



1、这是本人对 AW intro 的个人分析,一路走过来,我跟朋友开玩笑说:我吧AW的机关都碰到了。从缓考两次,到考试当天只带了on e form of certification,之后又要花钱重新注册,我3月31会再去考,我的心情和(无夏)也是一样:这条路是我要的,我一定要走 下去,除非有什么道理可以说服我,这次不行,我还会考,考试不行,我也会想别的办法。之前时间安排不当和自己网店,XDF等等事宜,还有自己也不是很聪明, 从来就是乱搞一气,没有学习方法,可是在中国这样的应试教育下还是走过来了,到了AW这关,让我感触真的恨大,我第一次正视自己这个马虎的坏毛病,和(无夏)一样,我一只以为是个性而已,

2、活 得也自在,现在我开始自己每天做schedule,努力不忘记一些小事。呵呵,再有就是,我走了无数弯路,哈哈,无夏的帖子是我考 G的精神食粮,我可以很肯定地说没有无夏的帖子,我走不到今天(其余的话再说吧,GF们时间宝贵,看看我的宝贝吧)之前还要啰嗦下,*你可能看不出什么大用处,那你可能处于两种状态:A,才开始准备作文, 现在看不出名堂没事,迷茫的时候找回来看看绝对有收获。B。准备了恨长时间,只是埋头写,背模板,背例子,没有思考。一方面,我真心的佩服你,因为要我这样,我会疯掉,这就是为什么和我一起准备的同学都考完了,就剩我一个的原因(这里没有贬义,一路走来, 我最大的感触就是,什么方子,只要你按

3、着做,一路走下去,你都会成功。)而我一路跌跌 撞撞,两三天兴奋,四五天迷茫,一只没有固定的方法,却一直想找到一条出路。 另一方面,如果认为原始模板方法可以给你3分的门槛成绩,那你可以不要看我这个全英文的东西了。*你可能恍然大悟,心里憋了恨久无法揭开的谜团终于找到答案,那么恭喜你,兴奋几天吧,之后我不赶保证你会一直状态好,没有一个答案能一劳永逸,我们还会迷茫,但是思想走多远,我们就能走多远!恩,开始吧,大家有意见一定要提!这只是我回报大家的开始,以后会慢慢完整资料!http:/bbs.gter. net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=930395&page=1 &extra=我看

4、完范文对ISSUE25的思考,希望大家多去讨论下。ETS help those who find an swers bythemselves.(a nalysis,paraphrase and syn thesis of AW in tro)这是我对INTR0的详细解读,之后也许会传范文的解读, 但是版本已经恨多的,说得都不错, 再次重复,知道成功方法的人很多,成功的人很少,想成功就要做,do it yourself,我可以说,我把解读放在这里, 大家每个人看后的收获都会是不同的,所以我不后悔我走过的弯路,我知道没有这些绊脚石,我不会知道哪些石头是我该踩着过河的How to brainstor

5、m/find the complexity of the issue.Issue:A. read the claim carefully*What does the statement mean?Whatdoes it imply?What,precisely,is the central issue?B. th ink about it from several poi nts of view,c on sider the complexity of ideasassociated with those those perspectives.C. make no tes about the

6、positi on you want to develop and list the main reas ons andexamples that you could use to support that positi on.*Do I agree with all or with any part of the statement?Why or Why not?*Is the stateme nt valid only in certa in circumsta nces?*Do I need to explain how I interpretcertain terms or conce

7、pts used in the statement?*If I take a certain(fixed/assured in mind) position on the issue,what reasonssupport my positi on?*What examples -either hipothetical(conjectural,by guess ing or suppos ing) or draw n from my readi ngs or direct experie nces-could Iuse to illustrate those reas ons and adva

8、 nee my point of view?*Which examples are most compelli ng?*What reas ons might some one use to refute or un derm ine my positi on?How should Iack no wledge or defe nd aga inst those views?In what way can you develop your essays and make it differentfromothers呵呵。我一直在想,我要怎么让自己的文章和别人的不同,就是在这里,我们每个人都不同

