leave their rural homes to find work. This (
20、threatens many people when the workers have AIDS and their behavior is not safe.In response to this crisis , many groups have set up programs. The goal is to educate people about AIDS. It is difficult to implement such programs , though , because of poor literacy rates. Some education programs have
21、worked , though. One such project combats peoples fear of getting tested for AIDS. Other campaigns focus on schooling for the poor.Unit 7Whe n we stepped out of our front door last eve ning , somethi ng seemed different. I had this |unusua|l feeling that something bad was going tohappe n. Our n eigh
22、borhood isr? the kind of place where you would exceptto get robbed , but Iguess you n ever know.My husba nd and I were walk ing across our law n to our parked car whe n a man leaped from behind our bushes. The man pointed a gun at my husba nd and dema nded that we give him our mon ey. We of course d
23、id so , and the n begged for |mercy from him. He told us to get on our kn ees and then he shoved my husbands forehead into the dirt. He then grabbed mywatch off my wrist and told me to lie down and close my eyes. I did not know if we were going to IsurvivThen I heard his footsteps |fadd away into th
24、e dark ness , I went to the police , but I could n说 |iden tify | the man because he was wear ing a stock ing over his head. They admitted that they probably would n?t be able to do any thi ng about it.Of course , we can pfford |to lose the money. I can find a replacement for the watch he took. What
25、bothers me though , is how scared it made me to eve n go out in my own yard. I hate this feeli ng of fear.Unit 8over one great ideaUpon see ing an apple fall while walk ing , Isaac Newt on was struck with an idea. His new concept was that the same force that pulled the apple to the ground guides the
26、 room. This simple story about Newt on exemplified what makes a great mi nd. Great mi nds like Newt on just seem to be always open to new ideas. It is almost automatic for them. A bright idea ofte n bccurd to them eve n whe n it seems very odd. They un dersta nd with certainty that there is logic to
27、 be found eve n withi n the most unu sual idea. The n they hold onto the idea. They tur n it over and over in their mind un til that eleme nt of logic deveals itself. This process invo Ives combining what you know with what you experience in the world around you. In contrast , many very smart people
28、 have llabore throughout their lives. In the end though , they are unable to unlock the mystery of what it takes to be a genius. What is it that they have omitted intheir search? They have simply forgotte n tO obserye the new comb in ati ons being formed in the unconscious. They have employed only t
29、heir conscious mind without giving time for their unconscious mind to provide the answers. This is particularly true of those who work too hard. They might be well advised to take a little walk every once in a while.Un it 10What?s more important to you , money , a comfortable life , or self-respect?
30、 Many people believe that we are living in an age where values are in decline. They say that a standard for morality has been replaced by self-interest. Some people eveh predict the people of this earth will soon be punished and that disasters will destroy much of the civilizatio n today. Most disag
31、ree with such |con elusion , but they do th ink that it is time to stop our excessive ways.A non-religious woman from California commented , 1“ do believe that a moral compass should guide our actions. We share this planet and we n eed to keep the values like| integrity and treat each other with res
32、pect. There is a significant need for each inhabitant of this world to take a good look at how they are behav ing.Ano ther man from New York said , It? not eno ugh to be a good person in your heart. We have to| demonstrate our good inten ti ons through our actions. There is plenty of temptation out
33、there. It often causes people to give in to convenience in stead of doing what is right. I have faith that if people just start followi ng their Con scie nee in stead of what?S easy , things will improve. We are all going to be faced with some |tough decisions. I think we?*e ready for the challe nge
34、 ,though”完型填空I, for one, am from ready to use online courses for my learning. Don t get me wrong I am very happy about all the com muni catio n and lear ning opportunities the courses have given us. But for me those opportunities should not be used to replace classroom activities. In other words, th
35、ey are only tools |to help me learn what has already beeh served in the classroom. I love the classroom. I love classmates.There are forty students in my class right now, and I think it s great. I even love having classmates who are better than me. And, let s hot forget the smell of ink on paper , t
36、he sound of chalk on a blackboard, the hard ness of a woode n bench or the heat in side the classroom in early September. I love it all. But most of all,I love hav ing a teachea “real live ” teacher. I get excited whe n I am in the classroom with a good teacher. I lear n in a way that has bee n prov
37、e n to work. I am give n in sight not only |into a certai n subject, but also into the world.What makes hav ing a classroom teacher so special? A good teacher pushes me to succeed. A good teacher rewards me with praise whe n I have done well and stays Ipositivd and gives me hope when I am downdon tb
38、elieve that a teacher using a virtual classroom can .feach outlQme in the same way. A teacher communicatind.throug|h the Internet cannot share the same type of relati on a classroom teacher and stude nt share.I guess that I am lucky to have had | access to so many excelle nt classroom teachers. I wi
39、ll never forget the kindness and |commitmen that those teachers have shown me. Their examples make it hard for me to accept away of learning that does not| include them. You can call me“ old-fashio nee” ,but as long as there is a classroom, that where I will be learning.UNIT 2Im not sure whether a “
