



1、条件状语从句、连词和现在完成时一、条件状语从句主将从现(主句为一般将来时或祈使句时,从句用一般现在时)1. I II visit the great waif it doesn t rain tomorrow.2. If I don t get eno ugh sleep, I will not be able to concen tratecatol.3. Use your headand you ll find a way.=if you use your head, you ll find a way.4. Give me a call onceyou arrive at the air

2、port.5. Once I finish my work I will call you.6. I won t remember new vocabuesrunlessl write them down.条件状语从句的连词有:If, on ce, uni ess二、连词1)、并列连词:And, both and, as well as, not only but also, neither nor She can speak both English and French.My father bought me a present, and I like it very much.He ca

3、n speak not only English but also French.2)、转折连词:But, yet, whileThe doctor tried to save the patient,they failed.Lucy likes red while Lily likes white.3)、表示选择关系的连词Either or, neither nor, orStudy hard, or you ll fail the exam(否则)You can visit the museum nowor we can do it later.You can neither know n

4、or understand everything in a few hour(.既不 也不)You either stay at home or go shopping with m(.要么 要么)4)、表示因果关系的连词和并列句:For, because, so, thereforeI have to stay up late, for I have lots of homework to do 因为)She worked until midnight yesterday,she is very tired today.三、现在完成时构成:have/has +过去分词done标志词:注意:s

5、ince, for+一段时间时,have/has必须加持续性动词。Buy-have, borrow-keep, leave-be away from, join-be in, die-be dead, begin-be on大部分的瞬间动词都可以转化为 be+形容词。我离开这所学校八年了 他借用我的词典已经两天了。 一、中译英1. 如果明天下雨,我们就不去野餐。rains tomorrow, wego on picnic.2. 我每天都会去散步,除非遇上坏天气。weather stops me, I every day.二、Complete the senten ces with if, on

6、ce or uni ess.3. you have con fide nee in yourself, you ll lear n En glish better.4. Please call me . you arrive home.矗追出腺fftl教肓7. I finish reading this novel, I II lend it to you.(2014北京一模的连词和时态题)8. We won t catch the first buswe get up earlier.25. Lisa was late for school todayshe didn t catch the

7、 early bus.A. andB. butC. orD. because31. Lucyher cat and now she is wash ing it.A. findsB. is findingC. has found D. will find30. Iyou a copy of the report as soon as I finish it.A. sendB. sentC. will send D. has sent31. My un cle is a writer. Hemanybooks since hewas young.A. writesB.wroteC. is wri

8、t ing D.has writte n33. The park gates _at 10:00 every eve ning.A. lockB.lockedC. are locked D.were locked24. Our classroom is not big it s very clean.A. andB. butC. orD. so32. Mr. Brow nin this factory since he was twen ty-four years old.A. worksB. worked C. will work D. has worked33. A book fair i

9、n Chaoya ng Park last mon th.A. hold B. held C. is held D. was held32. Gina a lot since she joined the art club.A. learns B. learned C. will learn D. has lear ned32. I did nt know you were frie nds with Mr. Smith.Weeach other for 6 years.A. knew B. are known C. have known D. will know24. I was feeli

10、 ng hun gry,I bought myself a san dwich.A. but B. so C. or D. because25. I want to buy some postcards in the shop, _ _ I don t have eno ugh money.A. butB. andC. orD. so29. Mr. Gree n, a famous writer _ _ our school last mon th.矗追出腺IfftIB教肓A. worksB. was worki ngC. willwork32. The boyhome by the poli

11、celastSun day.A. is take nB. was take nC. has taken27.Mary is very tired,she does nt want to go to bed.A. orB. butC. so29.Where will you go tomorrow?Well go to Beihai Park if ittine.A. isB. wasC. has bee nD. has workedD. will takeD. andD. will be32.A ntho ny and Tom are good frie nds. Theyeach other

12、 for twenty years.A. knewB. knowC. have known D. will know1. Why are you worried?I m expecting a call from my daughter. She New York for threedays.A. has gone to B. has bee n toC. has bee n in D. has come in2. What did you do last night?I _ TV and read books.A. watchB. watchedC. have watched3. Look at these stamps. Ithem for five years.Wow, they are won derful.A. keptB. have keptC. have bought4. Do you know who took the stude nts to the old peoples home, Ton


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