9、,思考角度也不同的。*discuss from differe nt perspectives*apply to differe nt situatio ns or con diti onsmai n task*prese nt a compell ing case for your own positi on on the issuehow and where to learn the best strategies*sample essay(orga nizin g,develop ing,com muni cat ing)headers comme(specific aspects of

10、 analysis and writing,the use ofexamples,developme nt and support,orga ni zati on,language flue ncy,a nd word choice.What kind of knowledge base you need in order to develop compellingreas ons and examples?*your own ideas and experie nces*the events you have read about or observed*people you have kn

11、own有同学说到知识储备有限。我之前也一直这样认为,于是我去看西方文化史,看这看那,真的恨恶心我是个粗人,枯燥的看不进去。因为我看完INTRO后面就是一篇官方范文,依旧是specialist禾口 generalist的那个整篇从头到尾没用一个名人例子,第一个例子还是杜撰的,第二个例子。那就更不用说了。可是COMMENT好为什么?那么大家再想想那个流传了几百年的爱因斯坦对于相对论的解释:Yet whe n pressed for an example that people could relate to, he came up with this:Put your hand on a hot

12、stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with apretty girl for an hour and it seems like a mi nute. THATs relativity.这可能就叫形象的例子,有说服力的例子。当然我要说,饱读诗书的同学们可以随便用名人,用得好没人说的,可 是我这样的。我不觉得恶补会有多好的效果,我问了美国朋友,他 给我说的最多的就是要honest,这也就是(无夏版主)为什么一直说不屈服,不受制,不妥协,不愿意被改变的原因了、。相信自己,有什么问题多想象自己的经历,从熟悉的角度想。我始终觉得想要很好

13、地表达自己的想法还是要有较好的语言基础的,我们并不是没有,只是很多生活那种孝词,忘记了,所以可能复习下4, 6级或者托福的实用名词,形容词,主动动词是有必要的!我现在是在看大学英语的3, 4册和6级词汇,我对课文熟悉,看着有感觉,大家自己选择,别太paticular ,我以前就是太。没有最好的资料和出路,我传了份前辈对于遣词造句的方法的说明, 很好,适合有20天以上的同学/reslist-807-1.html大学英语的在线听What kind of argume ntand positi on the raters are looing for?*re

14、inforce,negate( deny) ,or qualify the claim( I think the claim/quotedis just oneperspective on the issue,the issue is the central issue in the claim,the claim may made some assumption,added and/or deducted some other parts,and/orapplied the issuein some way )注意,大家自己看的时候要准备本权威点的词典,最好英英的,我用的韦氏,这是韦氏的解释

15、Reinforce:A.to strengthen by additional assistance,material,or support.B.to stre ngthe n or in crease by fresh additi ons(From here,we can see that test- takers additional information besides the claimis justified as long as they focus on the cen tral issue)*You argument can be developed upon limite

16、d claim,complex claim,supporting the怎么得高分origi nal claim,or support ing an oppos ing point of view.How can you get a high score?*give multiple examples or prese nt a sin gle,exte nded example.-(refer to sample 5,6)*what matters is not the nu mber of examples,the nu mber of paragraphs,or the formyour

17、 government takes but,rather,thecogency of your ideas about the issue and theclaity and skill with which you com mun icate those ideas to academic readers.(clarity has long been the emphasis.The skill seems to be a little tricky.I thinkit s still have much to do with the organizing,developing andcom

18、 mun icat in g,la nguage flue ncy and the overall persuasive skill you formedthroughout your academic life)How to resp ond to the claim(you are free to take any approach aslong as you address the cen tral issue)*agree absolutely with the claim,disagree completely or agree with some parts and not others.*questi on the assumptio ns the stateme nt seems to be making质疑假设*qualify any of its terms,especially if the way you define or apply a term is importa nt to develop ing yo


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