40、generatior” exists, but if it_doe_,I hope Im still standing on the youths of the gapmay be 50and then some, butI still like to rock.Whe n I was_younger_,Iliste ned to all of the new rock and roll music,and I really got into it.But ,unlike a lot of my friendsthat rock and roll hasdecided that good mu
41、sic died after the 1970s,l_kept on listening to aswell as rocki ng to new and unique music .I have to cha nged si nee I was a tee nager,but it is_still_about using rhythm to express felling.Some of the changes have been very positive._Advances_ in tech no logy have made personal record ing simple an
42、d give n us access_to _music on the Internet.Nowadays_,you can t throw a stone without hitti ng some one that has made their own CD. You don t have to just liste n to music made and sold by big record compa ni es.Ma ny groups send their music_straight _to community radio station.This _allows for_tru
43、ly new music to be heard that record compa nies have n ever eve n touchedplay drum for one_such_group myself.My daughter is an _actual_tee nager and she is thoroughly disgusted by my listening to and playing,as she puts it, “those_awful_tunes? Classical music and play ing the pia nolappeal _to her.S
44、he prete nds to show concern by making comme nts like, “ You should tur n that stuff dow n or you will hurt you rears” but I know what she is really_trying_to say is that she finds my music absolutely offen sive and does not have _patience _for it dont get too upset, though.And I don t worry about m
45、y music having a(n) negative in flue nee on her.ln any case,she is probably right about my ears;I likely have lost some heari ng from going to too many loud con certs as I have. I can t say that it wasn ? worth it,though.|lf I had to do it all over again I would do it all the same except I would pro
46、tect my ears better.UNIT 3Do not put off un til tomorrow the good you can do today. There are so ma ny possibilities that can get in the way of a good or great deed. Examplgs of people who missed out on good opport un ities are everywhere, and whe n it is too late, they regret missing their chanee t
47、o have bejn of service. Sa ying “ tomorrow ” just in stead of doing some good may lead to a habit of saying “ tomorrow ” , and tomorrow may never come. One delay is follo wed by ano ther, and matters get out of hand quickly, eve n when attempts a re made to correct them.Therefore, we must take thi n
48、gs on as soon as we see them. This is the secret_ to progress and success. One good deed dan awaken us to new and grea ter opportunities to help those around us, andthus, make our life richer. O ne good tur n leads to ano ther, and thus, the good is made larger. Ohce_so methi ng great has bee n achi
49、eved, we are to set our sights on the n ext opport unity to help that arise. Each new oppo rtunity may be bigger and better tha n last. And so, I urge you to use all you r efforts to do what good you can today _instead of tomorrow.Do not spend your time with things that are neither goodnor valuable.
50、 This will save you from mistake. If you are give n a task thatyou do not believe is helpful, |delay_it. Time will wash it away for you. Atthe same time, the beg innings of someth ing positive will have|builtup. Do it at once! A kind word, or a(n) service to others is never a wasteof your time,a ndy
51、ou will reap the ben efits _ of good and enjoy peace of mind.(4)Standing in the door of Mr Murphy 会 office ,I could see he was learnedsomethi ng he was reading. He had both elbow on his desk, his head was resti ng 对 one hand and his other hand was cupped about his mouth. I knew that he was keeping h
52、is office hours and that student IparticipatiUH was encouraged ,but all the same , I was afraid to approach .Then ,as I turned to leave , my foot banged, aga inst the bottom of the door ,startli ng me and caus ing the professor to look up. His eyes had simply moved from the desk to me, but the rest
53、of his physical Ibod remained the same .He invited me in without gesture, just a Come in. What is it that you need?” There was little if |an* warmth or tone in his voice; it wasn? exactly encouragement Despite being intimidated, I made a conscious effort to relax and persuaded myself to smile and en
54、ter the room. Mr.Murphy , ” the pitch, of my voice rose as I begin my introduction I am sorry to in terrupt) .my n ame is Peter . I am in your sec on d-period En glish class.Peter did you say it was? he replied. His reaction disappointed me. It was apparent that I had not made much of an impression
55、with the presentation I made in class last week. he said my nam|e a* if he would not have remembered it without my having stated it for him first -as though he were no more impressed than if he had |encountereda beggar on the street He con ti nued,” Do you have somethi ng you want to discuss with me
56、 , or do you just stop by to visit ?In fact, I had stopped by to visit,but I was no Ion ger feeli ng up to it and was looking for a fast exit . It seemed that the invitation he had extend in class ” Drop by my office for a visit any time .My door is always ope n . ” was just a(n) empty gesture proba
57、bly required by the school. I reach in side my bag and pulled out my En glish Ian guage textbook. I figured I can ask him a quick question rather than try to have a meaningful conversation.5When they gave us our first sex education lecture, AIDS was not part of the speech. It was 1981, andalthough t
58、here might have been a couple of n ews stories about a new disease, AIDS was n?t a realconcern yet. Over the next couple of years, n ews stories about AIDS became very com mon, however they did not provide very much helpful information. Rather ,the media was happy to report stories that con firmed w
59、hatever racial or sexual prejudices we may have had. There were stories about mon keys inAfrica were the source of the disease and it was most com mon ly believed that only sex between two men could spread the disease. The un dersta nding wasthat the only protective steps some one would n eed to take were to stay away from gay (同性恋的)men and mon keys. This lack of serious information and education ab
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