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1、Unit 3 Topic 3 What would you like to drink? Section A,学 习 目 标,掌握关于食物的单词。 区分可数名词与 不可数名词。 学习表达关于点餐与 就餐的句型,What is this in English,an egg,bread,milk,What is this in English,rice,fish,chicken,juice,Whatre these in English,apples,bananas,eggs,Whatre these in English,hamburgers,vegetables,挑战你的记忆力,bananas

2、,apple,egg,chicken,rice,fish,milk,orange juice,water,vegetables,hamburger,bread,vegetables (,water (,rice (,eggs (,bread (,milk (,hamburgers (,chicken (,fish (,3. Look and match,bananas (,juice (,k,c,f,d,h,e,i,a,j,g,b,_,Countable nouns,Uncountable nouns,vegetables,water,rice,eggs,bread,milk,hamburge

3、rs,chicken,fish,bananas,juice,_,Work in groups of four, divide these words into C.n and U.n,bananas,eggs,vegetables,hamburgers,water,rice,bread,milk,chicken,fish,juice,可数名词,不可数名词,名词,可数名词: cake eggapplebananavegetable noodle pencil car,不可数名词 fish meat rice chicken milk water tea,some+可数名词) some cakes

4、 eggs,vegetables,some+不可数名词) some fish,meat,milk,I would like an egg,I would like some fish,I would like some chicken,I would like some bananas,Would you like some ? Yes, please. / No, thanks,I would like some,I would like some rice. What would you like,Listen and answer,What would Jane like,影片1,Ric

5、e, chicken and apple juice,1b,Group work,Complete the table and then act out the conversation above,an egg and some fish,milk,some chicken,milk,rice and chicken,apple juice,录音1,1. Help yourselves. 请自便,Key points,你们请随便吃些鸡肉,Help yourself(单数);Help yourselves(复数,翻译: Help yourselves to some chicken,回到学习纲

6、要,e. g:Mike,随便吃些鱼,随便吃 / 喝 Help yourself to,Mike, help yourself to some fish,2. I would like an egg and some fish,I would like to buy some apples,would like (想要 )= want,I would like some apples,翻译: 我想要把这封信给Jane,I would like to give this letter to Jane,I want to give this letter to Jane,would like sth

7、/to do sth,3 What about.= How about. “. . .怎么样?” 用于询问另一个人对某事物的看法,意愿 ,征求对方的意见。 what about sth “某物怎么样?” 如:一些橙子怎么样? what about sb “某人怎么样?” 如:我的父母两个都是老师,你的父母呢? what about doing sth “做某事怎么样?” 如:参观北京怎么样,What about some oranges,My parents are both teachers. What about your parents,What about visiting Beiji

8、ng,Good idea,Listen and fill in the blanks,A: What would you like to have? B: Id like some _ and _. A: Would you like some _ _? B: No, thanks. A: What about some _? B: Good idea,rice,chicken,orange juice,milk,Play,请点击这里,小 结,学习关于食物的单词 chicken, egg, milk. 区分可数名词与不可数名词; eggs, apples milk ,water ,rice 学

9、习表达关于点餐与就餐的句型。 Would you like some? Yes, please. / No, thanks. What would you like to have/drink? I would like some,Exercises,请根据句意及所给汉语完成下列句子或对话(每空词数不限)。 1. Id like some rice and _(鱼). 2. My favorite drink is _ (橙汁,fish,orange juice,3. Would you like _ (一些面包)? No, thanks. 4. Peter wants two _ (汉堡).

10、 5. Wang Lin would like some _ (鸡肉,chicken,some bread,hamburgers,4. Group work (六人小组综合探究) Make a survey . Ask your group members what they like to eat and drink, fill out the table, then give a report,In our group, Jane would like some vegetables, bread, juice and milk. Maria would like,Practice,1. 学生把课桌围成餐桌。 2. 让学生把带来的饮料、食物放在上面。 3. 学生边吃边用学过的就餐用语,模仿1a进行表演,Project: Make a survey,and report it


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