



1、unit 1一. 单项填空1- marys got crazy and has been sent to the mental hospital. did you tell her boss about that?- yes, but iher husband first.a. should have toldb. shouldnt have toldc. must have toldd. neednt have told2. there wastimechinese used foreign oil.a. a; whenb. a; whilec. /; whend. /; while3. i

2、t was because of bad weatherthe football match had to be put off.a. sob. so thatc. whyd. that4. - look! the telephone is broken. someone damaged itpurpose.-that may be right. but perhaps it was brokenaccident.a. on; byb. by; byc. on; ond. by; on5. what great trouble we hadwhere his house was.a. in f

3、indingb. to findc. findd. found6. some students have troublegrammar while others have difficultynew words.a. in; rememberb. for; to rememberc. on; rememberingd. with; remembering7. i cannot spendmoney on the car which isexpensive for me.a. too much; much toob. far too; too muchc. much too; too muchd

4、. too many; much too8. catch the first bus, he got up very early this morning.a. in order tob. in order thatc. so as tod. so that9. there are altogether 6 people in the room, the baby.a. includeb. includingc. includedd. to include10. the manager of the factory told us that very littlewas made of the

5、 waste material in the past.a. costb. valuec. used. matter11. there is noswimming-pool in this school and the students often go to swim.a. indoors; outdoorsb. indoor; outdoorc. indoor; outdoorsd. indoor; indoors12. it is the first time that ithis kind of moon cake.a. enjoyedb. have enjoyedc. enjoyd.

6、 enjoying13. when was ityour mother showed you around the west lake ?a. untilb. ifc. whichd. that14. in the reading room, we found herat a desk, with her attentionon a book.a. sitting; fixingb. to sit; fixedc. seating; fixingd. seated; fixed15. im glad youve come; i amtelephoning you.a. at the point

7、 ofb. to the point ofc. on the point ofd. in the point of二:完型you did more than carry my booksmark was waking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. mark16down and helped the boy p

8、ick up these articles. _17 they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. as they walked mark _18 the boys name was bill, that he 19computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of _20with his other subjects and that he had just broken 21with his3girlfriend.t

9、hey arrived at bills home first and mark was 22in for a coke and to watch some television. the afternoon passed _23with a few laughs and some shared small talk, and then mark went home. they _24 to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, and then both ended up from the same h

10、igh school. just three weeks before 25, bill asked mark if they 26talk.bill _27him of the day years ago when they had first met. “do you 28 wonder why i was carrying so many things home that day ?” asked bill. “you see, i _29out my locker because i didnt want to leave a mess (脏乱)30anyone else. i had

11、 panned to run away and i was going home to 31 my things. but after we spent some time together32and laughing, i realized that_ 33i had done that, i would have34 a new friend and missed all the fun we would have together.so you see, mark, when you picked up my books that day you did a lot more. you

12、35my life.”16. a. fellb. satc. layd. knelt17. a. althoughb. sincec. afterd. until18. a. discoveredb. realizedc. saidd. decided19. a. playedb. lovedc. triedd. made20. a. questionsb. ideasc. troubled. doubt21. a. upb. outc. offd. away22. a. calledb. helpedc. invitedd. allowed23. a. peacefullyb. willin

13、glyc. freelyd. pleasantly24. a. continuedb. agreedc. forcedd. offered25. a. graduationb. movementc. separationd. vacation26. a. wouldb. shouldc. couldd. must27. a. demandedb. remindedc. removedd. asked28. a. everb. usuallyc. evend. never29. a. checkedb. tookc. clearedd. put20. a. overb. intoc. withd

14、. for31. a. findb. pickc. packd. hold32. a. talkingb. playingc. readingd. watching33. a. beforeb. ifc. whiled. as34. a. forgottenb. passedc. leftd. lost35. a. helpedb. recoveredc. improvedd. changed三. 单词拼写36. our workmate has been in danger. were all cabout his health.37. it made her uthat she didnt

15、 do well in the final exam.38. it is dishonest to cyour friend and they wont believe what you say later.39. as teenagers, you shouldnt get into the hof smoking.40. could you give me some aon how to learn english?41. there is a lot of air in the lsnow. it can keep you warm.42. the sin iraq is becomin

16、g from bad to worse.43. she is so cabout english that she cannot live without it.44. the old man sa bad backache after the accident happened.45. because of the computer, now we can cwith other people on the internet.参考答案: 一.单项填空1-5 aadaa6-10 daacc11-15 bbddc二、完形填空二、16. 选 d。 从后面的 and helped the boy p

17、ick up these articles 我们可以看出 mark 跪下来(kneltdown)把书拣起来。17. 选 b。 they were going the same way 是 he helped to carry some of them for him 的原因之一,因此用 since。18. 选 a。 在他们一起走的时候,mark 得知这个孩子叫 bill,。 b 有一定的干扰性,realize 的意思是“领会;认识”,与后面的 name 不搭配。19. 选 b。 与后面的 that he was having a lot of 40 (trouble)with his othe

18、r subjects 对比,他喜欢computer games, baseball and history。20. 选 c。 四个答案中只有 trouble 能说明他其他课程的情况。21. 选 a。 也许其他课程学得不好以及与女朋友刚刚分手是他不想上学的原因。break up with sb.意思是“与某人断交”。22. 选c。 从空后的 for a coke and to watch some television 我们知道bill 把mark 邀请到了自己的家。23. 选 d。 从空后的 with a few laughs and some shared small talk 得知他们过得

19、很愉快。24. 选 a。 之后他们继续(continued)见了几次。25. 选 a。 从 and then both ended up from the same high school 我们知道他们就要毕业了,在毕业前,。26. 选 c。 could 在这里表示“请求”。27. 选 b。 bill 向 mark 提起了几年前的那一天。从空后的 of the day years ago 得出此答案。remind sb. of sth. 意思是“向某人提起某事”。28. 选 a。 “这些年来,你是否曾想知道那天我为什么要抱这么多的东西回家吗?”ever 在这里的意思是“曾经”。29. 选 c。

20、 从空后的 because i didnt want to leave a mess 我们知道,bill 清理(cleared out)自己的抽屉。30. 选 d。 “我不想把脏乱留给别人。”leave sth. for sb.意思是“把某物留给某人,并成为他的所有”。c 有一定干扰性,leave sth. with sb.意思是“把某物留给某人,让其为自己或别人保管”。31. 选 c。 因为 i had panned to run away,因此“我”回家打点行李。32. 选 a。 从前面的 the afternoon passed 43 (pleasantly)with a few lau

21、ghs and some shared small talk 得此答案。33. 选 b。 联系全句,i had done that 是条件。34. 选 d。 lost a new friend 与后面的 and missed all the fun we would have together 顺接。35. 选 d。 you changed my life 是 you did more than carry my books 的内涵。三.单词拼写31.concerned32.upset33.cheat34.habit35.advice 36.loose37.situation38.crazy39. municate“”“”


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